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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by greytz

  1. Very good comeback! Kudos to the "hot" steamy guy running the marathons!
  2. This is the most difficult period just before you go to solids. Everyone is different as far as when they are full. I really never felt full the whole time but I just limited myself to a certain amount each day and watched my caloric intake. It is a challenge not to overeat during this time. My stomach growled a lot but when I got onto solids and that took care of it. Now, even though I don't have my first fill until 08-04, I can tell when I am full and I stop even if I haven't eaten what I set out for myself.
  3. Ok well, I had some real inner fighting going on with myself before I got the band. I was so nervous and concerned about whether or not I was doing the right thing for myself and my family. I knew without a doubt I needed to do something that I thought was drastic but I wasn't sure I wanted WLS. I was so paranoid about the surgery and the care required afterward. I took about a year to attend seminars and finally pick a surgeon (gaining weight the entire time I might add). I would be for it then against it and so on. That is, until my older brother's wedding. I have posted it on a thread before but I wanted to tell you also. His wedding was May 23rd. I flew to Atlanta and I had done a lot of preparation buying new clothes, shoes, everything, spending big bucks on my hair and nails, etc. You get the idea. Thinking I looked pretty good but still knowing I was overweight just not registering it. So I go, and man were there a ton of the "beautiful people" there from LA, New York, everywhere. I was deflated in a real big hurry. All the prep I had done meant nothing in about 2 minutes flat. So, after an entire weekend of crying my eyes out, I made up my mind right then and there to do it and never looked back. I was banded less than a month later. That is how determined I became. I even had pre-testing and insurance to go through and did it in record time. Now, a little more than a month later and awaiting my first fill on 08-04-09 and already 25 lbs. lighter, I am more thrilled than I can explain. I never thought I would see the day that I could lose weight instead of gain. I had a host of medical problems not just caused by weight gain and I had just come off of 2 years of oral steriods for a skin condition. But the weight is coming off with some work and determination. Hope you find that determination and decide what to do. Good Luck!
  4. I love the sugar free Italian Ice. It is so good it makes you feel like you are cheating but has the same calories as a sugar free popsicle. I also like sugar free fudgepops. I didn't want to take the time to make desserts and knew I would go to snacking putting off making something so I stocked my freezer with sugar free everything and now if I feel the need to have something like that, I just pull one of those out and I am ready to go. It has kept me totally on track.
  5. greytz

    what type of band?

    I have the Lapband. There is a comparison thread from Alex a little ways back on this forum that is really really good. I also heard from someone else on this forum that the Lapband was better for males. I personally liked the Lapband because there were two sizes and I had a host of other reasons. I actually liked the fact that the port was higher because I thought it would make it easier for my surgeon to find and was right as she had no problem finding it. It is really a personal choice as they are both good tools.
  6. Ok so, my day goes like this. I get up and take my meds, then I drink a chocolate protein shake (the one I got from my surgeon is yummy) and I chew a vitamin also provided by my surgeon. Then, I drink water throughout the morning. I like it really, really cold. At about 10 am I drink a protein water Lemonade and at around 1130am I begin to fix lunch. I fix it myself and it is usually, grilled skinless chicken tenderloins, I can only eat usually 1 or 2 and they are small and a veggie. I use the frozen singles either peas, green beans or corn. In about an hour I go back to drinking water. At around 300 pm I have another Lemonade protein water. Both of the waters are 6 oz with a little ice. Then at around 0530pm I fix dinner. I have the same thing although sometimes I make a chicken quesadilla with the low carb tortillas. I put one tortilla in the pan with a little canola oil and place the chicken, shredded cheese and fresh mushrooms. let it melt and then put the top on and turn it over. I split it in half and eat it for dinner. Or I do the same thing using the tortillas and make a pizza using plain tomato sauce, mozzerlla cheese, a little onion and no top. I put in the oven for about 10 mins. I then eat a sugar free fudgesicle, or sugar free cup of italian ice. After about an hour, I go back to drinking water and cut it off at about 0830pm. My husband loves lean pockets and he also sometimes eats what I do just a little more of it. He is a good cook and sometimes he decides to cook for himself and starves me out with the smell but I don't mind since I don't have to fix it. He and I had the discussion before I began this journey that I would not be cooking for him and he is totally supportive of that. I am very fortunate in that respect. I pretty much do the same thing each day and just vary it with different meats and veggies. But I don't eat red meat.
  7. greytz

    so what good is the band if....

    I feel as the other posters do on this thread. I haven't had my first fill yet but have lost 25 lbs. NO way I could have done that and I had not done that before the band. It is not just the tool that helps, but for me it is the state of mind that helps. I went through all the surgery and post op stuff and expense and my thought process is, I don't want to waste a minute of it by not doing what I am supposed to do. That being said as with anything you always have a time when something happens and you backslide or at least I thought I did yesterday. I was out running errands and could not go home yet as I had an appointment. Lunch time rolled around and I thought OMG what am I going to do? I decided on chicken nuggets from Chic Fila (?) not sure how you spell that, and the line was so long it was in the street so Taco Bell was next door and I had one taco. I figured the corn tortilla wasn't as bad and there was barely anything inside but it kept me full but I still stressed over eating it even though it tasted sooooo good. I was so worried when I got on the scale this morning but I had lost another pound in spite of it! Then I realized, before the band, I would have eaten 10 times that much from the menu. That is how the band has helped me. 25lbs down.
  8. greytz

    Curious about Restriction

    My surgeon was one of the cautious ones and I am grateful for that. She left my band empty and I will have my first fill on 08-04-09. I am excited. I have always felt some restriction since the surgery but it is getting less and less of course as time goes on. I am still eating the same and losing though but my stomach growls sometimes. I just let it growl. Down 25lbs. Lovin' it.
  9. I paid a program fee but it was not nearly as steep. $1,000 and it covered my protein powder which is yummy, before and after vitamins, my visit with the psych doctor and it paid for my co-pay to them. They filed and dealt with everything to do with my insurance and they set up my hospital stay. All I had to do was show up. I thought it was definitely worth it.
  10. I will check with her and see what she has and pass it on when I get them.
  11. greytz

    Slippage, Flippage, and Discouraged :(

    You are in my prayers too. What a terrible thing to have happen to you. Ultimately as you know, you are the only person that can decide whether or not to keep it. If you were doing very well and were losing a lot of weight and are undecided maybe once you get there and speak with your surgeon about it you will be able to make an informed decision. Hopefully, your surgeon can help you make up your mind and you can get healthy again. Good Luck and please let us know how it turns out for you.
  12. greytz

    Aug 10th is surgery!

    I drink the protein powder I got from my surgeon and I just love it. It is from syntrax which has a website (just google it) where you can purchase. Their chocolate truffle is divine. The unjury is supposed to be really good and the Isopure from everyone says on these posts is really good also. I used water before surgery and now I use skim milk. I chew a vitamin and drink a protein shake (chocolate) every morning first thing. It has become part of my routine. I also supplement with protein drinks such as lemonade and lemonrazzy that have 22 grams of protein in 6 oz. Hope you can find something you love. It stinks to hate something you have to eat or drink everyday. Good Luck on your surgery and let us know how you are doing.
  13. I was just like you and it is so very like most everyone on this forum. I went from should I do this to what am I thinking right up to and on the day of surgery. It is a difficult decision but one I made so I could enjoy the rest of my life in a more healthy and positive way and not sit on the sidelines. I am so very glad I did. It was worth it.
  14. greytz

    Does it work

    Thanks HH. I have read many of your posts and appreciate the fact that you give encouragement to others even though the band did not work for you. Glad you are at your goal and are helping others.
  15. greytz

    Am I crazy?

    This is going to sound nutty and I haven't been filled yet but something similar happened to me only I hadn't been banded. I was swallowing a lot of mucus and no one could figure it out. I thought I had sinus infection, then I thought I had allergies, I thought everything. Had a dozen tests all came back negative and are you ready for this? My regular physician did a routine check one day and found a ton of ear wax in my ears! I clean them out all the time, but I had forgotten when I was a kid one of my doctors told my Mom that I produce a lot of ear wax and he had to take one of those alligator things and get it out on both sides. When it started again about a year ago, I got a Murine pack and washed my ears out real good, let them drain and problem solved. Not saying this is your problem but just giving you an experience I had since you have checked everything else.
  16. I was banded 06-17-09 and never had that feeling but I was banded empty so I have no saline yet. My first fill is 08-04-09 and I will be anxious to see what happens. I was under the understanding that you should be empty to allow your body time to heal before you get any fill. I have read some threads on here where people do get banded with saline already in the band but I still wouldn't think it should be bad enough that you would have those problems. I am so sorry you are having a such a bad experience. Hopefully your doctor can help you and you will begin to love life with the band as I do. Please keep after your doctor until he/she gets it right.
  17. greytz

    Im sad and frustrated

    It gets more difficult as your weight decreases and I was so afraid to begin solids in fact I waited until after I was allowed and my surgeon admonished me and told me to start the solids. I did and I am now actually losing more weight but I am being very, very careful about what I eat and when I eat it and exercising too. It is so hard to go up and down over 3 or 4 lbs over and over again but just keep working at it and don't give up. It looks like everyone on this thread has seen the same issue. Hang in there. I am 16lbs away from onederland! Yeah!
  18. greytz

    Does it work

    I am only in the beginning of my journey but hypothyroidism and 2 years of oral steriods for a skin condition made it impossible for me to lose weight. I was climbing up the scale and quickly. Since banded on 06-17-09, I have lost 22 lbs. and cannot believe it. I am no longer on oral steroids, thank goodness, but still have hypothyroid and I am doing well for me. I have begun solids and am actually losing more weight than I did on mushies. I am really sticking to the program and working hard though. But oh what a feeling to see the scales move down!
  19. greytz

    New and Scared

    Ditto to all. We all had the extreme emotions just before surgery but I can say without it doubt I have absolutely no regrets. Hang in there and keep moving toward your goal.
  20. greytz

    Surgery tomorrow

    Just keep remembering why you chose to be banded in the first place and be prepared. Everyone I have read about on this forum has felt the same way just before getting banded including me. It is normal to get cold feet and worry about anesthesia, etc. I had just gone through several surgeries and other health problems and was worried about it but I came out just fine. They will give you medication to help you with the pain and you will go home with some as well. Good Luck and let us know how you are doing when you feel up to it.
  21. greytz

    Anxious in Ct., Is this worth it?

    There is also a thread on this forum for people over 60 that you might want to find and read. It is a good one and very positive. I am will be 51 in Sept. and was banded on 06-17-09 and love it.
  22. greytz

    I'll be glad when I can........

    Be able to get on the plane and easily fit into the seat and not be constantly rubbing the person next to me and be able to pull the seat belt over instead of worrying whether or not I will have to ask for an extension. Leave the big girl stores behind me. Take my after picture and compare to my before. Go have all my rings sized down. Go out to lunch with my sister-in-law who looks amazing and not feel like a frump. 16lbs away from onederland! Yeah!
  23. greytz

    How often do you weigh in?

    I weigh every morning and no more the rest of the day. As everyone seems to feel I feel the same way. It keeps me focused. I think once a day is ok as long as you don't get too worked up about up and down a pound or two. Sometimes, I will eat something and gain two pounds the next day. Then, it makes me think about what I ate and what time I ate it and I avoid that the next time. Also, I have hypothyroidism and it really helps me stay on track with the band particularly since I am at the beginning of my journey.
  24. My mother also has lived with Celiac Disease for the last six years. It isn't easy thats for sure. But, this can actually work in your favor since we have to eat low carb anyway. I don't know if you have been on this site or not and I in no way am affiliated with it, but we use the products from there all the time and they are fabulous. It is Bob's Red Mill. They have a ton of rice flours and cake mixes, etc. that you can get to make life a little easier. Also, there are websites dedicated to Celiac recipies. General Mills now has an entire line of gluten free cereals and there are numerous restaurants that if you ask, will give you a gluten free menu or they have a nutritionist that you can ask for and they will fix your meal choice totally gluten free. Also, there are a lot of Atkins recipies that are gluten free as well. I am sure you already know this but it is not only the grain allergy that you have to beware of. Celiac disease means that you are also allergic to a lot of food dyes particularly yellow food dye which is in a lot of the butters and margarines and tons of other food types. Good Luck and I hope this helped some.
  25. I do weigh myself at the same time every morning before I do anything else. I don't fret though if I gain a pound. I always lose it back the next day usually plus some. I think it is ok to weigh yourself as long as you don't get hung up on the fact that you will go up and down a little bit. I like to keep track so I don't get off track to drastically particularly in the beginning. I have hypothyroidism and my weight can change in an instant. I have lost more inches than pounds and it feels good to have my clothes getting so loose. I went to a seminar night before last to give testimonial to those who are considering the band and afterward I told my surgeon I had not begun solids because I was afraid to gain weight but she told me I must start solids so I did. I have actually lost weight since then.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
