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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jazza37

  1. Jazza37


    hello:smile: i was banded on april 6 09 at murdoch by mr watson, it was the best decison i made after yrs of trying to loose weight i finally found what works for me (banded) i started off at 163kg and im now 138kg i have my third fill tomorrow. hope to get to know you jaz:thumbup:
  2. i was banded on april 6 09 and i have lost 55pounds(25kg)...im happy with my weight loss so far
  3. Jazza37

    First Fill

    i had 2 the first fill and 2 the second fill im back tomorrow for a third fill probably wont be as much this time as im feeling right...
  4. Jazza37

    getting stuck

    hi yeah what you are describing is what i get when i get food stuck not a nice feeling at all.. i dont drink fizzy drinks as this makes me gassy and uncomfortable..
  5. hiya, firstly congrats on getting banded its a life changing experience... i live in perth and was banded on april 6 09 at murdoch with mr watson.. i started of at 163kg and im now 138kg i love the way this band has changed my life and the weight is finally comming off after all these yrs... hope to chat jaz

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