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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by momwifelove

  1. Hey there - you wrote on my wall & I just checked it. Sorry I havent been on in a while. I don't know how to add friends so I guess add me and maybe I can figure it out. :) I'm doing really good. Down 80 lbs and still going. It has been a year and almost 3 months. I love the lapband and would go back in a heartbeat and do it again if I had to. Hope all is well with you.

  2. That is cool. Good Luck to you and hope all is good!

  3. I am doing good. I am hungry but I am fixing to start mushies so I am just waiting. How are you doing. I am down 10 lbs in a week which I think is good but I am afraid b/c when I start mushies I am afraid it will go up. Good Luck to you and I hope things go well.

  4. Hey there, I know we can do it and I know we will do it. I hope all goes well with you on Friday. My surgery is at TLCEdge Surgery Center in Plano. Dr. Stewart is my doctor. I think Dr. Carter is one of them I could have chosen though. They have like 7 different doctors that come in on different days of the week and different times of the month. Well good luck and I will keep you in mind!

  5. Hey there, I am getting banded on the 29th also. I am sooo excited. I know that we are going to have a huge change and people that are mean are going to be sorry when they see the new you when you have reached your goal. I know it won't be an overnight process but I am sooo ready for it. Good Luck to you and I know you will do well.

  6. Hey there I am having my surgery in Plano, Texas. I am not sure my exact weight. I think I am around 270 or so. I go to the doctor on the 17th to do my blood work and see the nutrionist. I am sooo excited but nervous. We will have to keep in touch. Have you already started your liquid diet? I haven't but I think I only have to have a week of it. Good Luck

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