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Baylor Mom

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Baylor Mom

  1. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey guys!!! I am still having problems getting on to this site. It keeps telling me my password is incorrect. I hope it is fixed for now. Well I am not losing any weight. I know I need to exercise but I just don't feel like it. I have some exercise equipment at the house but I just don't have the energy. I mainly lay on the couch all day and watch TV. I have never been this lazy before. I get out only when I have to. I know this sounds like a sad lifestyle but I think I am getting used to it. Does this happen to any of you? I am hungry all the time and I try to eat low cal foods but they don't feel me up or they come back up. I am going to my regular doctor this week so I am going to talk to her. I already had blood work up done and I am on the low side of anemia but not anemia. I do take vitimins though. I don't know what to do. Anybody got any suggestions? I sure could use them. I miss talking to all of you and I hope my computer doesn't knock me off again. I agree with Sherri about writing at least once a week just to let everyone know how you are doing. I will try to write as much as I can. Talk to ya'll later. Hugs
  2. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey guys!! Sorry that I haven't written in awhile. I have had computer problems and then I couldn't get back on this site. But I am back now and I am glad. I am still not losing any weight but I am holding my own. I know I need to exercise more and I plan to someday lol! I still am struggling with eating the right things. I can eat the junk food much better than I can eatfood that is good for me. But I am trying to. I probably don't need a fill but maybe a supplement to curve my appetite temporarly. I seem to be hungry all the time but when I eat I can only eat a little at a time. Just all those times adds up and I don't lose. I am going to ask my doctor next time I see her. I am so glad to read about all of your progresses and your stories of success. I hope that this site will let me stay on and I promise to write more often. Hugs
  3. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Well guys the doctor said that my red blood count is borderline low. She said that I needed some fresh air. I opened the window in the livingroom and I do feel better. I am going to open the window in my bedroom tonight and see if I can sleep better. She said that the rest of my bloodwork was good. I don't have the report yet but when I get it I will let you know what it said. I have been sore today so haven't done much. I am doing a little better on my eating but still caving in to those sweets sometimes. I guess bad habits are hard to break. Well I hope you all are having a great week. I look forward to hearing from you all. I love you all so much. Hugs Great going Chris!!!:clap2:
  4. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey guys. I am not feeling much better. I still have been having the headache all the time. I also don't have any energy. So if I don't write much right now it is because I don't feel like it and not that I don't love you guys. My blood sugars are doing better since the doctor took me off some of my meds. I am now waiting for my blood workup to come back so I can do something about these headaches. I will let you guy know how that goes and all. I need to drink alot of water but I don't have time because I sleep too much right now. Well I will keep you guys posted.
  5. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey guys I got booted off this site and then I had to change my password to get back in. What a pain. I wanted to let you guys know that I am still alive. I am using a different computer and that could be the problem. I went to the doctor today because my blood sugar levels are low. She did some lab work and she thinks I might be anemic. Maybe that explains why I have had a lot of headaches and lack of energy. My meter broke and I just recently got a new one. I was surprized at my low numbers. I still take medicine for my Diabetes but the doctor took me off some of them. I will have to wait until next week to find out about my lab work but I hope she can find out why I feel so bad all the time. Other that that I am doing great. I had a good time with my daughter this weekend. It is her birthday today and last weekend I took her to get her hair done. I am going to post a picture of her and me after we got our hair cut and highlighted. I then will post a picture of her and her daddy. Just so you guys can see what a hunky hubby I have.
  6. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Sherri - I feel the same way that you do. I haven't lost any weight in a long time and I am hungry all the time. I don't seem to have any willpower to stay away from things that I shouldn't eat. I have been sick but now I think that I am using that as an excuse not to exercise too. I don't work and so I just lie around and watch tv and sleep all day. Yes I am ashamed of myself and no I don't like to post much on this site anymore because of it. I think that you should get a fill. I have 3cc in my 4cc and had some problems but now things are getting better. I am trying to eat better stuff and it is staying down better. I am glad that I didn't get an unfill. Cheer up I know things will change for us both soon. We need to make it happen. We're buds to the end. Guys I don't know much so I will say goodnight and I hope you all have a great day tomorrow. I am always reading ya'lls post even though I don't post as much anymore. God bless!!
  7. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey guys. Just an update on me. I am still having headaches. I think it is Sinuses. I am tired of it. I am doing a little better on my eating. I have had some good food the past three nights. That is good for me. I am trying to eat good and keep it down so I won't have to get an unfill. I promised my doctor that if I can keep good food down for a week that I don't need an unfill. I have to pay out of pocket for it and with no floroscope or anything. Scary. I don't know if I trust my doctor to do it blindly. I will have to some time but not for a little unfill. So that is where I stand right now. I have some things to get done before I can go to bed so I need to go but I will always be around. Sherri I am still praying for you girlfriend. Hang in there and pm me if you want. Mary I am still praying for you family and yes God does still perform miracles. Love all you guys and I hope you all have a great week this week. Hugs
  8. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Mary I will be praying for your nephew too. I am so sorry to hear about him. My hubby and I are both praying for you all. PLEASE keep us informed on how he is doing. Sheri I am having the same problem that you are having. I must eat too fast or too big of bites. I have not been able to keep healthy food down in awhile (but junk food goes down great). I am going to the doctor tomorrow and find out what to do. I hope he doesn't want to do an unfill because I fought so hard for this last fill. I think the lack of good nutrition has also causes my headaches and my very lack of energy. I will find out more tomorrow and let you (all of you) know. Jane I am not exercising at the time because I am suffering from sinus headaches I think. I also don't have any energy at all so I just lay around all day. I really don't know what to do about my eating but I hope the doctor can help me tomorrow. I haven't lost any weight in a long time and that depresses me. I think that I am in a vicious cycle of lack of energy, depression, and hunger or eating the wrong foods. My kitty is telling me it is time for bed so I will let you guys know what the doctor says tomorrow. Good night evryone. HUGS
  9. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Sherri I thought you got your fills in Mexico. I live in Texas so I think that I am way out of your way to your fill. Oh well, maybe someday you can take a trip to Texas ans come and visit me. Yes Susan I have some pain sometimes in my port. I don't know what it is but it usually goes away. I am still trying to eat the right things. I think I need to sit down and make a list of the things that I should be eating and try to make a plan to eat by. I am just eating junk food. It goes down so easy and I sure hate puking. Thanks for the reinforments on why I got this band and what I should be doing to lose weight. Question to anyone who wants to answer. Why is diet soda so bad for us? Good night all!! I hope you all have a great Sunday. HUgs
  10. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey Sherri I know exactly how you feel. I am the same way. I am hungry but only for junk food and when I try to eat good food I pb. Hey when you go to get a fill what direction do you go? Do you come through or near Fort Worth? If you do you could stop by and visit or even spend the night. I only have a couch to sleep on but it is comfortable. Just a thought. Let me know. I would love to meet you and get a chance to visit with you. Well guys I have cabin fever. I have been stuck in the house for over a week now. I don't see the weather getting better until next week. I just sleep to help pass the time. My bed and the TV is what keeps me going during this time of the year. I hate being cold although I hate being hot worse. I guess with the weight not coming off very fast and not being able to eat right has got be a little down. I hope to get things back on track soon. I need to go to the doctor but haven't worked out my insurance yet. I hope to get that cleared up soon. I don't know anything else that is going on with me but I will write when I know something new. LOve you guys. HUgs
  11. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey guys!! We are in the middle of an ice storm right now. It is supposed to get really cold tonight and then everything will freeze. I hope my hubby doesn't have to go to work tomorrow and if he does I hope he get there safely. I have been suffering with a sinus headache all last week and this extreme cold doesn't help. I have a question for ya'll. When I try to eat something that is good for me like meat or eggs I have a problem keeping it down but when I eat something that is not a wise choice like 100 calorie cookies or chex mix I seem to keep it down fine. Now why is that? I can even keep Diet Sprite down better than water. Now why is that? Please all you wise people tell me what is happening to me. I am not losing any weight either. Please help!!!
  12. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey guys!! I am having a problem with my insurance. We changed this year back to a HMO from a PPO last year. (That was the only way to get my surgery) and I found out that my surgeon is not on my new plan. I don't know what to do and I hope to get it worked out. I can't even get a fill without insurance. There is a doctor that is on my plan that works with my surgeon group so maybe I can get in with him. I have an appointment on Thurdsay but I don't know if I can go yet. I will keep you guys informed. I have one pair of jeans and I can now pull them off with out even unzipping them. I think I need a new pair. Penney's has a sale on their jeans so hubby and I are going on Friday. I even have a gift card from there so it won't cost me much. I am still able to keep stuff down but I can sure eat more of the stuff that is not so good for me. I think I might need a fill. I am stuck again on the same weight but next week I will be back ti exercising and that will help. I have such a terrible sweet tooth it is incredible. During the holidays I was a bad girl and now I am still trying to be good. Thank goodness for sugar free candy. Well my kitties are on the mend and doing well. The big one is still stopped up but the little one can now have regular litter instead of shredded news paper. They are my little angels. Well I need to go and get ready for bed. I am so glad that a lot of you wrote this week. I am glad to hear from some of you that I haven't heard from in a while. Glad to hear that you all are doing good. I will be back tomorrow. Goodnight all. HUGS
  13. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Sherri - you are welcome. they are very easy to make and that doesn't make me a good cook. You can ask hubby. He fixes his own meal most of the time. I am glad that you liked them. I am back to 215 too so don't feel too bad. We will do it now that the holidays are over. I hope you have a happy new year too. YES I will do the valentine challenge. I would like to lose 10-15 pounds by then. I think that I need another fill. I have been eating alot during the holidays and now I can eat more than I want to. I am going to get back on track with the exercising and stuff soon. I have had sick cats. My big cat is getting better every day. My baby had his claws removed yesterday so he is being pampered alot. I haven't left him alone much today. Now he is sleeping which is good. I don't want him to get sick again so I am keeping him away from the big cat. Which is not an easy task. I am doing better with my eating and I hope to meet this challenge and beat it. I need to get back to my baby so I will talk to ya'll later. HUgs
  14. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Happy New Year Everyone!!!! I hope you all are having a great time this evening. I am at home stuck here watching the ball drop with nothing else to do. My hubby is being a stick in the mud tonight and he is no fun. I am so glad that he goes back to work on Tuesday. I got my house semi-clean so it won't be so bad to wake up to in the morning. Now that you know my plans for this evening tell me what you guys are up to tonight? Sherri you should be getting something in the mail soon. Hi Jane and a welcome to Lynn. I hope you all are ready for a loser of a year in 2007. I dedicate the year to losing weight. I don't like to make resolutions because I always break them so this year is just the year to lose weight. Well I got to go stop another cat fight. I will be glad when we get the baby kitten's claws out.
  15. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey guys I got a Web Cam for Christmas. Do any of you have one? I don't know how to use it well yet but I am experimenting with it. I think you have to got to instant messenger in order to see me and talk to me. If any of you have it I am open on instant messenger. It is AT& T Yahoo messenger. Let me know if you have it and can connect to it. I would love to talk to you and see you as well. My hubby went all tech this Christmas. He bought a new camera that we don't need but he wanted it. I did get some nice things this Christmas. I had a good time with my hubby's family and that went smoothly and then just having my daughter here helped a bunch. I am so blessed to have a great kiddo. I couldn't have asked for a better Christmas. I hope all of you had a great christmas too. I have to go take a shower. I will be back in a while. Love you all. HUGS
  16. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey guys. I had a great Christmas. I have not done good on the eating part but it will be getting better soon. I am going to run out of sweets and I will be forced to get good stuff again. I am shooting for Jan 1st to begin working hard on my eating right and my exercising. Oh my cats are fighting so I have to go break them up. My big kitty is still sick. Talk to ya'll tomorrow. HUGS
  17. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Thanks Susan. I am glad that you liked them. They are easy and they taste good. I made a bunch yesterday to give to relatives tonight. They liked them and they wanted a batch fot themselves. Happy Holidays to all of you. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday. I will be without computer for a day or two so I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you all and I am having a great time with family. (Especially my daughter) Well I am off to church and to a wonderful Christmas. LOve you all. HUGS
  18. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Well the whoopie pies are made and they turned out pretty good. I made the first batch real big because I didn't know what I was doing. But the rest of them are much smaller. I hope my mom likes them. I have one more batch of cookies to make and then to the pralines. I usually never cook this much at Christmas but my husband's family if coming her on Christmas eve for the evening and I want to have so goodies for them. I am very excited to have them this year. Then my daughter and her hubby will be here and I hope they are ready to eat because I will have lots of stuff for them too. I am still trying to coax my sick cat into taking his medicine but so far I haven't had any luck. I am going to try ice cream and if that doesn't work we are going to have to force it down him. Yuck. It is a mess because he is stubborn. Well I hope you all have a great weekend and a great Christmas. I will be around and will try to write back when I can. My computer is on the kitchen table and we will have to move it to eat. So I will write again when I can. Love you all. HUGS!!!!!
  19. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Well my pinwheel cookies turned out better than they did last time. I tasted one and they are not bad. I think I am cookied out. I am not goingto make anything else today because I don't have enough ingredients to. My hubby came home sick (although we think it is from one of his medicines) and is sleeping. He will proabably sleep all night so I am on my own again. I will be glad when he has some time off so I can see him. He just comes home from work and goes to sleep. I am going to try and find something on TV to watch tonight. I have to go take care of my sick cat. He won't come out from under the bed and I have to feed him under there and give him water under there. I hope he hasn't done any business under there. Well I will be back after I get these cookies put up and feed the cat and see what is on the tube. TTYL
  20. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    She sounds precious. No I am not finished with the cookies yet. I messed up last night and I have to redo them today. It pays to read the instructions and not try to make shortcuts especially when you have never made them before. They are called Chocolate Peppermint pinwheels. They are hard to roll up. The first time they grew when they baked to the size of disc's. Hubby took them to work and they got eaten. I hope this batch turns out better. Then I have to bake 3 batches of pralines and I am making my mother some whoopies pies. (KInd of a chocolate cake/marshmellow type cake) So I am still busy with the baking. I ran out of some ingredients so when I get out tomorrow I am going to pick up some things so I can finish. I hope your time with your granddaughter is special. I bet she is spoiled. I know that if I had one it would be. Talk to you later. HUGS
  21. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey Sherri I weigh the same as you do. Cool!!! I wish I had a grandchild but not until my daughter is ready. I wish I could babysit yours for you. How old is she? I hope you don't pass that stone when she is there. It might be scary for her. I hope things go fine for you and your granddaughter and you two have a wonderful time together.
  22. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Well I successfully made more cookies today. Yes I tasted some of them. I know I am a bad girl but I can't help it. I made it and I want to see what it tastes like. I won't eat any at Christmas because everyone will be watching me so I have to eat them now. I hope that a lot of you over the holidays can write and give us an update on how you are doing. Some of you haven't written in a long time. Take some time over the next week and write us a little note. My hubby's family is coming here and then we are going to my mother's house. So we are not going out of town. My daughter and hubby are staying with us so I am looking forward to that. I hope if any of you go out of town for the holidays that you have a very safe trip. Those staying home this year I hope your holiday is very special. Love you all!!! HUGS
  23. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Here is a picture of my big kitty Thomas. I hope this works. I can't seem to turn it around. You will have to turn your head sideways.
  24. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Christmas cookies and candy are what did it for me. I lost 5.5 pounds in one week. I don't know how this works but I like it. I know it won't last but I have one more week before this is all over for me. I am going to enjoy it while it lasts. lol
  25. Baylor Mom

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Well the cat is still alive. I finally got him out from under the bed but he hasn't eaten or drank anything all day. My hubby is coming home from work at lunch and we are taking him to the vet. I hope the vet can see us then. I really need my hubby to help me and he is his cat (well he is both of ours but he likes hubby better). As I am writing this I am eating a cookie and some milk. I know that is not what I should be eating but hey it is a Christmas cookie and they are magic. They don't have any calories. LOL After the holidays I will be a good girl again. I did lose 1/2 pound today so I am doing something right. Who knows maybe cookies make me lose weight. Nah!! To good to be true. Well I got to go put the clean sheets on the bed and get ready to go to bed. I hope you all have a great week and please write and let us know how you are doing. See ya!! Hugs

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