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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gbakerc

  1. gbakerc

    I Miss Food...

    I have been banded for almost a month and am down 29 pounds. No fill yet so no restriction. I really am finding myself not thinking about food alot as time goes along. Haven't really found a hobby, just came to accept that the food I eat is to keep me alive and enjoyment of eating will come at a later time. Not sure that is the right way to look at it but I am 30 days in and 1/3 of my way to my goal. I also have to deal with hunger that I have not in the past. Before when I was hungry I ate. Now I wait for 3 hours regardless. Hopefully I will not be hungry as much once the fills start but I am getting used to it. Greg
  2. gbakerc

    leaking band question

    i agree. I don't think he pulled the fluid out. I think he just assumed he would have restriction at 6.4 but I am sure it could take more than that/
  3. As much as I hated the pre-op diet it gave me discipline. It taught me how to live better with hunger. The swelling has gone down and I have no restriction so I just eat as if I have restriction and deal with being hungry. My hope is once I get a couple of fills I won't be hungry so often.
  4. gbakerc

    I choose to live.

    Tell your husband that there is a far greater risk of dying from an obesity related disease than the surgery. In my opinion the risks are very very small. I don't think that should really even be part of the equation
  5. The concern of any NSAID's such as Ibuprofen is them causing ulcers That is why the recommend tylenol. greg
  6. I have lost 27 pounds in 38 days. I would like to lose about 20 more before Christmas. The Bariatric Coordinator said he hoped I would be at 199 by easter which is 43 pounds from now. I think I should make it.
  7. your Doc should be fine. The point of the band is to help you to lose weight and that requires fills. I have heard of people that get no adjustments for years and then get back to it. You have made the investment in yourself. Call the Doctor and get back in the game. Greg
  8. gbakerc

    wls before surgery?

    Nope. I started with the Pre-op diet and lost 16 pounds prior to surgery.
  9. Slim Fast High Protein powder. chocolate. Not as high in protein (15 grams with skim milk) but tasted better than anything that I have tried and I tried a bunch. it costs about $10 for 14 or 15 servings. Greg
  10. gbakerc

    Liquid diet help !!!! Please

    I just finished my post op mushy diet and I am on to regular foods. I had a 2 week liquid before and 1 week after + 2 weeks on Mushies. It is tough but the time will pass. Keep your head up and it will be over beofre you know it. Greg
  11. Went to the Doctor today and was released from Mushies and on to real food. I have lost 12 pounds since Surgery on the 23rd and 27 pounds since the 9th of September. I am stoked. I had stayed at about 23 pound for about a week that is after a 2 pound gain after the first week of mushies. I cut my carbs and lost 4 pounds in 4 days. I get my first fill on the 29th of October. This will be under Flouroscope. I am glad the mushies are done. I still don't get to eat much but I can start to see the light at the end of the bandster hell tunnel. Greg
  12. Ice cream, chocolate, creamy pies.
  13. I had Dr. Elliott who was a partner of Dr. Brengmans until a few weeks ago. ( it was a HCA Bon Secours Split). I have heard very good things about Dr. Brengman. Not sure if he does his fills or if a nurse or PA does them. I know with Dr. Elliott he does all of his own fills which I like. I think Dr. Brengmans surgeries will all be at St. Mary's now( they may have always been there). I think you would be pleased with him based on what I have heard. Greg
  14. How much is the fee? My Dr. did not charge one and I don't know of any in Richmond that do. I think it is a way to pad their pocket. If there are other Dr's in the area I would shop around. To me I could see a couple hundered dollars if and only if it includes nutritional counseling. Greg
  15. too bad big gulp cups don't count :0
  16. Sounds like your swelling has gone down so you probably have about 0 restriction. I am just starting solids.(banded the 23rd) I am trying to keep it at about 800-900 calories per day. I lost 8 pounds 1st week on full liquids but did not lose on mushies. My guess is body is adapting to the low amount of calories. Eventually I will start losing again. My fill will be in about 2 weeks. I still try to have small portions but I do find myself eating more often. I am hungry but try not to think about it as much. Greg
  17. Did your Dr. tell you that 100% of the people lose weight and keep it off? The statistics show somewhere between 46 and 60% lose weight and maintain it. From what I gather most lose a significant amount of weight and keep a good portion of people keep most of it off. Look at the odds. Those that are 100lbs or more overweight have a 5% or less chance losing and maintaing their weight loss. I will take my chances with the band. Greg
  18. Just got the hospital bill. this is the day I have been waiting for. The grand total for Surgery(not including the 5K dr's fee) was $57,800. Obviously that does not take into account the $40K discount to BCBS so a net of around 18K. I don't know why they even put in the high number. If I was self pay it would have been about 17K. Luckily I only have to pay $2500 for everything for the year. I need to think of another surgery to have before december so it will be on the house:biggrin: Greg
  19. Just got the hospital bill. this is the day I have been waiting for. The grand total for Surgery(not including the 5K dr's fee) was $57,800. Obviously that does not take into account the $40K discount to BCBS so a net of around 18K. I don't know why they even put in the high number. If I was self pay it would have been about 17K. Luckily I only have to pay $2500 for everything for the year. I need to think of another surgery to have before december:smile:
  20. I was banded on a Wednesday and went back Monday. 5 days as well. I felt fine. I have a desk job. I was a little tired at the end of the day but not too bad. Greg
  21. For the most part I did well. I lost 16 pounds during my pre-op. I don't know if this would be considered cheating but when I went in 4 days before the operation he said I lost enough weight. Just don't gain any. I then ate a hamburger but watched it to make sure I did not gain any weight. I still think it is rediculous that there is no consensus amongst DR's on what diet you should be on. alot have no pre-op diet. Do they use a different surgical technique that makes the size of your liver a non issue? No. I think many Dr's play the odds since about 1% of the procedures are cancelled due to thick liver. Does that mean you should cheat? No. I think the valuable part of it is that it helps prepare you to eat much less during bandster hell, which is a location that I currently reside in. I would follow your Dr's advice as closely as possible. If you cheat. Pick yourself up and don't do it again. Eating much less food will better prepare you for the coming weeks. Greg
  22. gbakerc

    Bandster Hell SUCKS!

    I am exactly where you are. I lost 16 pounds prior to surgery, 9 pounds on my week of liquids and nothing on the first 8 days of mushies. I get to go on solid food next wednesday so I am excited. I have been eating well about 800-900 calories a day but nothing is happening. I have my follow up Wednesday and a fill a week or 2 after. My doc does the first under flouroscopy and then one 2 weeks later. He seems to have good luck at getting decent restriction in the first 2 fills. Good luck.
  23. Starryeyed. Don't sweat it. Just get back on track. The diet is no fun but it will pass. I just started my 2nd week of Mushies so I have not had much solid food since 9/8. Next Wed I will be back on solids. It is tough but you make it through it. Took about 5 days to get used to the liquid diet. Best of luck, Greg
  24. I know what I am going through is perfectly normal. Lost 16 pounds on LSD and then 9 Pounds on my post op liquid diet for a week. Went to Mushies and I didn't lose this week. Not too hungry. I track my food on the daily plate(which is a great website by the way) and I am at around 850 to 900. I am wondering if I should bump up my calories a bit or if at some point you start losing again at 800 to 900? How long after you went on Mushies did it take to start losing again. I am not discouraged as I have lost 25 pounds in less than a month and as I am going to have this forever I will have to take it as it comes. Thanks, Greg
  25. gbakerc

    Tomorrow is the day

    Word of advice. Walk, walk and walk. When you are finished walk some more. I walked 2 1/2 miles after surgery and ended up with virtually no gas pain. Oh yeah did I mention Walk? Trust me, it can make a big difference. Best of luck. Greg

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