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Everything posted by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

  1. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Hi gang. Managed to read 3 pp, now I gotta get some laundry done. Gotta get up early to put some chicken divan together before I go sing in two services. Will put it in over after church. My husband and his son each had a B-day on the 3rd and we are celebrating tomorrow. For some reason my husband thought I used to make chicken divan for them. Now he thinks maybe it was his first wife who died of breast cancer who used to make it for their birthdays. Looked online for some recipes, none looked too good till I thought about the flavor of the chicken divan I've been served and realized it tasted like Hollandaise sauce so I added that to the search and wallah, I was right. There are recipes with that sauce and curry powder. Should be a whole lot better than all the just cream of mushroom soup ones out there. Neck is still sore and whole pelvic region is stiff. The hip is a huge joint. I walked yesterday and today despite the stiffness. The sun has been shining and it actually got up to 45 today. Husband had 2nd day of work today. Hasn't quit yet. He'd better not. I just might send him to go live with his kids if he does. I absolutely can't stand one more day of watching him watch TV. Cheri
  2. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Thanks for enlarging the print. THought a new trend to save space had been started. Made a decision to read only the last 2 or 3 pp of posts each time I check in, and to be less tied down to this and FB. Fewer posts. I want to start getting out more at night. Spend more time on the phone with relatives, too. Have a wierd come-and-go headache today. Might be coming from my neck or from my fall but when I hang my neck seems to be doing well. My husband started his job today as a security guard at a gated community with some really unbelievable shacks. So glad to have him working. Been doing IOWA testing with kids who needed accommodations all week. I hate giving the IOWAs (or any other standardized test). Next week back to normal. Weight's stable. Have been slowly getting back into the walking and stairclimbing. It's amazing what a huge joint the hip is. All my ligaments and tendons were affected. The bruise is as big as my rather large hand. Took a long walk outdoors today. The sun is back in residence, the snow is fading away, and temps are rising. Should be a great weekend. Love and hugs for all of you, Arlene, Laura especially. Apples, did you and your husband have a talk about how much you cook? Is he cutting back too? Will you be able to stop yourself when DH invites everyone over for food? Cheri
  3. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Julie--nice avatar I'm Ok. Thanks everyone for your concern. I have an enormous egg on my hip and a technicolor bruise. I'm not in much pain at all. But I have a very high threshold for pain and am used to dealing with it because of all my arthritis. I hung upside down on my inversion table several times this weekend which kept straightening out and decompressing the discs in my neck and lower back that got jerked when I fell. I can't take long strides yet because the hip socket and all around the joint is a little stiff and sore. I mostly feel that when I swing my legs to put them up or to get out of bed. Other than that its not noticeable. My biggest feel was actually my spine but the inversion table seems to be taking care of decompressing and straightening out the discs before the pain gets serious. Since I can't stand being still I'm working on other school projects while my assistant does the teaching. I was able to resolve a major issue and am thrilled about that. I had my assistant come in Friday and she'll be there tomorrow since the Dr. has not OK'd me to work till I see him Monday at 4:30. Seems so silly to me since I'm not in much pain and have worked through way more pain than this, but its workman's comp so I have to go along with it or any complications that show up later won't be covered. Food is up and down. Disruptions to my schedule and life tend to do that. Pain and trauma do that, even when not severe. Hopefully, as my week gets back to normal I'll get back on track.
  4. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    I was wondering if you were about to TOM because of your pb incident. I suspect you swell a lot with fibroids and all and your stomach and abdomen get irritated and swollen which makes the band tighter. That could explain your wide variance. I fell today at school. I was walking around the edge of the gym and a student who was playing with a ball fell and dove right into my feet. Landed right on the point of my hip and have a huge hematoma. Went for x-rays of hip, pelvis, lower spine and neck because all got jarred pretty good. No breaks other than that I possibly broke off a spur on my hip that was bothering me anyway. News flash: I'm full of arthritis. LOL. Which is, of course, the reason I've had neck surgery, shoulder surgery, double knee replacements, epidurals in neck and lower back, and God knows what other procedures. Dr. said I'd have massive bruising from the hip and that I'd whacked myself pretty good. He thinks I'll be in a lot more pain tomorrow and wants me to not work or only do restricted light duty. Well, my job's not that physically demanding and I've already designed my room and my teaching techniques to accommodate my arthritis so I think I'll be all right..I've been sitting all day in the Dr.s office and then went home. Might soak in the tub. I'm going in late morning tomorrow and I'll limit what I do. I don't stay after school on Fridays and my groups are small. Next week I'll be administering IOWA testing to a small number of students who need some accommodations so that'll be restricted enough for Monday. I know a lot of people would just stay home but its very difficult to get a sub for me and since I take the kids out of their specials, my kids end up in their regular teacher's classroom when that teacher is supposed to be having a prep period. We'll see how I feel tomorrow. If its bad, I won't stay. He gave me Lortabs but those have never helped me in any way so I doubt I'll even use them. Cheri
  5. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Hi gang. Read everybody. Phones again tonight. Gotta go hang. Hip hurt today. Neck hurts tonight. food pure crap today. Tomorrow is a new day. Julie, when you were in Florida you weren't getting any treatment and you did better. It seems like everytime you stop chiro and PT you start to heal. PT and chiro did not work for me. They aggravated the discs and inflamed them and made them worse. Now that you've shown the insurance co. that PT didn't work, hopefully, they'l give you the MRI. Until someone finally sees what the root of the problem is, I think I'd avoid PT and chiro like the plague. Every week you're getting worse. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Just saying. Cheri
  6. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    1day, I can only have coffee with milk in it to start my day, then I have a protein shake which I sip very slowly. By lunch I can have about 3 oz of tuna or chicken. By supper I can eat more but I have to stop for first bite syndrome and wait a while, then finish my food. I stop as soon as I feel that tightness start before it gets to pb. also, if you're moving around a lot because of work that's a good thing--counts as exercise. So glad you're finding your work satisfying. Been working the phones for a phonathon for Roseland CHristian School tonight and will be doing so again for 2 more nights. Mostly leaving messages on answering machines. So willo try to keep up with posts but can't post much myself.
  7. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Charlene, I'm pretty sure that though sweet potatoes taste sweet and are all carb, they have a very low glycemic load. More nutrients in it than white potatoes. So in limited quantities now and then, not a bad thing. Pretty funny that date night is pretty guy oriented. Phyll, glad you're feeling better. Glad you had a good time. Joyce, thinking of you. I had a panic attack, first in my life, before the surgery. So you are not alone. Apples, I know you love to do those things. You amaze me being such an undomestic goddess myself. I just wish I were the recipient of all the care and fun you create for others. Laura, I love the electric slide and the cha cha slide and the macarena. I do the macarena with the kids at school when they need to get rid of the heebie jeebies. I also love to dance the hustle with my husband. And I love freestyle old-time rock and roll dancing. I love doing the YMCA and the chicken dance and all the silly stuff. Dancing totally brings out the kid in me. Maybe because we weren't really allowed to dance as kids. Unless it was with wooden shoes LOL (Dutch joke) Pretty much considered evil along with card-playing, drinking and so on. Funny thing, most Dutch people smoked though. Something they brought with on the boat from Holland. My husband was too sick for anything yesterday so I picked up my DGD, 3 yrs., and took her to see my other DGD, 2 yrs., and then took her to the mall to ride the merry-go-round. Then we went to a restaurant with a train for kids to ride, and we sat at the counter where our food was delivered by train. And of course there's a big model train set. I also bought her a pair of jelly sandals that were made to look like pink Minnie Mouse princess shoes at the Disney Store as well as a Minnie Mouse T-shirt. She was able to put her orthotics in the shoes and wear them, so now she'll be more willing to wear her orthotics at home. She loves to play dress-up and now has dress-up shoes that are good for her feet. So I made sure I had a great time on our anniversary. Jessica, we all have recouping days and sometimes weeks. It's a process. It helps to vary what you eat, some carbs as long as they're with Protein are not a bad thing once in a while. I drink a lot of milk in my coffee and milk has carbs but also a lot of protein and Calcium. I could never eat eggs every morning. In fact, with my latest fill, I can't eat anything but a Protein Drink in the morning and my latte. I'll often eat eggs for lunch on Sunday as an omelette. You are changing things on many fronts. Don't worry about a week with only a 1 lb. loss. You may need another fill soon the way you're losing. You'll be OK. Cheri
  8. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    JB. You have a lot the same interests as me. I love acting but haven't had much opportunity to do it. I also have a little problem memorizing lines, LOL. I met my husband dancing about 11 years ago and we've been married for 10 years, today. He jumped in next to me on the electric slide and the rest is history. Sometimes arm pain comes from the neck. I also believe dust is a protective cover. It's even a decoration. You can write in it. It's moveable art, it rolls along the floor resembling baby bunnies. It has a magnetic personality that seems to attract more dust. When disturbed it floats through the air illuminated by stray rays of sunlight. It is also a home for Horton's Whos (also known as dust mites). When you sweep them up you may be eliminating an entire kingdom. And when it gets in your nose, it can create absolutely orgasmic sneezes. So leave sleeping dust bunnies lie. Phyll, please go to the Dr. Some of the viruses floating around have some really nasty long lasting side effects. Or they lead to bad secondary infections. 2 weeks is 2 long. Laura, I always felt like the fat held my face hostage, and without the weight its like I got my face back. Great pics. You always were pretty. Its just more obvious now. Julie, we've been married 10 years. Femme 1, congrats on the weight loss. The fill's the thing with which to catch the appetite of Queens. (Shakespeare: "The plays the thing with which to catch the conscience of a king." Eva, My husband does the laundy and heavy duty housework, but not a great job. I am not at all domestically inclined and now between not being able to kneel on my new knees, and having an easily irritated neck, housework really is awkward and can irritate my arthritis. If I had the $ I'd hire someone in a heartbeat. Apples, you continue to amaze me. Cooking and entertaining and taking care of everyone on your vacation. And you want to go back to work, too. I think you should become a volunteer who goes all over the world to straighten things out when there's been a disaster. SNDY Congratulations on the weight and size loss as well as the great deals. I may have to visit Carsons tomorrow. Haven't shopped there in years. Linda, did someone say you're coming to Chicago or that you'd been there? I love Chicago (downtown, Goldcoast, various ethnic neighborhoods. I'm so eager to meet anyone from this thread, please contact me if you come my way. Cheri
  9. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    For all of you whose mothers were less than nurturing about your size and weight, my condolences. My mother used to tell me I'd really be pretty if it wasn't for my nose. WTH? But I may have inadvertantly passed on the weight message to my daughter who was never heavy at home, but who saw me struggle and try to lose and exercise and look perfect. Society does a good job of passing on the same message. We women are never happy with our looks. We've got to rewrite those old messages. Al Franken as Stuart Smalley? used to say, "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me." We need to add to that-"I'm pretty enough, I'm sexy enough, and, just for today, I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be." Cheri
  10. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Take a nice hot bubble bath and pamper yourself since, like me, you probably won't be doing anything major. Hope you're felling well and your DH is on the road to recovery.
  11. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Below 167 this morning (my goal weight) so maintenance is OK so far. Just not always making the best food choices but then I make up for it the next day. I definitely start to pb very quickly with the denser meats that don't have juice or gravy. Even though I take tiny bites and chew well, I'm often so hungry by supper I still swallow a little too quickly. But if I set the food aside for 10 minutes, I seem to open up and can eat the rest. Last Monday a.m. I went out for breakfast with my coworkers and split an omelet. I ate no carbs and was on the verge of pbing afte only a couple of bites. Took most of it home. I am very, very tight in the morning. I drink 20 oz of decaf coffee and milk very slowly to open my band a little while I get ready. Then on the way to work I sip my protein drink. All morning I just keep sipping coffee-milk. By lunch I can usually have one of those small 3 oz. peel-off tins of tuna or chicken. By supper I can eat more normal portions but I can still pb if I eat dense dryer meat too quickly. Throughout the day I take teaspoons of dried shelled sunflower seeds, chew them to death before swallowing. I think those are miracle food. They provide great fiber, nutrients, good for you oils, and protein. They keep hunger away all day long. I can feel them filling my pouch but they don't make me pb. They're a carb that doesn't shoot up your blood sugar but keeps it level all day long. One key I've found to not eating anymore after supper when my band is wide open is to combine facebooking and lapband thread while watching TV. That used to be my worst time. With my ADHD and its restlessness and boredom I would eat just in order to sit still and relax. Can't wait for the weather to get warmer so I can spend more time outside in the evenings. Well, gonna try walking outside this morning. It's around freezing out, which, if I bundle up, I can walk in just fine. I walk the low traffic side streets and avoid the sidewalks which aren't all shoveled or have ice from snow that melted and froze. Did that after work last night and was quite comfortable. Its our anniversary but my DH is still quite sick. Hopefully, we can go out to eat tonight at least. Cheri
  12. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Laura, great pics. Happy Birthday. No dancing for me tonight. DH is too sick. We're going to go next week. So glad its the weekend. Two concerns. I'd appreciate your prayers. A couple of weeks ago my DS who lives in Tennesse experienced retinal detachment in one eye. They put a gas bubble in her eye to force the retina back in place and after a few days fused it back but the gas bubble has to remeain in place for 6 weeks. She is wearing a pirate patch because the wierd distorted view she has exhausts her and makes her sick. She has to dictate her notes to her nurses as she sees patients. She has RA and has been legally blind without her contacts and at only 56 developed cataracts. When they did the cataract surgery they replaced one lense (inside the eye)with for far vision and the other for close. The RA, which has come out of remission, caused a film to develop on her new lens which had to be lasered off and now this has happened. She is the main financial support for her husband who is dieing by inches with congenital heart failure and enlarged heart. Her son had major slice and dice heart surgery to repair a congenital defect that had caused part of his heart to become paper thin. He was within days of dieing. He is doing well now but is finishing university at the age of 29. Her daughter has taken her time getting through university because of back problems from when she broke her back from a fall off a horse. She's a wonderful doctor and human being but has really had a lot on her plate. Also, my DD has struggled with issues stemming from her thyroid, which has had a goiter since she was a teen but blood tests have always shown her getting enough thyroid so they'd never do anything, even though she's struggled with weight gain and inability to lose it despite careful food intake, constipation, exhaustion and mood swings and depression. She went in for her 6 month check up on it and the Dr. felt it and said it had changed and grown and she either had cancer or Hashimoto's (SP?) He took a biopsy in the office which was extremely painful. They had trouble getting through the tissue. Now she's afraid her blood test will show that she's still getting enough thyroid and if there's no cancer they still won't do anything to treat her. So keep them in your prayers. Both of them have insurance issues so medical costs are also an issue. Cheri
  13. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Attended an amazing prayer service this evening for my school, but I had to miss choir practice. Don't know if I told you guys but, for now, my job seems secure, at least for next year. The school will be opening and, for now, it looks like Chicago Public Schools will not be putting NCLB in the private schools into the hands of a private vendor who doesn't have to hire me. Actually, I'd let go of that worry. My DH is sick. Came home to a note that he's off to urgent care. He thought he was getting bronchitis last night. He woke me up with two very explosive barking type coughs that scared the sh!! out of me. He slept in the chair the rest of the night. So I'm waiting for him to come home. I gotta make sure I hang on my incline board. My neck was bothering me a lot by the end of the day. I've been on the computer at work where I have to lift my arms to keyboard. At home I sit with my laptop and don't have to lift my arms at all. They're nicely tucked in and supported between my body and chair arms and only my wrists and fingers move. The screen is at a perfect angle for my neck as well. So, I seem to be altenating between high Protein low carb days and less protein with higher carb treat days. Not gaining which could be because my overall calories are good and my fat content is low. I'm exercising every day too. I can't wait for the snow to melt and the weather to warm a little so I can get out of this house more and walk outside. That always relieves the heebie jeebies. Well, I'm about to fall asleep in my chair. Gotta go hang and go to bed. Cheri
  14. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Jodie, Dreads? wig or real if your daughter's hair is long. Cheri
  15. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Band-groupie--great pics. Good job.
  16. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    The five day pouch test is also good to follow after a fill if you tend to reflux. Also, avoid foods and spices that cause gas as there is no room in your pouch for gas and it forces food up and causes you to pb which brings up acid. Avoid pop, coffee, teas with tannic acid, chocolate, tomato and tomato sauces, fats and greases, citrus juices and fruits, and don't eat for 3 or 4 hours before bed. Perhaps your Dr. will prescribe a reflux med to go along with a cautious fill. Go slowly and you'll get there. Make sure you're eating teeny tiny bites after a fill and taking tiny sips. Wait to burp after every sip and every bite before taking more. Do go back to the Dr. Cheri
  17. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Sandy, I'll never run again. I have 2 fake knees. I wore out my knees. Partly genetic, overly stretchy knees that dislocated and had too much play in them causing them to rub and wear out, partly exacerbated by volleyball and baseball played as an adult. I walk and climb steps at work early, before I start teaching. The new knees allow me to climb steps but running would wear them out too quickly. I also have herniated and deteriorating discs so I don't want to cause more compression on them by running. As long as you're walking fast you're still getting plenty of exercise. So go slow and listen to your body. All kinds of things, including PMS and water weight, can greatly affect your running. My daughter runs much more easily after she starts her period and drops the fluid. I also sing, which is geat aerobic exercise, and am planning on taking up dancing again. I've got my husband on board with that. Its a whole lot more fun than running for me. Cheri
  18. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Phyll, my daughter gets chewable gummy fish oil for her boys from Costco. I think I'll do some research on the whole concept that having more muscle burns more fat. Maybe while you're exercising but my insurance co. just listed that as a common myth that the more muscle you have the more calories you burn. I know a lot of trainers and muscle builders claim that theory. They also listed as a myth that milk thickens your phlegm. I suspect that milk sticks to and coats phlegm giving the illusion of thickening it. Thr Pro Joe sounds interesting. Love my band. Lost 70lbs in 8 months and am at goal. I'm 58, did it for my life and my grandkids. Was athletic once. Never will be again but I can walk really fast now. I was scared before surgery a little but compared with all my other surgeries it was a cakewalk. I can feel my port but I only have one incision. My Dr. was recently trained in this latest technique. I do not and never will regret the surgery. Good for you Jewel. Feeling normal because of the meds often makes people think they don't need them anymore. Thank God you caught on quickly and are remediating that situation before you dug too deep a whole. Dawn, can you have the Dr. prescribe a reflux med to help you when you get your fill? Often it's gas and no room for it that causes the reflux after eating. After fills I often find I have to take tiny sips of mostly liquid and mushies for a few days and burp after each sip or tiny bite. After I lose a lb or 2, and after the stomach heals from the fill, the band loosens up and the gas diminishes. As always, with reflux, avoid pop, coffee, chocolate, tomato of all kind, citrus fruits and drinks, high fiber and other foods and spices known to cause gas. Don't eat for 3 or 4 hours before bedtime. Good luck. Go slow with the fills but do get them. Cheri
  19. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Congratulations on your loss. Fantastic. Hope you recover from your fall.
  20. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Wow! Hope your ankle gets better soon. Having some trouble with swallowing vitamins. Makes me pb after my latest fill. Maybe I'll try crushing them and dissolving them in something. Cheri
  21. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    That's a funny story. Hope Nels is better soon. My grandkids have been going through colds and stomach viruses. Hope everyone out there feels better soon. Congratulations all those who've broken plateaus. Janet, hope your sister's well soon. Phyllis, hugs. Love to all, Cheri
  22. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Hey all! So many posts! So little time! Can't respond to each of you but you know when congratulations are in order. Glad I'm not the only wierd one about Valentine's Day. But my DH and I did go downtown Chicago today. Went to 900 N. where there's a Bloomies. Expensive and not that nice. But there's an art gallery in the building and enjoyed going through it and some of the other unique stores. Then went to Watertower Place where there's a Chico's. Big mistake. With DH's encouragement I spent $200, which still gives me palpitations, but, I needed some dressier things and some spring colors and they had clearance racks and 15% off. Could never have afforded it otherwise. I actually bought a skirt because we're going to go dancing! My husband is looking up places to go dancing as I type! I've really wanted to learn salsa. We already do the hustle which we can adapt to a lot of different music. I like some line dancing, too. I can to the Electric SLide of course, and also the Cha Cha slide and I used to do the Bus stop. So some places offer lessons and dances and we may do some of that. We'll be getting off our butts which will be good for both of us. Its a real relief to me to see him take an interest. I've been hinting, but he's been on such a downer for so long. We met dancing and he turns into a different person when he dances. So much more fun. And dancing is some of the best exercise in the world. We're going to go dancing hopefully next weekend for our 10th anniversay. Hip hip hooray! So I got my Valentine's Day wish. Cheri
  23. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    great pics. Wish I were in them. Jewel, its so great that you've decided to get a life at such a young age. Good for you. AWW! Your husband sounds like a sweetie. Chicago, Chicago, that toddlin' town! Hooray! Finally another Chicagoan. Maybe someday we can get people to come here for a meet. I love this town and it has so much to offer. I'd love to meet you. E-mail cherifl@comcast.net. Comedians are a great commodity. Glad you were able to go. I've had double knee replacements (simultaneous) as well as shoulder repair, major neck surgery--lamenectomy, and a hysterectomy. This surgery was nothing. Walk in the park. Just gas issues. Move around a lot to break up the gas and feel free to fart frequently. Burp after every sip and swallow. I was fortunate to only have one incision. Everybody's different but most do very well. An extraordinary life! Go girl! We understand. Glad to hear from you. So glad about the new house! Happy Valentines Day. I'm off tomorrow for President's day. Going out for Breakfast with co-workers. LOL. Busman's holiday. But it is fun to see each other in a setting other than school. Also have my 10th wedding anniversary this week on the 20th. We'll probably go out to eat. Maybe I can convince him to take me dancing instead. Had my grandsons overnight and most of the day today. Totally forgot it was Valentine's Day. We don't really celebrate it. I just never got into the habit and never expected much from my first husband which was a good thing because he never did much. My DH has done more but I hate when he spends a lot of money on me when we can't afford it, so he's stopped doing it. He would get me candy and now he can't do that. LOL. My family never made much of Valentine's Day growing up either. I brought valentines to school for my whole class but that was it. Certainly, my parents didn't spend any money on each other and they were too busy raising 5 kids and putting them through Christian school to pay attention to extraneous holidays. Don't know whether I'm missing anything or not. Julie's husband, now that was cute. A great homecoming. I guess VDay is sort of like manicures and pedicures and getting your hair done. I just can't get into it. I always feel like those things tie me down--like gift shopping and shopping period. And I'm never happy with the results. A lot of money for something that doesn't last more than a day or two. I know I'm really wierd compared to most women. Now if my husband were to take me out dancing, I could get into that. I really don't want flowers, I don't wear perfume, I can't eat chocolates, I don't want expensive jewelry, and I just throw away cards after a day or two. I really hate salons and beauty days and massages, etc. That's like putting me in prison for the day. If he got some projects done around the house, I'd be ecstatic. Maybe a play or concert or art exibit downtown Chicago. But that's expensive and that tends to ruin it for me. So, poor guy, he doesn't have a lot of choices. So its a good thing I have no expectations and tend to forget about the day. Cause I have no clue what to get him either. We're both kind of boring. Well--enough of that. Probably depressed half of you. But I had fun today with my grandkids. They didn't want to leave. They're my little valentines. I'll try to see some more of them tomorrow. Cheri
  24. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Sndy--Happy Birthday and welcome to Onederland. That was such a thrill for me to reach! Great Birthday present to yourself. I reached 170 by my birthday in December and then lost the last 3 by the end of January so I just hit goal recently. Now I'm struggling with maintenance, but I'm working hard to get into a flow with it. Welcome to this thread. We're a little short on posters right now because so many are in Florida. We all wish we were there. Cheri
  25. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Deb, congrats on the six lbs. I'm not gaining but I'm not eating right, or I'm eating right every other day. Watching Olympic OPening Ceremonies. Impressive. Don't know how long they're going to go on. Gotta go to bed soon. Cheri

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
