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Everything posted by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

  1. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Me, Me 2, Me B4
  2. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Thanks Arlene. I'm trying to figure out how to upload a couple pictures but I am techno dumb. Cheri
  3. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    So Apples, when you get back next week you can read that I have no break between school and summer school. Jump right into it and go till July 2. However, Saturday I'm going to Grand Rapids MI for my nephew's graduation party. Gonna hear his band. He's incredibly musical. Fun and funny, too. Birthday party for DH's granddaughter on Sunday or MOnday. Following weeked my grandson's birthday party. This past Sunday went out with girlfriend I haven't been able to spend time with for a long time. She's finally cutting back her crazy hours. She's also one who needs space and backs off for long periods of time. But we had a good time talking for a couple of hours. In July I am lining up tutees like crazy. More than I want are asking for tutoring. Some won't be able to afford it. I really wanted to work with my neice and my grandson also. I did get a raise for next fall. Last year salary was frozen. Plus I'm getting paid for summer school and all the tutoring. My husband is working now, too. So I'm going to make work of getting my basement put back together this summer. Got some ideas for a contractor. So I'm going to need every dollar. Cheri
  4. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Saw the pics earlier. Unbelievable. Get a house inspector to come and record (video and photos?) and assess all damage. Get it notarized. Have buyer sign off on it at closing? Real estate people should be able to give you more ideas, I'm just riffing off the top of my head. What a day! Cheri
  5. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    I don't want to alarm you but that was the beginning of my brother-in-law's MS. Those were the warning symptoms. Hope he's in competent hands. Cheri
  6. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    What do you mean by deteriorating? Are you recently banded? So much of what you're eating is high sugar and carbs. No protein at all. What's going on?
  7. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Myofascial Pain Syndrome. Trps are trigger points in the muscle knots that are formed in reaction to some other event whether overdoing it, being in an accident, having surgery, having spinal issues, whatever. All of us probably have suffered from them at some point in our live. The frequently accompany fibromyalgia making it worse. They are generally more localized than fibromyalgia which is more generalized. They are not like an inflammatory disease like rheumatoid arthritis. The trps can be felt like nodules inside muscle knots and when pressed will cause an involuntary yelp and twitch. The pain is often referred elsewhere in the body, sometimes to other latent trps. It is often associated with TMJ (temporary mandibular joint) problems. The neck and shoulder were often mentioned. Some treatments mentioned were moist heat, NSAIDs, anti-depressants, muscle relaxers, accupressure applied directly to the trps, dry needles inserted and manipulated in the trp (very painful), corticosoid shots directly into the trps, very gentle stretching, very gentle massage, very gentle exercising. I'm thinking its no wonder chiro's and physical therapists made my neck worse, as did some massage therapists. They always wanted to overstretch, overmanipulate, and overdig into the incredible knots I had in my neck, shoulders, and back. Which only made my muscles react by tightening even more. It's actually the covering of the muscles, the fascia, that seems to be the problem. The best I can describe it is that it almost seems to become like scar tissue, ropey and knotted and thick. That's my description based on what I read. I actually use accupressure on those knots myself or if really bad have my husband dig his thumbs into them and press. I actually yelp and jump whenever he finds one. I can usually point to the most painful but as he works his way along the muscle he'll encounter others that elicit the same response from me that I didn't know were there. I also use hot baths and showers to get relief and often apply heat at night. Sometimes I use hot wet washrags. I'm on NSAIDs, of course, and my Dr. added a muscle relaxer as needed. I found for myself what works for me. They say it can take a long time and a lot of patience and persistence to do what needs to be done to find relief, especially in severe, highly debilitating cases. That's my synopsis of what I read. There was, as always on the internet, some conflicting information, and some cures that seemed questionable, but that's the nature of the internet. Treatments seem to consist of throwing the medical sink at the problem and hoping something sticks. This is still a very new diagnosis, newer than fibromyalgia, and often confused with it, especially since they can go hand in hand. I'm putting this out there because there are more of us who have been debilitated at times in our life by this problem. One of the most interesting things I read said that lowering your carbs can lower the pain and help resolve the trps. I'd like to see the study that suggested that. Cheri
  8. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Melissa, glad you're doing better. I think you needed to reach out. Don't wait so long next time. I'd still have a talk with your boss. Tell her you want to work with her so you won't both be so stressed. Keep those OA posts coming ladies. That's OA the way I remember it. No nazis allowed. On my best weight loss days this is what I eat. Someone else can add up the calories and carbs. First, throughout the day I drink decaf coffee with Splenda and 1/4 1% or for a splurge 2% milk, about 80-100 oz. Gives me constant source of protein, some fat and low glycemic carbs. Satisfies my sweet tooth, keeps me hydrated. I have an Atkins royal chocolate protein shake for breakfast. I might have a chocolate cherry Kashi bar for snack. Depends on if I'm craving food mid morning. I have teaspoons of shelled salted sunflower seeds throughout the day. Stops cravings. For lunch I have a 3 oz peel off can of either tuna or chicken. If no time to sit down I drink another protein shake. mid afternoon I sometimes have a peel off cup of all natural no sugar added applesauce and maybe a low sodium v-8. For supper I have meat and some veggies, either well-cooked (crisp veggies get stuck and are incredibly painful). Meat might be a small filet mignon, meat loaf, chicken breast or thigh, pork chop, lamb chop, Tailapia. Got eat it really slow but I tend to make sure I get 6-8 oz.Might have spinach salad instead of veggie. Depending on snacks during day I might have a couple of sugar-free Dove raspberry creme dark chocolates or small bag of sun chips. I think I eat more than a lot of people but as I lost the weight my metabolism seems to jump up. Probably because my blood sugar has dropped to 102 so I'm probably less insulin resistant. I go back to this basic food plan if I gain a couple lbs. It only takes a few days to drop the weight. I varied the amounts during weight loss. Some days I had no snacks. I'll bet I'm pretty close to Janet's recommendations.
  9. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    So stay home from work. Call in sick. Breathe deep. Get some sleep. Get your food back on track. Go in the next day and talk to your boss. You're already down 2 people so she's not likely to fire you. Tell her you're going to get done what you can get done but she needs to leave you alone so you can get it done. If you can't be that blunt, ask her what the two of you can do to relieve the stress on both of you. Become partners in finding solutions. And keep reminding her and yourself you can only do what you can do. Easier said than done, I know. But no job is worth risking your health over. Cheri
  10. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    I wrote a huge post with congrats to Jessica and replies to others and a list of my best food for lose weight days and a lot of info on myfascial pain syndrome. Unfortunately my husband was trimming (over-trimming) bushes when he cut through the cord which cut the power to my internet connection which I was unaware of and continued happily typing away. Tried to post and, oops. Oh well, Happy Sunday everyone.
  11. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    My only concern is that the big breakfast drink may be part of the reason you're feeling too tight. Maybe split the drink up and finish it mid-morning, or sip it slowly over a couple of hours. Your total calories (was it over 1200?) seem a little high for everyday weight loss. I also found that cutting carbs did more than cutting fat. A couple of days of almost carb-free eating and I'd always drop a few lbs. However, I'm not sure I'd be taking them out of the milk. I drink 1 or 2% milk in large quantities in my coffee. Milk has so many good things, including whole proteins. It's low glycemic so the carbs in it don't shoot up your blood sugar. And milk fat has ALA and some other good stuff in it that actually can help you lose weight. The calcium in milk also helps you lose weight. I'd drop or reduce the peanut butter instead. Eat a few peanuts as one of your snacks instead. Fool around with it and you'll find what works.
  12. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    I'm here to help...

    Good morning all, Just wanted to make clear that I love the principles of OA and please keep posting. I still have my OA Odat. It's just the meetings around here that I don't like. I also believe that making food plans and journaling food are very helpful for many people. Unfortunately, because of my ADHD, they are impossible for me to do, and trigger very strong emotional reactions in me because I've been shamed so much (by myself as much as anyone else) for not being able to do things like that. I can't keep a calendar or an organizer together. I forget to enter things, I lose them, I forget to check them, I check them or forget what's on them, etc. I took Steven Covey's Seven Habits of Effective People seminar and read his book 2 times. I had his planner, kept it filled for about 2 or 3 months, then less and less and eventually lost it. Guess what? I'm still a highly effective person because I stopped trying to do what I've never been good at and hired people or married someone who does that for me. That leaves me free to do what I am really good at. What bothers me about the OA's around here is the shaming that goes on, intentional or not, when people don't work the program according to the rigid requirements the "leaders" have come up with. OA is not supposed to have leaders, just like AA and Alanon have no leaders, but I don't think OA ever emphasized the 12 traditions like AA and Alanon do. Oh well, such is life. I have found this thread, however, and the non-judgemental people on it. I will continue to be open about my inability to follow food plans or journal about them because I know there are others like me who have felt the same shame. And shame leads back into the food. And I don't want to go there anymore. On another note, I have been researching something called Myofascial Pain Syndrome. It seems that things like injuries, surgeries, arthritis, temporary stress and long term stress, depression, poor posture, and a variety of causes can lead to trps? which are muscle knots in various parts of the body that cause localized and referred pain. It is usually present with fibromyalgia but is not the same as fibromyalgia and occurs without it, and can cause such constant, severe, debilitating pain, that patients go from pillar to post seeking relief and diagnosis and not finding it. Many doctors are not aware of it and don't know how to treat it. I'm pretty sure that I deal with that in my neck and shoulders. It became very acute after the fall I had in the gym. Does it remind you of anyone else? Cheri
  13. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    At the ones by me you weren't allowed to talk unless you had a sponsor who monitored your food plan and whom you were required to call at least once a day. They wanted you to call in any changes in your food plan and you weren't considered abstinate unless you followed your plan exactly.The rules kept multiplying. I loved OA. It wasn't enough for me long-term, I needed the band. But I follow a lot of the mental attitude. I just can't find a meeting near me that hasn't been infiltrated and taken over by the nazis. I left these meetings so angry all I wanted to do was go out and bury myself in chocolate. I liked the meetings where you applied the steps to your life and all issues in order to keep you from getting into the food as a way to deal with them. I found that very helpful. Those meetings seem to have disappeared. Cheri
  14. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Arlene, I take vitamin D, 8000-10,000 mg/day. Little pills, 2000mg each. Easy to swallow. I had lapsed and wasn't sleeping well. Started sleeping much better after resuming taking them. But, I found I can't take them just before bed, then they give me too much energy and I can't fall asleep. Don't know about the B-12 but I do take a daily multi-vitamin. Also, my protein drink is beefed up with vitamins. Have to say the Vitamin D makes the biggest difference. Feel great with it. A lot less seasonal affective disorder. A lot more energy to get through the day. I'm also calmer. Cheri
  15. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Much about OA that I love. Hate that so many meetings by me got taken over by the food police. Lots of anal-retentives. No room for ADHD people like myself who can't follow all their rules. In fact, their rules drive me into the food. So unlike Alanon and AA. I'm a purist. Work the steps. Julie, glad you're doing better. Make sure you schedule that last epidural. THinking you should get one in your shoulder, too. I keep thinking its the combination of referred pain going back and forth between them that shoots your pain over the top. Please, don't do anything physical just because you're feeling better. No projects, no cleaning, no picking up Mimi, as little paperwork as possible. Repeat after me: I am a human being, not a human doing. I have nothing to prove to anyone-including myself.
  16. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Janet, Your trainer has really been fouling up your mood. You can't argue with people who are convinced they are right. He simply doesn't understand the nature of addiction. Yes, you've done the work. But you'd done the work before many times and hadn't succeeded on a long term basis. The band is like walking around with a constant affirmation that you can do it. It also provides constant reinforcement that eating too much hurts. Work with the band and we succeed on a level we didn't achieve before. We know what it did for us. We don't have to prove it to anyone. Don't let him get under your skin. It might drive you back into the food. He's an arrogant ass. And you are a woman who knows the value of using the tools God gave us, including the band and your support group. Cheri
  17. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Coming up on my one year bandiversary. June 18. Lost 75 lbs. 240-165. People tell me I look thinner than that. At 5'9" and 58 years I look great in my loose size 12 clothes, I'm off bp, cholesterol meds. Blood sugar down from 125 to 102. Much more mobile and active. You can do it. One day at a time with the help of God and the band. Cheri
  18. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Caught up! Whew! Anti-inflammatories. Take maximum dose. Would be like Julie as far as pain if I didn't. I need the anti-inflammatory properties with my arthritis. Tylenol does very little. I use it to supplement. Was on Mobic. Just switched to diclofenac. Also have a muscle relaxer if needed. I take them in the morning when I drink my coffee with milk. Then I have protein shake. Milk protects stomach lining. Liquid washes it through quickly. Take it late afternoon if in pain and again at night before bed. So far no problems. I'd rather be on anti-inflammatories than addictive drugs. My Drs. never told me I could never take them again. Just not until I healed from surgery. Lori-great-sorry to miss your birthday. Happy belated. Give yourself a great birthday present. Just say "No!" to people who take advantage of your wonderful heart. This is coming a little late, too, but I think my greatest quality is my passion for what I believe in and what I do. I can be pretty funny but always at my own expense and never someone else's. Except I like to poke fun at the Dutch, and the Christian Reformed, but since I'm 100% Dutch and was raised in that denomination I'm allowed to do that. No time for anything else. Need to go to bed. Had to give devotions this morning for the teacher's and it was my turn to help give chapel for the kids. Got up extra early this morning to prepare. Tomorrow, I'm leaving school early to go to a meeting about my niece who has seizure disorder with accompanying learning problems. My sister wants some moral support and someone who can interpret some of what's said at the meeting. Basically, someone who's got her back. Cheri
  19. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    FB. Look for Cheryl Poortenga Van Til Flory.
  20. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I had double knee replacement surgery about 5 or 6 yrs. ago. Was on my feet immediately and walking outside around the block within a week. However, I had done my knee strengthening exercise religiously ahead of time and afterwards. At the time I had also lost 30 lbs for the surgery. Would I had been able to keep it off, but, alas, my disease was too strong for me. But now, with the help of the band, and by the grace of God, I am 75 lbs thinner, at goal, and have hope that I can stay there. Cheri
  21. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Finally starting to warm up around here. 70's this week. Hope it doesn't get hotter. I'd rather have it cool, especially while teaching (no air conditioning.) I hate sweating and I am really can drip. They say women glow, men perspire, and horses sweat--well, I must be a horse. My hands and feet also swell up in humidity. Using my hands is like trying to work with Ball Park Franks for fingers--they plump when you cook them. Cleaning house--got company coming for dinner. Was supposed to be 10 of us, down to 4. Gonna have lots of leftovers. Spaghetti with sausage and meatballs. I just eat the meat with some sauce--maybe a few noodles. Don't even try to eat the garlic bread. We'll have salad and the other couple will bring dessert. A few bites of that since I'm not eating much today. Got to go dust. Have a great day. Cheri
  22. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Believe it or not, that's a lot of food first thing in the morning when you've recently had a fill. I have a lot of trouble eating eggs in the the morning. I stick to protein drinks in the morning and sip slowly. I can eat a lot more at night. Plus, I never eat potatos. Too many carbs and not the good kind. High glycemic. Not much nutrition other than potassium. Makes you store the cholesterol and fat in the eggs and bacon which doesn't happen if you don't eat the carbs. Also fills you, temporarily, and leaves not enough room for the protein you need. When I eat breakfast out, I take most of it home and eat it for supper. That's just me. Others may do differently. I love my morning protein drink. Don't want to start my day pbing. I work with my band which is highly restrictive in the morning. If I eat sliders, its usually carbs, which triggers carb cravings the rest of the day. Cheri
  23. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Peaches, glad you're on our thread. I've only been on maintenance a few months. It's tough. Phyll, so sorry for your loss. Jodi, sounds fabulous. Way to treat yourself. JB. Glad you're finding OA helpful. I used to go regularly and it helped me a lot. But then some very rigid, anal food police seemed to take over the meetings and I don't do well with that sort of thing. Janet, thanks for the update on Julie and Great. Vitamins--potassium and magnesium and calcium all work better if they're together. Had a chance to do a little improvisational singing as a backup vocalist in a special church service tonight. Nothing dramatic, but as we ended certain songs we would continue in a kind of prayer/singing with the leader and us two back-ups repeating words and phrases in an improvisational way, staying in the same key. I just close my eyes and follow the leader, vocally. Hard to describe but very worshipful effect. Looks like I'm teaching summer school, so, no real break for me. That's JUne. Then July I'll probably be doing quite a bit of tutoring. Cheri
  24. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Julie, if you're reading along, I had a wierd thought. Don't know if this is possible, but, you know when you have gas that puts pain into your shoulders? You've had so much abdominal problems and surgery, I'm wondering if in addition to referred pain going back and forth between your neck and shoulder, if you don't also have something gastric or abdominal pressing against that nerve that goes right up to those areas or sends pain up there. I had that happen the other day. The gas pain made my neck pain unbelievably worse. Didn't know that it was gas pain for quite a while. Cheri
  25. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Man, just too much to comment on. Teeth, lbs, trips, techie grandmas. Thread was dead last week and weekend. Now, I can't keep up. One thing. The fatter I got, the shorter I cut my hair. Now its well below my shoulders. Much more flattering to my face. AI. Wanted Casey to go home. Great guitarist but no artistry to his singing. Michael rescued that duet. Better vote for Lee or Crystal or the teenieboppers will get Casey. Hopefully, Michael boosters will switch to Lee or Crystal. Been for Crystal, Michael, and Lee from the start. Crystal is the top though. Phenomenal artist. Quirky personality. Cheri

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