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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by felkatz

  1. felkatz

    Tight Feeling in Throat

    Ohh goodness feeling the same thing.. Feel somethin in the bottom of my throat.. then i can feel tightness in the middle of chest. I"m thinking its because eating too much.. I"m also in the mushie stage.. eating broths.. hmmm hmmm GASSSSS you say? hmmmm
  2. I just feel so weak! I finally left the house today my BF took me to walmart.. need to buy stuff for vacation.. we are leaving tomorrow to FLorida and Georgia for 1 1/2 weeks. I just feel soo tired and sleepy. I usually would walk faster then BF i'm was trailing him.. it was weird. I am having problems takingin Water due to my sour mouth. I over did it with Soup broth yesterday day.. mushed up the potato it was a Fine mush but over did it. Had to take nausea medicine doc gave me. Just had the broth of a chicken noodle soup.. feel it in my chest still.. Thing is it states I can start mushies starting monday.. mashpotatoes, grits, malt o meal, cream of wheat, is this too early? I"m just worried with vacation and all! Protein shakes dont know what to buy.. i'm just so pickey with allt hat stuff.. the artificial sugars give me nausea (aspertane) did this even before surgery. BF says i feel weak because i haven't had anything to eat.. what your opinion what should i do??? i'm just rambling soo.. bye! kat
  3. thanks! I will take it easy. Went to doctors on thursday and BF wanted to cancel trip and talked to doctor.. Dr. looked at him like why would traveling affect her? Is she driving? LOl it was funny how the dr. looked at him. My BF is very cautious and he is taking good care of me. BELIEVE ME I"M GONNA MILK IT! Let him do all the work! LOL kat
  4. hello was feeling the same way. I was banded on the 20th of this month. I also not only was banded but hhad a hiatal hernia so that was repaired. I went to see doctor on Thursday because i was coughing alot and had lots of phelgm. He removed all the Fluid from the band. Feels better but still i'm breathing heavy. I never breathed this heavy before. I am no help! but I feel your pain!
  5. So now I do not have any saline in my band. what does this mean? What happens now? What can i eat? can't eat? I was having too much pain in my chest and lots of phlegm so doc.. decided to take it all out for me to heal from surgery.. (i had a hiatal hernia as well as being banded). They did a barrium swallow (YUK) to make sure everything was ok. Everything is ok.. no leaks no nada! So what does this mean? no liquid in my band? Do i still have a small stomach? Or stoma? I can drink Water better now that it was taken out. and i can breath better. Been hard to drink water or anything.... my mouth after surgery has been so sour.. i have to brush my teeth 5 or more times a day.. everything tastes nasty! so i'm stuck with hardly taking in all my water intake. which concerns me.. Any advice!? thanks.. Ohhh i can't do crystal light.. the fake sugar(aspartame) makes my stomach feel nausted and gives me headaches.. (had this way before surgery). thank
  6. i'm 5 days out of surgery.... newly banded but HUNGRY! they say Clear Liquids for first week but ugh.. i'm starving!!! They mentioned Protein shakes but i hated the ones they told me to take! so... I am having problems drinkign my Water because i have sour mouth.. they say its ketosis? I don't know but blah! Per docs order... said i can start mushy food next week... soo i can't wait! i'm STARVING!
  7. i am feeling a little bit better today.. throat pain is not bad anymore... sore arms.. and neck.. WHY ARMS?? hmmm don't now maybe because i'm lifting myself up with my arms trying to avoid usingmy stomach muscles. I coughed up a lot of plegm this morning.. hurt like HELL!! My stomoch is very bloated!! don't know what to do about that.. I"m actually hungry today. I can't drink anything sugarfree the aspartame makes my stomach feel nausated.. Just hurts a bit when i breath in and out..d on't want to take the meds he gives me.. makes me crash out! Trying to find a good sleeping position.. my back is killing me.. i'm sleeping upright... blah! Ok.. enough of that... hope everyone is feeling a bit better. kat
  8. Thanks y'all for all the information. I wasn't even told what to expect after surgery.... How to care for wounds etc or anything. I hurts when i breathe... my throat is very sore. neck is sore as well. When i breathe a bit toomuch i feel a sharp pain under my left breast. I too have a bulge in my tummy area. I actually weight more now then going into surgery. I just want the pain to go away! I want to feel normal again!!! :thumbup:
  9. felkatz

    I was just banded today!

    I had mine on the 20th yesterday.. and I am in so much pain. I had an hiatal hernia which he had to fix... I wonder if its because of this? :smile: My whole chest hurts..
  10. I am so NERVOUS! I have never had any type surgery whats so ever! NONE! SO today i need to get ready and buy the stuff I need for the week. What do you suggest I should get that worked for you all? Brand..etc? OHHH Multivitamin & Calcium supplements? I"ve never bought any before.. what brand would work best for being banded... I'd be nervous to take anything with just being newly banded. Your help is greated appreciated! Kat
  11. I am so NERVOUS! I have never had any type surgery whats so ever! NONE! I have to be at surgerical center by noon! SO today i need to get ready and buy the stuff I need for the week. What do you suggest I should get that worked for you all? Brand..etc? I know its a full liquid diet. Clear liqujid.. They say apple and grape juice.. thing is I don't like that! broth.. hmmm like chicken Soup broth or the plain broth? can i get the tomato vegggie broth? I'm so nervous... OHHH Multivitamin & Calcium supplements? I"ve never bought any before.. what brand would work best for being banded... I'd be nervous to take anything with just being newly banded. Your help is greated appreciated! Kat
  12. Thanks! I am going to ask again... I know they told me. but goodness. my nerves are getting the best of me I caN'T REMEMBER! my BF was out of town for the weekend.. i really wanted him here.. so i won't think about it.. but he's not.. he's on his way home.. kind of upset.. but oh well! I'm rambling! LOL sorry :wink2: thanks for the info!
  13. felkatz

    What should I bring?

    Great! Just the question i wanted to ask. What to bring! Thing is i'm not an overnight patient its going to be a one-day surgery I think! Dang! One thing i forgot to ask! I"m not having it done at a hospital but a surgery center. Hmmm Dang and i have my surgery on Monday! I can't believe i forgot this important question!
  14. felkatz

    Progress but Hungry...

    i'm with ya! I'm on my second day. But I am not allowed any food. Just 3 -5 Protein shakes a day. I can have Water and crystal light. I have to admit... i did cheat! I needed something to munch on.. had a pickle, cracker and slice of cheese these past two days!. I have to stop it! I need to just do the shakes! its hard the shakes taste terrible.. i'm doing the Bariatric Advantage Protein Shakes, doc sells those at his place. i added a splenda and 2 frozen strawberries to make it tolerable! I shouldn't but ahhhh kat
  15. Ok.. i don't think i can do this for 2 weeks! the shakes takes like nothing! BLAH! its strawberry that i'm drinking now.. oh god. i wanna barf.. how am i gonna get through this??? HELP!! :tongue_smilie:
  16. felkatz

    eww pre op diet..

    i'm tolerating the shakes more now. I added one frozen strawberry its more tolerable. I know i shouldn't but can 1 strawberry will cause something horrible? i know i'll lose weight. The only thing i'm allowed is the Bariatric Advantage Protein poweder shake. it has 0 fat. 140 cals. blah.. but oh well its a means to an end! good luck all !!
  17. I don't know what to do. Should I just try to see if insurance will pay? I have a BMI of 45.. no co mordilities. I want to get this done before aug 14 (before school starts up again). Ugh! i'm so confused. I tried to get this done last summer.. but got scared or nervous and stopped. I restarted in January this year to do my monthly weigh in with doc. Now i'm like, doc only told me once about a diet.. she just kept track of my weight.. She asked what i've been doing and thats it. I missed one month of seeing doctor. right now i'm like should i just pay because i know i'll get denied.. or should i wait? My BF is like look.. if your gonna do just do it! make up your mind! I love ya but decide. Don't be going around it. I'm so confused right now. Because i'm seeing other people who are in the same insurance as me getting approved in a week or few days. HELP!!!
  18. felkatz

    eww pre op diet..

    not suppose to put anything in it. No foods.. is what they told me.
  19. HI all... I am getting banded on the 20th! I"m scared nervous.. but oh well.. I am on a protein shake diet for 14 days! its taste gross! blah... wish me luck!
  20. felkatz

    7 day liquids

    I"m on my pre-op diet as well but mine is for 14 days! GROSS! I started today... i tried the strawberry Protein shake! too gross.. i wanted to barf! i don't know how i'm gonna get through this! i'm getting a hungry headache! blah! Good luck on your diet!
  21. felkatz

    4 Hours

    good luck!
  22. I go in tomorrow morning to get the shakes they want me to get. Don't know what else i could have during this 10 day diet. What did you all have? any advice will help!
  23. i'm ready.. i can't wait another moment.. i held off already a year.. i missed one month of my 6 month visit... and i don't think the doctor documented correctly because i didn't have the correct info until after the 5 month. Soo... bah.. i'm ready.. i'm going tomorrow for the shakes..etc.. i don't wan tto wait and hold off another year then gain more.. blah! i'm ready!!!!
  24. After a year of debating.. I'm finally getting this done! I start my shakes on monday. I'm very scared. I get banded on the 21st of July and we have a vacation planned on the 27th. I hope i'll be able to go. :smile2: I've been hearing we are on liquid diet about 2 weeks after surgery? I'm so scared.. this is going to be a big change. How did y'all do after surgery? any help or words of encouragement welcomed.
  25. because.. i've already put it off a year ago.. If i dont do it now i'll never get it done. I don't think i'll get approved because i don't think my primary doctor actually did my 6 months in.. I wasn't really informed of what i needed. My advocate was changed and never heard from her. I missed one month of weigh in. I have no co-morbidilities. I'm blood pressure is that of a teen ager. no cholesterol, no diabeties. i'm healthy but just obese! why would insurance pay 15000 for someone who doesn't even go to the doctor.. less expensive to just say no? i'm confused! ugh!

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