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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kate27

  1. Kate27

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Bandster45 - sorry...you did click "save signature"...i see what you did.....right click on the graphic on the ticker page and click copy, then go into your signature and paste that in....don't paste the url, paste the actual graphic into your signature. Hope this helps!
  2. Kate27

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Did you click "save signature"?
  3. Kate27

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Bug - I had to start wearing regular pants on Monday (4 days post-op) when I went back to work. They weren't very comfortable. Today is the most comfortable I've been since surgery. I have on dress pants. My swelling is finally going away....I would say I'm about 80% there. Hang in there....it will go away soon!!!!! ....keep drinking! I have been drinking like I'm walking through the desert and staying near a bathroom.
  4. Kate27

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    JoliesMom - Thanks so much for the response on Lovenox....weird that not everyone has to do that. My doc made it sound soooooo important. But, yeah...it sure does burn....i am counting down the doses now....only 4 more to go....wahoo!!!! My poor belly....has all these incisions and now all these little poke marks from the lovenox needles.... It was kind of funny though. I told my boyfriend before I had the surgery that he was going to have to give me a shot twice a day and when I came home and did the first one, he watched and nearly fainted...haha...boys! 904Cathe - I too felt the heaviness in my chest. It will go away. Mine lasted about 2-3 days....all good now!
  5. Kate27

    Anyone from NY area??

    Pebbles - I used to live in Milford, PA - just over the bridge( ~1mi from PJ), but now in MI....I was shocked when I saw that people were being banded in Port Jervis....didn't think anyone else in the world knew where that was...ha! ........miss it out there... Good luck to you!
  6. Kate27

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Abbsybug - that is so funny about the "nesting" thing. I hadn't thought of that as I don't have kids. But the night before my surgery, I was cleaning EVERYTHING...I mean...EVERYTHING.....baseboards, walls, you name it. I thought it was just nerves but it wasn't like I had an urge to do anything else...just clean! I thought I was turning into a crazy woman. For the teeth - my teeth don't hurt yet, but hair does. Like when you have the flu and you brush you hair...it hurts. I know I'm not getting enough Protein though. So, my goal is to up that now...I've been getting dizzy and light headed....I'm sure this is all because of the protein? This is the first day I have felt pretty normal. I haven't been in escruciating pain, but have definitly felt the pain...today I am just feeling tightness around my port area....other than that, not too bad. I went back to work yesterday and I think I over did it, so I took today off. I haven't heard anyone talk about the Lovanox....does everyone have to take this...boy are those shots starting to burn...ouchie! Good luck to all...
  7. Kate27

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Well, I am 3rd day post-op. Bug - I too am sooo bloated. I feel like I'm 5 mos pregnant. I wasn a little dissapointed today when I stepped on the scale...only 1/2 lb down since my liquid diet, 2 days pre-op. I thought I would be further than that, but I am attributing it to the swelling...hope I'm not fooling myself. I am doing better today. I still have quite a bit of pain on my left/port side, but other than that...not too bad. I am up and moving around...slowly. I am going to try to go back to work tomorrow...we'll see if I can make it through an entire day. Hope everyone else is doing ok...good luck to those getting banded next week!! You'll do great!
  8. Kate27

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that I'm banded and am home now. My surgery was at 6:30 yesterday morning. Was pretty groggy and sleepy with the morphine (good stuff ). They kept me overnight....I was quite nauseaus last night and this morning, but came home this afternoon. I feel pretty good. Just quite tired and very tender on my left side. I'm sure it will pass. Feels good to have the surgery over and can't wait to start losing. Good luck to all those getting banded the last 1/2 of the month!!!
  9. Kate27

    Twentysomething Bandsters

    Congrats on 25 down! That's awesome. I can only imagine the emotions that will go along with this change....i'm excited though. Thanks for your warm wishes!
  10. Kate27

    Twentysomething Bandsters

    Hey guys, Here's my story. I'm 27. I have struggled with my weight my entire life...i joined weight watchers for the first time when I was 10....never was successful until my sophomore year in college. I lost some weight on the atkin's diet, taking metabolife, and walking constantly....not a healthy way to do it, but I lost 60 lbs in 3 mos. It was weird though....even though i was down to a size 10, which I had never seen before, I still felt as big as a house. I got into a very serious relationship, slipped into the "relationship comfort zone" and started putting on wieght like the speed of light. I'm now back to where I started before Atkins. I started feeling like crap about myself and my confidence went into a fast downward spiral. I was constantly looking for reassurance from my boyfriend and questioned everything he was doing....was always worried he was going to upgrade to a hard body college girl. My insecurites killed our relationship and it ended after four years. I never believed it when people said you have to love yourself before anyone else can love you.....but it's true! I've never had trouble dating and am now in another wonderful relationship, but I am still extremly insecure.....i know that i need to feel good about myself before anything in my life will work out. I want to feel healthy, and engergized, and confident with myself. So, here I am....ready to take the plunge...I will be banded August 17 and can't wait...less than a week to go!
  11. Kate27


    That's a great idea about the Crystal Light!! Thanks! I'm definitly doing that! A friend of mine had gastric bypass and she does pretty well with the Bacardi and diets....especially at the bar. The diet fountain soda isn't as coarbonated as a can of pop and bacardi is pretty low in cals (in comparison).
  12. Kate27

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    I'm starting to get the jitters too...i'll join the banded a week from today. I went in for my pre-op testing this morning and left there with a fluttery stomach....guess it's really hitting me that I'm actually going to do this! I've been addicted to reading everything on this site too...i was on here all day yesterday....good thing the boss is on vaca this week Good luck to all....
  13. Kate27

    Crying as I write this...

    I am so sorry that you are going through all of what you are dealing with. Of course you are feeling overwhelmed. Tackle one thing at a time. It is easy to get overwhelmed when you lump every issue together and form a laundry list. Try to put things in order and focus on one issue then move to the next. I know this is easy for me to say, but this is the only way I can deal with lots of things going on. Maybe, lay off with the fill....get your head in the right place and then tackle the fill. Barbara's right too...you need to communicate what is going on with your boss...you don't need to ask for special treatment, but let them know what is going on in your life. You would be surprised where you can find support...usually in the places you lease expect it! I'm praying for you, dear.....relief will come!!
  14. Kate27


    I'm glad you asked this too...i started a thread on this topic a little while ago and felt like a lush....but with football and MSU tailgating season coming up...what's a girl to do? Kate -scheduled to be banded 8/17....can't wait!
  15. Kate27


    I'm sure this has been asked before, but what is the real deal with drinking? Do you still drink alcohol? Kate Scheduled to be banded 8/17
  16. Kate27


    Congratulations on the 8lbs down while on vaca...that's awesome. This makes me feel so much better. I was so worried that my days of drinking were OVER. Although it will be different and it will hurt on the scales, it's nice to know that I can go out and have a drink if I want to. Thanks guys! Kate Scheduled to be banded 8/17 ... can't wait!
  17. Kate27


    Thanks guys so much! This has been a concern for me. I work in advertising and, as I'm sure you all know, advertising folk are partiers. Most of my friends are from the industry and our gatherings are generally at a bar. I know I will not be able to drink as much as I have been, but would like to be able to have a cocktail during work functions and with friends. Thanks so much for your responses. Kate
  18. Kate27

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Hey everyone... this is my first post, but I've been lurking for a while. I just got my date today!! August 17.... Dr. Wood in Detroit, MI. Right now it can't come soon enough. I'm so excited. My prayers and thoughts are with all of you! ... good luck! Kate

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