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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by greytz

  1. Well, my fat story goes like this. I was skinny all my life until 2 years of oral steroids for a skin condition and then thyroid disease ruined my weight and my self image. My older brother recently got married (05-23-09) and I was invited to the wedding. He is rather well off and there were a lot of the "beautiful" people there. They had hired a photographer from the beginning of the wedding all the way through the party that night. The photographer completely avoided taking pictures of me embarassingly so that everyone knew it and kept coming over to me all night dragging him telling him to take a picture of me and them. Obviously when you gain weight you don't want your picture taken so it was really embarassing when they kept bringing him over. I finally excused myself the rest of the evening and went upstairs and cried my eyes out. I missed the toast. It was awful. That morning my new sister in law made the statement to my stepfather that there are some people you have to invite whether you want to or not and that is family looking right at me! That was my defining moment when I said enough is enough. I was banded 06-17-09 and will have my first fill 07-07-09. Can't wait. Lost 10lbs already. I am avoiding cameras until I feel good about being in front of one again. Sometimes people can be so cruel. I heard a good line in a movie once. Sometimes you have to let the bad in with the good. Unfortunately that means family too. God Bless you all and Good Luck.
  2. I had my surgery on 06-17-09 and believe me I was scared in the beginning. I have a heart condition and other things that set my teeth on edge thinking about general anesthesia again. Not to mention the fact this is a lifelong committment. I chose my surgeon very carefully and I have been so happy with my choice. I will have my first fill on 07-07-09 and I can't wait. It just takes a couple of days to recover. I got stomach flu right out of the hospital so that wasn't fun but I am back to normal now and lost 10lbs. WDW Luver is right. You should be scared. It is reversible but not easily. It is something you must make up your mind to do and continue to do throughout your life. It is not an easy decision. I hope you have a strong support system that will help you. I chose my mother, two good friends, my sister in law and my husband (number one of course) as my support group. I didn't tell the world just them. They have been great. Good Luck to all of you who are awaiting the surgery. So far, I wouldn't have it any other way.
  3. I agree with both answers. I went to several seminars before I chose my surgeon. I chose a female surgeon because I looked her straight in the eye and she was very responsive to me. She stayed after the seminar and talked to everyone as long as they wanted and answered all my questions. I called her office numerous times BEFORE I had the surgery to ask questions. I wanted to see how they reacted to my calls and questions. It is usually a good indication of how they will be after. They were always responsive and wonderful and still are. I was banded on 06-17-09 and I will have my first fill on 07-07-09. I have lost 10lbs to date even without a fill. It was not any easy experience but it is all about attitude and how bad you really want to lose. I got stomach flu when I left the hospital so it was really ugly for a couple of days but I am back to myself now and like anything it will be a challenge but one I intend to win. Good Luck and find a good surgeon.
  4. greytz

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hi everyone and PennyLane. I just had my lapband inserted on 06-17-09 and I will be getting my first fill on 07-07-09 and I can't wait. The fluids diet until the mushies have been torture for me but I have lost 10lbs so far so that really gives me incentive and I have begun to eat really really runny tuna and that has helped a lot. I just keep at it and am watching the scale go down instead of up for a change! Having a great surgeon is so important in this process. If you have someone that looks down on your and ruins your self esteem, you are doomed before you start. I must say that my surgeon has been nothing but wonderful and her staff is always helpful and great. I am truly blessed in that regard. But I did my homework and went to seminars and found someone I felt was right for me and that someone happened to be a femal surgeon which I think also helps. There are many of them out there and this is a lifelong committment so make sure you are happy with your surgeon before you start. It makes all the difference in my humble opinion. Good Luck to you.
  5. I was banded on 06-17-09 and I don't have a fill yet but I have already begun to lose. 10lbs so far. I can't tell you what a great feeling it is just to lose anything at all. I was on oral steriods for a skin condition for two straight years and also developed thyroid disease about five years ago. I was thin my entire life until then. It was heartbreaking to watch myself get fat and not be able to do anything about it. Now, I don't have to take the steriods any longer and my thyroid is under control and with the band I feel like I have a chance to be normal again. I can't wait for each day now. I am so looking forward to a continued effort. I can't say enough about how great my surgeon and her staff have been. It doesn't matter when I call or what I have to say or ask they have been fantastic. I think that is going to be a large part of my success. Good Luck to you.
  6. greytz

    I hate this, I really do....

    I agree with medical malpractice. Go to an attorney darlin' and let them run with it.
  7. Brenda, Try your insurance company again and find a new doctor that will help you. I used to work for an insurance company so I know that if the doctor does and says the right things the insurance company will usually pick up some percentage of it. They have a stake in your health believe me. Since they have already denied you a couple of times you will need to use the appeal division of the Insuance Company but you need to find people that are willing to support you and help you through this process. Start looking and find a doctor that is in the know and can help you with the insurance. Look in your area for seminars for Lapbands and go to all of them until you find someone that knows how to help you get the the financing you need. You should not let it keep you from getting healthy.:thumbup:
  8. Dear Vino, I had my band inserted on 06-17-09 so I feel your pain. I was so sick of Soups and liquids I could hardly look at them. I am now eating mushies but very very carefully and paying attention to ensure I am getting rid of it if you know what I mean. I have not had any problems doing that. The only things I have tried is what my doctor suggested which was really really mushied up tuna and pureed Beans. I love miracle whip so first I use all white albacore canned tuna in Water and drain the tuna a little. Then I use a chopper and chop it up really really fine and put in miracle whip and make it as liquid as possible. I am only able to eat about a tablespoon but it is enough and it satisfies that craving for something meat. I was at 232lbs going in and I am currently at 224lbs. so I am steadily losing. The important thing is to keep up with the Protein shakes the doctor gives you. I use totally skim milk with the little measuring thing that comes with it. Eight ounces (I measure). I drink that in the morning and chew my Vitamin. Then for lunch, I eat tuna and drink usually water or no calorie something (I like diet ocean spray cranberry) but there are lots of choices out there. I also do things during the day that I have been putting off to keep my mind off of eating. You will be filled about the same time I am so let me know how you are doing. I will be filled on 07-07-09 for the first time and will let you know how it goes for me. Keep in touch and good luck. Greytz :thumbup:

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