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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by felkatz

  1. Ok.. I need mega ideas for Breakfast. I'm a strange one. I've been searching for lapband friendly recipes but most call for items I do not like. I do not like eggs, oatmeal, cottage cheese, and yogurt. I"m going on my 3rd year of being banded. I've only lost 15lbs. I know I have not let the band work for me. I think i have like 7cc of stuff in my band and well at times i don't feel full or satisfied. I know its all in my head and i need to focus on eating only small portions and not snack.. VERY hard! I'm been trying to make a come back. I start back work tomorrow so I'm hoping that will keep my mind off of food since i've been home all week due to spring break. So any sort of recipes will be grateful! I know at times I don't eat breakfast because i'm not hungry which is fine but i get those urges.. Any good ideas for recipes for a girl trying to make the lapband work for me! Keep in mind what i don't like: eggs, oatmeal, cottage cheese, and yogurt. I'm sure there are other things i don't like but those are the main ones i've been seeing in a lot of breakfast recipes. Thanks Kathy
  2. felkatz


    I've been reading where alot of y'all are saying you have to have restriction In your band. When I tell my dr he says I am not to feel restriction. I am suppose to feel satisfied. He states I shouldn't feel like I want to throw up, so I'm kind of confused about y'all talking about restriction..... Explain.. FYI....I exercised last night and didn't drink with my meals! Yay. On the road back to losing..one day at a time! Kathy
  3. felkatz


    From the album: felkatz

  4. felkatz


  5. felkatz


    Yup.. i've had then look down with a scope.. all is fine! I was hoping something was wrong.. A way not to blame myself.. but nope.. Its all me i guess.. but changing my ways.. hoping it will stick. I"m on working on the without snacking... Right now its all been Healthy snacking... 8 almonds.. or 1 stick of mozzarella .. going for stuff with high protein value to make me feel "full" (but not the ohh i'm gonna throw up full) just Full as feeling not hungry anymore.. or "satisfied". I'm right now working on then then slowly but surely once i start to feel the FULL.. or satisfied sensation.. i'm eliminate the snacking
  6. felkatz


    Ohh forgot.. So far i've lost 4 more pounds since my last visit to my other Dr... which was 2 weeks ago! Also,,just did my 2nd day of exercising! And not drinking during my meals .. thinking positive and trying to stay motivated...
  7. felkatz


    when i eat 1/2 cup or a 1c of food i still feel unsatisfied and get hungry after. I have 7cc in my band and my dr. knows i've been struggling with this weight loss mostly because of me... but 2 week ago when i saw him i was at 6cc.. he didn't even want to put a fill says well just try the 1/2 cup diet.. i kept telling i don't feel full or his word SATISFIED.. i'm not suppose to feel "FULL" i insisted on him putting some in. and he did... Just weird.. on everyones definition of it.. FULL.. satisfied..etc.. I"m not doing the 1/2 c diet like he said... just can't do it.. but i've stopped drinkign during my meals.. not snacking.. if i do. its only on healthy stuff.. like mozzerella cheese stick.. or almonds.. stuff with protein... Just not feeling FULL.. Satisfied.. I'm trying to increase my protein daily to see.. I'm hoping that doing this will help me feel less hungry .. and feel more "FULL" i wonder does our pouch decrease once we start eating less??? hmmm
  8. felkatz


    I have 7cc in my band my Dr does not want to put more than 8ccs. At times I dot not feel full or as my dr. Says satisified...I still feel hungry after..so I'm trying to increase my Protein. He's very big on this 1\2 c diet! I've tried but can't...I'm soo hungry. I'm wondering when we start eating less does the poch become smaller..idk I'm so confused.. After 3 yrs I'm still trying to figure this out.. Kathy
  9. OK.. thats it.. i'm tired of feeling tired! I"m tired of saying the band is not working. I started to go to lapband support group in my area.. been to my 2nd one last week. Its really helping me! I've had my surgery 3 yrs ago lost about 15-20lbs with it.. most i lost was 30 but gained a few and now it seems i've only lost 15 lbs since my surgery! WHY? because i'm not letting the band work for me. when i feel restricted or feel like its stuck.. i wait for it to pass (or throwing up) then i wait a bit more and continue to eat my food!! UGH i'm so not suppose to do that.! I was still drinking during my meals. I'm still eating foods i shouldn't be eating.. I'm snacking.. WHY WHY WHY am i doing this to myself?? The surgery was a waste of my $$... Unlike some folks i had to pay this out of pocket. I had no medical issues to speak of. I have great blood pressure, glucose, thyroid, cholesterol are all great! Even my Dr's are like what! wow i must have good genes.. Well the only issue to speak of is i'm just FAT! I"m obese.. i hate obese.. i hate that word.. but thats what i am.. As of today i'm 5'6" and 264. that just made me tear up. But i have to be true to myself.. I have to face the facts. 2 weeks ago i gave up sweets and soda for lent. Then i had a major relapse had me a soda then went crazy this past week. Its spring break week and i was home (love being a teacher but wow.. being home around food is not good for me.) So today been online researching lapband friendly sites and recipes. I'm going to make this work for me.. I'm gonna make this work! So a couple of hours ago i went to the local store to stock up on some lapband friends stuff. I"m cutting out sweets for sure including soda. I need to go cold turkey on this! I did it for 2 weeks and was doing good. My only question is WHY DOES eating HEALTHY have to be so EXPENSIVE. I shouted this when i got home, in which my Boyfriend yells back.. "Well, the United states is only country in which its poor people are obese". Hmmm wowo interesting but true fact. Poor people in africa, china, etc.. are they fat? noooo.. Crazy isn't it.. WOWO.. believe me.. i'm not poor.. i'm not rich just your typical middle class citizen. So i'm typing this to force myself to see what i'm doing to myself. (really crying now) I"m so lucky to have such a supportive boyfriend. BTW my BF is like only 20lbs overweight and he's trying as well and is totally supportive and is going to stop with the sweets and soda too to help me out.. GOTTA LOVE HIM true confessions.... .... Comments of encouragement/support/tips/stories are welcomed .. Trying to make this work... Kathy
  10. felkatz

    What Are Your Cant Haves

    The foods i have problems with are: yeast donuts.. ugh oh my word the food gets stuck!! Fried Rice. and i so love Chinese food. I can only eat a bit.. I'm so glad DIM SUM goes down well a bit too well! LOL Hamburgers..well i only eat the bottom bun.. have to take out the top.. but trying to stay away from hamburger meat. Other than that i can eat almost anythign which is a big problem and reason why i''ve only lost 20lbs since being banded 3 yrs ago.. but i'm so going to make this work.. My new me is starting tomorrow!!
  11. felkatz

    Help.. Help.. :(

    I"m going on my 3rd year of being banded. I've only lost 15 lbs. yes only 15 lbs. UGH. i'm so disappointed in myself. I keep saying to my self the lapband is not working. Why dont' i feel restriction to make me stop. But its not that.. I know I have not let the band work for me. I need to feel "SATISFIED" when i eat to stop me. hard concept to learn. I think i have like 7cc of stuff in my band and well at times i don't feel full or satisfied. I know its all in my head and i need to focus on eating only small portions and not snack.. VERY hard! I'm been trying to make a come back. I start back work tomorrow so I'm hoping that will keep my mind off of food since i've been home all week due to spring break. I just need some help to help make this lapband work for.. I"m so depressed and angry at myself. kathy
  12. felkatz

    Help.. Help.. :(

    i just had a fill.. i'm at 7cc... he said of course to go on a 1/2 c diet.. ... I'm trying to do this ..i've join a monthly support group.. I just feel hungry all the time.. I know i need to increase my protien and only get protien w/ veggies.. just gets so hard.. as of right now.. i'm snacking alot.. which i know i need to control that. I just tired and need to make this work. I started to take my vitamins so hoping that will give me back the energy i need..
  13. I am feeling very mad and sad and I don't know. Its going to be a year at the end of july and i've only lost a good 30lbs.. I do not understand why! i've been getting fills i'm able to eat a bit this past month then a week i can get down food better and able to eat more. I see my dr. next week and I know he is gonna be upset that i'm not losing like i should. I don't know what i'm doing wrong! any one else not losing?? I wanna cry... i spend all this money for the band and i feel hardly any restrition. Thanks :thumbup: kathy
  14. felkatz

    To fill or not to fill??

    i know how you feel about going to the dr. My dr. makes me feel soo bad like i'm a failure. UGH i dread going to see him.. i'm going next week and well.. i am cringing at the thought. ugh kat
  15. felkatz

    am a FAILURE in my weight-loss journey

    I feel your pain. I'm in the same boat as you. Almost gonna me a year in July 20th .. but have only lost 30lbs. I go every month for a fill .. some times i gain like 1 or 2 lbs.. sometiems i lose .5 lbs. The dr. gets mad.. I feel a bit of restriction.. then the week before i go get a fill.. i feel like i can eat more and more.. I do not know what to do either.. I also feel like failure. UGH.. i'm with ya!! Next week is my last fill after that I have to pay out of pocket.. :thumbup: i wanna cry... hang in there you are not alone! kat
  16. i have a 10 cc its been almost a year and i hardly feel restrition.. i've lost only 30 lbs in a year.. this is sooo depressing me.. going to dr. next week and see what he says.. He will probably be mad at me for not losing but what am i to do? I feel like such a failure! kat
  17. felkatz

    When will my head catch up

    congrats on your weight loss.. I"m the total opposite almost a year and only lost 30 lbs.. i'm soo sad. CONGRATS :thumbup:
  18. I"m finally going shopping tomorrow. Need to know the best turkey bacon to buy! I've been eating the regular bacon because of my BF... but i really have to stop that and get something leaner! Any suggestions? Its hard for me to get Protein in the morn because well I do not like EGGS..I do not like cottage chesse... I do not like OATMEAL..blah... I do not like plain white milk. Hmmmm I have lots of DO NOT LIKE stuff! ahhaah I love cereal...hmmm gramcrackers with Peanut Butter & nutella.. YUM YUM YUM!!! TIA!
  19. felkatz

    What do you feel when you are full?

    When I feel full.. i feel that there is something stuck in my throat. Like its swollen. I was scared and told my Dr. this. He said this is my body telling me, i'm full.. Others fill it in the middle of their chest. for me its the throat. I think this is weird.. HMMM m anyone??
  20. Howdy, I was banded july 20th of this year. Had a hiatal hernia which was repaired. I'm still sore. when i eat at times it feels like its stuck at the bottom of my throat. Then at times.. i feel a sharp pain right beneath my breast bone area that i can feel to the back between my shoulder blade. It feels like its poking out. My BF has to pat my back hard for it to feel better.. It at time feels like i have a bruise back there. Just wondering if someone out there is having the same feelings? I'm afraid to eat.. cause it will end up hurting. I go to dr. tomorrow ... just wonder what i'm up against. thanks
  21. ok.. went to docs.. said it can be gallbladder.. i have the classic symptoms. i go for an ultra sound on thursday.. to find out ... blah biliary colic ...
  22. yeah i have an appt tomorrow.. just wondering what i should expect. There were two times which i woke up i had a bad dream that i was drowning and woke up hacking... it hurt.. i was afraid my band broke or soemthing.. the other incident i hiccuped and coughed at same time.. man was that painful! we shall see tomorrow.
  23. They took out all the fill 4 days after surgery because i was having problems. I have been chewing my food like crazy!! Sometimes i hardly eat any food. :cool:
  24. felkatz

    A little bit embarssaing

    Man! I was banded on the 20th of July and didn't even want to dare do any of that.. until..... *wink*wink* last night! LOL my BF was happy.. i was too! Like they said once you get into the groooove.. its all comes back! LOL
  25. Ok.. I was told that during surgery My dr. noticed my hiatal hernia..and he went ahead and fixed it. Did anyone go through this? I am in so much pain. I don't know everyone mentions they were not in pain.. I am i in pain because of the hernia surgery as well? MY whole chest hurts.... I am getting tired of sleeping on my back! I am sleeping reclining.. but ugh my back.. I got banded yesterday 7-20-09... would love to hear from you if you had a hiatal hernia.. :smile:

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