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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

  1. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Did go down the slide today. Also rode a carousel. Kept 2 DGSs happy at various playgrounds while daughter shopped. They are so much fun. Totally off BP pills. BP consistently below 120 over 80. WHoo hoo! Did I tell you I'm in the suit I got married in in 2000? Very elegant. If its cool enough I can wear it to my high school and college reunions in Oct. Got some very busy weekends coming up. Can't access this site from work during day so will be posting briefly. Please keep expenses down for FL trip.
  2. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Going to be with grandkids today. Go out with them and my daughter. Maybe to a playground where I can go down the slides. Wheeee. Have a great labor day. Meredith, great pics. You look wonderful. The one of the sky and Water is coffee-table-book gorgeous.
  3. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    I'd love to get Oprah considering and learning about lapband. Send her a link to this thread and to my blog http://ifyourstomachoffendsyoutieitoff.blogspot.com
  4. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Greek Food and Monkey Bars!

    Saturday, September 5, 2009 Greek Food and Monkey Bars! My first full week of school really kicked my butt--need the extended weekend to recover. Lost a couple more pounds. I brought several items to stock up at school. I love the peel-a-can tunas and chicken. I have some applesauces and low-sodium V-8s. I also have some protein shakes. None of them need refrigerating, they're all pre-measured amounts. So far, that's working great. Whoo hoo! I'm at a 40 lb weight loss--30 more to go. I tried on the outfit I got married in in 2000 and it fits! Its very elegant and will fit even better by my October reunions. Went to a Greek restaurant tonight and had my first glass of wine in forever. It tasted really good and I used it to moisten my appetizers since I'm so restricted and I did want to enjoy my food without pb-ing. Had some flaming Greek cheese, some stuffed vine leaves(pork and rice) with yoghurt, and ate some of the spinach filling out of some spanokopitakia or something like that. My husband also ordered a salad and I had a few bites of that. I love sharing appetizers. My husband is a very slow eater and I used to gobble my food and then have to sit there and wait while he finished eating. It took forever. Now, I'm eating more slowly and much smaller bites than him. I actually ate for an hour and didn't eat too much! What a change.Wonderful food. I only had 2 protein shakes all day so I could enjoy my meal out without guilt. Then we parked where we could walk to downtown Chicago and just walked around enjoying the crowds and the sights. I had walked in the morning for an hour, too, so got plenty of exercise. I got called to sing on the praise team tomorrow morning so I'll be up bright and early since we practice before the early service. That's always a great start to my Sundays. Had a granddaughter (3yrs.) demand that her dad take her over to see me, so she was over a few hrs. today. She's a stitch. Talks non-stop. Huge words. Took her to the park and was actually able to go down the slide with her. Haven't done that in a long time. Haven't been able to do that in a long time. I also climbed up a sloping set of monkey bars with railings to show her how to do it. Never thought I'd do anything like that ever again either. I also crawled through a tunnel, but that killed my fake knees. Hope to see a few more grandchildren this weekend. My mildly autistic grandson is very dear to my heart. He's 4yrs old and I see him and his little brother (2yrs) a lot. They get so excited when they see me. Grandkids are the best therapy. And now I can play with them better than ever. I think I'll take them to the park and go down the slides with them and climb up the monkey bars (but no tunnels.) I love the new designs for playground equipment. So cool. I'm really into this second childhood thing. Whoo hoo! God is good, all the time, All the time, God is good.
  5. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Greek Food and Monkey Bars!

    Fifty-seven is only a number. My body is very arthritic and I've had a number of surgeries to keep me moving, but that's the point--keep moving.
  6. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Thanks people. Its such a relief to be in Onederland. In fact, its onederful. Having good restriction is very much the key. I'm careful, too, of course, and I follow the rules of the tool. Went down a slide with a grandchild for the first time in forever yesterday. WHeeeee!
  7. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Doodle, explain NSV. I'm thinking no small victory.
  8. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Great--rents are parents. I think morbidity rates as well as recidivism are higher for bypass. I think a lot of Drs. are against all WLS because they confuse the statistics for by-pass with the band. Unfortunately, no one has come up with something that works well on the addiction center in our brain, although they're getting close. When they can combine a drug with the appropriate surgery I think we'll be a long way towards effectively managing this disease which is no respecter of persons and is a life-long condition. Even then we'll have to deal with our issues because we won't have the food to medicate them anymore. If you've ever lived with a dry drunk (an alcoholic who isn't drinking but isn't working a program or dealing with their issues)you know exactly what I mean. We're on a Greek food kick. My husband brought home a huge Gyros the other day. There was so much leftover meat I just made a huge gyros, spinach, and feta omelette (of which I could only eat a very small amount). My husband loved it. Maybe there'll be some leftover for me for tomorrow. Check that. He just told me he ate the whole thing. Oh Well.
  9. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Greek Food and Monkey Bars!

    Saturday, September 5, 2009 Greek Food and Monkey Bars! My first full week of school really kicked my butt--need the extended weekend to recover. Lost a couple more pounds. I brought several items to stock up at school. I love the peel-a-can tunas and chicken. I have some applesauces and low-sodium V-8s. I also have some protein shakes. None of them need refrigerating, they're all pre-measured amounts. So far, that's working great. Whoo hoo! I'm at a 40 lb weight loss--30 more to go. I tried on the outfit I got married in in 2000 and it fits! Its very elegant and will fit even better by my October reunions. Went to a Greek restaurant tonight and had my first glass of wine in forever. It tasted really good and I used it to moisten my appetizers since I'm so restricted and I did want to enjoy my food without pb-ing. Had some flaming Greek cheese, some stuffed vine leaves(pork and rice) with yoghurt, and ate some of the spinach filling out of some spanokopitakia or something like that. My husband also ordered a salad and I had a few bites of that. I love sharing appetizers. My husband is a very slow eater and I used to gobble my food and then have to sit there and wait while he finished eating. It took forever. Now, I'm eating more slowly and much smaller bites than him. I actually ate for an hour and didn't eat too much! What a change.Wonderful food. I only had 2 protein shakes all day so I could enjoy my meal out without guilt. Then we parked where we could walk to downtown Chicago and just walked around enjoying the crowds and the sights. I had walked in the morning for an hour, too, so got plenty of exercise. I got called to sing on the praise team tomorrow morning so I'll be up bright and early since we practice before the early service. That's always a great start to my Sundays. Had a granddaughter (3yrs.) demand that her dad take her over to see me, so she was over a few hrs. today. She's a stitch. Talks non-stop. Huge words. Took her to the park and was actually able to go down the slide with her. Haven't done that in a long time. Haven't been able to do that in a long time. I also climbed up a sloping set of monkey bars with railings to show her how to do it. Never thought I'd do anything like that ever again either. I also crawled through a tunnel, but that killed my fake knees. Hope to see a few more grandchildren this weekend. My mildly autistic grandson is very dear to my heart. He's 4yrs old and I see him and his little brother (2yrs) a lot. They get so excited when they see me. Grandkids are the best therapy. And now I can play with them better than ever. I think I'll take them to the park and go down the slides with them and climb up the monkey bars (but no tunnels.) I love the new designs for playground equipment. So cool. I'm really into this second childhood thing. Whoo hoo! God is good, all the time, All the time, God is good.
  10. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Don't know if I mentioned it, but first full week of school really kicked my butt. Need the extended weekend to recover. Went to a Greek restaurant tonight and had my first glass of wine in forever. It tasted really good and I used it to moisten my appetizers since I'm so restricted and I did want to enjoy my food without pbing. Had some flaming Greek cheese, some stuffed vine leaves(pork and rice) with yoghurt, and ate some of the spinach filling out of some spanokopitakia or something like that. My husband also ordered a salad and I had a few bites of that. I love sharing appetizers. My husband is a very slow eater and I used to gobble my food and then have to sit there and wait while he finished eating. It took forever. Now, I'm eating more slowly and much smaller bites than him. I actually ate for an hour and didn't eat too much! What a change. Wonderful food. I only had 2 Protein shakes all day so I could enjoy my meal out without guilt. Then we parked where we could walk to downtown Chicago and just walked around enjoying the crowds and the sights. I had walked in the morning for an hour, too, so got plenty of exercise. I got called to sing on the praise team tomorrow morning so I'll be up bright and early since we practice before the early service. That's always a great start to my Sundays. Had a DGD (3yrs.) demand that her dad take her over to see me, so she was over a few hrs. today. She's a stitch. Talks non-stop. Huge words. Took her to the park and was actually able to go down the slide with her. Haven't done that in a long time. Hope to see a few more DGKs this weekend. My mildly autistic DGS is very dear to my heart. He's 4yrs old and I see him and his little brother Josh (2yrs) a lot. They get so excited when they see me. Grandkids are the best therapy.
  11. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Sweetheart, my sister is 6 ft, thin, and gorgeous. She draws eyes wherever she goes. She is so far from a freak just the thought is laughable. My assistant is at least 6 ft tall and thin and elegant. The PE teacher at my school is six two or six three, thin, and very attractive. AMong the Dutch, which I am, 6 ft is a normal height for women. I'm short at 5'9". I've never been a freak. Whether I was 137 or 237 lbs.
  12. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Onederland, Baby!

    Having great restriction is such a relief. I don't have to rely on my own misguided sense of how much I've eaten anymore.
  13. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Onederland, Baby!

    Wednesday, September 2, 2009 Onederland, Baby! So I'm now less than 200 lbs. I'm in the 100's. Whoo hoo! Onederland is onederful. I have a college reunion and high school reunion next month and people might actually recognize me without the weight. I feel like I got my face back. It was being held hostage by double chins and fat cheeks. My eyes looked smaller and now they're becoming a bigger, more dominant part of my face the way they used to be. I had long, long hair back in the day and now its at least shoulder length whereas a year ago it was pixie length. Today, my husband also finished getting the toilet, shower stall, and sink out of the downstairs bathroom, three of the hardest things we needed to get out of the basement preparatory to having Permaseal come in and make us that moat. He also got all the paneling and wallboard and ceiling panels down and got it all hauled away for free by a guy who wanted our old cabinet and sink and helped remove them as well as taking a heavy metal shelf set we got rid of out of the garage. My husband's probably saved us about $2000 by demolishing the whole basement himself. He's saved us the cost of renting a dumpster by making this deal with the garbage picker who wanted our metal shelves. What a relief! Now I've just got to figure out how to pay for the basement makeover, which job Ken is not even close to qualifying for. First we have to treat the walls with bleach before we cover them up again. Maybe I'll finally be rid of the smell of mold wafting up from the basement. It's not nearly as bad, but its still there. Taking layers off me, taking layers off the basement. Hope what's under my layers is a lot more attractive than what we've found under the basement layers. Eeuw! I have blinders on my eyes when it comes to the basement. I just don't look when I go down there and I try very hard not to smell. I think I put blinders on when I looked at myself in the mirror, too. Just don't see what you don't want to see. Lately, my church has been having slide shows of last year's events in order to promote this year's version of those events. There I am, magnified on large screen in all my plump glory in front of the whole congregation. Somehow, I never thought of myself as that fat. I need those reminders of how bad it got. I know I look much better than before. I don't always trust my eyes because I'm so capable of wearing those blinders. Its a relief when someone notices and confirms what my eyes are telling me. My body is telling me things are much better. I'm running up and down almost 50 steps at work without getting winded. I walk an hour most days. What used to take me 50 minutes to walk now takes me 40. My blood pressure is wonderful. I think I'll be off all meds for my bp very shortly. Hoping the same for my cholesterol. I feel great. I look a lot better. For today, that's enough. Onederland, baby. God is good all the time. All the time God is good.
  14. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I'm too ADHD to log my food, can't remember things like that from one minute to the next and would lose a chart or notebook in a heartbeat. So I weigh in everyday and I only use my home scale because they're all so different from each other. Mine is actually in the middle of the other Dr.'s scales. If I'm up I try to eat less that day. If I'm not going down I go back to liquid protein diet for a day or two to get me back on track. I did have a special diet pre-op. My Dr. wanted to do the one incision surgery on me and said it would be more likely if I shrank my liver with the protein shakes and then the clear liquids. He was right. One incision, very little post-op pain or discomfort. Have a great weekend everyone. Cheri
  15. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    That was me who sent the exercises. I was religiously faithful before surgery about the exercises. My Dr. told me to do them and I did. I had double knee replacements and was on my feet the next day and out of the hospital the day after that and walking outside without a walker within a week. When I was evaluated by the physical therapist I was told I was like someone finished with physical therapy. I had a top surgeon who specializes in double knee replacements and who has patented improvements in the fake knees that allow much more flexibility and get you back on your feet more quickly. The hospital had this contraption that kept my legs moving almost constantly, so I had a lot less swelling and stiffness once I got on my feet. My Dr. believes its much better to do them both at once, if you have the kind of determined personality I have. My father had both his done a few years before me and he was in his early 70's. You are. Wish I were as smart. I find technology frustrating. So sorry about your stepson. Remember, their feelings are not about you but about them. They're feelings not facts. Love the housewarming stuff. Still in onederful onederland. First full week of school kicked my butt. Trying to walk every night and I climb a lot of stairs at work. Hip pain has been waking me up at night--probably the stairs. Woke me up at 4 and had trouble falling back to sleep. Was really sleepy at work this morning, made me kind of punchy, but I can be more fun that way with the kids. I don't take myself or them or my lesson plans as seriously. Got a boring weekend planned. We never do much. We are going out to eat at a Greek restaurant tomorrow night. I'm thinking I'll get the stuffed grape leaves covered with a lemon sauce. That'll be easy to reheat in the microwave and we didn't try that at Taste of Greece last week. I'm singing on a praise team again on Sunday, which I love. Maybe we'll go to Navy Pier on Monday aft. and evening and dance a little and watch the fireworks. Haved a great weekend everyone.
  16. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Educating Primary Care Physicians about Lapband

    Sunday, August 30, 2009 Educating Primary Care Physicians about Lapband As with all surgeries, lapband can result in complications. The band can slip, infection can occur, some people are so good at eating around the band (using slider food) that they gain weight back, or they never go in for their fills. Some Dr.s don't seem to give very good advice to their patients about sticking to higher density proteins and not turning them into slider food by adding things like gravy to them. Some actually recommend that people "prime the pump" with liquid before they eat. Some Dr.s take forever to give their patients a fill that actually acheives restriction. Not all patients make sure they get the kind of support system they need to achieve success nor do their Dr.s The lapband is a tool not a cure. Other issues need to be dealt with simultaneously. If they're not, the band isn't as successful. So some primary care physicians seem to only be aware of the failures and are unwilling to recommend their patients for the lapband. They also don't distinguish between gastric bypass which is much more drastic and has many more severe complications and the lapband. They confuse the statistics for the two. I think a lot of these Dr.s really don't understand the nature of compulsive overeating. They keep thinking that if their patients just listened to them and followed the diets they hand them and had better nutritional education they'd lose the weight. But time and again, nutritional information and closely supervised diets don't help their patients. Over the years some have prescribed drugs that haven't helped and have actually harmed overweight patients. When I think of the money and time I spent on Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, Tops, OA, Atkins, and some wierd combination of thyroid and speed one Dr. put me on, it makes me angry. I had a Dr. who didn't believe in the band. She thought I could do it myself. I knew I couldn't. I had to go to a new Dr. anyway because of insurance so I tested the next Dr. to see if he recommended the band. With two co-morbidities he took it seriously. He had Dr. friends who did lapband surgery with great success. So he went ahead and recommended me for the surgery which started the year long process of jumping through hoops to get the band. I'm blessed that I had the persistance to get through that year and that I had a cooperative Dr. My insurance company also sent me to a top-of-the-line specialist. Some insurance companies won't cover the surgery at all. Although I have access to a nutritionist at my surgeon's office, I've found even greater support on lapbandtalk, especially on a thread called I'm here to help...This blog has also proved to be an invaluable ally in my recovery. A lady at my church who is in much worse shape than me has not been able to get her primary care physician to recommend the lapband. Meanwhile, the meds she's on for her co-morbidities have made her gain even more weight. People need to explore the risks, the failures, and the successes of lapband surgery before they make a decision. They need to know that its still hard work to lose the weight and keep it off. Their Dr.s should be helping them explore their options and get set up for success if the option for lapband is chosen. I think the primary physicians need to get more educated, not only about lapband surgery, but about compulsive overeating itself. It is an eating disorder, an addiction, with genetic, biological, emotional, psychological, and spiritual componants that all need to be addressed. The band helps relieve the person of enough of the addiction aspect to let them work on the other aspects. I had worked for years on all the other componants with counseling, 12-step meetings for food addiction, 12-step meetings for codependency issues, not to mention prayer and Bible reading and Bible study groups. I'd come to pretty good terms with my ADHD/ADD and still I could not succeed in losing and keeping off the weight. I had a medical condition that needed a medical solution. I hope the woman in my church gets the help she needs. I hope the lapband, if she gets recommended, proves to be the tool she needs like it has for me. She's a precious soul and very much loved and appreciated in my church community. I want her to be around yet for a long time.
  17. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    some more great pics. Thanks for the congrats. Gotta go to bed. For more info I did get a few blogs in this week. http://ifyourstomachoffendsyou.blogspot.com
  18. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Onederland, Baby!

    Wednesday, September 2, 2009 Onederland, Baby! So I'm now less than 200 lbs. I'm in the 100's. Whoo hoo! Onederland is onederful. I have a college reunion and high school reunion next month and people might actually recognize me without the weight. I feel like I got my face back. It was being held hostage by double chins and fat cheeks. My eyes looked smaller and now they're becoming a bigger, more dominant part of my face the way they used to be. I had long, long hair back in the day and now its at least shoulder length whereas a year ago it was pixie length. Today, my husband also finished getting the toilet, shower stall, and sink out of the downstairs bathroom, three of the hardest things we needed to get out of the basement preparatory to having Permaseal come in and make us that moat. He also got all the paneling and wallboard and ceiling panels down and got it all hauled away for free by a guy who wanted our old cabinet and sink and helped remove them as well as taking a heavy metal shelf set we got rid of out of the garage. My husband's probably saved us about $2000 by demolishing the whole basement himself. He's saved us the cost of renting a dumpster by making this deal with the garbage picker who wanted our metal shelves. What a relief! Now I've just got to figure out how to pay for the basement makeover, which job Ken is not even close to qualifying for. First we have to treat the walls with bleach before we cover them up again. Maybe I'll finally be rid of the smell of mold wafting up from the basement. It's not nearly as bad, but its still there. Taking layers off me, taking layers off the basement. Hope what's under my layers is a lot more attractive than what we've found under the basement layers. Eeuw! I have blinders on my eyes when it comes to the basement. I just don't look when I go down there and I try very hard not to smell. I think I put blinders on when I looked at myself in the mirror, too. Just don't see what you don't want to see. Lately, my church has been having slide shows of last year's events in order to promote this year's version of those events. There I am, magnified on large screen in all my plump glory in front of the whole congregation. Somehow, I never thought of myself as that fat. I need those reminders of how bad it got. I know I look much better than before. I don't always trust my eyes because I'm so capable of wearing those blinders. Its a relief when someone notices and confirms what my eyes are telling me. My body is telling me things are much better. I'm running up and down almost 50 steps at work without getting winded. I walk an hour most days. What used to take me 50 minutes to walk now takes me 40. My blood pressure is wonderful. I think I'll be off all meds for my bp very shortly. Hoping the same for my cholesterol. I feel great. I look a lot better. For today, that's enough. Onederland, baby. God is good all the time. All the time God is good.
  19. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Making a Difference-Why I Got Banded.

    Tuesday, September 1, 2009 Making a Difference-Why I Got Banded. I love having restriction. After a few bites, which I tend to go just a little too fast with because I'm hungry, I feel constriction with some pain. My hint to slow down and eat tiny, well-chewed bites. So I eat a little, wait for a burp, eat a little, wait for a burp. Eventually I get the hiccups, and I wait for them to pass. Now the food is cold. I've begun to lose my taste for it. It's been over 20 minutes since I started to eat so my brain is starting to register fullness. I take another small bite just to see if I want anymore. I have totally lost interest. I've lost a few more lbs., 38. This morning I hit onederland (when you're under 200 and are in the one hundreds you are in onederland.) I'll officially announce it tomorrow if the scale tells me this was not an aberration. I am down to 1 blood pressure med, 1 cholesterol med, and my anti-inflammatory. I've been climbing all kinds of steps at the school throughout the day without even thinking about it. Not winded at all. So many advantages to not being able to eat. School is going well. I'm slowly increasing the number of children I see. Hopefully I'll be able to keep my assistant for two days a week. Let me tell you the story of one of my former students. Graduated last spring. Came from a difficult home situation. Raised by a foster mother in her 70's who slowly went blind and handicapped from diabetes. Number of other foster kids in family. Foster mom died when he was in 7th grade. One of her relatives took him in, thank God. Got a request from him to be my friend on facebook. Went to his profile page. Most of his friends so far are former RCS teachers and classmates. We were one of the most stable parts of his life for most of his young life. That's why I see so many kids at RCS. Many of the chidren I see year after year after year. I build a relationship with them. They don't care about my weight, they just care that I'm there. Losing the weight makes me more available for them. Please pray that I'll be able to keep working with these kids. Roseland Christian is where my heart is, where my passion lies. Today we had an unplanned fire drill. I was outside with 2 of my students when the fourth grade class came out. I see a majority of the children from that class. They mobbed me. Almost knocked me over as they all tried to hug me at once. I love my job.
  20. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Making a Difference-Why I Got Banded.

    Tuesday, September 1, 2009 Making a Difference-Why I Got Banded. I love having restriction. After a few bites, which I tend to go just a little too fast with because I'm hungry, I feel constriction with some pain. My hint to slow down and eat tiny, well-chewed bites. So I eat a little, wait for a burp, eat a little, wait for a burp. Eventually I get the hiccups, and I wait for them to pass. Now the food is cold. I've begun to lose my taste for it. It's been over 20 minutes since I started to eat so my brain is starting to register fullness. I take another small bite just to see if I want anymore. I have totally lost interest. I've lost a few more lbs., 38. This morning I hit onederland (when you're under 200 and are in the one hundreds you are in onederland.) I'll officially announce it tomorrow if the scale tells me this was not an aberration. I am down to 1 blood pressure med, 1 cholesterol med, and my anti-inflammatory. I've been climbing all kinds of steps at the school throughout the day without even thinking about it. Not winded at all. So many advantages to not being able to eat. School is going well. I'm slowly increasing the number of children I see. Hopefully I'll be able to keep my assistant for two days a week. Let me tell you the story of one of my former students. Graduated last spring. Came from a difficult home situation. Raised by a foster mother in her 70's who slowly went blind and handicapped from diabetes. Number of other foster kids in family. Foster mom died when he was in 7th grade. One of her relatives took him in, thank God. Got a request from him to be my friend on facebook. Went to his profile page. Most of his friends so far are former RCS teachers and classmates. We were one of the most stable parts of his life for most of his young life. That's why I see so many kids at RCS. Many of the chidren I see year after year after year. I build a relationship with them. They don't care about my weight, they just care that I'm there. Losing the weight makes me more available for them. Please pray that I'll be able to keep working with these kids. Roseland Christian is where my heart is, where my passion lies. Today we had an unplanned fire drill. I was outside with 2 of my students when the fourth grade class came out. I see a majority of the children from that class. They mobbed me. Almost knocked me over as they all tried to hug me at once. I love my job.
  21. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Onederland baby! CBL Cheri
  22. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    It'll come. I'm in Onederland, baby.Two days in a row so its official.
  23. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Educating Primary Care Physicians about Lapband

    It's under the mentoring category on the home page
  24. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Love walking. Also love my restriction. Takes me so long to eat a meal, I lose interest. Few swallows, feel the pain, wait for it to subside. Chew a little, swallow a little wait for burp, do again, do again, wait for hiccups to subside, food's cold, oh well. Forget about it.
  25. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    I'm not disappointed my kids didn't notice. In a way its very reassuring. They just don't notice things like weight. They notice kindness and caring and love. They're not stuck on physical things. Enough adults have noticed to let me know that the weight loss is showing. I have trouble trusting my own eyes. I teach a lot of grandchildren being raised by grandparents or aunts or foster parents. The chaos in their backgrounds can be astonishing. I got a Facebook friendship request from a student who graduated last year. He was raised in a foster home by a diabetic lady in her 70's who died when he was in 7th grade. He was taken in by one of her relatives, Thank God. I went to his profile page and almost all his friends were former teachers. I think we provided the stability in his life. Great pics people. Laura, my mom is 76 so that era is right. Her pictures are a lot the same. Your mom's beautiful, just like you. My baby sister is 42. She was our "caboose." Phenomenol weight loss Linda. Cute hair, cute smile. Cute grandkids, everyone. I have to get more tech savvy and post some of mine. Lost some more weight. Will let you know tomorrow if I've really acheived onederland or if its an aberration. Great restriction. It takes me so long to eat my food that I finally lose interest in it. LOL. Gotta wait to burp. Gotta wait to get over the hiccups. Now the food is cold. Tiny bites and chew forever. Forget about it. Gotta take a walk now. Great weather. Love to all. Cheri

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