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About prettyontheinside

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 02/26/1979

About Me

  • State
    In the Land Down-under
  1. Happy 34th Birthday prettyontheinside!

  2. Happy 33rd Birthday prettyontheinside!

  3. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary prettyontheinside!

  4. Hi I'm in the same position as you right now, Brighton Belle. I am going to see my doctor again on Friday for another fill. I find that I can get stuck quite easily, but think that maybe it's the way I'm eating - too fast, or not chewing thoroughly, too large a mouthful... So I am watching and learning from my behaviours. I am trying to make sure I don't eat wait till I am starving, as maybe I gulp my food, and end up stuck. I am hoping I get good restriction from my next fill. Good luck to you!!
  5. prettyontheinside

    Have you named your band yet?

    HappyHome, you could call it Jiminy :blushing: I don't know if you get Little Britain (TV show) in America, but there is a cross dressing character on there, Emily. Who is a "Laaady, and does laaady things." I think of my band as Emily because she makes me eat "daintily, like a laaady". :laugh::Banane20:
  6. prettyontheinside

    Not losing weight - very frusterated

    I'm glad it helps, surfergirl. As far as slow weightloss goes, I know how you're feeling too. I'm pretty new on this journey aswell, and haven't got the right restriction yet. My weightloss is slow as result of that too. I had my second fill yesterday, so I am hoping things will start happening for me soon. You mentioned that you have 45 pounds to lose... Perhaps it will take a little while to find the right restriction? I think when your start weight is lower, you have less fat around the stomach itself, and therefore fills may need to be more aggressive? I don't know, I'm guessing here. It's the only reason that I can think of that some people have 10 or 11ml bands, where the one I was given was only 9ml. My BMI at the time of the op was 33. I guess it's an interesting thought at any rate. Take care, good luck :blushing: You'll do great :laugh:
  7. prettyontheinside

    Not losing weight - very frusterated

    I understand what you're saying, Schmoopy, but you are coming across very badly. What you also need to remember is that this isn't some fad diet. This is a total life change, and it can be really difficult to change habits that you've had for a lifetime. I think it's much more realistic to expect that people will allow themselves a treat once in a while. This isn't just a band on the stomach. There are all sorts of emotional and mental issues that are at play too. How about we judge less and support more?
  8. prettyontheinside

    Two alternative ways to get "unstuck"

    I have nothing constructive add here.... But geez this made me laugh!:thumbup:
  9. prettyontheinside

    Perth Lap Band Surgeons - advice / recommendations

    My GP is really knowledgeable about the lap band, and he can do fills so I am going to see him for my follow up care with the band. I get on better with him than I did my surgeon. My friend went to Dr Kierath and is very happy with him.
  10. prettyontheinside

    Did Your Doc Recommend Lap-Band After PCOS?

    Yeah, my doc was fully supportive. He knew how hard I'd been working, and I told him exactly what I'd been eating. He agreed that a nutritionist probably wouldn't help, but gave me a referral anyway. I initially raised the topic of lapband surgery with my doctor. I don't feel he would have led me in any particular direction. I needed to let him know what I was thinking. I broached the topic nearly a year before I made the choice to go through with the op. When I did ask about it, he almost seemed excited. Yes, he really did believe that this was something that could help. he gave a bunch of websites to look at. He also knows that I have educated myself as much as possible, and felt confident in discussing trials and studies with me. We'd also had evidence that a dramatically reduced calorie intake (of less than 1000cals per day) led to results for me, but it was unsustainable, even with reductil or duromine. In short, my doctor has been wonderful. I am most disappointed that my surgeon seems more and more like a run of the mill chop shop. The surgery was great, but the support is minimal. I know my doc is qualified to give fills, so I will be following that up with him. It's sad that even doctors are susceptible to predjudices, and judgement. I think YOU are the only one who knows how hard you've tried. I think that there are a lot of doctors who just don't understand the impact of PCOS.
  11. I'm really hoping to! But I'm only 2 weeks out of surgery. I've got some fat to lose first :tongue2:
  12. prettyontheinside

    Recipes and good post banding foods

    I'm just starting on my mushies stage now. I am planning on making puree'd white beans with feta, malai kofta (I love indian food too!), I'm thinking of trying to make a soft spinach frittata style thing too. I think, if you enjoy cooking, just treat it like a game, and a bit more of a challenge. There are lots of tasty ideas that you can adapt to suit the band.
  13. prettyontheinside

    Gonna die

    I was banded on the 28th august. And so far I've been managing with... Bucket loads of soups! Well veeeery tiny buckets - but it just didn't have the same effect if I said "Teaspoon fulls of soup!:smile2: My hubby's cooked up some great stuff, all puree'd nice and thin. We've had roasted garlic (good natural antibiotics for the wounds, too), cauliflower and broccoli, chinese chicken and sweetcorn (I dodged the chunks and stuck to the broth and eggdrops), and even some of the thin liquid from a beef and veg casserole. I just can't handle the processed flavour of the packaged soups and Protein drinks constantly - and the yuccky aftertaste they leave. I also have miso soup packages in the cupboard (I was dodging the tiny bits of seaweed, but now not so worried). Have to admit though, I did go crazy yesterday and made myself some sloppy scrambled eggs.
  14. prettyontheinside

    8/20/2009 Status Report for All August 2009 Bandits!!

    Haha, thank you! Very generous of you. I think though, that by the time it arrives here, I'm never gonna want to see another shake:blink: Might just have to look for a recipe and make up some of the pie filling myself. LOL I know what you mean, skinnyBwannaB. My husband and a close girlfriend are the only two people who knew about my surgery at all. I was a bit upset though, because my surgery was scheduled for a hospital that another friend works in, and she was very quick to phone me and question me about it all, especially since I'm self pay, which is almost unheard of here, by the sounds of things. She's a bit of a gossip too, but I'm hoping patient confidentiality wins out.... I dunno... People are judgemental enough about fat people, I just don't feel like I need to hear any more 'input' from people who just don't have a clue telling me I should just 'move more and eat less' instead of choosing surgery... BAH. Don't you think if it were that easy I would have done it? LOL:tongue2: Ohhh... and try some peppermint Water if you've got gas pains. It works a treat :ohmy:
  15. prettyontheinside

    8/20/2009 Status Report for All August 2009 Bandits!!

    Hi, I was banded on August 28th. I'm still feeling pretty sore and sorry after the surgery (softy that I am!) but getting better daily. I was up and about quite quickly after the surgery, albeit a little light headed from the Clear Liquids only. I am managing ok on the liquid phase at the moment, although my Dr really didn't give me any info. I have found some helpful information on other websites, and of course, from everyone here. Biggest problem for me so far was pain management. I was given oxycodone and paracetamol from to take home with me from the hospital. Paracetamol did nothing, and the oxycodone knocks me for six! Hubby found a nice middle of the road medicine yesterday, and I'm feeling much more human again today.:blushing: I'm longing for a bit of texture in my food though! Bring on the mushie stage! I love the look of the pumpkin shake, but I don't know if we have pumpkin pie filling over here...

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