Hi all, Thank you for your advice Bookworm, that is exactly what I needed tonight. My family celebrated my birthday today and I had more to eat today than I have had sence June 16th. I would have been ok if I had stoped at 8:00pm, but when the kids go to bed ... I just want hang out with some food. Anything that even slightly resembels hunger send a flashing what do I want what do I need message to my brain. I get so impolsive and just start thinking about food. So I can see how saying kitchen closed @ 8 out loud, to people can help with accountabilty. Fourteen years ago when I was preg. with my first my DH and I would sit on the couch and veg to the hilt only there were no veggies involved (4 food groups sweet, choc.,salty,and just plain fattening) Now he works on a river boat and is gone 20 days at a time so to sleeping kids and a snoring dog aren't great support. But I know you guys are here and I am so thankfull for this site it has been so helpful. I can go here and just fill a sense of encouragement and it helps distract from the kitchen. Thanks again.