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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by momwifelove

  1. momwifelove

    lapbands and relationships

    This is what I am afraid of. I have been married for 4 1/2 years and together for 6 years. I have always been overweight even though I think within the last 3 years I have put on probably 30 or 40 lbs. My husband has been very supportive since the get go and said if this is what I want to do then that is fine. He will stand beside me. I just don't want to cause any problems in our realtionship. I mean I love him with all my heart and I don't think I could handle him leaving. Me loosing weight is for me and to make me feel better about myself. I don't see it causing a problem but I have heard of so many people saying it did cause problems. All I can do is pray and keep God in control and know things will be ok. I am getting banded in a week on the 29th of July and I am so excited and so is he.
  2. Well I am 28 and I getting banded on July 29, 2009. I am so excited but nervous too. I know it will be great.
  3. momwifelove

    Lap Band Cost for self pay ??

    Well I am self pay & I am going thru TLCEdge Surgery Center. Their cost is $9,990.00 That includes nutrionist, their doctor to do EKG and checkup, bloodwork, surgeon, surgery, anesthesia, after appointment with surgeon & 1 fill. Each fill after that is $100.00 I really like using them. They are very very nice and very quick. I went to a seminar on June 30 which was a one-on-one seminar which I really liked b/c I wasn't in there with soooo many people and I am getting banded on July 29, 2009. So I did everything within a month. Good Luck on finding someone.
  4. momwifelove

    brand new bander

    Congratulations on your surgery. I am glad you are doing well. Maybe you could get some unflavored protein things - like I know that this stuff called unjury is high protein and it has an unflavored kind. Mix it with your water or tea or whatever you are drinking. You won't even be able to taste it. You can buy it off the internet at unjury website
  5. I live in Texas and I am going thru TLCEdge Weight Loss Center. I was just wandering if anyone had been thru it and if so how was your experience. Everything has been moving so fast for me so I am just like WOW. I am self pay & I went to the seminar on June 30 & I am scheduled for my surgery on July 29. I am excited but just wandering if anyone else had been thru them. Thanks for any help.
  6. Hey there, I don't have to start my diet until the day before but my nutrionist gave me some things to try for protein. They are called unjury. It is packets that you mix with stuff. They have chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, unflavored & chicken soup. I have tried the vanilla & the strawberry just to see about the taste. They were very good. I put the vanilla in my coffee and the strawberry in milk and it tasted just like strawberry milk. The unflavored one is good b/c they say you can mix it with water or tea or whatever & you don't even taste it. The soup flavor you can make a soup thing out of & they say it is wonderful. You can check it out. Just type in unjury & it will come up. They have very high protein. Good Luck.
  7. Well everyone's diet is different. My surgery is scheduled for the 29th of July and I don't have a pre-op diet besides just the day before. So every doctor is different on the way they handle things. I think it also depends on how much overweight you are. Like if your BMI is 70 verses someone's BMI that is 40 then obviously the person with the 70 is probably going to do more than the person with the 40. Good luck with you diet and your surgery
  8. momwifelove

    Im fed up

    Well I am self pay also. I am not having the problems you are having but I am healthy besides being overwieght. I don't have any heart issues or anything else. My first seminar was on June 30, 2009 and my surgery is July 29, 2009. So it has moved really fast for me. I don't even see my surgeon until the day before surgery. I got clearance from regular doctor who did EKG & blood work, went & saw nutrionist and that was it. I am ready to go. I would really check into your doctor and see why it is taking so long for everything else. I do agree if you have some type of heart problems they do need to check it out b/c anything could go wrong and you want to make certain that you are fine and they want to make sure you are fine. Good Luck to you and I hope things work out!
  9. Oh no - that scares me. I haven't started my pre-op yet b/c I think my doctor only requires a week. That is one thing I worry about. I get horrible headaches and I don't need them anymore than I have too. Especially with work and I will be camping the weekend before my surgery. Yuck!!! I hope not.
  10. well I don't know how the coughing is going to feel on this but I have had 2 c-sections and it wasn't that bad. I mean don't get me wrong it hurts but its not as bad as everyone makes it. But again I can handle pain really well b/c I have been thru heck and back but the coughing wasn't bad.
  11. Hey there, I am nervous but I think that is normal. My surgery is scheduled for July 29. I am not scared of dying (maybe b/c I have been thru about 30 surgeries all together) It can be scary but the way I always think about it is if it is my time to go I am going to go whether I am there or in a car or at my house or wherever. Just keep thinking positive and it will be ok. I think the thing that scares me the most is the liquid part of the diet and the headaches that everyone says they get. I am really nervous and so afraid that I will fail at it so it scares me. I know I have to think positive so that is what I am trying to do. Good Luck to you and quit worrying about dying. When it is over you will be like WOW why did I even worry!!!
  12. I am self pay and I am having surgery on the 29th. I don't think the stress test is a requirement. Now they will do an EKG and if that shows something abnormal then they might request a stress test but I don't know for sure. Good Luck with it.
  13. momwifelove

    How quick can it happen?

    Well it just depends on your surgeon and your insurance company. I am self pay so I don't have to wait on my insurance company but I just started this not even a month ago and my surgery is scheduled for July 29th. So it just depends. I would make sure you stay on top of things with your insurance company b/c I have heard they are what holds a lot of people up. Good luck and hope its not to long of a wait to get it done.
  14. Hey there Cammy! I know you can do it. I also am getting banded as you know the same date as you. I haven't started yet but I know it will be rough when I do. Im pretty sure I only have to do a week. Something you might try to help you out that I have heard from a lot of people is sugar free gum. It makes you feel like you are eating. Also drinks lots of water. Water will help you be fuller. Try a V-8 juice if you like them. I don't personally like them but they say those are good for you. Good Luck and I know you can do it. Keep thinking it will be worth it in the long run!
  15. I just started the whole band process at the end of June. I had finally saved up enough money b/c I am self-pay :frown: I went to the seminar after doing tons of research. I loved the lady I talked with and she made me feel like I was right at home. I have picked out a doctor even though I have yet to meet him b/c this has been such a quick process. I am scheduled for surgery on the 29th of July, 2009. I go for all my blood work and to see the nutrionist on the 17th which is Friday. I am very nervous but excited. Don't really know what to expect with the pre-op and post op diets. Also if you have any suggestions as to what liquids you had to help you thru will help me. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks for all your help! :thumbdown:
  16. momwifelove

    Anyone have any advice - I'm new

    Well it was kind of a fast paced deal. Everything seems to be going well. They said I would probably only be on the pre-op diet for a week. They will only do blood work and a EKG. They said that is very normal if you are self pay. They don't have to do all the testing that they have to do for insurance companies. I have talked to several people who have used this company and they seem very content with it and very happy with the way things went.
  17. momwifelove

    Anyone have any advice - I'm new

    Well it was kind of a fast paced deal. Everything seems to be going well. They said I would probably only be on the pre-op diet for a week. They will only do blood work and a EKG. They said that is very normal if you are self pay. They don't have to do all the testing that they have to do for insurance companies. I have talked to several people who have used this company and they seem very content with it and very happy with the way things went.
  18. momwifelove

    Anyone have any advice - I'm new

    Well it was kind of a fast paced deal. Everything seems to be going well. They said I would probably only be on the pre-op diet for a week. They will only do blood work and a EKG. They said that is very normal if you are self pay. They don't have to do all the testing that they have to do for insurance companies. I have talked to several people who have used this company and they seem very content with it and very happy with the way things went.
  19. That is cool. Good Luck to you and hope all is good!

  20. momwifelove


  21. From the album: Me

  22. momwifelove

    This was me at my office in April 2009.

    From the album: Me

  23. momwifelove

    Same day

    From the album: Me

  24. Hey there I am having my surgery in Plano, Texas. I am not sure my exact weight. I think I am around 270 or so. I go to the doctor on the 17th to do my blood work and see the nutrionist. I am sooo excited but nervous. We will have to keep in touch. Have you already started your liquid diet? I haven't but I think I only have to have a week of it. Good Luck

  25. Hey there, I am getting banded on the 29th also. I am sooo excited. I know that we are going to have a huge change and people that are mean are going to be sorry when they see the new you when you have reached your goal. I know it won't be an overnight process but I am sooo ready for it. Good Luck to you and I know you will do well.

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