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LAP-BAND Patients
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About amycandace

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  • Birthday 12/15/1970
  1. Happy 42nd Birthday amycandace!

  2. Happy 41st Birthday amycandace!

  3. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary amycandace!

  4. I was banded on 7/2/09 and had my 1st fill today. My doctor puts 5.5cc in for the 1st fill. I definitely can tell the difference. I started at 240lbs...was down to 231 lbs at my first post-op check on 7/14 and today weighed 228. My doctor does not do a pre-op diet. The last 2 weeks were very tough as I felt no restriction at all so I was glad to have still lost some lbs. I am feeling really good. For dinner tonight I had a small amount of meatloaf, green beans, and broccoli/rice/cheese casserole. I am really trying to chew my food well as now I am apprehensive about food getting stuck or having problems. I have pretty much stopped drinking sodas and am drinking lots of water. I think this has helped me feel better in itself. Wishing all the Realize Bandsters the best! We can do it! Amy
  5. I was banded on 7/2/09 in Nacogdoches by Dr. Clifton Thomas. He uses the Realize Band. I am now feeling not much restriction and feeling hunger. I see him this Wed. 7/15 and hopefully get my first fill in another 2-3 weeks. The first couple of days were a little rough but now I am doing really well. I am tolerating very soft/mushy foods. He does not do any pre-op diet. I have lost about 6 lbs since surgery on 07/2.
  6. amycandace

    Any July Bandsters out there?

    I was banded last thurs. (7/2). So far doing well...just a little soreness remains.

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