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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by greytz

  1. greytz

    surgery a success!

    Hi Lisa, well you are among us now. Congrats and good luck. Keep us posted on your progress. I left you a post on your profile. Take Care.
  2. What they mean as far as I know is to watch how much personal information you give on any website including this one. You shouldn't make public any personal information like where you live, your date of birth or your personal email address (unless you are sure of the person) or anything that might give someone a clue as to how to take advantage of you in negative ways. There are people who come on here to scam other people as sad as that is. They try to keep it under control but in reality, they are out here in cyberspace just waiting to get anything that will help them hurt you.
  3. Hi Lisa, Thanks. I actually have several greyhounds. I am the treasurer and administrator of our rescue group here. I really love my greys and love finding forever homes for them. You can check out my website if you want at www.bayareagreyhounds.org. If you go to the news and events you will see the newsletters I do there. Have a great day and thanks for posting.

  4. greytz

    Freakin' Holidays

    One cookie for myself that is not one container. He He.
  5. greytz

    Freakin' Holidays

    My neighbor always makes us a big plate of the most delicious cookies you ever ate each year for Christmas. She didn't this year and didn't say anything about it but I know it is because she is aware of what I have been going through and is trying to help me and that was really great. I just felt bad for my husband because he looked forward to getting them. I went ahead and made some plates of cookies and took them out to some friends. I left him a small container on the kitchen counter and had one for myself. Not the end of the world and he still got some cookies.
  6. greytz


    You are never going to get full by eating soup and crackers. They are what is considered a liquid and slider once you are out of the liquid stage. I can't tell but it looks like you may still be in the liquid stage. If so, just do what the doc says. I can't imagine that you will feel a lot of pressure of any kind if you are still in the liquid stage.
  7. Two weeks out, I was hungry, hungry, hungry. I had no pain except like the others some port soreness which took a good two months to go away. It took a lot of will power until I got some restriction and still sometimes takes will power not to eat the wrong things or things I would like to eat but won't for sure until I reach my goal.
  8. greytz

    25% removed?

    Gee. I don't think there is much of anything we do in life that doesn't have some risk and we have to decide for ourselves if it is worth the risk or not. I go get in my car all the time and drive out onto the street. Each time I do, I take a risk. I am at risk every day with my blood pressure, etc. It doesn't stop me from taking the risk though. We take risks in life every single day and it is a matter of putting it into perspective I think. To me it was worth the risk and has been worth the risk. I wouldn't change it for anything. I do what I am supposed to do for the band and as with anything hope for the best.
  9. What the other posters said about the exercise is great advice. As far as the food goes, if you handle it right, it can actually be cheaper to eat healthy than it is to eat crap. If you choose, good healthy veggies and lean meats, prepare and cook them and then package the leftovers for future meals by freezing or refrigerating depending on when you will be eating them, you can save money. If you go onto the food network website there is a section about that and it may help you with choosing foods and preparation. I have moved many times with my husband and we are getting ready to move again. I so love where I live now and I just got used to everything and made a couple of friends. It is discouraging to move somewhere where no one knows you and you don't know the lay of the land yet. Hang in there. It will all come together.
  10. greytz

    Food restrictions

    It is mostly trial and error because every person tolerates foods differently. I just choose not to eat certain things right now until I reach my goal and will then incorporate certain healthy foods back into my diet slowly as I can tolerate them.
  11. greytz


    Elfie, Hope you are where you want to be. My swelling has gone down now and I will need a slight fill. We knew that I probably would. I will make an appt on Monday and go in sometime next week to get a top off. Good Luck and Merry Christmas.
  12. greytz

    tomorrow is the big day!!!

    Thinking of you today. Hope you are doing well.
  13. greytz

    Walking in a Winter ONEDERLAND!!!

    Yeah for you! Isn't that a great feeling? Keep up the good work!
  14. I just very recently began to see it in other places besides my mid section which began to show first. I have it now in my what I call wings just under my arms and behind them a little where my bra comes around to the back and a little in my neck. I have also begun to get more wrinkled in my face. I am 51 and expected some of it although I will say that as I am losing weight some of the extra skin is going away and I think it is due to the exercise. I just got a personal trainer to help me begin to sculpt and see if I can rid myself of some more of it. Small price to pay for getting thinner and healthier.
  15. greytz

    Slider Food?????

    Things that are mostly water based and have a really quick melt factor that cause them to slide down easily. If it melts in your mouth easily it is probably a slider foods. Even foods you wouldn't think of like chips are also slider foods.
  16. greytz

    Life in the real world !!

    I also cook for my husband but in the beginning he was very thoughtful of my efforts and helped me a lot by cooking some things himself (things he new I really like but couldn't eat). This particularly helped me in the liquid and mushy stage. Now, I am really used to it and it doesn't bother me at all. I go out with my skinny can eat all she wants and never gain weight friend and she gets a huge plate of food and I am perfectly content to just eat my small amount of whatever chicken. But, it wasn't always that way. In the beginning I just avoided situations that I knew would put me at risk. It was my choice and it is what helped me. I think everyone needs to do what is right for them. There are some people who find it difficult to just say no. If you can, then you are pretty far ahead of most. But, you shouldn't take other people to task unless you are walking at least a mile in their shoes. Everyone is different and their weight loss needs are different. Do what is right for you and don't throw stones at other people for what they do unless they ask you to.
  17. I agree that a new choice of surgeon may be appropriate if the one you are considering is insistent on something specific. Get a second opinion for sure.
  18. greytz


    No regrets and would do it again in a minute. Life is too short not to live it to your full potential. I wasn't living it even close to mine until now.
  19. greytz

    fill time

    It will be difficult to reach full restriction on your first time out. I think the first time is to get you started and give your stomach time to get used to the band beginning to tighten. A gradual progression to restriction is important so your stomach doesn't react in a negative way. I also wanted everything all at once and it just won't happen that way. I had to use a lot of will power and exercise in the beginning. I still exercise of course and I gradually am working myself up to more and more each week but the food will power is a lot better now. Good Luck and let us know how it went and how you are doing.
  20. Yes. They are very informative and helpful. Also, when you are there really pay attention to the folks that are doing it. If they are nice informative, etc. If you choose them, you will be putting yourself in their hands not only for surgery but for aftercare. If you are not comfortable with them, keep attending seminars and researching until you find surgeon and staff that you are happy with. It means so much for your care post-op. You will find that exercising really helps clear your lungs as much as possible. Even though I never smoked, I had scarlett fever when I was a kid and it scarred my lungs forever, hence the asthma and the COPD. So I know what you are dealing with. When you exercise, it really gets rid of the extra fluid that hangs out down in the bottom of your lungs and you will feel so much better and you will breath a lot better too.
  21. greytz

    Weight Watchers and the band

    It is amazing how this can be true apparently everywhere. I did the weight watchers thing a few years ago long before I was banded and had the same problems with them. I would go to a meeting and get publicly humiliated if I didn't lose what they thought I should. It was way too interactive and stupid for me and I finally quit. The people who develop and administer the different area groups must all be taught the same type of humiliation techniques. Crazy. Reminds me of a mind cult or something. Glad I am beyond that and almost at goal and will maintain my forever weight. Pooh on them. You are way ahead of any of them.
  22. Time to go to a seminar and get some info. I have bc/bs ppo and they paid for most of it. I also have hypothyroidism, high blood pressure, COPD (don't smoke, its from chronic bronchitis), Asthma and a heart condition. The best thing about the Lapband for me has been the end of the yo-yo try everything new dieting. Good Luck and keep us posted!
  23. greytz

    Self deception

    You are doing great on your weight loss so far. It shows that you have been cutting down. Congrats and keep up the good work!
  24. greytz

    Self deception

    Leigha, I don't know if you have one yet, but it may be a very good idea if you find a counselor and have someone professional to talk to about this. It is very important to conquer the head hunger. Even as far along as I am, I still occasionally fight the head hunger. It is one of the reasons I got where I got. Also, I take every opportunity to go to my support group. It is so very helpful in this regard. You may want to find one in your area and start attending. It is great to share ideas and talk to people who are in your same boat.
  25. greytz

    Slimming- Help

    Always check with your surgeon when this happens. It happened to me last week. Called my surgeon. It had been going on for a few days. Went in on Friday morning and they gave me a slight unfill. Then, I was on liquids for two days and now, all better. But, it is so important to ensure you have it taken care of so it doesn't get any worse.

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