Hello anyone taking the time to read this :]
So here's my deal, I'm almost 25 and I haven't been to a doctor since I was 18. I've been overweight since I was about 7 years old. I'm the only overweight person in my family, so there's no history there. Of course over the years I've dieted and exercised. I even had a personal trainer. During which I lost about .5 lbs per week, which isn't much when you're working your butt off and sticking to a strict diet. After so long she told me all she could think for me to do was see a doctor and pray, because God knows my body better than I do.
So I'm wondering what it was like when you first spoke to your doctor? I've never had a good experience with doctors and my weight, they'd usually say the same thing, diet and exercise. Which I understand is the best way, but how discouraging is it to lose .5 lbs a week?
I'm just worried this doctor will feel the same way. I don't want the next 15 years of my life to be like the last 15, I don't want to struggle every single day and not be able to just enjoy life.
How did you approach your doctor about the issue?