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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by greytz

  1. I totally agree with RM. There are good carbs and bad carbs but they take on a whole new meaning with the band. Even the good ones like pasta and rice as she said can swell up and cause unwanted swelling. Following doctor's orders is always best. When I went to my follow up appointment with my surgeon last week, I took a list of questions, mostly that I had from reading this website so much and she answered everyone. I was much more clear headed and took in the info much better since I had recovered from my surgery.
  2. greytz

    Did you tell people???

    I only told my family and a couple of very close friends I knew I would need for support. Negative people to me are a hinderance to your journey and it is none of their business.
  3. greytz


    You can read a lot of threads on here about that subject. It is totally up to you and your surgeon. My surgeon doesn't do the bypass any longer and I really wanted to use her. I had been to many seminars and researched a lot of surgeons before I chose her. I also chose the band because it is reversible. I said this on another thread and I stated that bypass is not reversible but I was corrected by someone who was aware that there are people who have had bypass reversed but I would hate to think I had to do that. In my opinion (my opinion only), that is a very invasive procedure when compared to the band. I liked the fact that I can have the band removed if necessary. Obviously, that is not what I had it put in, but the knowledge is there if an emergency arises. Also, in my research, I discovered that if you have bypass and down the road you need testing done for any reason, it is very, very difficult to find anything in that part of your stomach that has been cut away. I am very happy with the band and wouldn't change it for anything.
  4. I am so with ya. If you read some of these threads you will find that we all felt the same way exactly. I was thinking OMG, what did I do to myself. And this too shall pass like everyone else said. Start going online and you will find all kinds of really good protein drinks. Just hang in there until your mushy stage. It makes it soooo much better. I thought I could never look at a bowl of soup again but I am going to have lunch with my Hubby, his brother and our sister in law and I will be having soup so you get over it in time. You'll do great!
  5. greytz

    New from florida

    I live in Florida also but further North east. I live close to Tampa. But, alas, I am much older than you.
  6. greytz

    First day on Mushy

    I use canned all white chicken just like tuna. Just be sure it is mushed up real good.
  7. greytz

    what is PBing?

    It's when the food comes back up right after you eat it and you almost throw up.
  8. greytz


    I have an ex just for that reason. For being controlling I mean. Just my opinion here which is what you are asking for, I believe that if he truly loves you, he will be all for anything that makes you healthy and gives you MORE years with him and your children. You want to see them grow, get married and have babies of their own. Not six feet under and the grandchildren have to come visit you at your headstone. Strong words I know but that is what I thought of when I divorced my first husband. My surgeon said something in her seminar that really stuck with me. She asked the question, "Have you ever seen a fat old person?" That got me to thinking. Whenever you hear a song or someone refer to an old lady. They don't say that fat old lady, they say that little old lady. Even in songs. Unless they are an exception, which I am sure there are some, most people to live into their golden years fat. I believe that if he has love in his heart for you, he will be willing to do whatever you need to support you and help you on your journey to health and well being physically and mentally. I have been married for 20 years and when I first married my husband (the one I am married to now), I was much, much thinner. Because of my medical conditions, etc. I had to take oral steroids and my thyroid went crazy and on came the weight. I was so embarssed for him and me. Even though I am in the beginning stages, just with the weight I have lost so far, he is so impressed and so happy for me. We are going out this afternoon to have lunch with his brother and sister in law and they have not seen me since the surgery. I am so excited and so is he. I put on an outfit and it actually fit and my side profile looks so much better. He is proud of me and proud to be seen with me. And as I continue to lose weight he will be even more proud to be seen with me. In my mind, that is how your husband should be acting. When I first went to my husband with this, of course I was apprenhensive. I have had a lot of medical problems in the last year and I wasn't sure how he would react or my family. He was concerned but was very supportive and wanted me to do it. I had to pay about $2,500. out of pocket which was a lot of money for us but he had no problem with it because it will be the tool to my weight loss and healthy journey. We rarely fight and never go around not speaking to each other. Life is way too short. I almost lost my life and we cherish each and every day we have together. It is just too precious to waste. I know there are some people on here who have also had family issues due to getting thin. It is very unfortunate and so incondsiderate. I truly hope you find a way to make this journey and a way to find support through it. I hope you can be strong and find a way to follow through with your intentions. I am truly blessed and I will pray for you that you have blessings also. Good Luck to you. Sorry this is so longwinded everybody. I just felt very strongly about it and could relate.
  9. Good. I hope you find out what is going on. Keep in touch.
  10. Even though I have only lost twenty pounds, I have lost inches so my rings are sort of rolling around on my fingers. Will wait until I (hopefully) reach my goal to get them sized. I had already had them redone for my 20th anniversary and love them so I will have them sized. Can't wait till that day comes. Good point BillOh. Maybe it will help someone remember to get a guard or sizing.
  11. greytz

    Realize or Lap-Band??

    I chose the allergan band. Mostly for me because there is a standard size and a larger size. I was at BMI 34 and my surgeon once she got in there got to make the choice of which size. She chose the standard for me. I liked the idea that she had that choice. Also when I was in the seminar, I got to look at and handle both bands. I liked the look of the port better on my band. I spoke to some medical professionals that I know and they seemed to like it better also. It is really a personal choice and either one should do what you want it to do. Good Luck.
  12. greytz

    Questions About Fluids?

    Drinking while eating allows you to eat to much and not get full. Then your stomach pouch expands and your band could possibly slip. Not a good scenario. No snacking. Your defeating the purpose. Only my opinion. LOL
  13. Hi mom2trips06. Have you ever been tested for hypoglycemia? That is how I feel when my sugar plummets. You may want to check with your doctor again but my pre-op diet was the two liquid proteins one for breakfast and one for lunch and then a small portion of protein and a small portion of green veggie for dinner. The grilled chicken breast I would think would be fine. Check with your doc and see if he will allow that for you. Hope you get better on the pre-op.
  14. greytz

    Off Track Due to Money Woes!!

    I don't think it is ever too late but the fill center you found should be able to help you with that answer. They may have to do a test to check it.
  15. greytz

    Remind me why Pop is bad?

    I had my second Emmi informational video today and it said do not drink carbonated beverages because it will cause gas and that will make your stomach swell and can possibly cause band slippage.
  16. greytz

    lettuce for pre op

    I wouldn't do it. You are already thinking of ways to eat around your boundries. You need to be thinking of ways to stay within your boundries. It will be a long journey if you continue to think that way. LOL Not trying to be mean just honest.
  17. greytz

    How did you get through the preop diet?

    It is very hard to do the pre-op diet but you need to look at it like a new adventure and and a new beginning for the rest of your life. One of the posts I made on here was that I placed picture of myself that I hated on my fridge and on my pantry and everytime I went for food, I had to look at it. It reminded me of how I never wanted to look again and it stopped me cold. It is a picture of me and my Mom and the cameraman was in a squat position and looking up at us so you can imagine how much heavier it made me look as if I needed that. It made a big difference in my pre-op success. I also cleared out my fridge and pantry of all the no-no foods. The stuff that wasn't opened went to the food bank and everything else went to work with my husband and he put it on the general table and it was eaten up in no time so I didn't have to have the temptation. I went ahead and bought sugar free popsicles and sugar free fudge pops so I had something to go to if I got desperate. Good Luck.
  18. My surgeon fills her patients herself and I had an appointment with her before the fill. She checked my incisions and also checked for the placement of the port. She had me stand up and lay down so she knew exactly where it was. I am sorry you had this problem. I think it is a good idea to make the surgeon do it and use flouro or something since they had such a problem.
  19. You are doing so great! I look at it like, I was going up and never moving the scale back and now, even when I just lose a pound in a week I feel successful because I haven't gained a pound. I know it is difficult when you run into that plateau and cannot budge the scale but I think the suggestions above are a good way to help you jumpstart your weight loss again. Don't be so hard on yourself and concentrate on what you have already accomplished. You have done a great job!
  20. greytz

    Surgery Stories

    Good luck to all of you.
  21. I am 50 about to be fifty one in a couple of months. I was banded on 06-17-09 and have lost 20lbs. so far. Like everyone says. You have to work with it and have the desire.
  22. greytz

    Recent "bandits"

    Hi everybody. I was banded on 06-19-09 and I feel your pain. It was difficult for me for the first 2 weeks. Once I started mushies it was so much better. Hang in there, it will get better. I have my first fill today! I am so excited. Can't wait. I will say one thing. It has helped me so much to read posts on this site. I have made a list of things I want to ask the surgeon when I go. I probably would not have thought to ask some of the questions, had I not spent some time on this site. Good Luck to all.
  23. You should have an insurance card with a toll free number on the back. The best thing to do is call them and they can tell you exactly what your particular insurance will cover. The next thing to do is definitely go to a seminar. It should answer a lot of your questions. It is not pushy and no committment but gives you a lot of information you are looking for. I have bcbsfep (federal) and when I called the number, they told me exactly what would be covered. I was banded on 06-19-09 and will have my first fill tomorrow. Good Luck. Let us know if it works out for you.
  24. greytz

    Another one bites the dust

    DJV22, I am so glad you wrote about your experience and did not sound so completely disgruntled just honest. I appreciate that very much. I am newly banded 06-19-09 and will have my first fill tomorrow. The reason I am posting to this thread is two-fold. I so agree with you about the surgeon and follow up care. I am one of the lucky ones and my insurance pays for my fills except for the co-pay which is only $20 bucks. I spent a long time choosing my surgeon and I feel very fortunate to have her as my follow up doctor. She and her staff have been wonderful and I appreciate them so much after reading some of the horror stories about doctors on here. The second part of my post is about anxiety. I too have suffered from anxiety and at times have to take medication. It is one of the things that my surgeon covered really well before my surgery. I was required to have a psych eval and the psychologist I chose who was a part of my surgeon's network, allows me to revisit anytime I want which is great. I believe it is a very important part of the process and should not be taken lightly. Thank you so much for allowing us into your bandworld experience. I know it has been painful for you and I am so sorry it did not work for you. I hope I am fortunate enough to have a better story down the road.
  25. greytz

    My fill can't come soon enough!!

    It is really difficult the first month or so. I am doing the same thing by counting everything I put in my mouth and I am really careful. I made a vow not to eat past 4:00pm and have done well with that. I also am down to eating twice a day now and that has helped a lot. I made sure I had stuff in my freezer that I could go to when the hunger pain strikes even if it isn't real hunger pain with sugar free stuff it doesn't matter. I love sugar free popsicles, sugar free fudge pops and sugar free Italian Ice. It makes me feel like I am cheating but I am really not. That has kept me sane. I have my first fill tomorrow. Yeah!

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