Hey there! I can completely relate to where you are coming from. I was banded here in San Antonio on 7/9/09. Earlier in the summer I scheduled a trip with some girlfriends to Tampa, FL. We were set to leave on 7/21/09. I confirmed with my surgeon that if I felt ok, it was alright for me to travel. Before the surgery I firgured I should be ok because I would be close to two weeks out from surgery when we left. Boy was I wrong! I didn't factor in how weak and tired I would be during the recovery and liquid diet. I ended up canceling my trip because I didn't want to go all that way and not have a good time. I would have had so many restrictions, not being able to lift my luggage, not being able to get in the pool/water a the beach, etc...etc... At first I was bummed about missing my trip, but I had to consider my health first. I am glad I decided to stay home and rest. If you decide to go, take it easy! Remember that you just went through a major surgery and it will take time to heal. Wishing you all the best!