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Everything posted by daddydoo

  1. re: having 2nd thoughts. i've been heavy all my life plateaued at 270 pounds and developed diabetes, afib heart and chronic depression I talked to my doctor for help and was told that she doesn't believe in pillsl. my weight had surged to over 300lbs. when i asked my dr about it she said she does not believe in pills but believes in surgery. she outline what needed to do. dietitian and counseling and psychiatrist for 1 year.now i go to first seminar and then cconsult with my surgeon. i do not want to die blind, crippled, on dialysis and heart attacks. i inject myself with insulin 5 times a day. i need to do something for myself. any thing from my current life is going to be a nightmare of waiting for the reaper. and i am ready for a positive change.
  2. daddydoo

    New Band

    hi, gillian you lost 1stone and six pounds thats 20 pounds isn't it?

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