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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by greytz

  1. greytz

    Hi I'm new!!!!

    Congrats on being banded! Keep us updated on your progress.
  2. greytz

    What made you do it.

    Jennifer, I am sorry for the loss of your mother. I am 51 so I can relate. I have told this story before on here but I am going to tell it again because it kind of feels good to get it off my chest (and my butt, etc. Ha Ha). My older brother's wedding was May 23rd. I knew it was going to be a swank affair. I spent money on my hair, nails, clothes right down to the shoes. I really wanted to look as nice as I could. I went thinking I looked good. Within the first few hours, I felt like a complete frump and just faded away. There were loads of "beautiful people" there from LA, New York, you get the idea. There was so much bling I practically needed shades. Anyway, the photographer they had hired stayed through the wedding and even into the night for the party afterward at the house. I noticed he kept away from me and felt that was fine. But, unfortunately, everyone else noticed too and kept dragging him over. I finally had to go upstairs to get away and cried my eyes out the rest of the night while everyone else was partying. The bride just recently sent me pictures of the wedding including the entire wedding album on email. I was in two pictures out of 271. That about says it all. I went to my last seminar on May 27th and was banded on June 17th. I don't regret a moment of being banded and can't wait to reach my goal and then have my picture taken. I am actually going to use one of the two pictures for my before photo. LOL
  3. greytz

    The positive side of being fat

    I am so sorry you thought I showed a negative attitude towards being overweight. I think I was saying quite the opposite. What I was trying to say is and as I stated before just my opinion: I believe I am still the same person deep down inside that I was before. I just approach things a little differently since I have been overweight. I was trying to say how much I appreciate the people on this site and yes some of them are funny, intelligent and from the pics I have seen beautiful too. But yes, I am embarrassed to be overweight and I am working toward my goal of thinning out again. I will not be as thin as I once was, but I am older now and don't expect that. But I am still me. That is why I have a strong marriage for the last 20 years. It's not about what's outside necessarily.
  4. greytz

    One more Question

    Congrats on your band! I figured if I didn't die on the table I was ok. Seriously though, my biggest worry was anesthesia but since then it was blod clots and infection. I do have blod clots (5 of them) but they were from a damaged vein that the nurse used for my IV. The things my surgeon looked for afterward on my follow up were redness at the injection site and swelling where I shouldn't have it. My follow up was about 3 weeks after surgery. Not saying there aren't complications associated with the band. But I was wondering were the deaths due to Gastric By Pass or the Band? Also, there may have been a lot of other medical conditions and complications that the patients had that caused their passing. It is unfortunate when you read about problems with WLS but try not to dwell on them and concentrate on getting well and beginning your new life. Good Luck!
  5. greytz

    Life is Good

    RM, I am so happy for you. The fact that you could have a day of total abandon and then get right back into the routine the next day. That is wonderful! When I hear interviews of people who have lost a lot of weight and someone asks them how they do it, most say they may be bad one day and then get right back to eating right the next day. It keeps you sane and allows you to do a little bad without ruining everything. But, you should be so proud of yourself for going back to your routine. These things may seem small but to me they are a true testament to your committment to your bandlife. I am 51 and like you struggled for a long time and already I feel so good. I had a small victory today. I was able to wear a blouse that I only wore under another shirt without anything over it and I looked good! I went to put it on and had my other shirt laid out to put on over it and thought, wow this feels loose. So I went to the mirror and couldn't believe it! It was good. I wore it to the mall with my hubby and we went to visit my girlfriend who is a great supporter by the way (she is beautiful and thin) but our age. She just couldn't get over how I looked. It felt fabulous. Anyway, you are a wonderful supporter for people on this forum including me and a lot of us look to you for your ideas and thoughts on things. You are doing great! Keep up the good work!
  6. greytz


    I have completely cut out everything fast food and my diet cokes whiched I loved and consumed a lot of. I tried a drink of my husband's diet coke the other day and almost gagged. Yuck! Good Luck to you and hooray for your positive changes.
  7. greytz

    I dont get it

    Definitely hard work no matter how you look at it. And RM is right, we have all done the diet yo-yo and most more than likely have failed or they wouldn't be banded. I am one of those. Also, I had not been able to lose weight for a long time and now I have already lost 25lbs since being banded. I am working hard to see that it continues. For me, it is also a state of mind. I went to all the trouble and expense of the band and I really, really want to make it work.
  8. greytz

    The positive side of being fat

    Congratulations on your band. My thoughts are this: I grew up skinny all my life and did not gain weight until I was in my early forties and then slowly and steadily until I am where I am now at 51yrs old. Other than the fact that I have matured through growing older I am still the same person inside with just a few changes which are, my insecurities obviously grew when I began to gain weight and I began to make excuses for my weight, etc. I also changed in the way I approached people, bought clothes and ate particularly in public. They were not good changes but necessary in my mind. I don't think anyone on this forum thinks of themselves as not funny, smart or beautiful. But it is a place to speak my fears, thoughts, motivators and share ideas and to get much needed support from people who are in the same process. I have met some wonderful and interesting people on this site and feel blessed to have known them even if it is just through email.
  9. greytz

    Relationship with Spouse

    RM, when in Nov.? Our's is on the 16th. It is an unusual month to be married. I loved it. We still love it because it kind of opens up the holiday season.
  10. greytz

    Relationship with Spouse

    I have been married for 20 years and when I was first married I was much much thinner. My husband has also had medical problems. We have stood by each other through more than some people do in a lifetime. We have an extremely strong marriage and love and support each other through everything. When I first decided to embark on this journey, I talked to him about it. About every thought that was running through my head. When we were through, he was so supportive and for anything that will possibly give us more years together. For us, it isn't necessarily about how we look but about how we are together. I am so glad I have him in my life. If you have a strong marriage and your husband supports you then you have no reason not to take it at face value.
  11. greytz

    Dr. Appointment

    Good Luck and keep us informed of your progress.
  12. greytz

    Here we go!!

    Good Luck and keep us informed of your progress!
  13. A lot of times people are afraid of what they don't understand and are afraid for you and it comes out like they are being critical. Maybe you can email them the video that shows the procedure and what it takes to go through this. If you feel they are worth the effort. If not, ignore it and move on. You have so much healing to do and so much other things to do that are important to your success that you can't dwell on what the naysayer's think. If they are family, I hope they come around for you. It can be miserable being around them if they are negative all the time. Good Luck.
  14. There are so many people in my life as I am sure in all of yours. Unfortunately, if you think about it there are a lot of posts on here of people who have a really hard time getting through this process mentally and physically. As I am sure there are jealous friends and acquaintances I think we also must look at the psyche of the person who is displaying the bad behavior. It must really be difficult for them particularly if they have shared their life with you during the time both of you are overweight. Even though you have had fun together and felt comfortable with each other, there was a certain sense of sharing an insecurity which sort of bonded you together. Deep down just about anyone who is overweight is insecure but it isn't discussed just secretly shared. Now, all of the sudden we have decided to break out of that shell, shed our insecurities and do something monumental about our weight. Your friend, co-worker, family member all of the sudden has to accept the fact that you are no longer the same person inside and out. You can't possibly be if you are going through this process. In my mind, you have to be changing (for the better of course). That must be a huge shock to the people around us. For the people who are secure in themselves, it is a good thing and they will support you, but unfortunately for the people who are not secure, it will be a bad thing and they will not support you because they do not know how and cannot fathom what we are doing. For those people, you may not ever have the same relationship again. I think it is important not to get defensive about it and either move on or try to understand how the person who is on the outside looking in must feel. Just as you are going through a life change, so are they. It makes them look in the mirror and think why her, why not me? or now I have no one who knows how I feel. I have too much to look forward to and too much at stake to use up your energy on the negativity of a failed relationship. I hope my friends who don't believe in what I am doing come around but if they don't so be it. The funny thing is, most of my friends are thin and a few of them feel just the way a couple of the overweight ones do and don't want me to get thin.
  15. greytz

    How long did u wait

    I have insurance and from my phone call to the surgeon to the surgery date was less than a month. I was really motivated though and did all my preop in one day and stayed on top of the insurance company. Also, it depends on your surgeons schedule. My surgeon had a cancellation on my surgery day and worked me in.
  16. greytz

    Onderland - I've Arrived !!

    That is so fabulous!! Congrats to you on your accomplishment. I am sure you can make it to your goal. I am 13 pounds away from onderland and cannot wait. Good Luck! Way to Gooooo!!!!!!
  17. greytz

    New Look and Jealousy

    It is unfortunate that this happens to people when they are only trying to help themselves and get healthy. I am retired now but when I worked, even heavy, I always made a pact not to get too close to co-workers. It can be a challenge but in the end worth the effort. I would not provoke her as you do not know what she may be capable of. I would simply not engage in the behavior that is giving her a problem. While I realize it IS her problem and not yours, it is just not worth the negativity you create around you. I have already had some comments from people I thought were adult enough to handle my weight loss but alas, I see they are not as they are already treating me differently and I am not even close to my goal. I just move on and don't waste my time with them. It makes it a little more lonely but I really concentrate on the relationships that I know are genuine and are worth my time.
  18. Hi Barbara, Congrats! Definitely seek out seminars to meet the surgeons. I also called the office of the one I considered and spoke to the staff to see how they responded to me. It took me about a year to make my decision but I am so glad I took the time to research the band and my surgeon. My surgeon is fantastic as is her staff and so far my journey is great! Good Luck and keep us updated.
  19. Have you been to any seminars? Usually, you can meet the surgeon at them. I would definitely try and move things along. It can be very frustrating to wait that long but I would definitely talk to my PCP first and see if they are willing to move you along.
  20. greytz

    Getting Started,

    Jenny, Good for you. Just remember to write down any questions you have for your doctor before you go so you don't forget to ask when you get in the appointment. I always make a list to ask because I always seem to miss a question or two and then think of it later when I can't talk to the doctor. Hope you are able to meet the date you want. Good Luck!
  21. greytz


    If they don't make you a patch and sew it on the outside of the back of your waistband so everyone will know! Ha Ha Yeah to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. greytz


    Please don't be afraid. This is the beginning of a new life for you, literally. Why haven't you heard from your BFF? Have you tried to text or call her? Maybe she is waiting to hear from you. Check with your doctor and see if maybe they have a patient your age that would be willing to be a lapband buddy with you. Let us know how you are doing. Good Luck!
  23. I drink my protein water fairly quickly since it is only 6 oz and I do that twice a day along with the choco protein powder in the morning with skim milk which give me 52grams of protein per day. All other times during the day you see me with a bottle of water in my hand. I was never a big water drinker and it was difficult for me at first but I am getting the hang of it now. I just keep it with me and keep drinking. Even when I am at the grocery, Walmart, running errands, etc. I just carry it with me and no one has said anything about it.
  24. greytz

    don't want cold food

    The initial liquid foods are so boring and difficult and I couldn't wait for the mushy stage but don't get too scared. I was so afraid to go to solids thinking I would gain weight but I didn't. I did exactly what my surgeon said to do and I am still losing weight. I will have my first fill 08-04-09. Good Luck and hang in there.
  25. Good Job Agnes! Glad all was well with you. I was like you as well and did not want soup for awhile. I like to eat french onion now but that is about the only kind! Congrats on your band and Good Luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
