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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by momwifelove

  1. This happened to me about 3 days after my surgery. After 2 days of it I went to the ER. They said my ribs had inflammation on them. They told me to take my pain meds every 4 hours as prescribed even if I didn't think I needed them for 1 to 2 days and then 2 hours after I take pain meds to take some iboprofuen (spelling). I did this all day on Sunday and 1st thing Monday morning and then I just kept takin the iboprofuen. Within 2 days I felt 10 times better and by the 3rd day my side wasn't hurting anymore. Good Luck to you!
  2. I am doing good. I am hungry but I am fixing to start mushies so I am just waiting. How are you doing. I am down 10 lbs in a week which I think is good but I am afraid b/c when I start mushies I am afraid it will go up. Good Luck to you and I hope things go well.

  3. Erin - please don't give up. I am only 28 and I had this done a week and a half ago and up until two days ago I just felt yuck. I mean I was able to keep my liquids down but my body just was wore out. Yesterday and today I feel great. Couldn't really feel better other than I am ready to go to the mushie stage which isn't much longer. Also if you aren't able to keep anything at all down you might want to call your doctor b/c you may be dehydrated and that makes you feel really bad too. Just hang in there. I know you can do it and I know you will feel better after you pass this stage. Good Luck and please don't give up!
  4. I am almost a week out and have lost 8lbs & think that is great. I can't believe you have lost 20lbs. The post-op diet is hard but it will be worth it in the end. I have heard some people on here say they started one helping of mushies a day after a week until they went to mushies and that helped control their hunger. I honestly am scared to start it when I do have to. I don't know what it would to do to you b/c everybody is different. I would talk to your doctor and see what he says. He may tell you to go ahead and start it or start it slowly. I really don't know. Good Luck to you & Congratulations on the 20lbs.
  5. momwifelove

    Apple juice

    I had apple Juice the day of surgery. It was fine. I also have the Motts Lite Apple Juice. Sometimes I dilute & sometimes I don't. You will be fine.
  6. I was banded on the 29th and have been doing really good. I haven't hardly taken any hydrocodone - just liquid tylenol. Well yesterday it happened for the first time but I was sitting at the computer and all of a sudden I had some really sharp pains under my right breast and everytime I would breath in it would just hurt and hurt. I laid down with heating pad and rested and it eased up. Well today I was going to my sisters house and driving down the road and all of a sudden I started having these pains and they felt like they were killing me. It felt like someone just kept stabing & stabing & stabing and I couldn't get it to quit. It has eased up some but when I breathe in it hurts so bad. I have been just fine and have been to the bathroom several times and still taking gas pills. Anyone have any suggestions or whatelse it might be. Thanks for any help.
  7. Mine included surgery, anesthesia, pre surgery checkup with EKG & Blood Work and physical, Appointment with nutrionist, appointment with doctor before surgery & after surgery and one fill. The PA who did my physical and EKG will be the ones doing the fills. They will charge a $100.00 per fill after the first one. My package was self pay and it was $9,990.00 I did it at TLCEdge Weight Loss Center in Plano, Texas. You get to pick from 7 different doctors. I chose Dr. Daryl Stewart out of Denton to do mine and I absolutely loved him. He was awesome and very informative and wanted to make sure I had all of my questions answered.
  8. I know the protein drinks have helped me - yesterday I didn't have much of anything b/c I was hurting pretty bad and by 8:00 last night I was very sick. Nauteous and dizzy and nearly threw up so I drank a protein drink and I felt better - it didn't completely go away but I was able to open my eyes withouth feeling like I was going to puke everywhere. Good Luck
  9. I was banded by Dr. Daryl Stewart out of Denton, Texas on 7/29 I used the TLCEdge Surgery Center and they have like 7 different doctors to pick from but he is the one who interested me from the start. He is very nice, very welcoming and wants you to know everything before you do it. Good Luck finding one.
  10. momwifelove

    Sharp Pains when I breathe in

    Well I have been burping and letting out gas pretty frequently. This is not the same type of pain that I felt in my stomach from the gas. Yesterday I called the docs hotline & they wanted me to go to the ER - it ended up that my ribs are just inflammed and I wasn't taking my pain medicine every 4 to 6 hours b/c I didn't think I would need it and so therefore my pain would be really bad before I would take it again. They have me taking 1 to 2 pain pills every 4 to 6 hours and then 2 iboprofeuns every 4 to 6 hours - in the middle of my pain med. This has really helped other than I am sooooo sleepy I can't hardly keep my eyes open. I am back at work today so we will see how long this will last.
  11. momwifelove

    Sharp Pains when I breathe in

    thanks - it just worried me b/c the first 2 days I did have the gas pains and knew that is what it was and then yesterday I felt so good besides that one time and then today has just been horrible. I have felt bad all day! I know it will go away. I go back to work on Monday so I hope it goes away soon!
  12. momwifelove

    No appetite ):

    well I had gas pains for the day of surgery and the day after pretty bad. Right now I have this awful pain under my right breast when I breath in but I don't know if it is gas or not. I have been to the bathroom several times but it is very watery and doesn't seem to help. Walk, walk, walk is all I can say. That and a heating pad has helped me out a lot. I haven't taken hardly any pain medicine just liquid tylenol b/c I just don't like taking it but the pain hasn't been that bad. The day after surgery I got down to small bowls of broth and some water and that was it. Then once I was able to drink my protein drinks I have felt a lot better. I haven't been that hungry besides the first 2 days. Good Luck to you and I hope your pain eases up soon!
  13. I don't know really what to say b/c I am new at this. I was just banded on the 29th so I am still in the liquid stage. But from what I have been told - maybe what you are eating is still really high in calories. Even though you aren't able to eat much of it it still has a whole lot of calories so it is like you are eating a lot. Maybe try changing up your food. Also maybe excersicing. I don't know if you do or not but they say if you just walk it will help out. Also make sure you are getting your protein in and your water. Good Luck and keep your head up.
  14. momwifelove

    Had Surgery this morning!

    I am feeling better. The wounds are not even really hurting. It is the gas pain but I will make it thru. Thanks for the encouraging words
  15. momwifelove

    Got banded this morning

    Congratulations on your surgery. Mine is in the morning & I am nervous but I know it will all be worth it. Good Luck to you and I hope all stays well!
  16. Hey there, my surgery is scheduled for Wednesday and I am getting really nervous. I know that is probably normal but I have been thru lots of surgeries and this is one is just really making me nervous. I don't know if it is b/c my husband HAS to work and can't be there with me or what. Anyone else have any suggestions for me to think of or do to quit worrying about this so much.:crying:
  17. Hey there, I know we can do it and I know we will do it. I hope all goes well with you on Friday. My surgery is at TLCEdge Surgery Center in Plano. Dr. Stewart is my doctor. I think Dr. Carter is one of them I could have chosen though. They have like 7 different doctors that come in on different days of the week and different times of the month. Well good luck and I will keep you in mind!

  18. I am so happy for yall and glad yall are having your surgery this week. I know we are going to make it and it will be a new life. My husband is a police officer and can't get off to be there. He is very supportive and wants to be there they are just short handed and he can't get off. I know it will be ok and it is just nerves making me this way. We will be fine. Good luck to both of you and keep me updated on how things are going.
  19. momwifelove

    Who knows about your surgery?

    Hey there. My surgery is Wednesday and I am getting very nervous. I havne't told many people either. My family knows and a few friends and then in our office we only have 2 people working so they know b/c I have to be off but other than that I haven't told anyone. I am embarrased to have to have to use this measure to lose weight but hey at least I am doing something about it. The only reason I just haven't let everyone know is b/c I just don't like everyone knowing everything about me. Its not that they won't realize that I am loosing weight but I just don't want them knowing up front. It will be ok though b/c everyone is going to ask eventually. Good luck on Friday and hope all goes well!
  20. Mine is at 8:30 too! I am getting very nervous b/c it is all sooo fast. I just went to my seminar on 6-30 and now the surgery is almost here. Good Luck to you and I hope all goes well. Won't be much longer!!!!
  21. Yeah for you. My surgery is also on the 29th of July. Good Luck to you and I hope all goeswell
  22. momwifelove

    anyone try unflavored unjury?

    I haven't tried the unflavored yet but I love the strawberry & chocolate. Of course I drink it with skim milk and it taste just like strawberry milk & chocolate milk. I have mixed the vanilla in with coffee too and it was good. If you mix with coffee be careful before you put sweetner in it b/c the unjury made it sweet & I put my sweetner and it was almost too sweet. I have heard the unflavored is good with crystal light and stuff so I don't know. Good Luck with it.
  23. momwifelove

    cost of lap band surgery

    Well I am self pay but I live in Texas. My total surgery will be $9,990.00 That includes everything plus one fill and then each fill after that will be $100.00 I don't know how much it is if you have insurance though!
  24. momwifelove

    Happy bandanniversary to me!

    Congratulations & Happy Bandiversary! I can't wait till I get to that mark. I am so excited for you & I know you can do it!
  25. momwifelove

    New-Surgery on July 29th

    Congratulations. I am being banded on the 29th of July also. I live & am getting banded in Texas. May God keep his hand on you throughout your new journey in life!

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