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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by momwifelove

  1. momwifelove


    Well I am only 28 and have been married 4 1/2 years to my husband. I told him I wanted this surgery and that I had saved up the money to get it but I was worried about what he would think and about spending the money on myself b/c I hate spending money on me. He told me that he loves me just the way that I am and that for him I didn't need to do this BUT if this is what I wanted and this would make me feel better about myself then go for it. I have 2 children and a step-son and he hasn't once said anything about me not thinking about them. He knows that if I do this I will be more active with them and I will be more happier with myself and therefore it will make our realtionship better b/c I am not depressed and discouraged. He is all for me doing this if that is what I want. I am sorry your husband doesn't want you to do it but all I can say is if this is what you want and you can afford it then go for it. It will change your life. My surgery is scheduled for the 29th of July and I am soooooo excited. Good Luck to you and stay positive about it.
  2. momwifelove

    Any July Bandsters out there?

    Hey there, my surgery is scheduled for the 29th of July. I am sooo excited. I go the 17th for my pre testing and to the nutrionist and Im sure get my diet info and so forth. I am soooo ready but nervous. I am really nervous about the pre-op & post op diet but I am ready for it to happen! Good luck to all of you and keep us posted on it. Thanks.
  3. Hey there, I haven't started my diet yet. I am going to do my pre stuff on the 17th and don't really know what to expect. I am nervous. I am having my sugery on the 29th also. I am sooo excited but scared at the same time b/c I don't know how this pre-op & post-op diet will work. Good luck to you and I hope things turn out good!

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