I remember being very tentative about committing to the operation. I read loads and loads on various internet forums, asked questions, and ordered a couple of great books from chapters. I had loads of questions for the doctors. I was mostly worried about the operation. My biggest fear - would I wake up from it? Apparently, a normal fear given our size and complications. I did a plus minus decision table - reasons for and reasons against having the operation. Then looked at each criteria that I wrote carefully.
I had my operation Sept. 29, 2009. It was not an uncomfortable operation nor difficult recuperation and has been the best decision ever. I wish they had had this available or I knew of it years ago. One of the side benefits is that the surgeons fix a hiatus hernia if you have it before putting on the band and you no longer have heartburn like you used to.
By following the guidelines to the letter, I have lost 60 pounds. I have not been that successful on any of the other diets I've been on like I have on this in such a short time. Plus, having a band keeps me on the straight and narrow. I have never vomited, been stuck, nor slimed. I even went on a cruise this Feb. and maintained. Another benefit is if you are on any medications, likely they will be reduced or eliminated. For myself, by the first month post op, I was taken off my blood pressure pills and of course no longer need acid reduction meds. I figure not paying for those will cover this operation in 3 years alone. If you have any other questions, we are all here for you. Good luck with your decision.