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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Colleen_TheAltercation

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/15/1990

About Me

  • Biography
    19 year old sophomore in college.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Tennis, golf, music.
  • City
    None of your business
  • State
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  1. Happy 23rd Birthday Colleen_TheAltercation!

  2. Happy 22nd Birthday Colleen_TheAltercation!

  3. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary Colleen_TheAltercation!

  4. hi! u r looking great! I havnt been chatting for a wjile and wanted to stop by and say hello

  5. Im just creepin around lapbandtalk. I haven't been on here in forever, so just saying hi!

  6. Colleen_TheAltercation


  7. Hi there! I live in Mt. Pleasant too with the occasional visit home. I'm a student at CMU and I wouldn't mind talking at all!

  8. Hey Colleen, you don't know me, another member clued me in to you! Lol, I live in Mount Pleasant, I am with the local ambulance company here, *i'm a girl, my name is confusing*, I thought that we could chat here, or on the phone and be a good support system for each other, would be nice to know someone else besides my paramedic instructor that had the surgery! Take care and hope to talk to you soon!

  9. Colleen_TheAltercation


  10. Colleen_TheAltercation

    80 lbs lost forever.

  11. sexy mama! love the hair.

  12. Colleen_TheAltercation

    Pain when swallowing

    Hey all. I chugged a vitamin water the other day without thinking, and it hurt bad. Definitely learned my lesson on that one. I've been banded for over 6 months now, and since I chugged my drink I've had this pain after swallowing. It doesn't hurt right away, and after I swallow something it takes a few seconds then i get this bit of pain down near my stomach. It happens when I swallow saliva, or just anything. I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else? Or should I be concerned. Once in awhile it'll hurt on it's own without me doing anything (if that makes sense) Thanks in advance! Colleen
  13. Hey mammmmaaa! I haven't seen you in forever. How's the weight loss going?

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