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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ThePoolGirl

  1. ThePoolGirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thanks for all the drug suggestions. I have some ginormous pills and they taste awful. Can't imagine crushing them...ick. I also have some that are sustained-release. I'll check with my pharmacist. The nutritionist I saw also recommended Isopure...the clear crap. For that alone, I don't trust her! That stuff is vile . She warned me about the pills sticking, even the tiny ones. She was about 90 pounds and dumber than a box of rocks. Met with her in the vending machine area of the hospital. Found that a bit scary. We had 5 whole minutes together. I was bored with her after 2. The staff working with my surgeon were much better when I talked with them at a seminar. I have no idea why I got stuck with Cafeteria Barbie. PJTP: I am now addicted to blueberries. TPG
  2. ThePoolGirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Beth, are we now taking them 2 at a time?????
  3. ThePoolGirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Yeah, the job world is getting scary. I was thinking about an internet policy. Surf LBT and get the axe!! I think I'd have trouble firing myself though. I'm such a nice girl. Hope you all are having a great day. I'm waiting for the clouds to leave me and then off to the pool :huh2:. I have an actual LBT question and figured I'd get the quickest (and mostest rightestest) answer here. Do you have to crush pills after the clear liquid phase? I know I can get gummy vitamins and stuff like that but I'm wondering about my everyday stuff. I have high hopes of getting off those drugs or reducing but that won't happen overnight. I'd love to hear about your experiences. Did the pre-op stuff yesterday...survived the stress test. All went well, I think, but what the heck do I know? I hope everyone remains vertical today (uh, Beth) and able to eat, keep a job, find a handyman, give us a new drink suggestion for the day, tempt us with recipes, and provide more hottie pics to drool over, etc. I have purchased waterproofing material for new laptop so bring on the MEN :huh2:. TTFN, TPG
  4. The printout I rec'd from my surgeon mentions using an egg timer. It suggests setting it for 2 minutes so you can time your eating. Also, it suggests putting down your utensil and waiting a moment between bites. I think this is only meant for when you're starting on mushies...or at least that's how I'm reading it. I think you just have to get into the habit of eating slowly and chewing well or you'll have discomfort. It seems all the docs give different info. Eventually, I guess you figure out what works best for you. :smile2: Happy Banding, TPG
  5. ThePoolGirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Good morning All. Hope everyone has a great day. I'm off for pre-op testing. Then back home and it's pool time! Take care! TPG
  6. ThePoolGirl

    How did you come up with your user name?

    Restless Monkey, That was a great visual! I knew there was a reason I didn't like yoga - no giggling. TPG
  7. ThePoolGirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I shall add them to the bags I have in the freezer from the last time they were on sale! I've been tossing a handful into my protein shakes which turns them a lovely shade of lavender. I still do not like blueberries, I do not like them in jam, not with ham, or even Spam...Sorry, Dr. Suess moment.... But now blueberry muffins are sounding kinda good..................... TPG
  8. ThePoolGirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP: I love stories about STUPID!! My dad went to the grocery store for me today. He loves to go! And now he loves riding around on the store scooter. So, I wanted watermelon. He looks in produce section but can only find whole ones at $4.99. He asks the produce guy if they have any halves chilled. Nope. Says he can cut one for him though. Dad says okay, do it. Guy comes back with watermelon half and tells my dad that he ought to just buy a whole melon. Dad questions this. Produce guy says the half melon will cost $9. Nine dollars??!!!? (Tightwad)Dad says you gotta be kidding! Whole melons are five bucks. Guy says he had to charge for the labor to cut the melon . True story. So, Dad, who shops in this store nearly every day, ended up with half a melon for $2.99 after bitching and complaining to manager. Labor to cut a melon?? Stupid, huh? On the up side, he got me blueberries 10 pints for $10. If only I liked blueberries.... TPG
  9. ThePoolGirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Yeah, I kinda thought KC posted the remedy. However, I didn't want to overstep and suggest that she might need it after her party . It was really more of a friendly reminder . Hangovers suck! And in her, um, current state, I wasn't sure she could remember it!!
  10. ThePoolGirl

    Life is Good

    Monkey Gal, It's posts like this that make us all like and respect you. That was a great analogy and makes sense in the pure simplicity of it. Food is neither good nor bad. It's JUST food!! We just have to recognize that "better" food gives us better results. Zoom zoom zoom....fed my car some good stuff today, feel good, and hope tomorrow is even better. We can just do the best we can and when we know better, we can do better, to paraphrase Maya Angelou. Thanks again, Monkey, for your unique perspective. TPG
  11. ThePoolGirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Holy Guacamole, Bat Girl! Sounds like you did some serious partying!! You might wanna check out whoever posted the anti-hangover remedy recently . It's probably only 100 pages back. I do so love your hot young boy stories. Can I be you when I grow up??? Please!! TPG
  12. ThePoolGirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Darn it, girl. I have now drooled all over new laptop. I shorted the other one out drooling over your young men....hot, sweaty, shirtless...men....ah, I need a minute alone please . Men, chocolate AND peanut butter, oh my! Great, now Wizard of Oz songs are in my head. Arghh. Well, it beats the voices I guess . TPG
  13. ThePoolGirl

    Pre-op Liquid diet????

    It is tough to just do liquids, isn't it? I saw my surgeon yesterday and have a list of his approved items. Of course, you should check with your doctor but here are a few ideas: sugar-free Popsicles Sugar-free Jello-O broth from chicken or beef noodle Soup (strain out noodles, etc.) Isopure Protein Water drinks (fruit flavors) I have found that I really like Isopure protein power in vanilla flavor. It's not a milkshake, of course, but it's not too horrible. I didn't like the Isopure water at all but lots of people do. Be sure to find out what your doctor wants you to have. There are many more things on my list but the things I listed are the most "clear" and friendly. Good luck to you!! TPG
  14. ThePoolGirl

    Life is Good

    Yes, 2 good things have happened. One, my computer and I are now getting along. Two, visit with surgeon was good and I actually weighed about 20 pounds than I had thought. My scale is accurate to 1 pound. So, whoo hoo there! I have a surgery date too. More on that later. Monkey, you are a fab woman! TPG
  15. ThePoolGirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP:Saw surgeon today. It went well. I have a surgery date of 8/27. Was gonna go for 8/20 but freaked out....TOO SOON. No, really, working on my dad's 80th b'day party and it seemed better to wait. And....I'm not crazy enough to need a psych eval. Whodda thunk??Thanks for all the good wishes and crossed fingers!!TPG
  16. ThePoolGirl

    How did you come up with your user name?

    Well, I AM the pool girl. May to October that's where you'll find me except when I cruise LBT. And of course my avatar looks just like me as I gracefully dive into the pool....snicker, yeah, sure.TPG Splash
  17. ThePoolGirl

    Life is Good

    Monkey,What a great post!! Your success is just wonderful. You're so great about sharing your experience both as a nurse and as a patient. Thanks for that. You've worked very hard and you deserve to celebrate and toot your own horn (especially since you can now reach that horn.) Sorry, no grinning smiley...new computer and it hates me.Here's a big WHOoooo HOOoooo to you!!TPG
  18. ThePoolGirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Uh, I'm an orphan....and I'm on my way to KC right now. See you in the morning!! Yum, sounds like you can do some serious cooking, girl!! I'd add a drooling smiley here but I have a new f-ing computer and I'm really hating it. I think it's going back. Urgh.TPG
  19. ThePoolGirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzztttt Damn, lost another computer to drool. I agree. I wanna see a bigger photo! Oh, hot young men...yum. Oh, I mean yum about the bread :laugh: of course. TPG And, why didn't you all warn me that you develop dual personalities after banding?? PnkPotty became someone else who then channeled Miss Manners. Go figure. I'm hoping my dual will be a cleaning freak instead of just a freak. Guess I'll find out more about it tomorrow - meeting the surgeon. Crossed fingers, please!
  20. ThePoolGirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Too funny :laugh:.
  21. ThePoolGirl

    I want it

    Good luck to you! This is a great site with lots of support and plenty of answers. Having a family member going thru this with you is wonderful. You and mom will certainly have some "bonding" moments....you can compare port site scars :juggle:. My sister and I are planning to support each other as we go forward on this journey. I know it'll be easier for both of us since we'd smack the other for bringing home Whoppers or something. We might end up fighting for the last Protein drink though. Happy Banding, PTG
  22. ThePoolGirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Gonna find some clip art scissors...these little guys have 2 hands. That's just no fun...too noisy. Darn, wish I'd found them first. Where do you all find this cute stuff? I'm so computer stupid :tt2:. TPG
  23. ThePoolGirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hello all. Boy, what a lot to catch up on. Wow, found the ghetto and pnk/justcurious threads. I have to wonder just how I got pulled into the ghetto thread when all I did was "smile" at Glou's comment about no puppets (which was first mentioned by Moderator Plain) and was quite funny. It seems that PP has gotten mixed up and thinks maybe I'm Beth!?!? And then she thinks she's so clever as to find a bird to tell her I've not yet been banded. Hmmm, and here I was searching the Not Yet Banded posts. PP not too swift , huh? And just when did LBT allow birds on here?? Loved the rant with HH and Donna, who is now someone else. If they keep switching their names, how will we ever find them? Gosh, I'd hate to miss anything they had to say :huh2:. PJTP: I was so sorry to read that so many of you had suffered the loss of children in your lives. That is so tragic. I don't know how families keep going. For all of you who are job hunting or worrying, I'm sorry. My fingers are crossed for you!! Beth, hope things are getting better. To anyone who had a bad/sad/mad day...hope tomorrow is better. If you're happy and you know it clap your hands...listen closely: here's the sound of 1 hand clapping. I read thru 6 pages of PJTP and if I missed anyone, feel better, get happy, sleep well, don't lose your remote controls, etc.:tt2: And, I love Hell's Kitchen...trash TV at its best. Didn't watch the hefty gals looking for love. Tuned in, found it exploitive and clicked away. But I does loves my Chef Gordon!!:juggle: TTFN, TPG
  24. Aw, Beth, you're my first "official" LBT friend! How sweet! Thanks!

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