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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by clara

  1. Hi Michelle thanks for getting back to me. I am having signing in problems too. Keep forgetting pass words!! I have lost 5stone 3lbs down from a size 22 to a 14 feeling good I am so glad it has worked for us! Any word from Lisa or how she is getting on??

  2. Hi Michelle its claire here was just wondering how you were doing hope your weight loss is going well and your poor ankles are feeling better drop me a line and let me know how you are doing catch up with you soon xxx

  3. Hi Lisa just said I would catch up with fellow bandits and see how everyone was doing. i waas chatting to michela and liams wife tonight Michela has lost 7lbs so far she is not feeling great but hopes on her next fill will see some results. I have had 2 fills and lost 3st feeling fab so delighted. please drop me a line and let me know how you are getting on

  4. Wow that is amazing!! You must be so pleased. I would be dancing for you! Its so nice to read posts like yours it makes you see that the journey is so worth it. Well done carrriejess, yor an inspiration!!!!
  5. Hello everyone its hard to beleive I am now 6 weeks post Op feels like a life time ago since arriving in Belgium with Anitahug sitting on a bench in the town saying what the hell are we doing!!! I felt the recovery was easier than the time waiting to go for the Op!! I just toke my time and did everything I was told ny fred and chris, which being a bit of a rebel is not like me. But they are right. Up until about 4 weeks post Op I was so tired all the time I was starting a week of night duty and was worried about how I would manage but got through it just fine and feel back to myself now. I spent last week in Nottingham and London. Which was a bit of a boozy week though I am now such a light weight stuck to wine and only needed 2 glasses before I was drunk!!! But its not a bad thing because now I dont get the really bad hangovers I used too. Food wise I was quite naughty but only had small amounts of bad food and have manged to stay the same weight. On to the dreaded exercise I have been doing little bits and know I need to do more I think the trick is to find something you enjoy and stick to that so walking and aqua aerobics for me and doing a few sit ups and that at home. So far am down 2 stone fitting into a size 16 top and a 18-20 bottoms so am happy with the progress so far!!! Great to see everyone is doing well!!!!!
  6. Lischa Hi how are you doing? I can see you are doing really well delighted for you! I have lost 2 stone so far, feeling great and trying to get into exercise myself, swimming and walking. Have also ordered myself a pair of roller skates so if you never see me on here again you know I have had a freak accident while out roller blading in the park!!!! I have not heard from any of the others but will drop them a line and see how all the july 7 bandits are doing. Well done girl hope to hear from you soon xx
  7. Hiya Lisa. Do not dispair. I have lost 1st 8lbs in the first couple of weeks now I am stuck and think I have a couple of bls on too. Dont worry, this happens you might lose more next week, you have done so well had a massive loss. I have been good not eaten too much sticking to 3 small meals a day,half mush half liquid. but still no loss We will struggle on and get past this!!!! I am sure other people experience this too. Dont worry all will be fine, keep in touch and let me know how you are getting on clara xxx
  8. Good Morning Lisa, Michelle and Michela. I am glad to hear you are all doing well. I was laughing my head off a the thought of michelle coming out of the Xray that was brilliant!! I have so far lost 1st 8lbs I cant beleive it!! At the moment I am on half mush and half liquid diet!! I started on mush on saturday I had scrambled egg and yesturday had some mash potato and beans its strange chewing beans!! I had my stitches taken out on friday and they are healing nicly. I was freaking out last night because I can feel a lump under on the the incissions. Is this the port? I have got arnica cream to use when the incissions have healed. I am with you on the bikini Michela cant wait to have to body for it!!! Lisa I have not tried the dutch things yet but I will keep and eye out for them!! So delighted to hear how you are all dong keep me posted Take care Clara xxx
  9. is that you Michelle? Good on you with the weight loss. You should only be on liquids then on to mush from saturday the stitches can come out on friday you should be changong the dressings every other day. Hope all is good with you and your doing ok Clara xxxx
  10. Hi ya Lisa Thanks ill have a look out for them I am doing fine, I am actually not sick of soup like everyone seems to be!! I didnt weigh myself yet but everyone else I spoke to has a good weight loss. I have just felt a bit uncomfortable inmy tummy the last couple of days I think maybe the soup I had was too thick. But all is well apart from that. Hope your ok talk toyou soon Clara xxx
  11. Hi Lisa Glad to see your doing really well i didnt know we could eat crisp bread. can you get it anywhere apart from sainsburys? No sainsburys here on the emerald isle!! Well done wiht the weight loss girl!!!
  12. Hi Lischa, I got in contact with anitahug and she said you were being banded on the same day as us. Hope your ok and not too nervous!! I am quite excited, dont know if i should be!! Look forward to meeting you in Brussels have a safe journey!!
  13. Thanks a milloin I have found one of them. Will look for the other!!
  14. Good Morning, I have just joined this site and find it brill!! I am getting banded on tuesday in brussels by Dr chris. Was wondering if anyone else out there is getting banded then too!! I am going on my own as a friend couldnt get time off last min. If anyone is heading then would be great to hear from you Oh forgot to mention I am coming from Dublin.

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