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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cmdtl

  1. So I am not ashamed of the fact that I am having surgery to lose weight. Anyone who knows me knows how hard I have tried. I was talking to my mom yesterday and she told me that I shouldnt tell people. I was a little confused and asked her why. She said that I should just let them think I did it on my own. She didnt even want me to tell my step dad.... I cant do that! I know that when I lose weight he will buy my clothes and such. I would feel bad taking that money without him knowing. Has anyone else been through this? Am I wrong to tell people?:confused:
  2. I have my first appt today and would love some ideas for good questions to ask. Thanks!
  3. Well from the sound of it your marriage isnt on the right foot anyways. If you are keeping a secret like this then something is not right. With a comment like "he doesnt notice me much anymore" makes me think you guys are having trouble. I think you should tell him, like someone else said dont ask, just tell. If he doesnt like it then oh well. This about you and your life not him. If I am wrong in my assumptions than I apologize or if you need someone to listen PM me.
  4. They said I can see my OB instead of my PCP. When making the appt, what do I say its for? :sneaky:
  5. Will do! Thanks a bunch! This whole process makes me nervous.
  6. No he didnt. I found them on my own.
  7. So I heard post op you cant have certian things like peanut butter or pinapple ( two things I am fond of). I know no bread and such. What else?:laugh:
  8. Thanks guys. Its so nice to be able to come here and ask things. She scared me for a minute.... I love peanut butter! LOL Thanks again!
  9. Oh these were things that a friend ( who has the band) said should not be eaten with the band cause it could cause problems. She said no soda and such.
  10. Well as far as the piercings and such, you will have to take them out beofr ethey wheel you to the OR. They would like if you took them out before you go there. I had my tounge pierced when I had my gallbladder removed last year. I took it out at 6 am and put it back in the next morning. My hole didnt close up. As far as your skin being lose. No one knows. Everyone is different. You are young and not as big as most so odds are good you will have little to none but it depends on your genes too. Good luck and take deep breaths! I know your worried but it will be ok. And you wont need protein shakes your whole life! LOL
  11. Thanks! And congrats on your weight loss! Thats amazing!
  12. So I am beginning this journey and would love to have an experienced bandster who maybe started around my weight ( 320) and is under 30 to ask all my silly questions to and get some help and support! Any takers to help poor (not) so lil me?:smile2:
  13. Hey I will take 55lbs inless than 5 months! Thats awesome. But my age is what may hold me back form surgery. I dont know if I have been "big" long enough!
  14. Oh and the age thing was only because with someone closer to my weight and age weight loss would be a little more comparable.
  15. Thanks! Did you do a pre-op diet? If so how long and how much weight did you lose? What did you do? I am trying to get a good idea of what its going to be like. Price ( as I heard protein shakes can be pricey), weight loss, and how long.
  16. I havent had surgery yet but I can tell you what I am looking forward to... I want to have the confidence to dance in a night club with my husband. Not have my tummy touch the steering wheel when I drive. We live about two hours from Orlando and go to parks a lot.... I would like to ride some roller coasters... I dont because the seats arent big enough.
  17. I am a young ( 20) married stay at home mom of two. I am in Jacksonville Fl and would love to chat with someone close to my age and situation who has had the surgery. Someone close to would be great!!!:thumbup:
  18. cmdtl

    Telling people.....

    See the people I have told have been people I know are supportive. They are long time friends that have known my struggle and seen my go from my curvy size 9 to a huge size 26. I dont plan to announce it from the mountains but if asked or if it comes up, I wont lie. ~Changin, I know someone who had it done 3 years ago. She still tells people she lost 212 lbs with weight watchers..... no one believes her.
  19. cmdtl

    Jacksonville Florida?

    I will be going in for my first appt. Aug 5th with Dr Baptista!
  20. cmdtl

    Husband says, "Don't fill"

    YOU have to be happy first! I know you love your husband but do what makes you happy. You could try and lose on your own but it didnt work before the band ( otherwise you wouldnt have been banded) so why would it work now? Do you want to risk gaining while you battle with this? I am not trying to be harsh as I know you love your husband but your health should be enough reason, esp. now that you have a baby. Good luck!
  21. The choice is yours. Breast milk no matter the amount is a great gift, not to say that formula is bad. Talk to several surgeons and get many opinions and make your choice based on that. Also odds that he would wait past 2 to be weaned is low since you only nurses at limited times. Talk to come local LCs and do some research. You can email me if you have anymore questions. cmdtl@aol.com
  22. I think about that too... my husband asked me why dont I just wait until after the holidays so I can enjoy. It was tempting but I knew it would just be 10 more lbs to lose!
  23. As a doula and LC ( lactation consultant ), I would personally advise against it. The surgery reduces the calories you can take in and the water you can drink. Depending one how often you nurse you could easily dehydrate and become malnourished. I would hope that your surgeon would advise you against it as well. As much as I am for the surgery, I would wait until your ready to wean. I wish you the best of luck and much success. A big thumbs up for choosing to breastfeed, your giving your baby the best start there is! *hugs*
  24. Hi,

    I am just starting out and have my first appt. August 5th. Who was your surgeon?

  25. I will be having my surgery with them soon. I like them so far. Glad to hear others have had good experiences with them.

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