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LAP-BAND Patients
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About lesisbetter

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/01/1973
  1. Happy 40th Birthday lesisbetter!

  2. Happy 39th Birthday lesisbetter!

  3. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary lesisbetter!

  4. lesisbetter

    not losing

    I have the lapband that holds 4cc. I guess I have been eating lots of junk food that goes down fairly easy. Food like chicken, I can only eat a few bites. I seem to avoid the foods that I can't eat alot of, and eat the foods that go down easily.
  5. lesisbetter

    not losing

    I have not changed my eating habits, and I am not exercising.
  6. lesisbetter

    not losing

    I had my lapband in March 2006, and have had three fills (3.1). I have not lost any weight. Any suggestions.

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