sorry, but this is the hardest damn thing i've ever done!
It was not easy shelling out thounsands of dollars of my OWN money to pay for this. I was too fat for insurance and unfortunately the gov thinks students dont need help (sorry my rant)
It was not easy learning to re-eat...ask anyone who had to step out for 30 min during a meal and try to explain what was happening
For some of us, it was not easy giving up the comfort of food.
The only easy thing with the band was that i gave me the first experience of feeling "full" I had ever had in my life. It has given me a chance to finally loose the weight. It is nothing more than a tool. For some, the band life came easy and allowed them what they could not do for so long. However, without that ever so hard life change, we will not loose the weight. So for those looking for an easy way out...keep looking. For those who know they need the help and are willing to change, try the band.
I have a long battle to fight, but with the band, I am fighting vs before the band when I was already defeated.
I agree with what people said before, it is not the easy way out, but it is a way out.