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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sjm1965

  1. sjm1965

    August BANDits weekly weigh-in

    13/aug/09 238lb 13/jan/10 190lb lost 48lb ate too much on cruise over christmas! next target to hit: 175 by 1/mar/10
  2. sjm1965

    On the go food for travel?

    I tend to go for a vegetarian frittata - and request a side of aioli or dressing just in case you need moisture - the soft pumpkin/potato/vege filling is great tasting and very edible, but you still must GO SLOW and CHEW WELL!!!! no matter how soft - soft can block as much as hard. or a goats cheese tart. Caesar salad is good too. The beauty of these types of foods - they are usually Entrees, so smaller portions, and if the selection is good - order two entrees (you dont have to eat them entirely), noone will be any the wiser and it is actually far more interesting as entrees are much more exotic than mains usually.
  3. sjm1965

    Ribeye steak, Lobster tails, Shrimp

    As your fills correct your hunger pangs you wont crave - its the waiting for the fills that is hard. But I had steak last night - it just gives your jaw a work out. With any meat I cut it how i normally would, then cut again either 2 or 3 times, They must be small, and then well chewed, or you may get blockage. Just so you know, a mild blockage is medium discomfort. A BAD one is...."omg this is it! i am gonna die and i cant speak to tell anyone because i am choking and suffocating.... noone will notice if i stay calm.... omg calm isnt working!!!! i am really gonna die!!!!! get this stuff outta me.... fingers down throat... " bring up food 5-6 times before you are able to get a grip.
  4. Congrats and good luck tomorrow...... SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE!!!!!!:tongue_smilie:
  5. sjm1965

    Lossing hope

    C'mon that's the sugar talking!!!!! Knock back two big glasses of Water, turn off your computer, and go for a one hour walk. When you get back look at yourself in the mirror, slap yourself silly, and then swear to yourself that this is a fresh start. Whatever works do get you mentally back in the game.... DO IT!!!!
  6. sjm1965

    No caption

    how good are you doing!!!! i got done on 13 aug - i have lost 21kg. But not as obvious as yours!!!! WELL DONE!!!!
  7. sjm1965

    Does it worth it?

    In my humble opinion - whoever invented lapband should be canonized as a saint!!!! It is only since 2nd fill and 3 months after surgery that I can say the band has truly kicked in, so be patient!!!! WHAT ARE RESULTS WORTH TO YOU???? 1. My triple chin is gone already. 2. My arms are still large, but they feel and look leaner - not all puffed out. 3. I have cheekbones and a jawline. 4. I have dropped 2 clothes sizes. 5. With the help of a spray tan I am now wearing singlet tops with confidence instead of long sleeves in summer. 6. I am motivating myself to exercise. 7. I WANT to look in the mirror and really see myself. 8. I have positive visions of my future. 9. I have a renewed interested in sex. 10. I walk tall and proud and feel like a new person. How do you put a price on such a life change? Everyone will have different benefits I guess, but it is ALL GOOD!!!! Don't think twice - you may regret it.
  8. I was terrible!!!! I ate... and ate... and ate... so far no issues but I may have just been lucky. I did however make sure that whatever I ate I pureed into a liquid in my mouth before swallowing. It was hard but if anything it helped me to learn how ALL food should be eaten ALL the time. I was a real gulper before. If you must cave in, just be selective in what you have - try for soft texture like Pasta or mash potato and gravy (KFC) I ate a steak after 10 days and lived in fear for about 3 weeks. Not worth it!!!!! And then I felt like I was a failure and sort of gave up on all the rules. Not the best move. So just dont go there. I am back on track now and doing just fine. The doctor said that the first month is the hardest. Thats because you are expected to eat nothing and have NO RESTRICTION - so of course it is hard. Even after the first fill I had virtually no restriction too. So just do your best and get those fills as soon as you possibly can. And if I can do this HELL anyone can!!!
  9. sjm1965

    Potato Chips

    be grateful - i put on weight just THINKING about them lololol I think it is because of sharp edges on the chips, they can irritate and "scratch" on the way through - i have that problem with taco shells and corn chips
  10. don't be shy!!!!! go get another fill!!!!
  11. Pre-optifast 239 lb banded 13.aug.09 228 lb Today 9.nov.09 194 lb (had 2 fills) Target by 17.12.09 176 lb going on cruise in 38 days!!!! Ideal weight 121 lb Excitement will kick in at 150 lb So count me in for 18 lb Or no turkey for me!!!!!
  12. I HEAR YOU!!!!!! I thought I was going to choke to death a few times. Seriously!!!! Bottom line is we eat WAY too fast. Slow down puree the food in your mouth and halve each bite size. It is the only way I have found to prevent blockage, and whatever you do dont drink to try to get it to pass through quicker. I am now enjoying all the foods I like, and have a much better time of it since the second fill. I honestly am less hungry. Before I could eat a weeks food in a day without a second thought and had virtually gone into denial that I even had a band. Even was outdoing my father at the all you can eat buffet. You are normal - we all go through this. And by the way it is SOOOOO worth it. You just have to climb out of the rut. I will share a naughty secret with you.... I stopped losing, got a fill, and am now dropping it perfectly.... but I don't know that my method is 100% Kosher.... I am taking a diuretic pill once every second morning. It seems to be working a treat. That plus i am walking at night now, between the two light posts either side of my house, am up to 40 laps so getting better and better. Couldnt do 5 only 2 weeks ago. Another tip.... go shopping!!! Find something that fits you tight, like a stretchy top, and buy it, knowing that you are going to look better and better in it. I squeezed myself into a size 10 on saturday so I bought it lol. I am as motivated as anything now... I am actually a size 16 so it can be done lolol. was a 20. You have to find out what works for you.... everyone is different. and the disenchantment is normal in my opinion. we all want to be thin fast, just settle for thin eventually!!!!!
  13. sjm1965

    down 60 lbs.........

    looking GOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I would have a week off if I were you - I actually needed two, but he said that was because of hernia. Its not so much pain, but discomfort, plus having to adjust to the fact that you have Clear liquids only, and the hunger is worse than when on Optifast. This is major surgery - and any anaesthetic takes time to get over. Yes you CAN go to work - but I don't think you may WANT to go to work... just my opinion. I am curious to read everyone elses responses - but ultimately its your decision and you will make the right one for you.
  15. Talk to your dietician or doctor if you are hungry. It wont stop you from being hungry but they can analysis what you are eating and explain the issues to you. Was doing same thing. No liquids near meals an hour either side or during. Eat solid slow digesting foods, and get the quantities right. Or it could be something else. You need to find out. The band can work, should work, and the doctors and you want it to work. I think it is a restraint issue regarding what you are eating. I am happy to send you some really important info from my very good dietician and doctor, however I think you should try sourcing help first from people who know you and are in a position to help you. Unless you are manic about how you are going to live (and I certainly am not) you will not get the miracle results in a short amount of time. Thats the bottom line. But you can learn to live nicely with the band and moderate yourself and still have the results just not so fast. My doctor also said slow weight loss is good weight loss. Less sagging issues. So put that positive spin on it and seek help and answers please.
  16. Do you have a dietician assigned to you? If not you need to tell your dr. I was feeling the same way. You may be eating the wrong foods - you need to focus on slow digestion which means you need to understand everything from an expert who is working with you - and NO drinks OR Water BEFORE DURING OR AFTER MEALS!!!!! You can be either too restricted, not restricted enough, or JUST RIGHT. Maybe you are just right???? Or maybe you need to change your eating habits???? talk to the pros. Only they know the answer to this after analysing your actions and intake.
  17. I was last surgery of the day 7.30pm. They found a hernia and fixed that as well. Came out of anaesthetic around 9.30pm, only thing they did was monitor me and give me some pain pills. I was up doing laps of the corridors at 3am, and couldnt wait to get home. I had really bad shoulder pain... REALLY BAD... but thats life you put up with it. Doctor checked in at 7.30am and I was home by 10am - had to wait for a lift from sister. Day surgery would be my choice if doing it again.
  18. sjm1965

    Need some advise and a pep talk!!

    I got done on 13th Aug, so am in about the same boat as you. I lost really good on optifast before op, but totally cheated once band was in place, and have had 2 fills so far and know I am not doing the right thing. I have dropped a clothes size too, and clothes are falling better now, but yes I still look BIG!!!! I need to get into some serious exercise, because the flab just wont go by itself - i realised that only this week - how thick am I???? Surgery is only part of the solution - restraint, commitment, and hard work are also needed. Don't beat yourself up by the way - I have done way too much of that and it achieves nothing - the more I did it the less my commitment became - I almost forgot that I had been banded altogether. Not good at all. Depression? Sure... But even worse... I became lazy, in all parts of my life... work, family, housework, paying the bills, I think the whole thing can mess you up if you let it, and I let it.... My doctor said I am doing just fine, 2 weeks ago. I have gone from 108.5kg in July to 90.8kg today, so 17kg lost so far. thats nearly 20% of my bodyweight - try putting that sort of spin on it so that you realise how good you are doing. I realise as well that my expectations were way too high. I kept saying that I was going to go down to 55kg. Ridiculous. and whats more I am too big for that and would look downright stupid. If I lose another 17 kg that would put be at a very healthy 73kg, lighter than I was as a 20 year old, 25 years ago!!!! and I didnt look that bad then. And another positive - if i make that my goal, I am half way there!!!!! Just do you best - you only have to answer to yourself. Good luck
  19. sjm1965

    Do fills hurt?

    Absolutely NOT!!!! I have had two so far and without flouro.... didn't feel a thing!!! Not a thing to worry about I promise.
  20. sjm1965

    scale question...

    I took a Fluid tablet yesterday and dropped an instant 2kg (4.4 lb) am now at 94.7kg, so 12.1kg (27 lb) since pre-op 3 weeks ago (surgery 13/8) really happy with that!!!! Only having 3 x Optifast a day, and one Continental hearty beef Cupasoup, plus a chuppa=chup lollipop to suck on for some flavour, 2 cups of black tea, 1 glass weight watchers cordial, and 2 cups Water. I am doing good - I can keep it going for another week. I have to make food for family and sometimes the urge to have some is real tough. I have taken to licking food just to satisfy myself. ie a biscuit, a potato crisp or a piece of pizza - plenty of flavour to be enjoyed with no calories' I know it sounds weird but if that is what it takes to stick to a diet (which I am!!!!) who cares, eh? Took my bandages off last night - that was really exciting!!!! my scars have healed really well and bruising is almost gone - you can barely see them, little more than little fine scratches... SO MUCH BETTER than I expected!!!!!!! My doctor must be a miracle worker... only 7 days from surgery and from 2 foot away you can't see a thing!!!!
  21. Banded 13th Aug - its now 5 days since I have had any solids. I am not hungry - however I have had a few weak spells where I was lightheaded , and felt I needed to lie down, then went into a semi-consciousness. I am spending as much time as possible on my feet. and am taking small walks of about 500 metres 3 or 4 times a day. Prior to op I was desperate for food and totally cheated on the Optifast diet except for the last 48 hours. I know how important it is not to cheat now, and I think that it is helping me to cope mentally. I look forward to solids, but I can cope without them. I don't think I am getting 2 litres of fluids per day though. About 3 cups of black tea, one optifast shake, one cupasoup (beef or tomato) one weightwatchers cordial and one or 2 glasses of Water. I can't do any more than that because I do actually feel full after 2 or 3 sips. From the minute I woke up I had terrible pain across both shoulders and neck. On day 3 my mother got me to take 2 celebrex capsules which have helped A LOT!!!!! She said pain would be from being pulled on and off theatre table, as I would have been dead weight for the poor nurses. Also 2 crushed endone tablets twice a day. I will be ok. Very small urination, ZERO bowel movement, and no weight loss since op ( but 10 kilo on pre-op despite all the cheating). I am sucking on 2 chuppa-chup lollipops a day just for some flavour satisfaction. Not sure if that is ok or not but it makes me feel human. I checked with doctor first and he didnt tell me not to - just not to eat anything. Mother says I would be retaining Fluid, which weighs a lot, which would be why I have not lost any further weight. She says all of a sudden that will go ( probably in a week) and I will drop a few kilos literally overnight - I hope so. Already planning to revere every morsel of puree though when I get to that stage. Anyone know if the fluid theory is correct? My tip - Try the chuppa-chup lollipops - they are very satisfying!!!!!
  22. sjm1965

    8/14/09 goal weight

    Congratulations!!! I hope to follow in your shoes - How much exercise were you doing - I was banded 2 days ago so an idea on how to achieve your amazing results would be wonderful!!!! You are perfect!
  23. 9 hours to go. It has been the longest 2 week wait of my life..... and now its here it doesnt seem real. I am calm. The knowledge that I couldnt follow any of the pre-op instructions correctly haunted me all week, but not today. I must know it is too late for that. I ate, I smoked, right up until yesterday lunchtime (24 hours before op), but still dropped from 106.8kg to 99.9 kg ( 235 1b to 220 lb). Am now on full fast after taking picoprep last night ( bowel prep - YUK). I want, I need, this to work. Good luck to all being done today, to those already done, and to those in the future who need it to. "Just do it"
  24. sjm1965


    great post - i am going to go check my "book" to make sure i understand what i have to do - my op is tomorrow. From memory though I havent been told to have Protein shakes(yet!!!) just liquids only for 2 weeks - was planning on continental cupasoup hearty beef and vanilla Optifast shakes. it seems to me that just like taking a roadtrip, everyone has there own opinion as to which way to go, even if all are driving the same car, if you get my drift. Main thing is to keep heading in the right direction - which you are. Don't sweat it though - phone your doctor - let them do the worrying. xxx:thumbup:

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