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Everything posted by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

  1. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Thanks Apples. You know I love you and your posts.
  2. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Cheri's fart Flu. ROTFLMAO. Poor you. I went and got some enzymes to restore some sanity to my system. Helped a lot with the smell. I now keep a can of Lysol to spray in my classroom. I probably could have powered a small city with the methane I produced. I know I cut loose in the car on the way home from school. My husband got in my car a few hours later and came back in the house sputtering about the stink. I think that the inability to throw up much or burp because of the band forces everything out the other end giving it more time to decay to perfection. Arlene, I hear you on the love but not always like. I'm sure my DH dislikes me intensely at times. He was so mad at me for waking him up after only 5 hrs of sleep (he works nights) when I returned during mid'afternoon from my mom's with two grandchildren along with my son who was working on our bathroom that he bundled himself up and took a blanket and tried to go to sleep in the car in the garage (not with the engine running) when it was in the teens outside. Asked him how that worked out for him and he laughed and said he was too mad to sleep.So I told him it was probably better that he'd taken his mad outside. My son and i had all we could do not to bust up laughing when he went out there. Tim was incredulous when i told him why I thought he'd gone outside. But I know my DH quite well and knew he was doing his passive-aggressive thing trying to make me feel guilty. Doesn't work anymore cause I gave up guilt for Lent. LOL He only ends up punishing himself. By the way, Janet, I just wanted to thank you for commenting on how glad you are that I joined this thread. I'm glad I joined, too, and I wanted to thank you for starting it and for keeping it going for so long. I think its an inspiration for many. Cheri
  3. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Yay Tina. I'm assuming you work the steps. They help with this addiction, too. One day at a time, one meal at a time, one bite at a time. Cheri
  4. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Well, with my assistant's help all the money has been spent. I'm waiting for quotes to come back and then I'll make a final tally after discounts have been put in. Then I just have to send it in. I'm going to go in for just a couple of hours on Thursday to polish it off. Some things might be denied but at least I tried to spend all the Federal money. Arlene and Melissa, I understand that need to have just that little something sweet. Even if its just fruit. But I also know that in order to lose the weight, I have to have days where I don't even have fruit or veggies. It's the only way I can turn off the carb cravings. Also, if you're not eating carbs and you're eating high Protein, you don't store the fat as fat. Your body will use the fat as fuel. Believe it or not, you can eat more calories and experience more satiety with no carbs. I still haven't gone totally no carb but I'm just within my weight range so the urgency isn't as great for me. I only want to lose 1 or 2 lbs. But when I did need to really lose, I had days where all I ate were Protein drinks and meat. Man did I lose. But don't beat yourself up. If you save some healthy carbs for supper only and they are combined with a lot of protein, you will not shoot your blood sugar up much and you'll still spend most of your day in fat burning mode. Somebody on this thread said their Dr. believes in staying in ketosis, which you wake up with since you've been fasting, as long as possible throughout the day. He actually only drinks undoctored coffee all day and only eats at night. Now, that won't work if you're diabetic, but sticking to protein all day with no carbs will keep you in fat burning mode, just not to the same extent. Save your carbs for supper when you're starving. Then, don't eat again the rest of the night. Since neither of you seems to be able to totally say no to the carbs, even for a day, try doing that. Jessica, thank you so much for sharing with Tina. I knew you had a lot in common with her. I'm so glad everyone shared those feelings from when they were struggling and contemplating getting the band. Tina, you are not alone. Cheri
  5. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Good morning, We got snow and now freezing rain. Lots of accidents, but most people going slow enough to not be hurt. Crazy weather all over the world. Huge amounts of precipitation in record amounts. Including unusual places like Las Vegas. Compared with some of the pictures I've seen we have it relatively easy here in Chicago. Gotta go back in to work this morning to finish my project. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to spend $24,000. I don't just want to load up on junk that won't get used. If we'd had more time I would have used the money to send myself for training in some things, but that takes forever to put together. Anyway, there's plenty to do before the party at my house Christmas Eve. Have all presents, just need to wrap them. Staying out of the stores almost totally. Too tempted to buy things for myself. I have to keep remininding myself that my goal is going to Europe and getting my basement finished. Found out my niece got engaged and is getting married next summer. Hope it's not while I'm in Europe. We seem to have our family reunions whenever one of our kids gets married. I'd have a very hard decision to make. Meredith, hugs. Feel better soon. Cheri
  6. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Tina, sounds like you've been through a lot. But you're taking important steps back to health. Glad your Dr. figured out the hypothyroidism and hope they can do something about it. I know I had a panic attack before the surgery, but went ahead anyway. Best decision I've made in a long time. I think you have every reason to be angry about your two conditions and what they combined to do to you. But you're angry at yourself instead of at the conditions. We all deal with sh!!. Things that aren't fair. Getting angry is a healthy response unless you turn it in on yourself. We become enraged instead of outraged. Once you accept that you're angry at what's happened to you you can move past it to acceptance. It is what it is. Then you move on to do something about it. And that's what you're doing. Be proud of yourself. You can do this! Cheri
  7. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Tina I would suggest that you get yourself in for some counseling and possibly on meds. Otherwise I'm afraid you'll sabotage yourself even with the band. Many of us have had to use meds and receive counseling and some of us still do. Our obesity is often part of a broader syndrome of low self-esteem, abuse, failed relationships, and, in my case, ADHD. You want to be in the best mental state as you go through this process. Take your anger at yourself and channel it into fighting your disease. Tell yourself you will not let your disease win. Do whatever it takes to make that happen. We're here for you and we'll be your biggest cheerleaders. But getting a grip on this disease means getting a grip on the issues that are making us sick. You can do it. We're here to help. Joyce, so sorry about your knee. I haven't had any trouble with my knees, but I had the surgery done by one of the best knee specialists in the country who put in a knee with some of his patented improvements that give me a lot more range of motion. You may need therapy again to rebuild the knee without injuring it. My tree has the little white/gold lights and still has some old ornaments on it, but I threw out a bunch that were pretty decrepit a few years ago and when I went shopping I saw some really cool cranberry/maroon red ornaments and added more gold ornaments of which I already had a lot. I buy a lot of wrapping paper and bags at after Christmas sales at Target so multicolored presents. My tree is skinny to fit in the corner and needs lots of ornaments to fill in the gaps. I also have deep red wreaths and pillows on the couches. Multicolored lit ropes of evergreen draped here and there. Can also see the multicolored LED lights wrapped all over our front porch through the big picture window and its side windows. I love looking into my living room with all its lights through the porch lights and I love looking out. Cheri Cheri Cheri
  8. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Apples, sorry about the test results on DH. My ex got it after he left me. He's doing well,
  9. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Happy Anniversary Arlene. Prayers, Tex. Welcome Tina, Choo, choo, Melissa. You can do this. I slipped yesterday. Shouldn't have committed to carb free on a Sunday when I know we're going out. But I held it in check and today I'm doing well. Just going to get another Protein Drink. Sometimes I have to have a lot of Protein drinks the first day I'm back on all Protein. The next day I'm usually able to cut down as my body loses its cravings for carbs. Apples, so glad you had such a good time with your 'grand'kids. They sound like a stitch. Mine are always so glad to see me. Absolutely warms me up inside. Got a lot done today. Finishing touches tomorrow on the project. My assistant is a huge help. Arlene, one of these years I'll go on a cruise. The Alaskan ones sound fascinating to me. Gonna try to get some cards done. Might arrive after Christmas but who cares. Gotta wrap presents. Gotta shop for parties. Got a few more little toys to pick out. Lori, post or e-mail me your crockpot potatoes recipe. Walked this morning early at the community center for third day in a row. Needed a break from walking all the steps at work anyway. Nice walking track free to all. I was awake by 5 a.m. Won't really be relaxed enough to sleep in till after Christmas. All projects should be complete. Cheri
  10. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Tomorrow I have to do the paperwork and make the decisions with my principal on spending $24,000. I am also trying to finalize the details for spending $1,400 for Parent Involvement. After Christmas I have to spend $13,000 for Professional Development. All these come with huge restrictions on what it can't be spent on and what it can. It's been an exasperating process going back and forth between various people to see what is likely to be approved and what won't. Still don't have all the answers I'd like but I have to have the paperwork in by Jan. 3. I actually am panicking about this. I'm ordering somethings that are very high tech and I am by nature very low tech. However, I can see the advantages of these things in teaching and I am going to have to master them. You would not believe how the thought of having to learn the technology filled me with fear. I don't even post pictures on here or do any of the ticker things or change my FB profile page because I find the process so frustrating. So pray for me tomorrow that we will make wise decisions that will benefit my program and help the kids be successful academically. Cheri
  11. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Hi all, I'm Grandma Cheri to distinguish me from other Grandma's. It got started because my daughter, Rachel, was dating a man with two daughters so I told her to have them call me Grandma Cheri. They had no other grandmas and were quite delighted to call me that. Then Rachel had David and the rest is history. Lory, I think your menu was perfect. But I have seen people get into a competition or be afraid to return the favor because they were afraid of not having as nice a supper or not having as nice a house. Since I'm not a domestic goddess, especially working full-time, I'm just as likely to order pizza. The main thing is, provide a comfortable atmosphere and enjoy your guests and let them enjoy you. I've got Christmas Eve this year for the first time in years for Ken's family. They will be having it in my still uncarpeted, unbathroomed basement. But Thanksgiving with my parents and all mine and Ken's kids went well and this will, too. I changed things up from other parties, limiting gift exchange to female and male grab bags of no more than $10-15. And I told them I'd provide Merlot and Zinfandel, but if they liked other drinks they should bring some for themselves and a few to share. I don't keep a bar at my house and Ken and I seldom drink. Everyone's bringing an appetizer or dessert and I'm ordering pizza. My motto for entertaining is KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid. Charlene, it is absolutely OK to laugh at my posts. I deliberately go from the sublime to the ridiculous because that's what life is like. My own foibles and the foibles of my loved ones are fair game as long as I'm not hurting them. And they don't read this. Thank God. I need a safe place to unload about them. And turning my sense of humor loose on them helps me to cope with them. So go ahead and laugh. Cheri
  12. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Not singing in my church choir. Could be doing it but I'm on tail end of a cold and don't want to force my voice. Plus, I'm backing away a little and hoping some other altos will pick up the slack. I'm going to my son's church at 11. They have their Sunday School program and he, his wife, and his daughter are all in it. He has a speaking part as a shephard. He's a great big guy with a beard so that was an automatic casting. I think Skylar is a sheep. Maybe she gets to baaa. I'm going to go walk at the community center. It opens at 8 a.m. on Sunday. Gotta wear off yesterday's party food. Didn't pig out, but definitely consumed many calories. So, back on Protein train today and until Christmas Eve. Cheri
  13. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Apples, I agree. No guilt. Various people pick up on various people. It all comes out in the wash. I've never been able to remember or post on all the posts. Too bewildering. Too much activity on this thread. You post and find out 2 other people were posting at the same time. Great minds and all that. Love, Cheri
  14. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Phyll, Zooey seems incredibly smart. What kind of mix is she again? Have a great trip. Be safe. Cheri
  15. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    I am up early despite not needing to be. I was so tired last night that I was in bed by 10:30 even though I'd slept in yesterday morning. And I'm so used to waking at 5 a.m. that I had to force myself to stay in bed till 6. Lori, we all knew what you didn't. Your party was going to go great. So glad for you. The hostess with the mostest. The trick is not to overdo and overwhelm people. Otherwise they feel uncomfortable and like they can't compete. Hopefully, they'll invite you back but that doesn't always happen. Some people are just not entertainers. But you can always suggest going out to eat the next time you get together if no one picks up the ball. I used to do more entertaining till my first marriage started turning bad. And my current husband is a social loner and can make people feel very uncomfortable. I never know if he's going to launch into a monologue and monopolize the conversation or, in the case of the small church group we were part of, turn on the leader and basically imply that he thinks small groups are intrusive and that he prefers keeping things private. That was his way of saying farewell. He burns bridges behind him. He's better with relatives but we have no friends as couples. He has no friends period. Except me. Generally, with me he's fairly considerate and easy to live with. But I've learned not to rely on him for emotional support. Didn't get that with my first marriage either so that's nothing new. Girlfriends are better. I used to get a lot of support from other young mothers from church and then at Alanon and at OA meetings, but life and work have made it hard to have friends outside of work. So I love having you all as friends who can be my support group. I am much better at expressing myself in writing than I am talking. Plus, its easier to avoid areas of contention like politics and religion. I talk about my faith but pretty much avoid details of religion or pushing it on people. People tend to turn rabid on politics and religion and it brings out a side of them you wish you hadn't met. That includes me. Karen, got your snowman. So cute. Thanks. Getting cards. Don't know if I'll get any out this year. I'm going to try to do it today, but its been too hectic and I've been too worn out with work. Gotta go in tomorrow and Tuesday to work on purchase orders for this extra Federal money that came in for NCLB. There are so many restrictions on spending it and so much paperwork. My assistant and my principal are both coming in to help me. I didn't go to Joi's memorial service at the school Friday night. I went home and just didn't want to go back. My daughter called and asked if I'd babysit the boys while she finished some shopping and I just felt the need to be with my grandchildren whom I could hug and kiss and wrestle with and tickle and chase. Too much grief this year. Cheri
  16. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Sandi, Sounds wonderful. I've done almost all those things in Chicago and know exactly what you were talking about. Everyone needs a day like that at Christmas. Cheri
  17. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Drain is fixed. Party was fine. Sons and granddaughters left while we were gone and cleaned up the bucket of chicken and mashed potatoes and mac and cheese we left for them. Told them to take what was left home and they did. Ken has to leave for work in an hour. Poor baby. This working midnights till 8:30 a.m. is very hard on him now that he's back to 5 days a week. However, it is helping to pay for the Christmas bills and the basement renovations. Most of my extra money has been going into paying for my choir tour to Europe next summer, so I'm glad he stepped up to the plate and increased his hours. I was bugging him because he's allowed to make a certain amount in addition to his social (he's 63) and he had dropped to 2 days a week too soon to earn his full amount. Now he'll be close. And he's going to keep working 5 days a week for at least several months in order to get the whole basement finished. Then, even though he doesn't realize it, there are other projects to get done on this house and since I'm physically unable to do them and he makes a disaster of any home improvement project, we'll have to pay to get it done. He's going to be 64 in March and once he's 65 he can work full time all year and still collect his social. It's not that what he does is taxing. He's a guard at a gated community and the hardest thing he has to do is stay awake all night and push the button to raise the gate. It's the hours that are stressful, and getting the schedule he wants. I just want to get this house finished before I retire so that we can either sell it or enjoy it. Laura K, enjoy the dating. I know I did 11, 12 years ago. I sometimes wish I had not been so quick to get remarried. I had a blast. Felt like a teenager in a lot of good ways. Never had much fun as a teen but I did then. Got to flirt and have fun. Ended too soon. Cheri
  18. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Aargh! My son came to work a little more on the downstairs bathroom. He installed a fan. Then my husband took a shower in the upstairs bathroom which we'd had Bathfitters redo two years ago. The drain was cracked and leaking which we wouldn't have found out if my son hadn't been down there when Ken took his shower. I've been watching my son's daughter and her cousin while Tim did the work. But now Tim has decided he'd better fix that immediately. Its raining down on the new drywall in the downstairs bathroom. So I called my other son, Jon, and told him to come over, too, and he can help his brother and baby sit his own daughter as well as Tim's daughter. Ken and I have been waiting for Tim to finish so we could go to a party tonight. I just sent Ken out for a bucket of chicken for my sons and their daughters and handed a hunk of $ over to Tim to pay for parts. But we are going to blow this pop stand and go to this party. We look forward to it every year. My friend and his partner throw this party every year. We used to head up an Alateen group together so this is a no booze party but the food is incredible. This house has been an albatross in recent years. When something new happens, all I can do is laugh. It beats crying. Cheri
  19. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Lori, everyone is right about how beautiful you are and gracious your behavior is. You have a beautiful and very welcoming smile. You put people at ease quickly. Me, I tend to stick my foot in my mouth when I'm nervous or even when I'm having a good time. It's the ADHD. Thought in head comes out the mouth instantly without a filter. People who don't know me take offense and even people who do know me can be put off and I'm often not even aware of it. My make-up is such that most offensive things people say roll right off my shoulders or don't even register. When they apologize I have to think to even remember the incident. I also make it a choice not to take offense and not to assume the other person meant to hurt me. I often wish people would grant me the same grace. You, on the other hand, are so afraid of hurting others feelings and of making them feel good that you make the perfect hostess. Relax, and enjoy your guests. Cheri
  20. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Melissa, gas can push on that area and cause discomfort. Especially in the evenings. Then I fart in my sleep and feel much better in the morning. Also, stomach can be swollen and irritated and that goes down by morning. As you eat less and reduce your carbs and lose weight it may go away a lot. See what happens during the 5 day pouch test. Remember salty foods can swell your stomach and cause pressure. Laura, sorry you're so physically miserable. One of my kids had that. Wierd thing. Today was a planned station break from the choo choo train as will tomorrow. However, I had lost the 2 lbs this morning after 2 days on the train. Tomorrow I also have a party to attend. So Monday-Christmas Eve I'll be back on the train in preparation for being able to eat on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I don't try to be a martyr about food on days when I'm surrounded by goodies because I'll just end up craving those foods and over-eating later. I will say this again for those who need to lose weight. I lost by doing no carbs for 2 or 3 days in a row and then adding some healthy carbs for another couple of days. At least once a week I would have a higher carb with some sweets day. I steadily lost weight doing this. It's what I do for maintenance also. And I follow the 2 lb rule. If I gain 2 lbs I get back on the Protein train. Two or three days of no carbs (and I include fruit and yogurt in the carb category for those days) was the key for me. It always brings my carb cravings back under control. Sandy, I do not have it all together. I have binge days, but then I get back on the protein train. A word of encouragement for those still losing. My metabolism picked up after I lost the weight. I believe I reversed some or most of my insulin resistance (I was bordeline diabetic) and my metabolism picked up. With the increased activity I naturally did without the weight on, I can stay in shape with just half on hour of climbing stairs and walking hallways most mornings at work.The rest of the day I run up and down the stairs many times without even thinking about it. I stand up and move around to teach instead of staying in my seat. I'm doing more housework than I did. I roughhouse with my grandchildren and run all over with them on weekends. So I am able to eat more than I could when I was maintaining at a higher weight partly because I'm moving more. Not exercising more, moving more. I also take exercise breaks to give my joints and muscles time to heal and to keep shaking up my metabolism. Some of you who are extrememely carb sensitive and insulin resistant may not experience these results to the extent that I have, but you may be as pleasantly surprised as I was. As always, you need to take what you like and leave the rest when it comes to advice on this thread. What works for one may not work for another. We share our experience, stkrength and hope not as mandates but as inspiration. You can do this. I am an ADHD food addict. We are a subcategory of food addicts with the worst record of success in losing and keeping off weight. We are unable to journal food or pre-plan food and are ruled by our impulses. By accommodating my disorder instead of fighting it, I have made a success of weight loss. I got a tool, the lapband, which I felt would help me with the boundaries I lack. I have a support group on this thread to help keep me on task. I do not try to stick to a rigid food plan. I only do total no carbs a few days at a time. I don't count the carbs, I simply avoid them. I don't count calories. I don't count anything. I don't record anything. Those are the things that drove me right back into the food in the past because they force me to try to be good at what I've never been good at, thus inducing the guilt that used to accompany being ADHD. And guilt drives me back into the food. So I gave up guilt for Lent, not food. Instead of eating food to help me concentrate and the weight to weigh me down and keep me in one place, I allow my ADHD to get me moving and wandering. If I wander upstairs to warm up my coffee and forget it in the microwave its a great excuse to run up the stairs again and go fetch it. So don't give up. If I can do it, anyone can. Cheri
  21. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Hi all. Protein train chugging along smoothly. Just finishing my filet mignon. Gave away a box of turtles I got today from one of my students. Gave a bag of goodies from another to my husband to hide as soon as I got home. Yesterday I had to eat a lot of Protein to stop the carb cravings. Today I needed a lot less. That's the way it works. Tomorrow and Saturday I will be having some treats because of parties. I promise here that I will not pig out. But Sunday and until Christmas Eve I'll be on the protein train again. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day I make no promises. LOL. So chug chug choo choo, off I go. With a few stops. Cheri
  22. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Hi guys. So far so good. Stuck to meat and Atkins shakes and bars all day today. Have a chicken broccoli kiev in the oven right now. Has a few but not many carbs. One more day of extremely low carbs and then I'll add some back. Nuts are Ok as long as they don't trigger pigout in me. Just a few in a salad are good. A few berries in my salad. No more than that. A couple of pieces of chocolate a day eventually. But if they trigger bingeing then they've got to go again. Since I'm at maintenance a couple of days of no carbs usualy drops 2 or 3 lbs and puts me back where I want to be. Then I have to be careful or it comes right back. Very hard this time of year. For me, the two lb rule really works. Gain 2 and I have to go on 2 days of no carbs and then a few days of lower carbs to stabilize. The Protein train has always worked for me. Choo,choo! Cheri
  23. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    All aboard people! Join us on the protein train. We can do this. Cheri
  24. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    No 100 calorie anything! Not for me anyway. Sets me off. They're still carbs and can still trigger binging. One is never enough. The same with fruit. When you are limiting carbs, just the taste of a grape can get you off and running. Fruit is not free. It is full of sugar. Apples make me hungry. My stomach starts growling and I'm starving after I eat one. Even nuts can trigger my cravings. Right now I'm filled with cravings. Mostly chocolate which seems to be everywhere. But we really ave to understand that even yogurt has sugar that can trigger cravings. I was most successful when I eliminated as many carbs as I possibly could. When I get to the point where I am right now, it means I have to go back to the basics. Protein, protein, protein. With no carb-laden sauces. I wish I liked veggies more, but I don't. Can't eat hard-boiled eggs, however, make me pb. meat and Protein drinks are the best way to get back on track. Eventually, add some other things, but to start you need to go hard core. If you've gone off the rails with your food you have to go back to basics. No sugar or starches--not even whole grains. Add whole grains and a little fruit later on. I really believe you have to cleanse your body of carbs to eliminate the cravings. Its what I need to do. I'm under huge stress at work right now. Found out I have until Jan 3 to spend $40,000 in things for my classroom and the school through Title I and II. This is an unusual situation. Some federal money that came in. However, I'm very restricted in what I can buy. It has to meet certain qualifications. I also have enormous amounts of paperwork to fill out. I'm actually going in to work over my Christmas vacation to meet with the principal and hammer this out and get it all done. Aargh. I'm already looking through catalogs and sending e-mails and working around an obstructive facilatator whose head I went over through my principal. It means an unbelievable amount of work, and, eventually, a complete re-arrangement of my room, and me having to learn a whole lot of technology and I am the original technophobe. Coming on top of an emotionally rough couple of months, my eating wants to get totally out of control. This is the kind of situation that totally triggers my ADHD which is not at all good with details and paperwork. And I medicate my ADHD with food. I'm back up those couple of lbs I lost and I need to get them back off. So that's my rant. I can't play with carbs when I'm like this. And I suspect that many of you can't either. Am going to get back on the protein train. I strongly recommend that those of you who are struggling climb on board with me. Cheri
  25. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Great, The main thing for a hostess is to provide the setting. Most people are quite capable of entertaining themselves. However, having a game like Catchphrase or Outburst can help break the ice, especially with a large group. We played Catchphrase at the work party at my house. Teacher's got to show off how smart they are. But people are happy just eating food and talking. Like Apples says, a question or two and most of them are off and running (off at the mouth). Julie maybe this is your turn around. Was August 2009 when they manipulated your frozen shoulder under anesthetic? Glad they're taking you seriously. Melissa, you're back on the horse, big girl panties and all. I was surprised how deeply my thoughts on aging parents affected so many of you. I guess many of us are going through this. Sometimes I'd love to be a columnist. Write about what takes my fancy or stirs my passion on that day. Listen to people's responses. Talk it out until the next topic occurs. I could see myself doing that. Just watched Nanny McPhee. Love that movie. Cheri

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