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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kafkahead

  1. Hi folks. Banded on the 29th in Bend Oregon. I've been experiencing much the same as all of you, and am glad to hear I'm not alone with these on again off again shoulder pains. I've been calling myself a Borg Babe lately. At night, it seems I can feel the entire contraption in my belly. I'll roll from the port side (left) to the right, and it seems I can feel every inch of the contraption inside me. As for the burping, I have experienced quite a bit of it, but I have to say that my tendency is toward the other end... I feel like a walking whoopie cushion. I have been fortunate enough to not have been very hungry, but have found that trying to keep up with the required amounts of intake to be difficult. Right now I am living on smoothies to which I am adding my protein and my vitamins. I'm calling them my survival shakes. My biggest wish now is for the aches and pains to go away. I'm tired of being sore all the time. I had a hiatal hernia taken care of at the time of surgery. I am thinking that some of this achiness is a result of that as well. Best to you all my fellows Borg Babes. I so enjoy your conversations. It's keeping things in perspective for me.

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