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About Kate27

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 05/25/1979

About Me

  • Interests
    My passion in life is sailing. I also have 5 nieced and nephews and one on the way that keep me smiling!
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  1. Happy 34th Birthday Kate27!

  2. Happy 33rd Birthday Kate27!

  3. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary Kate27!

  4. Kate27

    lapband and upper back pain

    I'm experiencing the same thing. I've been banded since Aug '06, but have just found a doc to give me restriction, so it's like I'm newly banded... I'm having pain under my right rib cage (which takes my breath away) and also in my chest going all the way around my back. During the day it's annoying for me, but at night it keeps me awake. If anyone knows what's going on, please let me know. I have a call into the doc and am waiting to hear back... we'll see. Katie
  5. Kate27

    ABC ~ October Chat

    Bug- I hope you're right that it takes a couple of days to feel the effects.....anoyone else experience a delayed reaction?
  6. Kate27

    ABC ~ October Chat

    Guys, I need some help. I had my first fill last Friday and I don't feel like I even went into the Dr. Shouldn't I be feeling restriction? I just called them back to see if I could schedule another fill and they said I have to wait 8 weeks. What is that about? I am so frustrated! I want this thing to work so bad, but I can eat just as much as I did preband. I don't know what to do!
  7. Kate27

    ABC ~ October Chat

    Hey guys, Pebbles...I am so sorry to hear about your infection. You are certainly in my prayers...hang in there! I had my first fill today and what a piece of cake. I was so nervous when I got in there, but didn't feel a thing except for the shot for the numbing medication. I can already tell i have restriction. I haven't tried any food yet, which I am nervous about....not looking forward to my first inevidable PB. But hopefully, the weight will come off now. They put in 2cc for my first fill...we'll see how it goes. Congrats to everyone!! Everyone is doing awesome. Even when we struggle, stand tall...we're all doing great!
  8. Kate27

    ABC ~ October Chat

    Oh yeah...my goal for Oct is 10lbs. I clearly didn't make my September 10 lb goal...so let's try it again!
  9. Kate27

    ABC ~ October Chat

    Well, the scales have not been very good to me since my surgery. I'm down 14.5 lbs total now (6 weeks post-op). I was going up and down and up and down for about 4 weeks. This last week, I finally saw some consistent movement. So hopefully it continues. I am scheduled for my first fill of Friday and am so excited. I have been anxious for this for a couple of weeks now. Right now, I can eat anything I want to. Although the quantities are smaller, I feel they should be even smaller. Last week I was very diligent about the 5 small meals a day and I believe that's what made the scales jump...hopefully it continues. Sounds like everyone else is doing great. I am jealous of most of your weight loss. It has been VERY slow for me.....
  10. Kate27

    For struggling new bandsters

    Well, I am definitly one of those struggling bandsters. I have only lost 14lbs and keep bouncing back and forth with the same 3 lbs....this morning I was at 12lbs. I am getting VERY frustrated. The scale hasn't moved in almost 2 weeks....grrr.... I have been in quite a bit of pain so I keep blaming it on the pain meds and not being able to be very active, but I don't know. This thread gave me some encouragement, but I really want to see that scale move. I still have quite a bit of restriction. I eat about a cup at every meal and I'm struggling....my body acts like it's pissed at me! I just want that scale to move!
  11. Kate27

    Time off from work?

    I was banded on Thursday and went back to work on Monday...had to take Tuesday off. I just wasn't ready. I think I overdid it on Monday. I probably should have stayed out until Wednesday or Thursday. I too have a desk job. I would say if you plan 6-7 days to recover, you should be fine. Just be careful about lifting at work. I was 1 1/2 weeks post op and on my way to a meeting. I was carrying a stack of papers and bent down to pick up my water that fell off the papers and bamb...i tore a muscle right next to my port. I have been in intese pain for about 1 1 /2 weeks now...just be careful! Don't overdo it! Get people to help you carry things, bend down, etc....
  12. Kate27

    ABC September Chat

    Faybie- I was very regular when I was on liquids and then I moved to regular foods and went 9 days without a BM...i took some milk of magnesia and the next day, I was good to go. I did call the dietician and she said to integrate some fruit...into smoothies or however you can...that should help too. If it lasts much longer, make sure you get into the doctor..you don't want to end up with a blockage or something. mstrish - I ate a ton of fish on my mushie stage....that and Wedny's chili. THe chili tasted like it had little bits of heaven in it. Well guys....the scale finally moved this morning...wahoo!!!! Lets just pray it keeps going! I started eating a little bit more during the day. I do think my body must have been in starvation mode. The last few days, I have uped my calories just a touch and voila...the scale finally budged. Thanks to everyone for your support, encouragement, and suggestions.
  13. Kate27

    Pain on lower left side

    I have this same pain...i have had it for about a week now. I went into the ER last week because it was so bad..I thought something worse had happened. He told me it was normal and that I may have pulled a muscle near my port. But, I have been in intense pain for a week now. I have been taking Loritab and it still hurts like crazy. Like you, I am fine if I am sitting still or laying down, but as soon as I get up it makes me want to double over....the doc seems to think I will be fine and that this is normal.....
  14. Kate27

    ABC September Chat

    Trizzy, I've noticed that I have horrible breath since I've been banded. I brush my teeth like 8 times a day now! It drives me crazy. It's even worse if I'm taking pain med.... I breathe fire!
  15. Kate27

    ABC September Chat

    Are you scheduled for your fill yet Josette?

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