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Everything posted by GoingforGoal

  1. GoingforGoal

    Parm encrusred Tilapia

    Seriously? I'm drooling lol thanks for the great recipe
  2. GoingforGoal

    Abdominal pain and discomfort

    Do you have your gallbladder?????
  3. GoingforGoal

    No Fills??

    I apologize for my exasperation upfront because I just get flustered hearing "afraid to get a fill" "afraid to eat" rhetoric. It a contradiction to get the band but not the fills. These are the ONLY reasons not to get a fill: 1) You are satiated minimum 3-4 hrs between meals 2) You are losing an avg of 8 lbs/month or more 3) You are experiencing negative symptoms (like GERD, pain, incapability to eat most foods or just passing liquids) this would require an unfill. NOT I am afraid I will get stuck Getting stuck is a normal consequence of having the band. The only way to get around it is 1) Chew like a madman 2) Eat small bites 3) Eat small volumes (approx 1cup or less of food per meal) 4) Avoid foods that get stuck for you (common ones include eggs, Pasta, rice, bread, dry meat) but this list is highly individualized and REQUIRES experimentation If you get stuck, try the following: 1) papaya enzyme to accelerate food breakdown 2) bending over and attempting to regurgitate the food. Sometimes the slightest pressure going up can dislodge the food and can be spit out. This is NOT the same as vomitting, which is when you expel contents from the stomach (not upper pouch) 3) stretches, being mobile, trying different positions etc have helped some but are not reliable What you are doing right now is self control. You are very early into your band and are not even transitioned into solids. Most do not get fills until 4-6 weeks postop after recovery. At this time is when you can start to gauge things like weight loss, hungar/satiety, and if there is any restriction in your band. The goal is to use the band optimally . Not to just have a foreign apparatus around our stomach for kicks. Bands are nothing without their fills. There's maybe 0.001 % who are at green for life with 0 fill. The reality is fills are an essential component to having the band work for you to reach your goals. I understand the fear you may have. For whatever reason, I think getting 'stuck' has been way overhyped on this site. Surely if I described stuck to you you wouldn't run for the hills. It's not THAT excruciating that we need to fear getting fills. PS I am not in anyway targeting you I am venting my frustration because I hear too many newbies with the same fear and it's completely absurd.
  4. GoingforGoal

    pre op vent!!!

    lol Sorry to hear hon... Not sure what kind of diet you are on, but to fake the brain into thinking you are indulging in sweets, try a SF icepop or candy. If you are eating x1 meal daily, incorporate something sweet like yogurt w/ fruit. You'll get there... hope your moods are lifted soon
  5. GoingforGoal

    Lap Band removal surgery scheduled!

    Hiddn, So sorry the band was not a success for you. Sadder that your original doctor could not find any resolution either. For inexplicable reasons, there are a minor few whose bodies do not adapt well to the band. It's an old problem shared with those who get hip/knee replacements, donor organs, aortic filters, screws/bolts name it. So unfair. I hope that this surgery brings you relief. Keep us posted.
  6. GoingforGoal

    To tell or not to tell...

    So happy to hear you have such wonderful support behind you. You have worked very hard and achieved a great deal. There is no 'cheating' with the band. One of the greatest obstacles we have is not losing, but maintaining. I hope you reach your goal (I know you will) and I hope the band makes this huge accomplishment life long. Congrats!
  7. GoingforGoal

    I'm being treated differently

    As for the 400 lb nurse, the absurdity is that she took it up the chain of command citing discrimination, persons with disabilities etc to keep her job. It's a damn shame when an employer cannot execute the proper decision on behalf of the safety of the patient/families because someone cannot accept that they are ill suited for the position. This is a woman who started the job when she was less overweight and able body. Due to her extreme obesity many comorbidities settled in and warranted one accommodation after another. However, patients walking through the door for the first time don't know her, her medical history etc...all they see is their health care is at risk. Craziness.
  8. GoingforGoal

    I'm being treated differently

    Ok Im playing devil's advocate for a minute.. Yes, there are situations where a person may have a cane due to some medical ailment not related to weight, however, there are a fair share of those who have canes because of their weight too. It's impossible to discern between the two, and thus people are making rapid judgments because our brains are designed to do just that. So let's take that snapshot judgement and analyze it... why do we change our behavior when obesity vs disease (assuming you see it differently) is the culprit. Disease is easier to discuss. We have empathy for anyone who is 'inflicted' with a disease, disorder, condition outside their control and must live with the disability it renders. Thus we want to diminish their pain and inconvenience. But the key phrase, might be outside "their" control Now let's look at obesity. I would presume the majority of our society sees obesity as self driven, not as a disease. Thus the inconveniences that go with being overweight (joint issues, inability to fit in standard seats, lack of clothing options etc) seems avoidable. It's the same mentality with cancer. Horrible when it's breast cancer, not so horrible when a smoker gets lung cancer because they ignored the warnings. The result seemed predictable and thus is sympathy and pity warranted? Most would say no. I think people are naturally uncomfortable with the concept of self abuse. It's taboo and poorly discussed in our society. People don't know how to cope with family members who are drug users, alcoholics etc. Same goes for dealing with obese people if you've never had to deal with it. People become judgemental because they are ignorant, but also because of the emotions it arises in themselves. Examples include: disgust that someone would abuse themselves despite the apparent health issues, frustration that the person would rather live poorly than seek help, even anger when their disability becomes a burden onto others as well as themselves. The list goes on... SOME of the thinking is off base. Without full comprehension of what obesity is, that it is indeed a disease, and how difficult it can be to manage, people are not ready to offer their sympathy and concern. THey receive negative feedback in public by obese persons and that's hard to refute. Examples include overweight woman using handicap carts instead of walking, obese man eating a dinner for 5 while sitting in a wheelchair and has a nasal canula blowing oxygen, than there's the those who live out the lazy/dirty stereotypes who cant keep up with hygiene or sit in front of tvs all day instead of joining their families etc. This is a very hard thing to contend with when trying to educate the public that being obese warrants sympathy. People resent being enablers and sometimes their actions are a form of tough love to counteract the mentality that obesity should be supported. Personal example: I was a 250 lb nurse. I worked with another nurse who was closer to 400 lb. It was an absolute embarrassment and infuriating experience working with her. She elected to sit all day on a rolling chair. She would roll from one side of the room to the next, patient to patient. She would yell across the room and ask you to do her tasks since you were in the area (like if I was in the supply room, that was her cue to ask me to get her supplies) to avoid the extra steps (or leg sweeps in this case). I was embarrassed that patients/families would see this. Nursing should not be seen as limited or lazy. What happens in an emergency..imagine doing chest compressions sitting in a chair for instance. We carried a huge burden compensating for this nurse. And even though she didn't want to be discriminated against, she sure didn't mind inconveniencing the rest of us. Does this warrant help and sympathy? Not for me Even I struggle with not being judgemental and I use to be obese. Am I at fault? It's a visceral feeling to not be ok with someone else's choice to allow themselves to go that badly before getting help. It's the equivalent of self preservation. Because you react to it poorly it tells you its not accceptable for you and thus it discourages that behavior. Some of this is surmised at a very subconscious level. Some are just fortunate to not be inflicted with obesity and thus don't understand how some things can't be avoided, only managed. There lies the distinction. So without knowing people personally you will always be subject to making snapshot judgements. And yes, even the obese are judgemental! By no means am I trying to not be sympathetic to your specific experience/situation. I'm just trying to shine light on a very old argument.
  9. GoingforGoal

    Absurd Cost of Medical Care

    Well, being a US citizen living in Canada I can tell you socialized medicine is nothing to gravitate towards. I actually fly back monthly to the US for health care because of the horrendous care here. Let me tell you, cheaper means less quality... Also, being an RN I would have to see the US healthcare system be reduced to socialized medicine standards. There are many factors that contribute to the extraordinary expense of medical care. Factors like excessive liability insurance rates for doctors (many OBGYNs dont practice anymore because of it), absorbed costs for uninsured patients, FDA, OSHA and Joint Commission regulations and standards, lobbying for lower patient:nurse ratios, the list just goes on. But at least you don't have to wait 1 year for an MRI and 2 years for a procedure that in the US would take same week for an MRI and one month for your surgery. (True story, it's mine). Easy to point out the numbers, but a real subjective look at the entire picture is necessary to understand that this is not purely profit motivated.
  10. GoingforGoal

    Breast Implants

    Hi Melio, Congrats on the wl. I too lost a considerable amount of weight and am now ready for Cosmetic Surgery (CS). I think there's a multitude of factors to consider and than it comes down to personal preference. I am getting a wide array of procedures done: tummy tuck, arm lift, breast lift and implants. My preference is to get this all done at once as I am not a fan of having to go under repeatedly for surgery and having to go through recovery more times than necessary. It's also cheaper to get more than one procedure and also cheaper to have it done once (ie one less operating room and anesthesia expense), and that also may be a factor to consider. But I think the hardest thing for you might be choosing the size implant you want. I am at goal and I am having a very difficult time settling on an implant size because it's hard to envision the end product without the old stomach silhouette (and that's just sagging skin). If you have 25+ lbs to go it may be even more difficult. But if you already know, no worries. Also, I know plenty of people on here who have had CS before reaching goal. As much as 30 lbs overweight and they got their TTs. Consult w/ a CSurgeon and get their opinion on when to get yours.
  11. GoingforGoal

    What else will change??

    Hello Cantpause... I can answer this from a personal perspective or a more honest perspective as it may pertain to a 22 year olds life. For me personally, I was banded at 32 years of age. Wish I had done it much earlier, but I never knew about the band- only bypass. The band has been great for me. Sure there's been some accommodations and compromises, but I have zero regrets and have successfully reached goal. As a 32 (now 36) yo woman, I was fully equipped to make these changes and sacrifices and that is the only reservation I have for a 22 yo. Not knowing what your lifestyle is, how mature/responsible you are etc.. I know that this procedure CAN BE overwhelming for a young adult. Not only the concept of getting surgery and any associated risks and recovery discomfort associated with it, but also any changes or more specifically, social changes that could occur. So I want to address it from that end... Having the band puts you on introspective mode 24-7. Not only are you monitoring your food intake, managing your wl, abiding by your new rules etc, but you are also addressing your 'issues' you know the ones that made you overweight. It sounds daunting, but it's not. It's rewarding. It let you get in touch w/ the real you and give yourself a hard look in the mirror for the first time and get real with what the problem is and committing to changing it. It can be slightly preoccupying, however, it also makes you the priority. The only problem with you being a priority, is that you WILL make hard choices. Some are easier than others. Some only effect you, and some may effect others. Examples include: 1) If you socialize, sometimes food is provided without your input. If this is routine w/ the same friends you may need to ask for certain foods, bring your own foods or simply resist anything not bandworthy 2) when you dine out, small is the new norm. Order what you want, but you'll get 5 bites in max and friends will notice. If they don't know you are banded, think about what you will do/say now to make it less uncomfortable, 3) you might need to get tough with anyone who is or becomes a sabotager...you know, friends who only get together over drinks or dining, the mom (not yours apparently lol) who brings her fav banana nut bread over every week 4) personality changes, with weight loss comes great confidence and self esteem, this reflects in your everyday behavior and decisions. Mostly for the good. But sometimes this is perceived negatively (ie jealousy rears it's ugly head) be prepared and 5) At 22 I assume you are working and depending on the industry and setup your wl will be recognized by others, eating habits may be observed etc and you just need to be prepared for when people approach you with questions. Not sure if you are telling everyone vs noone but hiding can be just as stressful (ie hiding your mash potato lunch, avoiding get togethers so noone sees you drink a shake etc) lol. These are the worse things I can drum up. It's in no way to deter you from the band. It's to give you an opportunity to just sit down and prepare for the what ifs. The surgery is not a huge ordeal, the pain is manageable, the transition to solids is a challenge and living with the band becomes second nature. The more you prepare the easier it is. You'll do great and congrats on doing it at such a young age (the right time) you'll thank yourself when you are 36 yo
  12. GoingforGoal

    ( • ) ( • ) Nipples ( • ) ( • )

    Say what? I go in for lift/augm in Oct...tell me more
  13. GoingforGoal

    Fill diet changed

    Oh heck no. Now I'm not saying you have to do 2xclear and 2xmush, however, there is not way I would go straight to a normal diet after a fill. No matter how big or small of a fill I get, I always feel slight restriction. I've had the unfortunate experience of an overfill, and simply drinking water exasperated the band from tight to occluded. Sorry, but to be safe... try fluids first. Move into some full liquids like tomato soup next. If you get an early a.m. fill and all goes down by evening, I would go to mushies. Next day, fluids to start and open the band up but maybe a chicken noodle soup equivalent to 'test' solids and than solids if all passes. There is absolutely no need nor benefit to being so aggressive after a fill
  14. GoingforGoal

    Some People...........

    Fat is one of the few acceptable things to discriminate against openly. Whether it's flippant comments, sneering looks, or rejected access to planes, buses, and rides alike... it's just easier to keep pointing fingers, laughing, and rejecting opposed to sympathizes and understanding. There is absolutely no reason to get upset. The first reason being most peoples assumptions to why someone is overweight is inaccurate. Second, their knowledge on how to lose and maintain weight loss is absurd. Third because without awareness and education there will always be discrimination and ignorance. Best to let this one go...can't change the world, only yourself. AND don't let the world do the changing for you!
  15. GoingforGoal


    Name, real or screen~ Hazelsbliss Goal weight for September 30th~ 149 Weight on September 1st~ (it's early, but let's say 144.5) Age~ 35 City/State~ Calgary, Canada currently, but US Citizen Dietary goal for September~ Eliminate drinks during meals Exercise goal for September~ Treadmill at least 3x week Personal goal for September~ Get mentally prepared for Cosmetic Surgery in October Date banded~ 11-3-09 Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~ 100 lb Favorite Fall Activity~ Halloween of course But also, country rides when the trees turn colors
  16. GoingforGoal


    Hi PG, Thanks for sharing your docs advice. You'll see that many of us bandsters drink hot drinks as well before our morning meals to help loosen the restriction as we are normally tighter in the mornings. Secondary to any saliva build up, dehydration and a unused band overnight causes even further restriction and it needs to be loosed up. So yes!!! drink up to the alloted time. Also, most of us are usually drinking up until our given 'no drinking allowed' time period to ensure we get adequate fluid intake. With the (1/2 hr -1.5 hr) breaks around meals, it can be a challenge for those who fill easy, those who are busy and those who are not accustomed to drinking 64+oz a day.
  17. GoingforGoal

    pain where port is at...

    Could you describe the pain? Is it like a dull ache like it's sore or sharp like it's pinching? Do you correlate it with anything like after standing for a long time, exercising, or ??? One thing to remember is that as you lose weight, your port will become more prominent because there's less and less fat covering it. This makes it easier to palpate, but without padding, it can also be easier to irritate. Depending on where your port lies, tight clothing can do it. Perhaps you started a new workout routine and the pulling and turning is causing it to pull at the sutures and scar tissue. Real concern comes with apparent swelling (think golf ball), hot to touch, any Fluid filled pockets etc which is pointing towards infection opposed to irritation. Tell us more so we can try to help, but also consult w/ your doc
  18. GoingforGoal

    New Member

    Congrats on getting banded and welcome to band land Be sure to update us as you lose weight, ask questions if you come across any challenges or simply drop in to say hi
  19. GoingforGoal

    I guess i am doing ok

    You GUESS? Puhlease..youre doing awesome!
  20. GoingforGoal

    Be honest i can handle it

    Doing great, looking good. Keep doing it
  21. GoingforGoal


    Dee, In the future give people some idea of what your history is. LIke, if banded, when, are you on any diets, take meds? Headaches are caused by a long list of things, some simple as caffeine intake to an aneurysm. Not all symptoms will be related to the band so it's essential to get the doc involved in the conversation.
  22. GoingforGoal

    Weird ?

    Usually they weigh you because they need an exact weight for meds (like anesthesia). Just ask them to do it if they don't routinely
  23. GoingforGoal

    Unflavored protein

    KP are you asking for a flavorless shake or flavorless Protein that can be added to drinks, food etc I would recommend Allmax ISo Natural pure whey protein isolate. Sold at GNC Def no flavor and none of that slimey texture
  24. GoingforGoal

    I'm so confused!!

    In terms of wls, I considered ALL the options. I ultimately decided on the band because: 1) it does not require rerouting my plumbing -serious adverse effects such as internal bleeding, ulcers, torn sutures, repair surgeries, etc was not appealing 2) I did not want adverse health effects such as malabsorption issues, dumping syndrome etc to deal with 3) I like the idea of the band being temporary (as in, it's removable) if any complications arose. And that it was adaptable, changed as I needed it to support me through different stages of wl 4) I was not unrealistic wanting/needing drastic wl in a shorter period of time. The extra time gave me more time to cope, relearn good eating habits, deal w/ changes easier, address eating issues before reaching goal etc. That and I had a friend's daughter pass away after longterm issues from her GBP. Hit too close to home. it seemed like the safer option and I am completely satisfied with it.
  25. GoingforGoal

    Mad at myself.

    Wait? We are not supposed to eat cookies and brownies...AHHH MANNNN COME ON!!!! lol Well (wiping crumbs off my mouth) SHAME on you SHAME SHAME SHAME lol

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