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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by skinny31

  1. I was banded Aug. 5th and told my dr. I knew that I have had gall stones for over 6 years. He said since it doesn't bother me he wasn't going to take it out when he was banding me. Well now, a little over 3 months and 37 lb.s lost, it's giving me trouble. Not bad, crazy pain....just discomfort. I want it out before I have any attacks! I just really wish he would have taken it out 3 months ago!! I just don't want to have to recover from another surgery so close to my last one. I'm a mommy to 3 boys, a wife and teacher...I don't have time for this!! :wink2: Sorry for the ranting. Just wondering if anyone else had to do this and if the recovery was similar to the band recovery, which wasn't bad at all for me!
  2. skinny31

    Having gall bladder out Wed...UGH!!

    Well, msrojacks, having my gall bladder out has been WAY worse than being banded!!! I am still SO sore! I ended up having a hernia repaired, too. I can't believe they made you do both within a week. I was banded a little over 3 months ago, I think these are too close together! I can't imagine a week! We booked to go to Disney World on Dec. 19th....hope I'm back to 100% by then!
  3. skinny31

    anyone have high blood pressure ?

    Mine went up after surgery for a while...meaning several weeks. But after the birth of my kids, my BP did the same thing, so I think that's just how my body reacts to major changes. And actually, mine has been a little higher than it was before surgery, which is strange b/c you would think after losing 37 lbs, it would go down some. My surgeon isn't worried about it, though.....
  4. Those are both very normal for the day after! Hang in there! The day after my surgery (Aug. 5th) was the absolute worst! It got better everyday after that and by about 8-9 days out, I felt almost back to normal.
  5. You are doing better than me! I ride my recumbent bike and my bike with my kids, but nothing real intense. I need to do better! How many cc's do you have? I hope you fill is "the one" for you, too! I thinking with Thanksgiving and Christmas with our trip to Disney that this fill will keep me until after those events!!! Gosh, this is kinda harder than I thought it'd be. You?

  6. Oh, and I'm up to 5cc's in my 10 cc band. You?

  7. I'm having a harder time losing now, too! I'm having a hard time breaking bad eating habits....if crap is in the house, I'm still gonna eat it!! I hate that! I'll get there. If I'd exercise more I'm sure it would be coming off faster, but a full time teacher, wife and mommy of three boys doesn't leave much "me" time! Are you getting much exercise in?

  8. About my first couple of weeks, I was dragging rear until about the night of day 7 and into day 8....that's when I notice feeling normal again. I had lost 13 lbs in 5 days and felt terrible! As far as the surgery itself....I was outpatient and was released around noon to go home. The pain medicine hyped me up, so I couldn't even sleep that day or night! No fun! Day 2 was definitely the worst for pain, but after that it really got better fast! I was only a little sore for a couple of days after that. The post-op diet was not hard for me to follow b/c I didn't want to mess anything up!!! I wasn't about to compromise my band for my own stupid food cravings! I teach and had to start inservice days after 10 days and back to school after 2.5 weeks and felt more than ready to get back to work. I felt fine! No one at work knows about my surgery, which has been interesting when they notice I'm not eating much. Oh well....keep 'em guessing! Good luck to you! If you have anymore specific question, just ask!
  9. Hi, Neener! I am a 31 year old mommy of 3 boys (twins who are almost 7 and a 15 month old) and I also have an incredibly wonderful hubby! I was banded Aug. 5th and have lost 35 lbs so far and have had 2 fills. I'm scheduled for a 3rd full this Thursday. I have had no complications! I love it so far and feel great! Good luck to you!
  10. Hello! I was KKoen, but changed my user name. We were both banded on Aug. 5th and I was just wondering how you are doing? Everything going smoothly for you? I have lost 34 lbs and am hoping for 50 by Christmas! I have had no complications and feel great! Let me know how you are and by the way, the little girl in your pic is adorable!!

  11. skinny31

    Stitches or Glued???

    I only had two incisions and they were both glued. No problems with it at all!
  12. Hey there! How are you feeling?

  13. skinny31

    Banded Aug 10th - just tired...

    I was banded on the 5th and thought I was doing to die from weakness for the first 7 days! I had lost 13 lbs in 5 days and I think that is just too much for the body to adjust to...lack of calories, major body change, and couldn't sleep well. Day 8, something happened and I have felt almost completely normal!!! Absolutely NO discomfort anywhere on my stomach, not near as tired, and I feel alive now. Hang in there, folks! It gets better every day!
  14. I was banded Aug. 5th and had a 2 week diet before...2 protein shakes and one low fat/low carb meal, but gosh I cheated! The last couple of days before my surgery, I did the 2 shakes, but the meals got less than low fat/low carb! I'm certainly not promoting this b/c I felt horrible about it, but luckily, my doc said I did great on my diet and my liver had shrunk nicely. Again, my lack of self control is not something I am proud of, but so thankful it all worked out!
  15. skinny31

    August 2009 bandsters?

    I only had two incisions, my belly button and a tiny one about 5 inches above my belly button. I think most of the work was done thru my belly button, so that's why it's so sore and bruised around it. Yesterday, day 2, was definitely the worst! Today has been much better!! The gas pains have not been near as bad...just when I get a drink, a bubble comes up and I burp. Kinda hurts, but I'm sure it'll go away! I start thick liquids tomorrow, which will be nice even though I haven't been hungry at all!
  16. skinny31

    August 2009 bandsters?

    I was banded yesterday, the 5th and today has been rough! My stomach is SOOOO sore, bruised, and swollen! I've also had gas pains in my chest and back, but I know it will all go away. My pain meds wired me instead of making me sleepy, so I was awake all night....no fun! I got some different pain meds today, but it's a big pill! I'm so scared to take it!!! Maybe I'll crush it and put it in jello.
  17. So glad to hear you are feeling good! I'm kind of feeling like I was hit by a truck....my stomach is VERY sore and bruised! My chest is very tight and my back hurts, but I guess that is from the gas. I'm trying to walk around the house b/c it's just too hot to go outside. You getting much walking in?

  18. Hi all! I was banded this morning and honestly, my stomach does not hurt that bad....just sore. I only have two incisions and one is in my belly button, but my back hurts bad and my chest feels so tight!!! I can get breaths fine....breathing doesn't hurt, but gosh it's so tight!! Tell me it's just the gas and that it will go away! I am burping, but only a tiny bit and I am walking all over the house every 15-30 minutes - so when is this gas going to start moving OUT???
  19. I'll do my best to check in! I've gotten pretty attached to this website, so I'm sure I'll be on! YAY for us....it's almost over - or just beginning, depending on how we look at it!

  20. This time tomorrow, I will have my band!!! I go in at 6am tomorrow....surgery at 8am....home by tomorrow evening! I'm so excited and scared that I feel sick! YIKES!!!!
  21. HI! Sorry, don't know how I missed your message! Yes, tomorrow is our day!!! I'm so stinkin excited....and scared all at the same time! My surgery is at 8am....what time is yours? Mine is also day surgery so will be home by tomorrow evening. Good luck! Praying for us!

  22. Folks, we are getting super close to being BANDSTERS!!! Anyone freaking out yet? I hate when I let myself read the bad stories on here....gets me scared! But I'm just so ready to get it over with on Aug. 5th!!! And SO ready to lose all this dang weight!!!
  23. skinny31

    Fun Goals

    To not be "the fat mom," but to be the "HOT MOM!!" I have a wonderful, handsome husband and three active boys.....I just want to be able to keep up!!
  24. I am also a mother of twins boys - 6 years old and a 12 month old boy and am being banded on Aug. 5th. Had my pre-op appt today and start my diet tomorrow. I asked about lifting today b/c of my 12 month old and he said it would be uncomfortable to lift, but wouldn't cause any damage...he's 27 pounds! I am so excited and nervous all at the same time. Have you joined the August 2009 Forum? Look it up!
  25. I have BCBS of Texas and have been approved. I started the process in November 2008 and was approved June 30, 2009...a LONG process of 6 months with a dietitian, cardio evaluation, pulmonary evaluation, psych evaluation, but it's all worth it b/c my surgery is set for Aug. 5th....pre-op appt is tomorrow to start the pre-op diet. Just stick with it and fight for yourself! Luckily, my dr's office has a bull dog working for it who fights with insurance companies until she gets the answer she wants!

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