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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

  1. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I had synvisc injections in both knees for a year or two. They just delayed the inevitable. I went to a Dr. who I knew would do both knees at once. He did my dad's, too. Sometimes you're limited from choice by insurance as to Dr.s but its worth investigating. I knew my back would be completely blown out if I did the knees separately. I did great. My knees are one of the few joints that work the way they're supposed to. My Dr. was Dr. Milt Smit of Kankakee. He is part of OAK Asociates. Orthopedic Associates of Kankakee? This is in Illinois. He also patented improvements on the knee that allow a lot more bendability in the knee. The Mayo Clinic actually has recommended him.
  2. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    About exercise. Over-exercise can be a problem for food addicts who become compulsive about it. Its officially a form of bulimia like throwing up and laxative abuse. Yes, exercise has many benefits. The key is balance. Live a balanced life. If your job is sedentary you do need to compensate. I don't think Apples needs to exercise. I do. But I try to do things I enjoy that stimulate me and aren't boring. I'm also very careful because of my arthritis. Overdoing any one exercise leads to repetitive stress syndrome and worse arthritis in my joints. Anything that gets you up and moving is generally good. I've actually seen desks designed around a treadmill so people with sedentary jobs can walk while they take phone calls and work on their computers while they walk. They're actually more productive. Scattered shorter periods of exercise throughout the day are actually more the way our bodies were designed. If I could dance my way through the day, I would.
  3. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Incline Boards--not for everyone, but they can save a lot of money with chiros and phys. therapists. I had my husband help me for a long time to make sure I was OK hanging upside down, and could get myself back up and not stroke out or something. They can be tricky to get just right. I like them because I don't like anyone stretching or manipulating any part of my spine. Chiros and phys.thera. have over stretched an manipulated me in the past and put me in more pain. I have overly stretchy tendons and joints that once stretched do not return to normal. This puts too much play in my joints and is part of the reason I have so much arthritis. Yoga also did more damage than good. I've had major neck surgery with a lot of bone removed in order to relieve pressure on herniated discs. When I hang almost upside down, its my own body weight gently relieving pressure on all my discs, and my hips, without manipulating or deliberately cracking, twisting or forcing. With all my herniations and spurs and previous major surgery, this is the only safe way for me to go. I control the stretching out and reallignment. My daughter has avoided back surgery by using this method. I'm at least holding off having more surgery.
  4. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I was at my family reunion. Basically anything that strengthens the muscles around the knee. Sit on a chair with your knees bent. Slowly straighten out your leg till its extended straight in front of you. Hold for increasing amounts of time. Alternate legs of course. Do throughout the day. Stand at the kitchen counter and hold on. Stand on tiptoe and tighten those quads. Go up slowly and down slowly. Finish each rep by rocking back on your heals, body straight, holding on the the counter (by the sink, so you can grip.) Keep your toes curled up and off the ground and hold for increasing counts. Lie in bed on your back with your knees slightly bent. Extend your lower leg and straighten leg and hold. Alternate legs.Do with toes pointed and then do with toes curled back. Water walk with knees slightly bent. Go backwards and forwards. You can also water walk sidways. Stretch out one leg till you're in an upside down y position, then pull the other leg towards it till you're straightened up. All water exercises should be done with only your head above water if possible. Any form of kicking movement in the water will also strengthen your knees. Just do everything in super slow motion so you stain nothing.
  5. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    A Relative Thing

    Thursday, August 6, 2009 A Relative Thing I'm going to be with my brothers and sisters, mom and dad, and other assorted relatives over the next few days. I'm looking forward to it. It was one of those spontaneous get-togethers my family does, a couple relatives going to be in the area, so a few others decided to come, too. I've been doing a high protein very low carb diet for 3 days in order to jumpstart my weightloss. I'd stalled while waiting for my first fill in my band (Aug. 11). I wasn't gaining and was losing very slowly but I wanted to see if I could feel any restriction from my band and eating mostly meat is supposed to do that. It did. I had to eat the meat very slowly and even stop for a few minutes in order to be able to continue eating a decent quantity. I wanted to feel free to not worry about the food while with my relatives. The band will still give me some restriction; I've dropped a few more pounds, and varying my food actually keeps me from getting bored or feeling deprived. I'll keep protein first, but allow myself a little of this and a little of that and not feel guilty. My plan is to go back on the high protein afterwards until my fill on the 11th. I suspect I won't have to worry about restriction for a while after that. All I'll have to do to feel restriction will be to go on an almost all meat diet for a few days. I love meat but I can't ever pig out on it again. It'll be interesting to see what it'll be like to not be totally about the food while around my family. Its supposed to thunderstorm so we'll all be indoors together in a relatively small cottage and I won't have food to protect me. I will have grandchildren there and as I talked about yesterday, they can keep me totally occupied. I frequently spell their various parents and take over watching one or two of them so my kids can mingle with their cousins. Today I took care of my two grandsons. I spent 4 hours putting together the wooden Thomas railroad for Joshua and a complex geotrax train system for David while Joshua slept. David and I played trains for a long time. I showed him how to switch tracks to not always successfully avoid collisions between our two trains. I was sore from bending over the tracks for so long but I was so completely absorbed in creating the system that I had no trouble not eating. That's what I need to do for the next couple of days--become so completely absorbed in the people around me that I don't even think about eating. It's part of developing that mindfulness and choosing to be present that food insulated me from in the past. I won't be posting the next couple nights unless an issue comes up that I really need to deal with. The Lord watch between me and thee while I am gone. I have no idea where I heard that, I think its Irish, and I think its cool.
  6. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    A Relative Thing

    Thursday, August 6, 2009 A Relative Thing I'm going to be with my brothers and sisters, mom and dad, and other assorted relatives over the next few days. I'm looking forward to it. It was one of those spontaneous get-togethers my family does, a couple relatives going to be in the area, so a few others decided to come, too. I've been doing a high protein very low carb diet for 3 days in order to jumpstart my weightloss. I'd stalled while waiting for my first fill in my band (Aug. 11). I wasn't gaining and was losing very slowly but I wanted to see if I could feel any restriction from my band and eating mostly meat is supposed to do that. It did. I had to eat the meat very slowly and even stop for a few minutes in order to be able to continue eating a decent quantity. I wanted to feel free to not worry about the food while with my relatives. The band will still give me some restriction; I've dropped a few more pounds, and varying my food actually keeps me from getting bored or feeling deprived. I'll keep protein first, but allow myself a little of this and a little of that and not feel guilty. My plan is to go back on the high protein afterwards until my fill on the 11th. I suspect I won't have to worry about restriction for a while after that. All I'll have to do to feel restriction will be to go on an almost all meat diet for a few days. I love meat but I can't ever pig out on it again. It'll be interesting to see what it'll be like to not be totally about the food while around my family. Its supposed to thunderstorm so we'll all be indoors together in a relatively small cottage and I won't have food to protect me. I will have grandchildren there and as I talked about yesterday, they can keep me totally occupied. I frequently spell their various parents and take over watching one or two of them so my kids can mingle with their cousins. Today I took care of my two grandsons. I spent 4 hours putting together the wooden Thomas railroad for Joshua and a complex geotrax train system for David while Joshua slept. David and I played trains for a long time. I showed him how to switch tracks to not always successfully avoid collisions between our two trains. I was sore from bending over the tracks for so long but I was so completely absorbed in creating the system that I had no trouble not eating. That's what I need to do for the next couple of days--become so completely absorbed in the people around me that I don't even think about eating. It's part of developing that mindfulness and choosing to be present that food insulated me from in the past. I won't be posting the next couple nights unless an issue comes up that I really need to deal with. The Lord watch between me and thee while I am gone. I have no idea where I heard that, I think its Irish, and I think its cool.
  7. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Second Childhood

    Wednesday, August 5, 2009 Second Childhood I want to be like a little kid. When I go babysit my grandkids I'm totally there to play with them. I'm not there to clean the house or do the dishes or cook. Its not that I don't heat up food and serve it and, of course, I change dirty diapers, but mostly I just want to play. I may read books, sing nursery rhymes, bounce them on my knee while singing Yankee Doodle Dandy, walk around the block, tickle, wrestle, dance, or pretend. Pretending is great fun. My four-year old grandson, David, made up the game "baby bird." I lay on the bed with my knees up and he crawls under my knees and pretends to hatch from an egg. His little brother tries to do the same thing. We do this many times before they get tired of it. Then David reaches up and pulls the string to turn off the light above the bed and we all pretend its night. They both crawl under the covers next to me and I start to snore. Then David sneaks out from under the covers, turns the light back on, and crows like a rooster to wake me up. I startle awake and he laughs everytime. Lately, when we go for walks, he wants me to pretend to be "that mean lady." He tells me to be cross. He means Cruella DeVille. Then we go around the block and I order him to steal Dalmatian puppies. He goes and finds a "puppy" and puts it in a "cage" behind the bulldozer he's driving. When I'm with my three-year old granddaughter, Skyler, the first thing she does is tell me, "You want to make a castle with me. Let's go get the blocks." This is not a request. She also looks for the presents I've given her so we can play with those. One year old Leah wants me to read to her. She likes the wierd voices I use. She loves to point to pictures and show off all the words she knows. Without grandkids, I wouldn't sit in sandboxes and build sandcastles. I wouldn't wade in little pools. I wouldn't squirt with the hose. I wouldn't chase the kids through splash pads at the park. I wouldn't push them on swings and bounce them on teeter-totters. I wouldn't sit in the bathroom and let them play in the tub as long as they want. I have patiently put together intricate railroad systems and built log cabins and cool castles only to watch them get destroyed in less than 5 seconds. And then I do it over again. I'm never in a hurry or rush them through things. I am totally in the moment with them. You know, I never eat or think about food while I'm actually playing with my grandkids. When they watch TV its a different story, but I have really made it a point now to do things with them and basically they make sure I do. I'm better than TV. Arthritis limits me to a certain extent as did the weight, but now that I've lost 30 lbs I'm having more fun than ever with my grandkids. Fun. Play. Dance. Laugh. These are all much better things to do than eat. Jesus said you have to have the faith of a little child to enter into his Kingdom. He said the Kingdom belonged to the children. I guess I've entered my second childhood.
  8. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Fantastic that your weight is down and you BP is so much better. Getting back on my feet after knee replacement was a big psychological boost for me. Walking without pain, wow. Do your excercise to strenthen the muscles all around the knee for fast recovery.
  9. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Half-way. Cool. You're doing great. So good to hear from you. I surely do know about chasing 2yr. olds.
  10. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Good for you and Sooverit. Victories are marked in many ways, not just in pounds lost. I'm planning on a family reunion this weekend. I plan to play hard and not worry about my food. I did a 3-day proteinfest with very few carbs in preparation. I'm going back on it after the weekend because its already gotten me losing again. First fill Aug 11. Hang in there everyone. Have a fun weekend. I plan to. My blog yesterday was about Second Childhood. Playing with my grandkids has turned me into a little kid again. And I don't eat or even think about food when I play. So for everyone this weekend my wish for you is that you play. IF YOUR STOMACH OFFENDS YOU, TIE IT OFF
  11. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Hang in there everyone. Have a fun weekend. I plan to. My blog yesterday was about Second Childhood. Playing with my grandkids has turned me into a little kid again. And I don't eat or even think about food when I play. So for everyone this weekend my wish for you is that you play. IF YOUR STOMACH OFFENDS YOU, TIE IT OFF
  12. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    The past three days I cut my carbs way down and upped my pure Protein. As in meat without much added sauce or gravy. I immediately lost weight. Not less calories, different quality calories. Couldn't eat as much either. Felt full almost immediately. I'm going to a family reunion for two days and I'm not going to worry much about food. I'll eat a little of whatever looks good. After the 3 days of protein I can tell my band will still restrict me. Then, after that, I'm going back to the very low carb thing until I get my fill on Aug. 11. I think if I alternate very low carb days with some higher carb days (but still emphasizing protein) I'll lose. Kind of a lose/maintain cycle. Laura, hope you're able to come home soon. Blessings on you, your father, and your family. I love the McCrack crack. Julie, I actually hang from an incline board because I have trouble with my whole spine. My neck has been particularly bad. It can be very difficult to tell what comes from my herniated discs and what is internal issues. A tight band gives me pain in the same places my neck does. For a while, I had referred pain going back and forth between them. Hope you get relief soon. Hang in there everyone. Have a fun weekend. I plan to. My blog yesterday was about Second Childhood. Playing with my grandkids has turned me into a little kid again. And I don't eat or even think about food when I play. So for everyone this weekend my wish for you is that you play.
  13. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Second Childhood

    Wednesday, August 5, 2009 Second Childhood I want to be like a little kid. When I go babysit my grandkids I'm totally there to play with them. I'm not there to clean the house or do the dishes or cook. Its not that I don't heat up food and serve it and, of course, I change dirty diapers, but mostly I just want to play. I may read books, sing nursery rhymes, bounce them on my knee while singing Yankee Doodle Dandy, walk around the block, tickle, wrestle, dance, or pretend. Pretending is great fun. My four-year old grandson, David, made up the game "baby bird." I lay on the bed with my knees up and he crawls under my knees and pretends to hatch from an egg. His little brother tries to do the same thing. We do this many times before they get tired of it. Then David reaches up and pulls the string to turn off the light above the bed and we all pretend its night. They both crawl under the covers next to me and I start to snore. Then David sneaks out from under the covers, turns the light back on, and crows like a rooster to wake me up. I startle awake and he laughs everytime. Lately, when we go for walks, he wants me to pretend to be "that mean lady." He tells me to be cross. He means Cruella DeVille. Then we go around the block and I order him to steal Dalmatian puppies. He goes and finds a "puppy" and puts it in a "cage" behind the bulldozer he's driving. When I'm with my three-year old granddaughter, Skyler, the first thing she does is tell me, "You want to make a castle with me. Let's go get the blocks." This is not a request. She also looks for the presents I've given her so we can play with those. One year old Leah wants me to read to her. She likes the wierd voices I use. She loves to point to pictures and show off all the words she knows. Without grandkids, I wouldn't sit in sandboxes and build sandcastles. I wouldn't wade in little pools. I wouldn't squirt with the hose. I wouldn't chase the kids through splash pads at the park. I wouldn't push them on swings and bounce them on teeter-totters. I wouldn't sit in the bathroom and let them play in the tub as long as they want. I have patiently put together intricate railroad systems and built log cabins and cool castles only to watch them get destroyed in less than 5 seconds. And then I do it over again. I'm never in a hurry or rush them through things. I am totally in the moment with them. You know, I never eat or think about food while I'm actually playing with my grandkids. When they watch TV its a different story, but I have really made it a point now to do things with them and basically they make sure I do. I'm better than TV. Arthritis limits me to a certain extent as did the weight, but now that I've lost 30 lbs I'm having more fun than ever with my grandkids. Fun. Play. Dance. Laugh. These are all much better things to do than eat. Jesus said you have to have the faith of a little child to enter into his Kingdom. He said the Kingdom belonged to the children. I guess I've entered my second childhood.
  14. I'm so sorry. I pray that God will heal your body and allow you to get pregnant.

  15. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Christian bandsters

    There are so many reasons we eat. Part of it is we're wired that way. Some of the additional issues I've identified in my life are being ADD/ADHD, codependent, chronic pain, and depression caused by all these things. I really get into the details on all these issues in my blog at IF YOUR STOMACH OFFENDS YOU, TIE IT OFF Just click on it and start reading it from the beginning on June 10. Maybe you want to start your own blog or journal to explore your own issues. Abuse is often a contributing factor as well. It can be emotional, physical, spiritual, or sexual abuse. ADHD/ADD women get extremely bored in the evenings when their projects are done so they use food to stimulate themselves in the evenings. Find something that totally grabs your attention, a hobby, swimming, journaling, walking, whatever will keep you so absorbed you won't think about food.
  16. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

  17. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Julie, have you gone back to either of your surgeons to see what's going on either with your band or the gall bladder surgery? Especially with your history of medical complications, I think I'd want more than a chiropractic adjustment and opinion.
  18. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Christian bandsters

    Hi everyone. Time to get this thread going again. People check it looking for hope and help. As Christians they're already beating themselves up for having this disease and accusing themselves of gluttony and sloth and who knows what all, not understanding that that's the Accuser talking and not God. We have a disease that may require a medical solution. The guilt should lie in not using the means God has provided through modern medicine to help us. The band is a tool, a medical intervention that is proving to be a medical miracle. I am a 57 year old woman with ADHD/ADD who has recently found out that ADHD/ADD women with food addiction would be voted least likely to succeed by scientists studying those with obesity who are receiving behavioral and nutritional help to try to lose weight. We can't plan meals, keep a food journal, count calories, carbs, or points, for any length of time. Thank God for my band. To follow my journey, you can read my blog at IF YOUR STOMACH OFFENDS YOU, TIE IT OFF
  19. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Sooverit, keep it up, it was a great present to yourself. I'm 5'9", was as high as 237#, Just hit 207#, and am going for 167#. I'm 57. My insurance did pay because I have 3 co-morbidities. I'm getting my first fill Aug. 11 and I'm hoping to hit goal by my B-day on Dec. 30, the Lord willing. I'm already so much healthier I can't believe it. Keep posting people. You never know when someone's just reading these posts and getting the inspiration they need.
  20. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    LOL Meredith. Crazy dream. Laura-hugs. Oco--hugs to you 2, so sorry about your dad. Those of you struggling with food, hand in there. Progress is getting back on track. I've actually gone to very high Protein hardly any carbs for a few days to jumstart my weight loss. I've already lost and am down 30 # now. Got a family reunion this weekend so will not even try to stick to Proteins only. Then I'm going back on high protein till I get my first fill on August 11. I always lose on high protein and am not hungry if I avoid all carbs but veggies, and since I'm a big meat eater, that works for me. In fact, I'm starting to feel a little restriction with the denser less moist proteins. For me, the moister the meat, the more I eat. Take care everyone. xoxoxo
  21. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Dealing with Snack Foods

    Tuesday, August 4, 2009 Dealing with Snack Foods Snack Foods. The perfect food for ADHD people. Grab and go. Don't have to cook, put together ingredients, shop for those ingredients, remember which ingredients to shop for. They're full of all the taste and flavor (mostly artificial) ADHD people crave. They provide the stimulation we seek when the TV shows don't cut it all by themselves (most don't). They also provide the majority of the salt, sugar, and fat that shoot up our blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure. Just thought of something slightly amusing--or maybe alarming. My name starts with ch and so do many of my favorite snacks: cheetos, chocolate, chips (taco, potato, pita). It is so much easier for me not to eat them now that they're not in my house and my husband's not eating them in front of me. He might have a secret stash hidden somewhere but I never see it and he never eats it in front of me. America's food industry, like the tobacco and alcohol industries, has a lot to answer for. All of them know they're dealing with addictive substances and do their best to make them even more addictive with chemically designed addictive additives in addition to those old standbyes--salt, carbs and fat. Oh, and let's not forget chocolate and caffeine being increased and put in all kinds of new products. Many are designed to appeal to children and teenagers. Did you know a lot of teenagers are now having lapbands? The obesity epidemic is out of control among our young people. I see the food parents put in their kids lunches or that kids pack for themselves. Some start hauling snacks out of their lunch bags and backpacks as soon as they arrive at school. Those with healthy snacks trade with those with all the unhealthy snacks. Schools are eliminating snacks from their cafeterias and vending machines, but the kids just carry them with them. I don't have an answer for this dilemma. I am nutritionally quite well-educated. Didn't stop me from eating snacks. The best advice I get on the topic is don't expose yourself to the snacks. Keep them out of the house. Ask people not to eat them in front of you. In situations where exposure is unavoidable, it might be better to eat just a little bit of those things that most appeal to you than to ruin your good time spending all your effort not eating those things. Fortunately, I've got the lapband to let me know when I've had enough. Especially if I start with higher protein items the band will help me limit the snacks. The key will be to get right back on the food protocol once the party's over. Right now, I don't have a lot of restriction and have slowed way down on weight loss. I have a family reunion this weekend. All my siblings and some nieces and nephews and their children (along with my own children and grandchildren) will be together. Food will be a big part of the reunion. So, for three days before the reunion I'm eating protein almost exclusively, a protein shake for breakfast, meat for lunch, and meat and a veggie for supper, with milk in my iced latte in-between meals. I noticed yesteday already that when I just eat meat without a lot of moistening agents, I can still feel some restriction in my band. I already lost 2 lbs. That puts me at 30 lbs total weight loss. When the weekend is over, I'll probably go back on high protein until I get my first fill on August 11. I'll probably be back on a liquid protein diet for a few days after that, so my stomach can heal. That should jumpstart the weight loss again. I hope the Dr. puts in enough fill to give me restriction. Otherwise I'll go back 2 or 3 weeks after to get another one. I have few clothes that fit me. I'm going through my closets trying to decide what's worth taking in, which of my "skinny" fat clothes fit me now, and what to give to Goodwill. I've started going to thrift stores, since I will not be at this weight for very long and don't want to spend money on clothes. I can't buy ahead because I don't know how fast the weight will come off. But these are good problems to have. I've dropped one cholesterol med and one blood pressure med. I'm seeing if I can do without my stomach med since I ran out of it and won't be seeing my regular doc for 2 more weeks. I get to see my relatives this weekend and I'm not going to worry about food! God is good all the time. All the time God is good.
  22. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Dealing with Snack Foods

    Tuesday, August 4, 2009 Dealing with Snack Foods Snack Foods. The perfect food for ADHD people. Grab and go. Don't have to cook, put together ingredients, shop for those ingredients, remember which ingredients to shop for. They're full of all the taste and flavor (mostly artificial) ADHD people crave. They provide the stimulation we seek when the TV shows don't cut it all by themselves (most don't). They also provide the majority of the salt, sugar, and fat that shoot up our blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure. Just thought of something slightly amusing--or maybe alarming. My name starts with ch and so do many of my favorite snacks: cheetos, chocolate, chips (taco, potato, pita). It is so much easier for me not to eat them now that they're not in my house and my husband's not eating them in front of me. He might have a secret stash hidden somewhere but I never see it and he never eats it in front of me. America's food industry, like the tobacco and alcohol industries, has a lot to answer for. All of them know they're dealing with addictive substances and do their best to make them even more addictive with chemically designed addictive additives in addition to those old standbyes--salt, carbs and fat. Oh, and let's not forget chocolate and caffeine being increased and put in all kinds of new products. Many are designed to appeal to children and teenagers. Did you know a lot of teenagers are now having lapbands? The obesity epidemic is out of control among our young people. I see the food parents put in their kids lunches or that kids pack for themselves. Some start hauling snacks out of their lunch bags and backpacks as soon as they arrive at school. Those with healthy snacks trade with those with all the unhealthy snacks. Schools are eliminating snacks from their cafeterias and vending machines, but the kids just carry them with them. I don't have an answer for this dilemma. I am nutritionally quite well-educated. Didn't stop me from eating snacks. The best advice I get on the topic is don't expose yourself to the snacks. Keep them out of the house. Ask people not to eat them in front of you. In situations where exposure is unavoidable, it might be better to eat just a little bit of those things that most appeal to you than to ruin your good time spending all your effort not eating those things. Fortunately, I've got the lapband to let me know when I've had enough. Especially if I start with higher protein items the band will help me limit the snacks. The key will be to get right back on the food protocol once the party's over. Right now, I don't have a lot of restriction and have slowed way down on weight loss. I have a family reunion this weekend. All my siblings and some nieces and nephews and their children (along with my own children and grandchildren) will be together. Food will be a big part of the reunion. So, for three days before the reunion I'm eating protein almost exclusively, a protein shake for breakfast, meat for lunch, and meat and a veggie for supper, with milk in my iced latte in-between meals. I noticed yesteday already that when I just eat meat without a lot of moistening agents, I can still feel some restriction in my band. I already lost 2 lbs. That puts me at 30 lbs total weight loss. When the weekend is over, I'll probably go back on high protein until I get my first fill on August 11. I'll probably be back on a liquid protein diet for a few days after that, so my stomach can heal. That should jumpstart the weight loss again. I hope the Dr. puts in enough fill to give me restriction. Otherwise I'll go back 2 or 3 weeks after to get another one. I have few clothes that fit me. I'm going through my closets trying to decide what's worth taking in, which of my "skinny" fat clothes fit me now, and what to give to Goodwill. I've started going to thrift stores, since I will not be at this weight for very long and don't want to spend money on clothes. I can't buy ahead because I don't know how fast the weight will come off. But these are good problems to have. I've dropped one cholesterol med and one blood pressure med. I'm seeing if I can do without my stomach med since I ran out of it and won't be seeing my regular doc for 2 more weeks. I get to see my relatives this weekend and I'm not going to worry about food! God is good all the time. All the time God is good.
  23. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Apples, I'm beginning to understand why you had trouble stopping the weight loss and regaining some weight. You must never stop moving. I suspect you need more calories than those of us who are more sedentary. Have fun with your Aussies. Were they surprised at your weight loss?
  24. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Welcome Lisa. I think some people have elastic skin that returns to normal and some don't. Not sure it has anything to do with speed of weight loss. I pb'd (productive burped) a couple of times. Once a laxative I swallowed before bed came up and exploded in my throat. Blech!! Once I had pita bread that expanded in my stomach. Don't know about protein bars but I'm sure you'll check the labels. Janet (Indio Girl) might know more. But whatever happens, you are not alone. You have us. Keep coming back.
  25. Hi Giselle. Thanks for commenting on my blog. Sent you a friend request. You should see it in your notifications at the top right of the page.

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