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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by greytz

  1. greytz

    Help! I'm gaining!

    You do actually gain muscle mass as you exercise and you may gain a pound or two but it is ok. It is a good thing and you are burning off the fat. What is left will be lean wonderful muscle. It can seem weird and you think to yourself, (wait a minute I am exercising but gaining weight) but will be ok. And like delivered said, it could be anything such as water gain. Don't worry, sounds like you are doing all the right things.
  2. greytz

    How Long??

    My surgeon submitted immediately actually before my consult so we knew what would be covered.
  3. I was banded just before you on 06-17-09 and my first fill will be 08-04-09. It is very difficult during this time. A lot of the people on this forum call it "bandster hell". It is a very difficult time when you don't have much restriction but you still need to be in control. I am very careful about my daily intake and what I eat. I got some protein flavored powders that you mix with water and I drink that inbetween my meals. I eat twice a day lunch and early dinner. I have a protein shake in the morning with a chewable vitamin and I do not snack in between. Snacking to me is a very dangerous thing and I just stopped cold turkey. It hasn't been easy but I absolutely cannot and will not go back to where I was. You have to make up your mind that you want this to work and you have to make it work for you. Hopefully, you will feel the restriction when you get your first fill but you still need to be in control and watch your intake. Good Luck!
  4. I am the immediate voice being banded on 06-17-09. Just like jodi said, if it were that easy we would all have already done it without surgery. Like you all here have done the diet rollercoaster. And as you read through these threads you will find people who have had a less than supportive doctor and most end up finding a doctor who WILL support them. My doctor was supportive and wrote up all my necessary paperwork and my family was concerned but supportive. Please don't allow one person even if he is a so called professional to keep you from making your own decision. There are other doctors out there who will support you. I was banded on 06-17-09 and have lost 22 lbs. so far. I was a low BMI but I had no problem getting approval and surgery. I haven't regretted a minute of it. Good Luck!
  5. greytz

    Need Advice Boss has lap band TOO

    I totally understand jealousy in the workplace being a victim of it myself. Fortunately, I am retired now. Here is the thing, I would not give advice solicted or otherwise. This could get very ugly very fast. There is no such thing as a friend in the workplace plain and simple. When she asks you about your weight just say you haven't weighed in awhile or something like that and move on and away from her as much as possible. She appears to be one of the misery loves company crowd. Very detrimental to your goals.
  6. Hi Katie2, You are in a good forum for support. Best of Luck and let us know how your surgery goes for you.
  7. greytz

    hello everyone,

    I am 50 and will be 51 in Sept. No grandchildren but I rescue greyhounds and I am active with them. I hated being tired all the time and so out of shape. I have just begun my journey and I am loving so far. Good Luck to you and kiss those grandbabies!
  8. greytz

    My Introduction

    Hi Lingra, You will do fine. Just hang in there and begin to look forward to your new life journey. Good Luck. Let us know how you are doing.
  9. greytz

    Calories and Protein?

    You have to really work at getting the protein in each day. At least, I do. I think it is common because it is a lot of protein. My surgeon recommends 1200 calories a day and 50 grams of protein at least.
  10. greytz

    Im ready

    Good for You! But don't be too nervous. It is the beginning of a journey that will change your life with your help of course. Good Luck and keep us posted after your surgery.
  11. greytz

    2 yrs banded. how to get back on track

    I am in the beginning of my journey with the band but years of yo-yo dieting help me understand what you are going through. I would think it is time to get in touch with your band doctor or find a new one if you don't have one. I went to a seminar last night to answer questions for the audience and one of the things my surgeon said was she felt bad when a patient feels like they have waited too long and are afraid to come back and see her and they just continue to spiral out of control. Then, by the time she sees them again, they almost have to start over. She said she wished they would just come in and she would be so happy to help them get jump started again. Also, have you considered a therapist for a little while just to help you through this rough spot? I really hope you go back to your doctor and get him/her to help you. Good Luck.
  12. greytz

    Decisions! Decisions!

    My B'Day is in September also. I am going to visit my mother and my little mini goal is to lose 17 more pounds. That will put me in one-derland! Yeah! That is an awesome B'Day present for you and I am glad you found some decision making info in these posts.
  13. greytz

    New here

    We will keep them crossed for you. Good Luck and keep us informed.
  14. greytz

    Can't wait for Friday and to turn 60!

    I was never blessed with children but love them all just the same. I cannot imagine what hell you face everyday with the loss of someone you care about so deeply and for it to be such a useless careless loss. They are all bad but drunk driving is just so wasteful. I hate the fact that in a lot of the cases, you find out that the drunk driver has been in and out of jail many times for the same offense but they just keep letting them behind the wheel. It's outrageous. I am so glad you are moving ahead and finding new ways to continue with your life. I am proud you are taking control of your weight and got banded! Good Luck to you and God Bless!
  15. I have already noticed my shoes getting looser. I was a size 8 when I was thinner years ago and now I am a size 10. I am sure I will lose a size when I continue down the road on my band journey. I agree with Reneek, I have a lot of shoes that I love and now I may have to give some of them up. Such a small price to pay for freedom from the torture of being overweight!
  16. greytz

    I Want to SCREAM!

    Red tape and incorrect paperwork makes me crazy. I just recently retired and it took them a year to complete everything. I canceled my insurance and went with my husband's because it is cheaper now. When I got my backpay (because it took so long) they had taken a big chunk of money out for insurance I didn't even have. I already had my new insurance card and everything. I called the retirement office and they told me that I have to redo everything. I said you've got to be kidding. I knew for a fact (spoke to the insurance company) that the insurance company could not have cancelled me without the proper paperwork from my retirement office. What a pain. I jumped through hoops in the beginning to ensure they had everything and they still messed it up. I still don't have my back pay, etc. etc. It is always something. I am so sorry you have to go through that but hopefully you can get it straightened out and be on the road to the band life. Good Luck!
  17. A support group will so totally help you. I am glad you are going. The mushies are a wonderful change from the liquids. It made me feel human again. I am sure you have proabably already heard on here and may already have one but a Magic Bullet is a lifesaver while in the mushy stage. I decided to stay on mushies until my first fill even though I am allowed to go to soft solids now. I don't want to find myself eating too much and there are so many foods I can eat while in the mushies, I don't feel deprived at all.
  18. greytz


    Cool! That is my Birthday so I won't forget that one. Glad you are approved! Good Luck!
  19. greytz

    I got a date!!

    Yeah! Way to Go!!! Let us know how it went once you feel well enough. Good Luck!
  20. greytz

    Another fun thing

    Hey BillOh. If you go and say you lost it, you can get a new one. You will have to pay a nominal fee for it, but it might be worth it to put your new fabulous weight on it.LOL
  21. greytz

    Surgery Date of Aug 3

    Diet Ocean Spray Cranberry, Crystal Light pink lemonade (tangy and kind of taste like it is carbonated but it isn't), Diet Snapple Green Tea.
  22. greytz

    Just banded

    Hey. Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing through your eating stages. Good Luck!
  23. greytz

    Progressing Thru Goals

    KartMan, Congrats to you! That is so awesome. I was just posting on a thread about clothing and goals. Mine is when I go visit my mother in Sept. and have to be seated on the plane that I don't have to pull the seatbelt all the way over and pray it clicks. I visit her twice a year and the last time I visited in April, I was almost to the point of asking for an extension but I sucked it up and barely got it clicked. I have lost 20 so far and was banded 06-19-09. My goal is to lose 20 more and be able to actually pull the belt of the seatbelt and have some left over. Keep your fingers crossed for me. And I was just telling my neighbor that I am so glad I will not be visiting the big girls stores anymore. I am waiting until I can wear regular clothes before I buy anymore. Yeah!
  24. That's fabulous that you are buying regular clothes now! I am 2x on the top and 1x on the bottom. I have decided to wait until I lose a lot more before I buy anything. I haven't lost enough yet. Plus, I am making it something to look forward to. A reward of sorts. You go girl!
  25. greytz

    what's the one thing?

    One of the goals I set for myself will be coming up shortly in September. I will be going to visit my mother as I do twice a year and I want to be able to pull the belt back on the seatbelt. Right now I can belt it without extension but it is tight and I have to pull it all the way out so when I get in the seat and everybody is watching here I am pulling it as far as it will go and hoping it snaps. I have lost 20 and want to lose 20 more before I go and I believe I will be able to pull it out a little if I do that. I am working hard for that. I told my neighbor the other day I couldn't wait until I can pass by the big girls store and not have to go in and buy clothes there anymore. I going to try not to buy until I can buy regular clothing. Can't wait!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
