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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by greytz

  1. greytz

    What should my goald weight be?

    I forgot to say that I am currently at 188 pounds. And the 150 in there is pounds.
  2. greytz

    Which is more effective?

    I agree with Jachut. I have had numerous fills but my surgeon does something that I haven't heard of anyone else doing. She takes my fluid completely out each time and refills me with a little more each time. She leaves the needle in my port and has me sit up. I down the water quickly and then she lets me decide if it is too much or if I want a little more. It has been very successful for me.
  3. greytz

    Saying Goodbye

    In my case I just wanted to get started and forget about the old me and the fact that the old me ever existed. I totally set my focus ahead and didn't celebrate the fact that I had to take such a drastic measure to get healthy again. But now, I do look back occasionally I must admit just to remind myself that I am never going to be there again. Good Luck!
  4. greytz

    Well, 1st step taken..

    congrats to you! You have just made a decision that I hope will be the key to your weight loss journey for good. I wish you all the best.
  5. I think we all experience something like that in different ways. I went shopping with my mother yesterday who is here for Thanksgiving. I wanted a really nice top for the holiday. I kept going to the baggy sweaters and things that cover me up. I would go to a rack (I am in a size 12 currently) and I would pick out a top and say to myself oh, what am I doing, that won't fit me. I would go to the dressing room and try it on and it fit me! It was very difficult. She kept trying to tell me how proud she was of me and how great I looked in the clothes but I was curiously not excited. It was weird. I finally settled for something in the middle of tent and halter and opted for a really nice light pull on kind of thing. It is really cute. It is taking awile for my mind to catch up I think.
  6. I have the Lapband and received the packet. There is a registration card you must fill out and send in in order to receive the plastic wallet card. It has the number of your band and other important info. My surgeon took care of mine for me. You can go onto the Lapband website I think and get a registration card. I don't personally use mine in restaurants. I order regular food and take home most of it. Either my husband eats on it or I eat it for dinner and lunch the next day. I always order things I really like. Plus I don't eat out much, only occasionally.
  7. greytz

    Finally, 100 pounds!

    Yeah for you! Congrats! What an accomplishment!
  8. This is one of the reasons I still go to seminars and get up there and tell people that you still have to work for the band and it is not a miracle cure particularly if you don't have a lot of weight to lose. You have to make a lifestyle change and be willing to make sacrifices if your habit is to eat the wrong foods. You have to be ready and willing to make the change and do the right things to be successful. I am so glad you made the decision to continue your weight loss efforts in spite of the band. Good for you!
  9. I have hypothyroidism and have had for years. You will just want to have it under control before the surgery. It doesn't take long and isn't hard to do with proper medication. I do however, keep my checked more often right now because of my weight loss. The numbers supposedly tend to fluctuate while losing but mine have been very steady so far. I chose not to take synthroid and I take armour thyroid which is a compound instead. It has really worked for me and I love the fact that I do not have the side effects I had when I was on synthroid.
  10. greytz


    Wow! Yeah for you. It feels great doesn't it? I just hit the 180's and I am so excited!
  11. The soup would be fine just be absolutely sure the chunks are soft and that when you put it in your mouth you chew or mushy it up really good before you swallow. When I was on the mushies and went out, I loved the crab cakes, mashed potatoes and I also ordered peas and just took my fork and mushed them up real good before I ate them.
  12. I think just about everyone who has been banded experiences "bandster hell". In my opinion it is the most difficult part of the journey. Hang in there and avoid the temptations. Allow your body time to heal and do what the surgeon says and you should be ok.
  13. greytz

    Where do you go for your fills?

    I can't imagine using anyone but my surgeon. I picked her because I felt her follow up would be great and it is.
  14. greytz

    Super Secret

    I struggled with this decision before I had the surgery and was really afraid to tell my mother who is old fashioned and doesn't usually understand about stuff like this. I bit the bullet and decided to tell her in advance and I was shocked. She was so supportive because she wanted me to get healthy but wouldn't say anything about my weight afraid she would hurt my feelings. She has been so great through it all and now I have someone I can call and talk to if I get discouraged or need guidance. She has been great. She is here now for Thanksgiving and told me how proud of me she is. It really made me feel good for the first time in a long time. I also only told my husband and a couple of very close friends who have really helped me along the way. No one else needs to know.
  15. Agree with everyone. Another doctor and yes, you will most likely have some saggy skin. I am 51 and don't have as much to lose but I already have saggy skin. I have a little piggy bank on my dresser and put money in it as much as I can. I am not going to worry about the rest of my body because at my age I don't wear bikinis anyway but I am going to have a lifestyle lift or something for my face. I already have quite a little nest egg. So while you are losing weight, keep a little purse or piggy bank and everytime you are going to think about starbucks coffee or an extra something instead put the money in your piggy bank and save for your tummy tuck when you meet your goal. I bet you will be suprised how much money you can save.
  16. greytz

    Crisis times of the day...

    It is most likely happening because of some emotion or nervousness while at work. In my opinion (mine only) I would think you may want to get some snack size bags and put some good things in it to go to when you get that craving. Are you allowed to put something in their fridge? If so, get some raw veggies and a little ranch dip or something like that to grab when you get the munchies. You can also put just a few cashews in a snack size back or a little fruit. Also, you may want to invest in some protein bars. I love the Atkins. Just be careful. You still have to count the calories and I only eat one when I get desparate and nothing else will do but it is better than the Kit Kat for sure. It is best obviously not to snack but if you have something available that is good for you at least you won't turn to the wrong things. You may want to seek the advice of a counselor or nutritionist as well. They may be able to help your head hunger.
  17. greytz

    do you think i would be ok if i did this ?

    I agree with the above. Crzytchr is right believe me you will be sick of the liquids and the post op diet for awhile. Six ounces of food probably isn't enough at this point. It will just put your body into starvation mode and make it harder for you to lose pre op weight. You could do the slim fast in the morning and then eat a small lunch and small dinner. No breading or carbs just meat and veggies.
  18. greytz

    7 years, lost 120, got rebanded!

    What a wonderful story and journey for you. I hope to some day be able to say that I have reached my goal or even better under my goal. I have plateaued and feel kind of down right now. I am worried about Thanksgiving Day. I will have 10 people at my house for dinner and I already bought the containers to give the food to them to take home because I don't want it here but my parents will still be here and I don't to deprive them. It will be a challenge for sure.
  19. greytz


    It doesn't taste the greatest but when you are desparate and aren't talking about capsules, but the huge tablets it does work and you can chase the taste with something you like to drink. Whatever works. Just making suggestions trying to help the thread starter.
  20. You will not feel anything for awhile yet. You will think you don't have the band until you begin to get fills. Once you begin that process, you will know you have the band. Also, just a suggestion. I began to eat the way I wanted to eat with my band from the very beginning so I could get used to eating properly once I began to feel the restriciton. It has really helped. You will find yourself not losing weight if you continue to eat the way you did before your band. You still need to make good healthy choices. I have not experience a stretched pouch but from what I read others say on here, you really know it by the nausea, and vomitting and some say diareaha.
  21. greytz

    What are your trigger foods?

    My problem is still and has always been starch. Potatoes, crackers, breads, not pasta so much but anything fried and breaded look out. I just made up my mind not to go to those things once I was banded and so far have done well. I have only had bread a couple of times and very very little of it. I just don't eat anything fried or fast food. Just isn't worth it. I don't eat red meat much anymore either. I tried a piece of lean steak the other day and almost gagged on the taste. Not the consistency just the taste. Just don't care for it anymore.
  22. My definition of sweet spot is not that the band does the work for me. It is that it makes it easier to stop eating and I get full faster. I still have to make good choices and know when to stop eating. I feel that I am at what I call my sweet spot because I cannot eat very much. I am plateaued right now actually but it usually doesn't last long.
  23. greytz

    Thanksgiving on the Mushies

    Thanksgiving will be a perfect day for mushies. Stuffing, just don't make it chunky, deviled eggs, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoe casserole. Yum. I'm jealous. I won't be eating hardly anything except some turkey and a little dressing.
  24. Same for me. Some of my eating problem is emotional and boredom related. I still struggle with that. I do as you are doing now. I stay busy and volunteer alot. I also go to the lapband seminars my surgeon does and I talk to the crowd and bring my before pictures and tell my story. It really helps keep me movtivated and I feel like I am helping people. I volunteer for other things too. I am trying to stay busy and keep focused. It can be trying at times and as far as I can tell doesn't get better just different depending on how you cope with it.
  25. Hi Crystal, I know exactly how you feel. I went from a size 24 and even found a 26 in my closet when I went to clean it out to a size 12 right now. A true size 12 in everything including jeans. It is such a strange feeling. I still find myself drifting over into the plus size department sometimes and I have to jerk myself back and think "ok, you don't have to go there anymore." I have heard so many people say they can't wrap their mind around the fact that they are smaller now. I feel the same way. It is going to take time for my mind to catch up with my body. I also did like you. I was so satisfied and happy with the fact that I was in a size 12. I was estatic! But, it was short lived. I am critizing myself now and wanting to be at my goal weight already. I look at myself in the mirror and think I am fat. I am overweight but nothing like I was and I should be happy about that and I am but at the same time it isn't good enough. I am rambling sorry. Just wanted you to know your feelings are not alone. Hang in there. You are doing great and will get to your goal. Good Luck!

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