Baylor Mom
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Everything posted by Baylor Mom
Happy Birthday Chris. You look awesome. Hope your day is great.
Hey where is everyone? Did school start? I don't know anything new but I thought maybe one of you would know something exciting. Oh well I am around if anyone wants to reveal what is going on with them. I am at a stand still and am fixing to go back on my weight loss medication on MOnday so I will have more energy and not be so hungry. Well anyone else want to talk please come back. It has been awhile since anyone has posted. Come back everyone. PLEASE LOve you guys and I hope you all are doing great. Hugs
Hey guys!! I haven't been exercising but I have been working hard. I have been helping my mom with her house. She is getting it repainted and I help her put back up the curtains and other stuff. For the past couple of days I have been sore (in my legs) and dead dog tired by the time I get home. I would just come home and take some pain medicine and gone to bed for a couple of hours. My hubby had to get a Mylogram today and he has to stay down for 24 hours so I have been getting things for him. He might have to have surgery again but if he needs it he needs it. I just wish he was out of pain. I will start exercising soon I promise. We are going to do some repainting and remolding on out house too. It needs it and we are going to have a grandbaby in Feb. and we need a place that is decent so the baby can come and visit. LOng story. I guess I better go. I have been sooooo hungry today. I hope I won't eat too much. Talk to you guys later. Hugs
Hey guys!! I haven't been exercising but I have been working hard. I have been helping my mom with her house. She is getting it repainted and I help her put back up the curtains and other stuff. For the past couple of days I have been sore (in my legs) and dead dog tired by the time I get home. I would just come home and take some pain medicine and gone to bed for a couple of hours. My hubby had to get a Mylogram today and he has to stay down for 24 hours so I have been getting things for him. He might have to have surgery again but if he needs it he needs it. I just wish he was out of pain. I will start exercising soon I promise. We are going to do some repainting and remolding on out house too. It needs it and we are going to have a grandbaby in Feb. and we need a place that is decent so the baby can come and visit. LOng story. I guess I better go. I have been sooooo hungry today. I hope I won't eat too much. Talk to you guys later. Hugs
Well guys here is the update. I called the company that makes my meter that I use to take my bllod sugar and she told me that the old meter that I was using to compare with the new one is out of date so it should have been lower. Bummer. But she did tell me that the strips that I am using might be bad so she mailed me some new one and low and behold my sugar levels are lower. She is also going to send me a new meter to replace that old one so I should have current readings from now on. My doctor told me today that my numbers are not bad enough to worry about yet and hopefully we can get them lower with diet and exercise (which I haven't done any yet). But I have been helping my mom get her house fixed up and have been working hard helping her. I have been really sore at the end of the day so I figured I am getting some kind of exercise. I am going to start using the bike soon. She did tell me that I need to eat real food and not protein bars and fruit juice. I hope that I can do that. I don't handle real food very well but I need to try so I can lose weight so I am going to try. Well gotta go for now. I write later. Love you all. Hugs
Hey guys guess what I found out the other day. My hubby and I were talking about my blood sugars. You see back in March my sugars were the best it has ever been. Last month I got another test (not fasting) and it was as high as it has ever been. So hubby and I were thinking of anything different I did in those months that could have brought it up. We finally remembered that I got a new meter around that time. So I found my old meter and low and behold my sugars are good on that machine. So all this time I think it was my meter that has been reading high and not me. I am going to the doctor on Wed. and I plan on taking both of the meters and getting them checked out. I hope that is the reason my sugars are up and not something that I am doing. I will let you all know when I find out. I hope all of you are doing well and ready for a new week. I haven't exercised yet but I will tomorrow when things get back to normal. I will check in later. LOve you all. HUgs
Okay okay I am convinced that I must exercise. SO as of tomorrow I will get on the bike and start exercising. Maybe that will help with my blood sugars as well. I want to lose some weight. I will let you all know how it goes. I sure ddo need the accountability for my exercising so I will report in tomorrow night. Thanks for motivating me.
Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been around but this site keeps changing my password and I have to go back and get another one and then re log in. What a hassle. I am here now though. I am not losing but not gaining either. I am having problems with my blood sugars and I am trying a new medication for it. It hasn't worked yet. I am going back to my GP new week so maybe she can give me somthing that will work better. Other than that I have been fine. Hi Sherri. I haven't heard from you in awhile. I am glad that you are losing again. Maybe I should get on my bike and ride it. I want to lose 10 pounds. It is hard to believe that you are in 16's and weigh 213. I weigh around 205 and I am just getting into 22's. I guess everybody's body frame is different. I wish I could wear 16's. Someday I will. I am excited about your new grandbaby coming. I am going to be a grandma too for the first time. The baby is due in Feb. and I can hardly wait. Everytime I go to the store I buy it something. By the time it gets here I will have lots of stuff to give her. I will let ya'll know when we find out the sex of the baby. I did just recently buy a summer wardrobe for the summer in smaller sizes. I even went down a cup size in my bra. Weird but now I am a B. I am still having a hard time finding a bra that fits good but I am still searching. I have been ordering my clothes on line and then when theyncome I have to send them back because they are to big. I think I know my sizes now though. THis is going to be a busy year for us. We are going to do some painting (or have it done) and reorganizing of our house before the baby comes so we can have a place for them to visit. I am starting to gothrough boxes in storage so I can know where things are. SO I need to get a good nights rst so I can get to it tomorrow. I promise I won't be a stranger and visit and write more often. Love you all. Hugs
Hey guys I found you. The computer likes to kick me off and I have a hard time getting back. I am bookmarking this site so that won't happen again. Well as far as how I am doing, I am doing better. I ate some real veggies today. I have been eating some dried fruit even though it has some sugar in them they are better than no fruit which I can't eem to get down. I am still eating 2 Protein bars a day but now I have added some fruit and now veggies. I hope the scales shows a difference soon. I am basically weighing in at the same weight. No loss but no gain either. I have the most wonderful news in the world. I found out this past Sat. that my babygirl (26 years old) is going to have a baby. I am sooooo excited I can't stand it. I am so giddy it is driving my hubby and mom crazy. The baby is due in Feb. so she is 7 weeks pregnant. I have been telling everybody I see but mostly I know them but some I don't. Well I will probably wear you all out soon enough. You all sound like you are doing good. I am going to try harder because I have been having a problem with my blood sugar levels. I might have to take more medicine for it. I can't seem to control it with what I eat. I don't have much else to share right now but I am not going to lose this site again and I am going to try to post as often as I can. I hope you all have a great week and keep up the weight loss. My anniversary for my surgery is in two days. I have only lost 45 pounds but hey it is better than nothing. Talk to you all later. Love you all. Hugs
Hey guys I need your help. I eat two Protein bars a day plus mainly 100 calories Snacks and fudcycles. I need help. I need to eat food. When I eat food I get sick. What are some easy to fix stuff that you guys eat? I need some suggestions. PLEASE I dont think that it is very healthy for me just to eat Protein Bars and junk. I had to stop my appetite suppressant because it raised my blood sugar levels. It was getting to the point of not working very well anymore anyway. Please guys help me out and tell me some of the things you eat? Thanks, you guys are the best friends no wait the only friends I have. I love you all. Hugs How are you doing Sherri? Email me.
Hey guys I am still around. The stupid computer kicked me out again. It was good to catch up with all of you. I am finally losing some weight again. Yipee!! I have several things that I think that I am doing that is making the difference. First of all I am now taking an appetite suppresant and I am drinking lemonade out the wazoo. That is the only thing that I am doing different. Not much exercise yet but we got our pool all ready for this weekend and it has rained all the time. Sherri - I am soooo sorry for all of your problems. If you want to talk just email me. I am not one for divorce but if he is really doing stuff with her then that is unforgiveable. Let's talk. Email me. Mary - I had the same thing today and my daddy has been gone for three years now. It does get a little better each year so hang in there. I had my daughter come up for my first father's day without daddy. It always helps to have others around. You are in my prayers. Karlik - you look great. Keep it up!! Ruthie - sorry to hear about your problems. You might try an appetite suppressant. It's working for me. I never get hungry. Well not that much. Way to go to not giving up. Let us know if we can do anything to help you out. Stephanie - I hope you are doing good. Let us know how you are when you can. Miss you. To all of the rest of you - keep it up and don't give up. I love you all and I promise I will be around more often. I missed you all very much. I sam not going to get kicked off again. Talk to you all later.
I think that if I went shopping at a store I would just have to buy something. Especially in a smaller size. I went to a few stores and bought a few things but I really raked in shopping on line. My hubby is still in shock and definitely put a stop to it for now. I think I have enough to last the summer. I don't work so it is kind of his money although he does let me get what I want most times. Sometimes what he doesn't know won't hurt him. lol
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't written in awhile. I am surviving my mom being gone. She comes home on Tuesday. Yeah. I have been stuck at home just ordering clothes on the net.I really need some new clothes. I think I got addicted and my hubby finally had to say stop. I think I got enough. I am also addicted to lemonade. I like it even better than diet Sprite. I do go and get a diet Sprite every now and then too. I am losing a little but I usually weigh on Wed. but I might weigh tomorrow and let you guys know. I don't know much else. I hope everyone is doing good. Steph I know that you will do fine. You are in my prayers. Lets all remember Sherri as she is on a trip with her hubby to hopefully work things out. Good luck Sherri. I will be around later. Hugs
edie - How much have you lost? How did you do it?
Sherri how are things going? It has been awhile since I heard from you. I hope your trip to Florida is a great one. Hey guys!! I don't know much. My mom left today to go to Maine to visit her sister for two weeks. I am already lonesome and missing her. We are very close even though she drives me crazy sometimes. I don't have any friends so she is the only person I talk to and go places with so I am really bored. I am trying to find things to do to keep be busy but cleaning house doesn't sound to appealing. That is what I should be doing but instead I have about 5 books that I want to read and some TV shows to catch up on. I am doing better with my eating and I will weigh tomorrow to see if I am losing anything. Probabaly not but I am going to do more exercise this week so maybe by next week I will. I am trying not to eat much and drink more. I just love lemonade now. I hope all of you have a great week. I will be around. Talk to you later. Hugs
Well I called the dietian today and she told me that she talked with my doctor and she did not say for me to only eat 500 calories. That I must have misunderstood her. She said that she told me to eat 1200 calories. Now I know what she told me and she told me to eat 500 calories. Why would I come up with that on my own. Something is amiss here. Anyway I don't think that I can eat 1200 calories but I will try to eat what I can. Do any of you have to sit still after you eat so that your food will stay down? I just ate a fourth of a hamburger and it went down but I had to sit still for awhile afterward or I think it might have come back up. Does that happen to any of you?
Help guys!! I went to my surgeon today to talk about what to do with my lack of weight loss. He said that I needed to get about 40 grams of protein a day and eat only 500 calories. Now to me that sounds dangerous. WHat do you think? My protein bars have 230 calories in them and I don't know how to get the protein and the low calories at the same time. I ate a fourth of a hamburger today and I can eat the other fourths another day but how am I supposed to know how many calories that has. What do you guys do for your protein? What kind of drinks do you drink? How am I going to eat only 500 calories? I will starve to death. I think that I am going to do a little research on that and see if that is even healthy. Help!! I don't know what to do.
Hey everybody. I hope all you mother's had a great day. I did. Hey my hubby and I have been trying new cheeses to see which ones we like. Since that is one of the few things that I can eat. WHat kind of cheeses do you guys like? I am not talking like your basic ones like cheddar, swiss, mozarella and stuff. I am talking odd ones or specialty ones. Just curious. I went to lunch today with my hubby, brother and my mommy and I just drank a soda. I didn't want to eat anything because I didn't want to lose it and be embarrassed. When I went to lunch with my daughter on Friday I lost it and I just hate that feeling. My tummy was kindof sore for awhile afterwards and I thought we were going to have to postpone our shopping but I got better and had a great day. This is what I can eat: protein bar, protein drink, cereal, cheese, sugar free fudcycles, and occasionally some 100 calories snacks. I can't eat chicken, any bread product except a little pasta, I hate fish, eggs, and vegetables and fruits. I am going to the doctor on Thursdsy and I bet he will want to do an unfill which I don't want. He won't be using flora so it will be hit and miss. I hope not miss very much. I just don't want it to hurt. I am losing weight though so maybe we can leavethings the way they are. I guess we will have to wait and see. I got to go to bed now so I can get some rest. Talk to ya'll later. Hugs
Hey I am in Fort Worth which is not to far from ya'll.
I got a good surprize today. My daughter came in town and we spent the whole day together. She said that she couldn't come on Sunday until late and couldn't stay long which upset me but she surprized me today. I got to spend the whole day shopping, eating (which came back up), getting our hair done, watching a movie and just chatting. It was one of the best mother's day I have had since she moved out to go to school. I am 5'2 and 214 and I am still in size 20/22. I wish I was in 16's. I did buy a dress this week that was a 18. I was real excited about that. I would also like to be in onederland by my bandanniversary. I am on that new medicine and it keeps me active so I might just make that goal. I go to the doctor this next week to talk to him about why I keep losing my food. I don't want an unfill. My hubby went out tonight and it has been nice to just chill after my busy day with my daughter. I think I am going to go now and enjoy the rest of my quiet evening. Talk to ya'll later. HUgs
Sherri I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your son's baby. Most of the time we don't understand why God does the things he does but maybe your son wasn't ready to be a dad yet. My thoughts are with him and his girlfriend as they grief. I think going on a trip for your 25th anniversary is a wonderful idea. I think it will give you and your hubby time to regroup and get things out in the open. What a way to bond with someone when you are all alone on a road trip. Good luck with that. When is that going to be? Step- I have a friend who had that knee surgery and she did fine. I think you will do well and will soon have all those pounds off. Please remind us again before your surgery date so we can say prayers for you. Well since I started taking the new medicine (appetite suppressive) I have had so much energy that I have worn out my hubby this weekend. It has been so long since I felt like getting off the couch and go somewhere that he was shocked. We went everywhere. I had a blast bet he had to stay home from work on MOnday to recoop. LOL I think I am actually losing a little weight. Last night I lost my dinner and this morning I lost my breakfast so I have been taking it easy today. I feel better now though and I have plans to spend the day shopping with my mom tomorrow. I am going to have to get a hobby that keeps me active or my mom and hubby are going to get worn out alot. I thought that I needed a fill but after last night I don't know. I am going to the doctor next week to talk to him about it. Anyway I just wanted you guys to know what is going on with me. I will talk to you all later. Hugs
Sherri what all do you eat to be only eating 300 to 400 calories a day. I can't imagine that little amount. I am starving all the time and I try to stay at 1000 or so. I think I might need a fill but not sure. I haven't lost any weight since the first of the year. Sad so sad. I don't know what else to do. I am not going to starve myself though. I am getting in all my protein and then I have little calories left for anything else. Well I did go to the store today and got some cheese that I am going to try. I just got through eat my salty snack for the day (about four or five Combos) and I don't think that they are going to stay down so I guess I better go. Everytime I throw up my hubby asks me what am I doing and I tell him I am doing what I do best. LOL
Don't worry there is no way I can only eat 500 calories a day. I ususally eat around 1000 and that is if I am good. I think I might get a fill so I won't be able to eat as much. I don't know yet. I tried to drink some Cyrstal Light tonight but it just doesn't do it for me. I like my diet Sprite. I don't really know much tonight but I just wanted to let you guys know you don't have to worry about the 500 calories. I don't know about the meds yet but I am thinking about it. I just get real hungry especially at night. Well I guess I should go. I am so proud of all you that are doing good. And Sherri I don't think I would get an unfill usless you really think you need it. You have been at this point before. Just a thought. I miss your emails. GOd bless you all. Hugs
Hey guys! Sorry I didn't write yesterday about my doctor visit. I was real upset and down and didn't feel like doing anything. This is my regular doctor not my surgeon. She just moved into a new office and everything is computerized. I felt like she wasn't listening to me at all. She was too busy trying to work on the computer. She said that it was all new and had to work the kinks out. Which made me feel like she really didn't care about me just her computer. She didn't help me at all with my weight problem at all. I ask her if I could get some appetite suppressants to help with my hunger and she said okay and then told me to eat 500 calories a day. Can you believe that!! 500 calories!!! I can eat 500 calories in two meals. How can I eat that less? I can be done with the day by noon. No fair. I don't know what to do. I also told her about some of my aches and pains but she didn't pay much attention just wanted to get it into the computer and to make sure I was up to date on all of my tests. I am really down and I don't know what to do. The name of the medication is Phentermine if anyone of you has heard of it let me know. SOrry to be a downer today but I am hungry and I don't have any more calories for today.
Hey guys. If you were interested we were not effected by the big storm that went through Texas. I am trying to eat more protein and see if I can lose some weight that way. I read on one of the sites here that eating more protein will help with weight loss so I have increased mine. I go to my regular doctor on Thursday and I hope she will help me do something. I am hungry all the time but I don't think I need a fill because I am still tight on some things. I will let you guys know how it goes. Talk to you later. HUgs