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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tiarn

  1. Hi Jodi I am from Perth. I had my band done by Dr Dolan on 5 June 2009. I started off as a public paitient. I waited over five months to see him and then he told me his public waiting list was well over 12 months long. So I decided to just pay for it myself and was booked in for 4 weeks later. Was told I wouldn't get any change from $8,000. Well $13,000 is much closer to the actually cost, but I'm not sorry that I had it done. I know a few private paitents and even after paying high fees for HBF etc, they still forked out $4,000 of their own money on top. I personally know I would have just put on more weight and been more miserable about it if I had to wait all that time. I went for my first fill today (3cc) and I've lost 10 kilo, so I am so glad I had it done. If going private isn't an option for you, just be paitent and try to slowly loose a few kilo while you are waiting. It really will be worth it. It is a whole new way of living having to carefully monitor what you eat and drink, but after only ten kilo I'm feeling better and can't wait to see how great I'll feel after another ten. I wish I had done it years ago (also wish I'd put my name on that long waiting list a long time ago too).
  2. Tiarn

    I detest exercise..this has helped

    Banded 5 June 2009 (Perth, Western Australia) SW: 125 kilo CW: 115 kilo GW: 75 kilo I am about to join Water aerobics myself at our local heated pool on a Tueaday evening. I did this a few years back when I was trying to loose weight and found it fantastic. Not only were there other "big girls" and a few larger fellas, there were old grannies, new Mum's etc and no one judged anyone else or their big bottoms. I tried the gym and felt so uncomfortable with all the size 10 girls who starved themselves and wore pretty matching gym clothes and faces full of make up. I only lasted two or three sessions. I find exercising in the water, easier on my back, knees ankles etc and gives a lot beter work out than most people would think cause you have the water resistence. I've spent ten years wearing huge t-shirts over my bathers (pretty hard to swim and not get pulled under at times) and even though I have my own lovely pool will not go in it if we have visitors (not even in the t-shirt). My goal is to go in this Christmas when we have people over and not be humiliated. I don't expect to be thin, just not so huge and more comfortable in myself. Glad to hear someone else is finding the water helpful too.
  3. Tiarn

    My fill can't come soon enough!!

    Banded 5 June 2009 SW: 125 Kilo CW: 115 Kilo GW: 75 Kilo I am due to have my 1st fill on 13/7/09. I have really been hanging out for this. On most days I usually feel hungry a lot. Very unusual if I'm not checking the clock till it is "time" to eat something. I'm not even sure how the fill is done, is it as simple as inserting a needle into the port and putting in a certain amount of Fluid ? Seeing the Doc does it in his rooms, I assume it can't be too complicated. I stop eating way before I feel full which is something I would never have done before (I'd be full and go back for 2nds). Now I wait and find that I feel a certain amount of fullness even after a small meal. But I always feel like eating more just for the sake of it and really have to stop myself. Hopefully after the fill I won't feel like that anymore.:thumbup:
  4. Wow you have lost so much already. Good for you. I feel my loss is too slow, but then I'm very impaitent. I guess after I've had the fill I won't feel so hungry and deprived. I'm still thrilled to actually be eating some normal food again and find that I'm automatically going for the healthy choice. I hope I stick with that. Not to say I don't crave some chocolate of something "naughty" once in a while. I have my next appointment with Dr Dolan on Monday, so I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next (hopefully the fill). Got to up my exercise a litte more, but the wet weather and another cold hasn't helped. Just quick walks with the kids and dog and the exercise bike at the moment. Going to try Water aerobics on a Tuesday night at the local heated pool. Are you doing much exercise and if so what, would love some ideas.
  5. Hi all I'm new to the site. I was banded on 5th of June 2009 at Glengarry Hospital, by Dr Dolan. I started off at 125 kilo and hope to get down to 75 kilo. I'd love to hear from anyone who has some good advice and ideas to help me along. Also anyone from Perth, who wants to chat.:tongue_smilie:
  6. Tiarn

    Perth Bandsters - your stories & successes

    Hi I had my surgery with Dr Dolan at Glengarry on 5 June. He said it was important to do the Opti-fast to help shrink the liver (and stomach). I lost 4 kilo in ten days on Opti-fast and honestly didn't feel that hungry. I also had a hiatal hernia repaired during the surgery and that was quiet painful, so I'm unsure how well I would have recovered from just having the band done. But four weeks later, I'm feeling pretty good and have lost 11 kilo and hope to be able to up my exercise a little now the hernia isn't causing any pain. I'd love to hear how anyone else around the 4 - 6 week post-op is going and find out what sort of things they are eating. I'm just so glad to be off the mushy food and introducing foods back in to see how they go (the home made pizza felt a bit "stuck" this evening - got to eat slower I think). SW: 125 k CW: 114 k Goal: 75 k

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
