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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gbakerc

  1. If you are PB'ing /sliming then you are more than likely not at your sweet spot. Sounds like you are a little tight. May suggest a .25 cc unfill to the doctor. It may resolve itself in a week but I would think it would have already done so.
  2. The oddest thing happend. I have been quite ill with a cold. about 3 days ago my right side below my ribcage started hurting and continued to hurt pretty bad for about 3 days. This morning I woke up and the pain had almost gone away. I have been quite bloated/gassy sorry about the tmi but can't figure out the pain. My first though is gall blader. pain radiated to my back. a heating pad helped. Felt like bad gas pains but in a odd place. I thought gall bladder because of the system but most of my reading said it comes and goes and this was consistent for 3 days. I had a fill on the 28th. I just don't see how it could be band related but you never know. Greg
  3. I decided after tons of research and delibiration to go with the Realize band. My opinion is that you are comparing apples to apples. Sure they have some minor differences but not enough to sway me one way or the other. Some jackass spent quite a while trashing the realize band on this site and would have you believe that the Lap Band is a gift from the gods. Bottom line is they both work and are good, quality products. Good Luck, Greg
  4. gbakerc

    Yippeee! HUNGRY is DEAD!

    I was hopeful that my first fill 5.2 cc's would do the trick. I did it under flouroscope and there was just a trickle of barium flowing through. It must have loosened up an hour later. I could tell 4 days later when I went on solids that I didn't have restriction. (my apetite is less and I am sticking to the 1/2 a cup of food at a setting but it doesn't last long. Greg
  5. gbakerc

    Yippeee! HUNGRY is DEAD!

    Watch out. Hungry will probably resurrect itself in the coming weeks. You seem very prepared for it though. Glad all went well.
  6. I had a fill of 5.2 cc fill on my first try and nothing. I will go back in a few for another one.
  7. 2 flinstone chewables and a viactiv does the trick according to my MD. Greg
  8. I thought papaya enzymes only broke down meat, not bread? do they work on things other than meat? Greg
  9. I had it under Flouro so after he stuck me i had to hold the syringe while they read the image. it hurt no more than getting any kind of shot. The needle is very thin. GReg
  10. it depends. 5 cc's may be too much or to little. If you don't acheive restriction it is not enough, If you can't eat, it is too much. Dr's will either do it under flouro which lets them see how much Fluid goes through when you drink barium, or they will do it by having you drink Water and have you see how it goes down. My first fill was 5.2 and I have very little to no restriction. Greg
  11. realize bands are implanted empty. The Lap band is typically implanted with 3 to 4cc's in the band. I think if you search around most people that have the Lap band AP are implanted with some Fluid in the band. Rarely is this an issue. You could have very well had excessive swelling which could have caused these issues. I don't think you should be wary. After you heal and start getting appropriate fills I think you will feel better. It was a really tough way to start. Hopefully you will be better soon. Best of luck. Greg
  12. I am about 5 weeks post op amd have lost 16 pounds since surgery. Greg
  13. unless it is chunky it should move through the pouch rather quickly. I think if you drink pretty slow, you should be fine.
  14. Anyone get decent restriction after your first fill? I have the realize band and got my my first fill under Flouroscope and he put in 5.2 cc's. He said it was pretty aggressive and the barium went through pretty slowly. For about an hour I could feel liquids going down. They would slow for a split second then go through. After a couple hours liquids went down just fine. Greg
  15. From most of the people I have tallked to Flouro is the way to go. They are free for me until the end of DEC so I hope to get 1 to 2 or til my sweet spot by then. Like I said my doc will do them fairly often. He can be more agressive. He got it to the point where the barium was slowly passing through. I can't figure out why I wouldn't have restriction after that but I am not counting on it.
  16. seems crazy to have to wait long periods of time between fills. My DR. wants you to give it 2 weeks but If you aren't restricted by then come back in. 6 weeks seems rediculous to me. Greg
  17. gbakerc

    RealizeBand Patients

    I had my first fill today and I got 5.2 cc. They did it under flouro so they could be pretty aggressive. I guess I will know by monday night when I get back to solids if it is giving me restriction. Greg
  18. gbakerc

    So Upset !!!!

    It happened to me with hernia surgery once. It got straight. Call you Dr's office and tell them what has happened and I am sure they will get it straight. Greg
  19. I think the habits will catch up with her in the end. With RNY their seems to be a point you stop losing and start gaining as the body adjusts to the Malapsorption. Over 5 years the loss is close to identical with RNY. Your loss is great and I wouldn't worry about comparisons. I have a friend in the company and he had RNY. Used to weigh 525 and he now weighs 250. He could not be more supportive. That is what friends do. Greg
  20. Depends on the Doctor. mine was 1 week full liquids and 2 weeks Mushies. It varies greatly Doctor to Doctor.
  21. gbakerc

    One year later...

    Congratulations. It is nice to hear the success stories. We tend to hear more about problems around here than the successes. Greg
  22. gbakerc

    I could really use some help.

    Before you go through everything. Find out from your insurance company what their requirements are and make sure that they even pay for WLS. Then you will have a better idea of what you need to do. Greg
  23. gbakerc

    Breakfast Issues

    Many people feel very tight in the morning. While I don't believe there is a scientific consensus as to why, many believe it has to do with lack of hydration. Since we don't drink while sleeping some believe it causes a bit of dehydration. I have heard drinking warm liquids first thing can help or drink a good amount of fluids prior to bed Greg
  24. gbakerc

    0 pounds in 6 days!

    I lost 16 pounds pre-op 8 the week after the surgery and then nothing for 9 days. Then it started back, I didn't do anything different. Your body just adjusts. Keep doing what you are doing and it will start coming off again. I just hit 30 today. Good luck
  25. So I have a friend who had the realize band implanted about a month ago and the Dr. feels as though it may have a leak. Does either lap band or realize take any responsibilty for the defective band placed in him a month prior or is he on the hook for a whole new surgery? I am not convinced that he has a leak. He has 6.4 cc's in a 10 or 11 CC band (realize C) I am guessing he could just not have restriction yet. Greg

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