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Everything posted by DeniseO

  1. Hi!

    I DID have surgery - October 16th. Thanks for asking!

    I'm doing ok - had my first fill last month - don't feel restricted enough and am eating too much :(


    I could use some serious motivation.

  2. Hi There!


    I haven't had much of a chance to get on the site (I work two jobs and time is short!)


    Just wanted to let you know that I DID get my date - the doctor was available in September - but I needed a tiny bit more time to accrue some more vacation time at work - so my Surgery Date is - OCTOBER 16th.


    I'm excited, nervous - not sure I should read all the things out here - but... still - not turning back now.


    I'm hoping you are continuing to do well in your journey!

  3. You are SHRINKING! How are you doing?


    I just got back from my Medical Clearance Physical and EKG - all things are a go.


    Been out of BP meds and have blown up like a balloon - but the water weight should go soon!


    I don't have a surg date yet - but will let you know when that happens - hope all is well for you!

    The doctor visit got me pumped up - I'm not sure how long it will be to schedule me - I still have to see the nutritionist, but only once... I'm not on the site very often, but will try to keep things up-to-date.

    I'd like to do pictures, but will need a camera :)

    I like the way you have done yours in the exact same place - it REALLY helps to show how much you aare changing! Keep up the GREAT work!

  4. Welcome back from vacation!

    I have been so busy (part of the change that needs to happen in my lifestyle - too busy to take care of myself!)

    I have a medical clearance physical at the end of this month - and then I guess we'll go on from there! I'm actually glad I have this month to think pretty seriously about things... I'm still excited, but a little more...serious maybe - about the effects and lifestyle changes.


    Where I am going for surgery has a support group that meets once a month, and this Monday night there is a meeting - I've been to the previous meeting and it helped a lot. It kind of rejuvinates my excitement!

  5. Approved for surgery - it only took a week! (I work for the insurance company and am going to what we call a "Center for Excellence" - so it helps.) Things are going FAST, and I'm trying to wrap my brain around the changes. Hope to see you post after your vacation!

  6. DeniseO

    Soul Searching

    You are in SUCH an excellent place mentally BECAUSE you are soul searching! I have fought getting any type of bariatric surgery because I've always known it wasn't the size of my stomach that was the problem - but the things going on inside my head! I've been working on healing those things for the last few years - and have come to the conclusion that to actually lose the weight (which has been one of biggest walls - a comfort zone against - well - my "stuff") that now - I am mentally ready to ALLOW myself to become thinner... You are looking at your food in a new light now - and that is FANTASTIC! Not easy - but fantastic! Pehaps you could explore exactly what feelings you were stuffing down - when did those feelings begin? There is so much work to do in the heart, the mind, the soul - and sometimes, oftentimes, it's our bodies that pay the price. I'm so proud of you for searching - that's a huge step - maybe even bigger than actually getting the surgery - keep travelling down that searching path - and remember to tell yourself POSITIVE messages to dispel the negative tapes you may have heard or told yourself in the past! YOU CAN DO THIS!!! You are WORTH this temporary pain for a long term gain - BELIEVE IT! Looking forward to joining you in this journey to health!
  7. I'm just a little older than you, and am looking for help/support as I begin this journey!

    Your photos are inspiring to me in their downright honest look at who you are and your progress is wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

    I see my surgeon for the first time tomorrow - I started this venture after years of fighting it.

    Please continue to post your progress - it helps!

  8. DeniseO

    Sandy & me

    Great shot! Looks like a stock photo for a vacation ad! Congrats!
  9. DeniseO

    May 17,2009

    Thanks for the inspiring photos - can't wait to have mine done!

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