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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by momwifelove

  1. Hey there - you wrote on my wall & I just checked it. Sorry I havent been on in a while. I don't know how to add friends so I guess add me and maybe I can figure it out. :) I'm doing really good. Down 80 lbs and still going. It has been a year and almost 3 months. I love the lapband and would go back in a heartbeat and do it again if I had to. Hope all is well with you.

  2. momwifelove

    thanksgiving jitters....

    Well I plan on eating a little bit of the things I want. I have learned that if I say I can't have something then it makes me want it even more. If I really want something then I eat it I just eat a little bit of it. I had surgery on 7/39 and I have lost 30lbs so I believe I am doing good. Good Luck with Thanksgiving and Christmas everyone. Hope you have Happy Holidays!
  3. Well I have yet to try Subway but I love it. I have been banded since 7/29 & up until my last fill 3 weeks ago I could still pretty much eat antyhing. My last fill has made it where I have a really hard time eating anything at all unless it is Mushy. I have been eating a lot of chicken but to eat just one unbreaded tender it takes me about 20 minutes b/c I have to take really small bites & chew very very well before I swallow. I don't think I could even eat the bread right now. I might could eat a salad but I don't like spending $6.00 on something that I am only going to eat a little bit of. Good Luck and you will just have to try different things out & see how they fit with you b/c everyone is different.
  4. Hey there yall, I had my surgery this morning. I am doing pretty good. The gas pains are hurting pretty bad. When I get up and walk around and put my hands in the air I feel better and then I will sit up for a little bit and it is fine. When I lay down is when it hurts. But other than that I feel ok. On clear liquids for 3 days and then start full liquids again for a week or so. I know this is a really good thing that I did even though what I went thru to get it. Good Luck to everyone that has had it and I know I started a new life today! :juggle:
  5. momwifelove

    Drinking after surgery

    Well I have been banded for almost 3 months. My doctor told me that I could drink but no beer or carbonated beverages, which is like smirnoff, red bull with alcohol, etc. I have been to the bar once and I drank a Margarita and that was it and then I went to eat about a month ago and decided to try a Margarita. It went down ok and I didn't feel any different than normal. Me being a selfpay patient I am not willing to risk messing up my band or strectching my pouch so I refuse to drink carbonated beverages even though I would so love to have them. I think it is ok to drink but you have to be careful b/c of the calorie intake. I had my daughter 2 months before I turned 21 so I have not been much of a partier. I mean I go out 4 or 5 times a year to the bar but that is it. I just have other thinks in life that are more important to me than drinking & partying. There is nothing wrong with drinking though as long as you are careful about it. Good Luck to you!
  6. Way to Go - I am so happy for you. Can't wait till I get there!
  7. momwifelove

    Restriction goes away

    I don't think that is what is wrong with you. I have had 3 fills and my first 2 were that way. The first fill they put 4 cc's in and I felt it at first and like you that was actually my first stuck episode and then after a week and a half or so I was not feeling anything. 3 weeks later I went in for my 2nd feel and the same thing except this one didn't seem that tight but they put in 1 cc. I went back 2 weeks later for my 3rd fill & man am I tight right now. Its only been a week since my 3rd fill but I still can't eat normal foods. I have to eat mashed potatoes or beans or something really really mushy or it gets stuck & I throw up. I hadn't thrown up at all until now. So it just depends on how much of a fill you get and how many you have had and as Kiz said when you loose your band is going to loosen. So just hang in there. My doctor said I can come back every 2 to 3 weeks as needed. Good Luck.
  8. Ok, I have been banded since July 29, 2009. I have lost 24lbs which is good to me. I got my 3rd fill last Tuesday and since then I have only been able to eat like mushy stuff or soup. If I eat any kind of normal food it gets stuck & ends up coming back up most of the time. I have never thrown up until this last week. I am able to keep my protein drinks down but it usually takes me about 30 minutes to an hour to drink them. I can eat mashed potatoes, beans, etc and they go down fine but if there is anything that is not mushy I can't eat it. Does anyone have any ideas of some foods I might can eat b/c I am sick of mashed potatoes & refried beans. One good side to this is I have lost 4 lbs in the last week. Thanks for any help you might can give me.
  9. momwifelove

    One meal at a time...

    Hey there, I am with you all the way. I have cravings all the time that I want of stuff I love. I am not going to just tell myself I can't have it b/c that makes me want it even more. I love pizza very very much. I have eatin it one time since I have been banded but what I did was eat a salad until I was nearly full and then I barely ate one piece of thin crust pizza. That is how I limited myself. I know a lot of people are like don't eat this or don't eat that but I don't think it is a problem as long as I am watching how much I eat and how much I take in for the day. Good luck to you as we are both new to this. I know we can do it!
  10. momwifelove

    First Fill - what a trip!!!

    I had my first fill today also. I had it at the hospital thru the x-ray deal b/c my doc likes to do everyones first one like that so he can make sure everything is in place and going down good. He put 4 cc's in mine and it doesn't feel much different. I am on liquids today, mushies tomorrow and regular Saturday. I am so hungry b/c all I have had all day is 1 protein drink & some apple juice. I don't know what to eat b/c I don't really want soup but I guess I am going to have to have it anyway. He told me anywhere from a month to 6 weeks I would be ready for a 2nd fill. Just however I feel. The process went ok though so no complaints.
  11. momwifelove


    I had my surgery in July and I eat it a lot. I love salad so I don't see why it would be a problem.
  12. momwifelove

    Back to work - How Quick

    I was banded on Wednesday July 29, 2009 and I went back to work on Monday August 3, 2009. I have a sit down job at a desk so it was ok. I was tired but I just made sure I rested the whole time I was home. You will be ok but make sure you don't lift stuff!
  13. I was banded on 7/29 & 4 days after I was banded I started having these pains. I went to the ER b/c the doc told me to and it turned out that I had inflammation in my ribs. They wanted me to start taking iboprofuen and it really really helped. 2 days later I was feeling totally better! Good Luck to you!
  14. Ok, so I was banded a month ago and don't get my first fill until Thursday September 3 which is another week. I am sooo ready for it. Ok, I have lost 17lbs since surgery which is great. However last week the doctor told me I could go to regular food so I have been. I haven't hardly eatin anything at all. Ok for instance here is my regular day. For breakfast I have a protien shake, for lunch I will either eat a salad or some potatoes or a toasted sandwhich and then if I am hungry around 3 or 4 I will eat a sugar free pudding and then for supper I will eat maybe beans & rice or fish or chicken. I don't eat hardly anything comopared to what I normally eat. The problem is I go back and forth with my weight. Last night I was up to 256 but this morning I was back down to 253. What is the deal. I walk 3 to 4 times a week which isn't much but I also help coach a pee-wee cheerleading team 2 days a week so I am steady moving those days also. What am I doing wrong or is this normal. I just don't want to get disgusted and I really am just waiting on my fill but if I don't eat much now what will I do then. Am I not eating enough calories or what? Can someone just help me out. Thanks.
  15. Well I am doing what the doc says. He just says try not to go over 1200 calories a day which I don't. I don't have a nutrionist but I just didn't know if maybe I wasn't getting in enough food or if I needed to be eating more of something else or what. What do you eat normally for your success. I mean you are doing great.
  16. momwifelove

    Help! What am I doing wrong?

    You will lose it. Give it time. You have no fill right now and it is hard. The willpower is hard b/c you are hungry but you aren't wanting to eat but your stomach is telling you to eat. I am in this stage right now too. I haven't gained yet but I have only been eating solid foods since Thursday. I get my first fill on September 3 so I am ready. The doctor told me on Thursday that I might gain and it will be hard to not eat a lot b/c I have no restricition right now. Just give it time. It will come. You have done great pre-op and post-op so far. Hang in there. I know you can do it.
  17. momwifelove

    Bandsters in Their 20's

    Hey there, I am 28 yrs old. I had my surgery on July 29, 2009. I was not on any pre-op diet. I have lost 13lbs since my surgery which was almost 3 weeks ago. It doesn't seem a lot especially compared to some of the people but I am very content with it b/c I know it isnot going to just automatically go away. I was fine after surgery. 3 days passed and I started having some sharp pains on my side and not where the port was. It was found out to be that I had inflammation on my ribs so everytime I breathed it hurt. They had me taking iboprofeun with pain meds. I didn't even take pain meds till then. But after about 3 days it settled and I felt a lot better. A week after surgery I was back to myself and doing well. I try to walk a mile a day. Sometimes I don't get that in but I do try. I feel great and I know it will be a great experience. Good Luck to you with your surgery and all.
  18. momwifelove

    July Jewels 2009

    Well Congratulations Aanderson! I was banded 2 days before you. I love this site. I find so much stuff on here and I love to post and answer and if there is something I have a question about I will put it on there and someone will answer. I hope you enjoy it!
  19. I had this about 6 days after my surgery and like if I tried to bend over it would hurt sooooo bad. My port site wasn't red or hot and there was no drainage. The doc said that it would be sore for up to 2 months. It wasn't 3 or 4 days later that it was better. Just hang in there. If you are having trouble breathing then you might get it checked out but my guess is you are having trouble b/c it hurts when you take a deep breath so you don't want to breath. Just call your doc to be on the safe side. Good Luck to you!
  20. momwifelove

    what have i done

    IT WILL GET BETTER!!!! I am only 2 1/2 weeks out from being banded and it is nothing now. The 1st 5 days was like OMG am I going to make it and mainly b/c of the gas pains and my ribs had inflammation on them so everytime I breathed it was like I couldn't and someone had knocked the breath out of me. I promise you as soon as you feel better you won't regret it. Just stay positive and know that it will be gone soon! Good Luck to you!
  21. momwifelove

    What are you eating?

    I was just banded on the 29th of July but I am on the mushie stage. I eat mashed taters, beans, boiled vegies, biscuits and gravy, I even had a chili dog blended all up and it was delicious. I am ready to have the regular food so I don't have to blend stuff or make sure it is soft but it is a heck of a lot better than liquids!
  22. momwifelove

    banded 8/11..still so weak?

    It is very normal for you to feel this way. I think it was right at a week before I felt like myself again and wasn't so tired and I have been thru about 25 surgeries. Any surgery is going to wear your body down. Just take it easy and rest and don't do things you aren't supposed to do. Good Luck to you and it will get better!
  23. momwifelove

    New-Surgery on July 29th

    I am doing good. I started my mushies over the weekend. I haven't lost since then but the nutrionist said that was to be expected. I was not on any pre-op diet b/c my doctor didn't require it. I am only down 10 lbs but it is good. I am trying really hard it is just very hard to find stuff low in calories and fat to eat in this stage. I will make it though and I will loose the weight. You seem to be doing great. Congratulations on the 30lbs. I can't go back to my doctor until next Thursday the 20th b/c he is out on vacation. But hopefully I will be down 5 more lbs by then. We will just have to see.
  24. momwifelove


    hey there, my doc said it was ok to have the coffee. Just don't be drinking a pot of it a day but 1 to 2 cups a day was fine. Don't know you might ask you doctor and see. I am only 2 weeks post op so I guess everyone is different. Congratulations on being down 27lbs. I am down 10 which isn't much but it is ok. Good Luck
  25. momwifelove

    Horseback riding

    I am almost 2 week post op & I rode a horse over the weekend. I only walked and did not go fast. The only hard part was getting up on the horse but other than that it was fine. I don't know that I would run or gallop or trot b/c of the jarring but other than it was fine. Good Luck to you!

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