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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by greytz

  1. greytz

    Be Honest....

    That is all totally freaky. I would never touch my band myself. I understand if you are nurse and need to unfill on an emergency. You know what to do. But for a layman like me, NO WAY. I would be too afraid of screwing up what I just spent time effort and money to put in. I cannot imagine fill parties. What on earth???? Go buy a purse or something.
  2. greytz

    Crystal light = stained teeth?!

    My surgeon also said "NO STRAW" period. Anyway, I love Ocean Spray Diet Cranberry. Be sure to get "diet" but it is really good. Also, diet Snapple Green Tea is good.
  3. greytz

    Protein foods...

    If you put your weight in and it says 2000 calories I would think that means 2000 calories to maintain your current weight which is not what you are looking for. My surgeon recommended 1000 calories a day. I would think 1000 to 1500 calories a day would be good. Can you check with your surgeon to be sure?
  4. greytz


    I'm just in the beginning stages and I have my first fill on 07-07-09. I got stomach flu right out of the hospital so it was iffy for a couple of days but I am great now and it was definitely worth it for me. Good Luck.:redface:
  5. Totally agree with everyone. I lost some weight pre-op too. I think everyone pretty much does if they stick to the pre-op plan. It's ok. They want to shrink the liver down as much as possible and they have to put alot of gas in your stomach to insert the lapro tube. They just want you down as much as you can get before the surgery.
  6. greytz

    Seriously Confused!

    Thanks. Good to know someone is like me out there. Glad you chose the band also. Keep hanging in there. :redface:
  7. greytz

    BCBS of Fl...anyone?

    I agree with Cathy. I have BCBS of Florida PPO but I have really excellent coverage with Federal. They paid 85% and I only pay $20 per fill. I still had to pay my surgeon $1,000 up front for admin fees, the cost of my Protein stuff, Vitamins, etc. They pre-authorized me through my insurance so I knew exactly how much I would have to pay. It's the only way to go. The only drawback was I had to stay inpatient in the hopsital one night. It's considered 23 hours which means overnight. They would not budge on that. If you call the toll free number on the back of your insurance card, the customer service department will tell you what percentage you will pay. You will need the code number or diagnosis code though. I got that from my surgeon. :redface:
  8. greytz

    Seriously Confused!

    I searched and thought for a long time like you about the right choices for me. I chose the band because it is completely reversable. Unlike you I am older (50 urgh) and had medical complications to consider. I didn't like the gastric bypass method because it is completely not reversible and if they have to take any diagnostic tests, since part of the stomach is cut away, it is very difficult to find anything that may be lurking in there. I chose the band because it can be reversed. Obviously, I didn't go through this just to have it reversed but it is comforting to know that I can in case the unforseen should happen. Everything from everyone I have read on these posts chose what they do for very personal reasons. I attended several seminars before making up my mind and chosing my surgeon. It was very helpful. Good Luck.
  9. I never once suggested a lawyer and on that we agree.
  10. Well, again it depends on a lot of factors and she shouldn't give up until she has tried everything just as you said. It can be discouraging but I don't think she has the kind of finances to do what some people are able to do. The appeal division is an option. If they say no, then they do but she can at least try it.
  11. I agree. Sometimes misery loves company. Be proud of what you have accomplished and if it is good for you then it is good period.
  12. greytz

    HUGE disappointment

    Everyone on this post has good advice. I have one other suggestion. Take a picture of yourself and put it on the fridge, the pantry and anywhere you have food. You got the band because you don't want to look like that anymore. Pull up your bootstraps and get over it! YOU are the only person that can make it happen. No piece of plastic and no one else can make it happen. The band is only as good as YOU make it. Stop eating. Go to support groups and get some help with your habits. That is the only way you will break them!
  13. greytz


    Since you asked I will give my humble opinion. I don't probably feel as expert as some who have been through it for a lot longer but here goes. Find a doctor to help you. They are out there. I had heart issues and kept passing out. Had every test known to man and they could find nothing. After many tears and tirades and being sent everywhere, I didn't give up and found someone who knew what the he-- was going on with me. It was so gratifying to finally find someone who could help me and has helped me. When I decided to have the band, he was the first doctor I went to and he has worked in concert with my band surgeon to help my experience be as positive as it can be. I spent a long time chosing my band surgeon. She and her entire staff have been wonderful and I am sure has made all the difference for me. Please, Please I urge you to keep hunting until you find someone who can help you. It sounds as though something dangerous could be going on inside you and you need to find out what it is. Keep hunting until you find someone you are comfortable with that can help you. Even search outside your city limits and be willing to drive a little bit to find someone. Good Luck.
  14. Hi Cheryl, I am Karen and I am 50. I was banded on June 17th so I feel your pain. I actually got stomach flu from the hospital so it has really been fun for me. I am fine now and I totally understand wanting to eat and not being able to. When you get to the mushies it really helps a lot. Get creative with them. You'd be suprised what can be mushed up with a bullet. Do you have one? They are great. You can get them at Walmart or somewhere like that for about $30 bucks or so. Just keep remembering why you did it. You had to have had a darn good reason to want to go through it in the first place. Believe it or not, getting back to work will help to. It will take your mind of off eating. Hang in there and write me if you want anytime you feel down. I am at kgibson6@tampabay.rr.com. Please feel free. Take Care
  15. Being rich is always about money in my mind such as it is. Being rich to me is about being happy, healthy and with the man I love (my husband) for the last 20 years. I am truly blessed in that way. I have the support of him and my closest friends to help me on my journey to be skinny.
  16. greytz

    Protein Shake!

    Agree with unflavored or chocolate or any flavor that hits your fancy. You can add it to vanilla or unflavored yogurt or just about anything mushy. Cottage cheese is fun with the strawberry. Get crazy and put your Protein in. It really helps burn that fat off.
  17. greytz

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ditto for rescues. I have eight. I belong to Greyhond Rescue. Five Greyhounds, two Iggies, one lab all rescues. Love Them. They are part of my journey to lose weight too! They are very encouraging and never have a nasty thing to say. Love it.
  18. greytz

    bypass versus lap band

    I'm a girl in the Men's Room but I wanted to tell you about what made the difference for me in my selection of which band since that is the way you seem to be heading. I choose the "Allergen" band as opposed to the "Realize" only because there are two choices of size of band. When the surgeon goes in they can decide between a smaller band and a larger band depending on your specific needs. Also, the "Allergan" has been around just a little bit longer and has a new band out. Either choice I believe will be a good choice for you. You know, for anything elective or even not elective, you can go on the net and scare yourself to death. There are always pros and cons to everything you do. The important thing is to be committed to it once you start. Only you know what is best for you and only you can make the committment required for this lifelong journey. Good Luck to you. Please write back and let us know what you decide and how you are doing.
  19. greytz

    I've lost 50 lbs!

    Way too go!!!! Good Job!!!!
  20. greytz

    Anyone else..

    I am about to have my first fill on 07-07-09 and I initially lost 17lbs which I am sure was part water retention and now I am slowly gaining a pound or two because I am eating mushies and not all liquids. It has a lot to do with your eating habits, exercise habits, stress, etc. You can't expect to consistantly lose weight. You will always fluctuate and plateau. Even when you reach your goal. This is a lifetime committment which means there are times that will be difficult just like anything in life. I agree with everyone else. Your beginning was stellar. Give yourself a break and don't weigh in so often. Once a week or even every two weeks is enough. You are doing great!
  21. I am 50 and just got my band. I got fat in my later years and this is a godsend for me. I will have my first fill on 07-07-09. Lost 17lbs so far. Got 56 lbs. to go.
  22. greytz

    Any Tri-Cities Bandsters Out There?

    I don't live there now but I did live in Kingsport and Johnson City and my in-laws still live in Kingsport. I miss the mountains so much. I live in Fla now and I love it but not as much as the mountains. I was banded here in Florida on 06-17-09 and I will have my first fill on 07-07-09. I lost 7lbs. pre-op and 10lbs. post-op so far. Hope you have a good experience and looks like you found some people there to talk to. Good Luck.
  23. greytz

    New- Surgery done 06/17/09

    Hi everyone, I too was banded on 06-17-09. I have my first fill on 07-07-09. I have the same shoulder pain. It comes and goes. Don't get too down. We are all in this together. I went in at 232lbs and I am down to 222lbs. My highest weight was the month before surgery at 238lbs. so I am working on it. It is very frustrating in the beginning because you don't have a fill and what you eat or drink just passes through. The important thing is drink. Did you get the protein mix? It really helps. I chew my vitamin and have the protein shake first thing in the morning and that curbs the hunger and gives the protein which burns the fat. I keep busy until lunch. At lunch, I drink a protein shake and usually diet cranberry (ocean spray). Then at dinner, I eat really, really mushy tuna. I can usually only eat a teaspoon or two and I am full. There are a lot of great things on this site you can get from folks who are in various stages of the procedure. Good Luck and keep writing.
  24. I took a long time to decide what to do. I am retired now but when I was working, it was the "thing" to have gastric bypass. So many of my coworkers were doing it that I couldn't believe it. The thing about it was they cut your stomach away and if you ever need diagnostic testing, it is very difficult to find anything in that area that has been cut away. To scary for me. When the band talk began, I started paying attention. I attended numerous seminars and ultimately when I had chosen a surgeon checked up with Better Business Bureau, AMA, etc. Then I called the office several times to see how I was treated. When I was satisfied with all of that, I went to my family and the very few people I had decided to be my support. The thing I liked most about the band is that if god forbid something should happen, it is reversible and not permanent. However, I didn't go through all of this to have it reversed. I made a lifelong committment. Granted I am older than most of you, but I will hopefully live to be even older than that by getting healthy. Good Luck and your reasons are your own as the commercial says. Only you can decide if it is right for you. Your committment, Your body.
  25. Definintely don't worry at this point. I am the same as all of you. I was banded on 06-17-09 and have my first fill on 07-07-09. I have lost 10lbs but I think a lot of it was water retention. There is no restriction on your band yet so it shouldn't have slipped. Everything is still going through the same channels as it was because you haven't had a fill yet. They have to give your body time to recover completely before restricting it. I was in the early stages of BMI 34 and luckily got banded before the weight got worse so my surgeon said I would lose a little slower than some that have more weight to lose. The most important thing is not to eat things that make you feel gasy at this point. And don't think about it so much. That is probably making things worse for you. I try to do things during the day and keep my mind off of it. I plan my meals and look forward to them but I find most of the time I don't eat very much once I sit down to eat even though I haven't had a fill yet. Hang in there and don't give up.

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