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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by greytz

  1. I am having shoulder pain problem. Jachut, wasabubblebut, can you guys help? What can I do to relieve that?

  2. greytz

    Not Sure What's Wrong

    Hi all, I am 50 and was banded on 06-17-09 and it took me awhile to make up my mind and find a surgeon I was really comfortable with. That said, I am doing very well and happy with my choice. I had a lot of shoulder pain last night but am better today. Keep in touch with me and let me know how it goes for both of you. You can email me if you want. kgibson6@tampabay.rr.com. Take Care and Good Luck.
  3. Well no. You don't want to do that. You still want to keep with good proteins like tuna, chicken, eggs, etc. I wouldn't take a hamburger and blend it up just so you can eat it. LOL. Be sure it is good for you proteins and something you like.
  4. greytz

    OMG, hello and WAHOO!

    Yeah for you. Congrats!
  5. greytz

    carbonated beverages!!!!!

    We are all different and I relayed my experience only. It was definitely a wake up call for me.
  6. Thank You RM! I was really curious about that also. Good answer.
  7. greytz

    How long until 1st fill??

    I was banded on 06-19-09 and I get my first fill on 07-07-09. Can't wait. I need the restricition asap!
  8. I am in my third week and eating mushies. I love really mushed up tuna, Dannon light and fit yogurt. My fave is the white chocolate/raspberry. It is yummy. I love sugar free italian ice and sugar free fudge pops. I also love chicken salad all mushed up. That is what I am eating so far. Hope you are doing well.
  9. Hey that is what this forum is for right? To ask questions and see what other people might think and may be able to help. I was at BMI 34 when I got banded and just over 200lbs. I am 5'8" and still considered obese and still feel obese. Degenerative arthritis and a heart condition, hypertension, etc. all allowed me to get banded and my insurance paid. I have lost 17lbs. and still have 57lbs. to go for my first goal. Then I want to lose about another 20lbs. if I can. I am going for it anyway. I was thin my entire life until about 10 yrs. ago. I am 50 yrs old now. It is not fun to be overweight for whatever you feel overweight is for yourself. Each person is different and no two people are going to feel the same about it. But I am glad I got banded and can't wait to get filled.
  10. greytz

    What do you eat when . . .

    So far, my cravings have been for crunchy and chocolate and it is really hard not to give in to them. I have found sugar free italian ice that I really love which solves the crunchy for me and also sugar free fudge pops that I like which solves the chocolate for me.
  11. greytz

    banded june 22nd

    My surgeon allowed me to eat yogurt and pudding after the first week. I came out fine. I was banded on 06-17-09 and I just started eating mushies. It feels so good to eat tuna!:tongue2:
  12. greytz

    carbonated beverages!!!!!

    I was told absolutely no carbonation by my surgeon but my releasing doctor at the hospital said it was ok to sip a little bit but don't down a 32oz. gulp or something. So, I recently tried a couple of sips of diet coke and boy did my shoulder act up. When I was drinking a lot of caffeine can I tell you that on one of my mammos my doctor showed me how much caffeine can interfere with their x-ray. When she showed me the effects of caffeine on my breasts I couldn't believe it. They were really cloudy and she said it makes it very hard to see if something is in there like a tumor! I was flabbergasted and immediately began drinking caffeine free everything. When I had my next mammo, it was amazing to see how clear my breasts were. You could see the veins and everything. A little caffeine I believe is good for you that you get naturally in veggies, etc. but not good in something you devour everyday like coffee or cokes. Anyway, I have stuck to the Crystal lights and diet Cranberry, etc. and really haven't missed carbonation at all.
  13. greytz

    almost there!!

    Way to go. Toot! Toot! That is so great!!!!! Awsome!!!!
  14. greytz

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hey Cat, I am 50 and was just banded 2 weeks ago. I was worried about that a little bit too but if you do some weight training to tone the skin as you loose it will help a tremedous amount. I used to work out all the time and one of my trainers told me that my muscles are still in good shape so I joined curves to weight train and tone while I am losing. Good Luck. Hope this helped.:tongue2:
  15. I was banded on 06-17-09 and I just started mushies as well. I lost 17lbs total and I gained a pound back today. Ugh! It is frustrating but you have no restriction so since you have been on fluids all this time and you are starting food, you will probably gain a little back. But you have lost 20lbs and that is great!
  16. greytz

    What will I need

    One more thing I wanted to add about the heating pad. I definitely had shoulder pain and still do a little sometimes. My mother-in-law taught me something a long time ago and I still use it today. Take about a half bag of uncooked rice and sew an old pillowcase to the size you want and put the rice in it. I put it in the microwave on hi for about 2 minutes and it works great without having to use electricity. It last for about an hour depending on the size.:tongue2:
  17. greytz

    What will I need

    Ditto on the above. I had to stay overnight and I didn't need half the stuff I brought. I just wanted to add to wear something really loose fitting and comfortable. I wore really loose joggers and a loose button up blouse. Also, I usually wear underwire bras but I bought a playtex with no wires. There will be an incision just below the bra line that smarts if you don't have something comfortable. That worked for me. I wore it for about a week after surgery.
  18. I was banded two days before you. I do that sometimes. When I start to go for the pantry or refrigerator I stop cold and turn around. I then do something else like a lot of times I come into my computer room and get on here and start typing and reading other peoples comments. That can keep me busy for awhile and gets my mind off of food. I also get out of the house and either go for a walk or visit with my neighbor or I call my Mom. She is one of the very few members of my support group not counting all of you of course. I think it is definitely a matter of will over mind. Hang in there and stay distracted. I also put a picture that I hate of myself on my fridge and on my pantry doors. It is a pic of me and my Mom at my brother's wedding in May. The cameraman was squatting and looking up at us when he took the picture so you can imagine how I looked even fatter than usual. Looking at that really does the trick for me.
  19. greytz

    Items for hospital?

    I took a bunch of stuff I didn't really need even thought I had to stay overnight. I agree, definitely something for your lips and I wore really loose joggers and a really loose button up shirt. I usually wear underwire bra but I bought a playtex without wires to wear for a couple of weeks. Catherine is right. The larger cut is just below that line. A brush for your hair. Mine was all matted. Don't forget a small pillow to use on the way home. My husband drove me about an hour drive home. The pillow helps with bumps in the road and if you have to sneeze or cough. Also take a little plastic bag in case you have to spit up a little.
  20. Oh. I too am a very upbeat person normally. I don't let too much get me down. I have had a lot of trials in the last year. I was forced to retire due to my health condition. That seems like a good thing but I was a workaholic around 100 to 120 hours per week so to just suddenly stop was heartbreaking for me. I couldn't drive for many, many months either and that was hard too. I still can't sometimes depending on my condition. It was difficult and then to undergo the band wasn't something I was totally sure of until I found the right surgeon. She and her staff made it all good and positive. It was a great experience and they support me all the time.
  21. I don't think there is hardly a person out there who hasn't felt the same way. I kept thinking when I lost a little pre-op weight, well, why can't I do this all the time without the band? It entirely depends on your eating habits in my opinion. I turned to food for comfort and out of boredom. However, I looked at the surgery as a minor inconvenience for a Lifetime of Committment. I have the band simply as a tool to help me on my path to "Food Recovery". I also thought to myself pre-surgery, do I really want to go under general anesthesia for this? I have had a lot of medical problems recently (heart) and I have had to undergo several catheters and surgeries that put me under local and general anesthesia. I decided to look at this like any other disease or health condition. I have not hesitated to go under for those things so why was I hesitating to go under for the most important health tool of all? That was what helped me make my decsision. I was banded on 06-17-09 and I am very glad I made the decision. I have lost 17lbs. so far and have my first fill on 07-07-09. I can't wait. Hope this helps. Good Luck.
  22. greytz

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Ok, DUH moment or senior moment whichever. I didn't read all the way through and missed the updates. Glad you are doing great!:tongue2:
  23. greytz

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    I am so sorry for you and your loss. I am older and have been through it and suffered for a long time. I thought my first husband was it and I was in it for life. Unfortunately, he wasn't. It sucks and is never easy. And I agree, you are the only person who can answer whether or not you want to stay in it. It sounds like you don't. I got out and I now have a wonderful husband of 20 years that I would not trade for anything in this world. I am so fortunate and blessed. If you decide to leave, I wish you well and pray for you and your kids. Your pics are gorgeous and he was a fool. I have seen very few occasions where the spouse can be faithful once they are not. It takes a lot of guts to continue in a relationship like that. Whichever you choose, good luck to you.
  24. greytz

    Can you believe we did this??

    SpudMama, I am so glad you wrote this for everyone. Sometimes on this site the posts can get rather down and it seems like we miss the support for everyone. I am glad for you and everyone who has the band. I was banded on 06-17-09 and will have my first fill 07-07-09 and I can't wait. I haven't lost as much as you so far but I have lost 17lbs. so I feel good. Anything down on the scale is better than up I say. Andrea, It doesn't hurt that much. A little bruising and discomfort but it doesn't last very long. It was worth it to me.
  25. Having to finance a lot of money for this is a very difficult decision and takes some thought I am sure. I was banded on June 19-09 so I am at my 2 week point and have begun eating the mushies. I was at BMI 34 and it is difficult for the first couple of weeks. You have to really want to do this and make up your mind that it is something you are committed to. You must consider it a Lifelong Journey and consider your reasons carefully. No one can honestly answer the question for you but you alone. I had a rough couple of days at first because I got stomach flu right out of the hospital. Once I recovered from that I was fine. There have been a couple of times when it was difficult not to go to my favorite pass time "food" but I had to find things to take my mind off of it. I started to write. It helped. It is truly something I have absolutely made up my mind I want to do. I went to several seminars and read a lot before I made my decision. I thought about it for quite awhile and found a surgeon and staff that I really love. I am truly happy with my decision. I hope this helps some. Good Luck.

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