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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by czarina

  1. hey there im in Mountain Home! i got banded in florida and now we live here for the time being.. I am going to start seeing Dr Valentine in Nampa.

  2. my first fill was pretty much the same... he put 4 cc's in my band then took the needle out and told me to drink water. i couldnt even drink the water so i had to lay back down and he couldnt find the port the second time.. he stuck me around 20 times no numbing just my doc and the needle.. my port started bleeding and blood was going into the needle.. he took out .5cc s and im at my sweet spot.. it wasnt that bad... the next day i was fine just a lil pain at the port side and bruising.. i love my doc and just because we had difficulties this one time doesnt make me wanna change docs....
  3. hey gurl im sorry to hear that ur daughter isnt feeling so well. i was banded on oct 28th. n e ways im down 54 pounds from the begining of this journey... i had one fill so i think i have around 4.5 cc's in my band and i am just like you.. i can eat more then i want to. i went in to get another fill but my doc said no.. i was staying full for 3 or 4 hours after each meal so he said im doing great.. i told him i can eat a lot more now and he said why am i eating that much... my reply was umm because i love food and it taste soo good. so basiclly he told me to eat half cup meals and just stop right there.. its really self control.. i eat out of small bowls... fill up half cup worth of whatever food i want and that is it... i find myself eating sometimes even when im not hungry and thats my problem.. but i am still loosing because i am active.. i do not go to the gym but i am constantly cleaning wen im at home and constantly moving around wen im at work.. i know if i was to work out i would loose more faster.. my advice to you is to just hang in there. carry around a half cup bowl and wen you sit down to eat just put what you want to eat in that bowl... and if it dont fit then dont eat it... and only eat wen your hungry...
  4. czarina

    my doc shut my fill down

    ok so yesterday i went in to get another fill. my last fill was 7 weeks ago and it was my first fill. i have a total of 3.5 ccs in my band now.. n e ways i wanted a new fill cuz i gained 3 pounds and the weight wasnt really comming off.. it felt like i needed the fill to start loosing again.. well i went in and my doctor shut me down.. basiclly he said that i was doing very good. he said i shud be happy wit my weight loss cuz i lost 50 pounds since my surgery which was 3 months ago.. i told him that im just really serious about this and i want to loose all of my weight asap.. aahhh... basiclly he said no fill and get my ass to the gym.. let me remind u that these was his exact words... haha military doctors rule..
  5. czarina

    my doc shut my fill down

    ok so yesterday i went in to get another fill. my last fill was 7 weeks ago and it was my first fill. i have a total of 3.5 ccs in my band now.. n e ways i wanted a new fill cuz i gained 3 pounds and the weight wasnt really comming off.. it felt like i needed the fill to start loosing again.. well i went in and my doctor shut me down.. basiclly he said that i was doing very good. he said i shud be happy wit my weight loss cuz i lost 50 pounds since my surgery which was 3 months ago.. i told him that im just really serious about this and i want to loose all of my weight asap.. aahhh... basiclly he said no fill and get my ass to the gym.. let me remind u that these was his exact words... haha military doctors rule..
  6. hey girl havent talked to u in awhile.. how are things going...

  7. my fill went good he put a total of 4 cc's in but i had trouble getting water down so then he took out .5 cc and it was perfect.. i just had to do liquids for 24 hrs then back to normal food.. but im doin good..

  8. hey girl.. havent heard from u in a while... how is things going.. hows restriction and weight loss... i am scheduled for my fill next week and i cant wait...

  9. hey guys.. i was banded oct 27, 2009. as of right now im down 33 pounds and cant wait to loose more..... whooo hoooo i am dieing to get my first fill next week.. i havent had restriction yet and its driving me crazy already
  10. hey i seen that u were in alabama. im in the florida panhandle by eglin afb.. i got banded oct 27. well just wanted to stop by and say hi

  11. LMAO!!!!! i bet it was:thumbup:
  12. i was banded on oct 28 as well!!! i hit the same point your at last week... aaahhhh i wanted to die....:ohmy: i couldnt understand why. so basiclly had a mini break down but then thought if i keep eating healthy and 1/2 cup portions it will all work out. i stayed off the scale and i just weighed myself today and i lost 5 more pounds... whooo hoooo:thumbup: total of 30 as of now... my cal intake is around 800 everyday. i have no restriction either and i am gettin more hungry as the days go by. i try to fill my hunger with eating veggies or fruits or tofu and it has been helping and im still loosing.. if i get stuck and start to gain weight again i am planning on going on a soup and tofu diet for a few days.. n e ways hoope the weight balancedd out by now.. dont freak out itll come off..:confused:
  13. czarina

    eating problems today

    i was banded oct 28 and my post op diet was the same way. i was back to normal and eating normal food quickly. i didnt have no complications at all.
  14. hey so i was banded oct 28th and i kinda went through this.. i lost 25 pounds and then i was stuck and i even gained almost 3 pounds. i started frreaking out. i only eat 1/2 cup meals and in between i eat fruits or veggies. i eat no carbs at all and its basiclly meat n veggies or tofu.. wen i jumped back on the scale after the gain i realized that i lost the weight i gained and even more. now i am at total of 33 pounds down.. 10 pre op and 23 post op.. i say just eat healthy and really try to eat 1/2 cup meals.. i know chicken breast keeps me full for hours.. i have no restriction either and if i wanted to i would be able to eat a lot.. but u gotta hang in there... good luck...
  15. ok so i know this couple who strictly do it anally.. she is about the double penetration... likes somethin in the butt and in her triangle.. hehe. they talk about it all the time and are soo crazy about it.. as for me.. i have dipped in that pool a few times wit different guys and all i can say is the only time i liked it was wen i was drunk... and besides i would rather have my man and his toungue doing "other" things with his time.. :redface: as of the size thing.... u can never tell how big a guys junk is by looki8ng at the person. i have been wit a skinny white boy that surprised the hell out of me.. and then i was with this black guy who was :confused:.. but to me size really doesnt matter its the motion of the ocean. some guys are big for nothing and those average men put them to shame... n e ways hope that wasnt tmi for everyone.. i really held back a lot of details tryin to keep it from going to far... hehe.. by the way this is the most entertaining thread i have ran across yet!!:ohmy:
  16. hey girl, well im doing great. just saw my doc today for the follow up and he said i was doing fantastic and he even cleared me to work out and everything.. im soo excited to hit the gym. i lost 23 pounds soo far but cant wait to loose even more... my doc said if i start getting a big appetite i can come in and get filled early if not he will fill me in 4 weeks... but i feel good as new and everythign is great. i even started fitting in jeans that i havent worn in years.... n e ways im czarina... how are things going for you.... fill me in on the details girl.... well talk to u laters.. and congrats on the band

  17. damn i got banded on the 28th and i was put on 2 days clear liquid then move on to full liquids for a few days and then mushies.. i got my surgery done in a military hospital. im kinda gettin nervous cuz all of you have 2 week liquids.. but i feel just fine and almost back to my old self. just slight pain wen i lay on my tummy.
  18. czarina

    5 Days Post-Op!

    hey guys i was banded on Oct 28th whooo hooo... but yea my gas pains were the biggest problems i have had. i stayed in the hospital overnight and my belly was really hard and full of gas and i couldnt get n e thing out.. eventually i started burping which really helped... other then that i walked and walked and walked. that night after surgery i was up walking around the hospital with my husband. there were 9 others that got the surgery and i didnt see n e one come out of their rooms.. but i know they had to walk cuz the restroom didnt come to them. i had bad chest pains also and heart pains. i felt soo congested and terrible. as of today i feel great and let me tell u i have noooo problems gettin the gas out now!! im very proud of myself:thumbup:. hehe..
  19. hey girl i just noticed that we got banded on the same day... n e ways i had problems with chest pain after too. the docs sent me home with a huge bottle of liquid pain meds which i only took twice. but they also sent some liquid tylenol home with me also. so how much have u lost since the surgery. i lost 6 pounds from my weight right b 4 surgery and a total of 18 pounds since the start of this thing but i also didnt have a pre op diet which i probably would have been able to lose more. n e ways whats ur post op diet? oh by the way my name is czarina

  20. hey i saw that u were banded on the 29th. i was banded on the 28th. my recovery is great and im about 80 percent back to my normal self. how are you doing so far. im down 6 pounds as of right now but we will see if the weight will keep commin off that fast

  21. yea they gave me the same thing for pain.. but a huge bottle of the stuff.. i think the military hospital tend to overdue their pain meds. i have the feeling to burp but i just cant get it out and thats the hardest thing for me right now. but i also have a lot of congestion in my chest that is bothering me. i have 4 lil incisions and then 1 big one that is almost 2 inches long where my port is located. i am sooo excited to hurry and loose weight. the hard part is done whoo hoooo....well im gonna take me some meds so i can get some rest tonight.. talk to u later girly

  22. hey girl just got banded yesterday and recovery for me is going smoothly. how did urs go. r u eating n e thing. i didnt eat n e thing yesterday and today i just had half a cup of soup all day.. the liquid vicodin is great. after the surgery there was a moment where i had absolutly no pain at all. my doc says im recovering quickly. well let me know how ur doing.

  23. hey girl... well my name is Czarina and i am from hawaii but living in florida right now. my husband is in the military. our surgery is right around the corner and i cant wait!!! it feels like ive been waiting forever for the whole process and now the surgery is days away... so how u holding up? n e ways talk to u laterz..

  24. hey girly!! hell to the yea wit the whole cold feet thing... but im the same way... i gotta do this.. im just telling myself if i go through with this and get surgery done i am deffinately using the band to its fullest and im gonna lose everything and do it as soon as possible.. that mind set is really giving me the courage to go through it.. i just cant wait to get it done and finally start dropping this weight.. have u told n e one other than family? i had to ask for 2 weeks off at work and they all were asking what i was doing my surgery for and i just came out and told them everything.. everyone at work is supportive... but who knows what they say wen i leave the room.. who cares though.. im really excited and im taking notes on all the people on here who have used the band to its fullest and have lost a shit load of weight in 8 or 9 months.. i am just affraid that im gonna be one of those who cant lose weight wit the band in.. n e ways nice chat... talk to u later..

  25. czarina

    I got my surgery date!!!!!

    ok so i finally got my surgery date.. it took me about 4 months to get my last appt to see my surgeon and as soon as i seen him it was a 30 min talk and BAM!! he asked me when i wanted to do the surgery and i said today so then he booked the next op-en day he had.. so on OCtober 28 i will be banded.. i am sooo excited... he didnt put me on any special diet or n e thing.. basiclly just come in the day before and run some tests then the next day i have the surgery... Cant wait to get banded and start this process.:confused:

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