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Everything posted by mikeross

  1. mikeross

    Vitamins and Shakes

    From what I gather she is buying two different protein drinks. One is a powder form with 27g of protein that needs to be mixed with a liquid of your choice. She chose to add 6oz of skim milk. The other protein is a pre-made ready to drink shake called premier. The premier drink is premixed with 11oz of liquid and the powder form can be mixed with however much you desire.
  2. mikeross

    2 month check-in

    wow thats a lot in 2 months. What was your starting weight and are you including pre-op weight lose as well. great job....
  3. mikeross

    Vomiting after Vitamins

    I had the same issue with my celebrate bariatric combination of pills. I am 6 weeks out and this is whats working for me now... before I always felt like I was going to puke when I took any of my Vitamins other then the b12. I curretly take upcalD for my Calcium. I take it twice a day. Once in the morning with my Protein shake and once in the evening with some coconut Water. Its a power that has no taste and is meant to be mixed with drinks or food. I have a celebrate b12 once a day under my tongue and have no issues with it... melts under my tongue and has a decent flavor. lastly I take a flintstone Multivitamin twice a day and its taste decent I guess. I dont even need water to take it... its chewable. My Dr told me after 6 months I can just take a once a day adult multivitamin.
  4. mikeross

    Gym Question

    Agreed, you can't spot reduce fat. You need to focus on doing cardio for a couple weeks and get use to going to the gym almost every day. Once you feel comfortable working out incorporate some type of resistance training. I would go online and research some type of workout routine to help you through the motions on what exercises to do and on what days. Good luck
  5. Tagged for replies....
  6. mikeross

    Carnie Wilson

    I just saw her on a show the wife watches. Its called celebrity wife swap... personally can't stand her. Seeing how she lives her life off camera just reinforced my opinion on her. I will admit I did feel a little sorry for her while watching the show.
  7. sorry lol, meant to say 6 months.
  8. I have read anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months.but would like to hear other opinions.
  9. mikeross


    I would like to know as well... My surgeons paper work said after 6 months I could switch to only one multi vitamin a day,
  10. My insurance would have covered it but I would have waited years for the actual surgery. I'm from Vancouver,bc and I believe the wait times are 3+ years, last I checked. Wasn't willing to wait so I paid out of pocket.
  11. mikeross

    Favorite post op drink?

    Yeah, I will be grocery shopping this tuesday in Bellingham... never seen a target there though. There should be one though within driving distance.
  12. mikeross

    Favorite post op drink?

    I have never seen the desani brand where I shop... were are you buying them from. I have also heard good things about the pineapple/coconut flavor in another thread.
  13. Has anyone noticed their measurements are smaller with the vsg then without it at similar weights. Kinda hard to explain but here is my example. Yesterday I broke into the 260's. I am wearing a size 40 pants and wearing all of my old clothing I use to wear. I have lost 80lbs without the sleeve on 2 separate occasion a few years back. At 260lbs years ago I would be a 42 pant size... so why now at the same weight with the vsg am I a lose 40, possible 38" pants? I also noticed shirts that would normally be tight at this weight in the past are fitting loser. Anyone know why this is?
  14. mikeross

    Favorite post op drink?

    I gotta try that because I have tried almost everything else and can't get passed the after taste. Best one I have like out the of bunch was also pink lemonade, although it was crystal light brand.
  15. I advise to do a mixture of both. If all you do is cardio you will end up just being a smaller version of your previous shape... Think tennis ball to a golf ball. If you want to transform the shape of your body you need to mix some resistance training with your cardio.
  16. Once sleeved I followed my doctors orders to a Tee... Although, the night before surgery I ate a medium rare 12oz steak
  17. I count mine from day of surgery because I didn't lose anything pre-op lol.
  18. mikeross

    constipation 5 mths out

    in for more replies....
  19. I have been back in the gym about 2 weeks now mostly doing cardio. About 4 days ago I started a lifting program. I am in some serious pain. My muscle pain is subsiding but the tendons in my bicep/elbow area are killing me still. I cannot straighten my arms to stretch them out without help and its very painful to do. It helps for about 10mins then its right back to stiff and painful. I am just going to wait it out and ice it from time to time. Anyone want to give some suggestions so this doesn't happen again. Is this something that will happen from time to time and will eventually not happen again once my body gets used to lifting weights. I actually love the soreness in my muscles after workouts but these stiff/sore, bicep/elbow tendon, is killing the joy of going to the gym.
  20. mikeross

    Sore muscles, bicep tendon, how to prevent?

    You have Delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS for short. Its very common and should go away on its on in a couple days.
  21. I drink a mix of body fortress isolate and premier. Premier is the best tasting Protein shake out of the 5 or so I have tried. you never mentioned how far out you are. If you are on solid foods a 4oz piece of chicken is pretty close to the same amount of protein in your average shake.
  22. mikeross

    my foods, what's wrong...so frustrated..

    Are you on myfitnesspal? If you are add "hollirrose" and check out her diet... great example of what you should be eating if you want to drop serious weight.
  23. How long should I space out my Calcium supplements. I am currently taking upcal D 500mg packets. I take one in my pre-workout shake and another when I get home in my post workout shake... Time between shakes is about 1:15-1:45min. I easily get my remaining calcium intake throughout the day by eating regular foods. Is it bad that I take them so close together. How far should I space them out?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
