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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by greytz

  1. greytz

    side sleeper?

    I have always slept on my side in the fetal position. I toss and turn alot and go from side to side. I have never had a problem with it from the first night. Hopefully, you can find a comfortable spot.
  2. Hi Erin, I wouldn't think you should still have nausea. I had a real problem with it in the hospital and then a couple of days after I got home, but I would think you would be rid of it by now. You may want to call your surgeon and tell them what is going on and ask them what to do.
  3. greytz

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Ok. So how cool is that? Gotta love a guy who takes custody of his kids. He's a hottie in my book just for that. I am so glad for you. You have been through some real rough sh-- and you deserve some happiness!
  4. greytz

    Pre Op Jitters!! Help!!

    Well, I don't mean to put a damper on things but my surgery itself was not without its complications. When I first woke up in recovery, I had major nausea. Even though I advised them in advance that I get that way and they put the stuff in my IV, it was really bad. I had been in recovery so long they finally put me in a ward just for patients that have not all the way recovered. I was there for about 3 or 4 hours while they gave me morphene and phenergan to try to stop the nausea. Finally, it stopped and they put me in my regular room. Then, it was fine until I got home. I kept getting sick, the sweats, the chills, it was bad. After a visit to my PCP and talking to the band surgeon, we figured out that I had stomach flu which was just horrible. Finally, after all that cleared, it was great. I got my first fill today and fell really, really good. It was so worth it even though I had the problems. Just wanted to give another perception about the surgery. But, now I am so glad I did it, I wouldn't have it any other way. Good Luck and let us know how you are doing.
  5. greytz

    Bandster Hell?

    Yes, this is all normal but I think you want to be prepared. You are just about to enter "bandster hell" and you will probably get your appetite back full force f you are like a lot of us. I got my first fill today and it feels so good. I was starting to get very hungry for the last few days and really had to try hard not to overeat. Hang in there and good luck!
  6. greytz

    New to Forum. Anxious.

    Congratulations on your appeal win! That is a feat in itself. I know it is difficult and causes you to be impatient waiting, waiting, but just think, you are on your way now and hopefully, you can stay focused until your surgery date. I had my first fill today and I had been waiting so long it felt like forever until that fill. There are little burdens all along the way, but to me it is so worth it. Good Luck and let us know when your surgery date gets scheduled.
  7. greytz

    I SO want to eat MORE!

    The singles are already portioned out and I do weigh my meats. I do the smaller plates and weigh the meat because I had a tendency to put to much on my plate. I bought a small digital scale and leave it on my countertop. I put the meat there just before I put it on my plate. The scale has a sleeve that just lifts off and you can put it in the dishwasher. It isn't really difficult at all. I guess it is like anything you have to get used to it. Now, it is like second nature to me. It's kind of like the regular weight scale for me. It keeps me focused and I pay more attention. At least for now. Once I get used to it, I may not have to weigh the food as often. But for now, it is what I need to do for me. LOL:smile2:
  8. greytz

    Hello Onderland!

    Yeahhhhhh for you!!!! Kartman, that has to be a great feeling! I am so happy for you and I know you have been looking forward to this. Give yourself a BIG pat on the back for me! I am 14lbs away from onederland! Can't wait!
  9. greytz

    I SO want to eat MORE!

    A trick my doctor's office taught me that might work for you. Just a suggestion. I bought some small appetizer plates and child size flatware. I also buy the frozen singles packets of veggies like peas, corn, brussel sprouts. I weigh out what I am going to eat and only put that on my plate. It looks like a lot more because it is on a smaller plate. It really helps.
  10. greytz

    Kinda worried

    I am also a person who has great difficulty with liquids and have all my life. After I was banded, my skin began to get really dry particularly my face. I had never had problems with my face like that before and freaked out. I discussed this at length with my surgeon and she emphatically stated that I must get them in. She made a suggestion and I used it to ensure I do just that. I made a schedule for myself that fits in with my day. I have to literally think about it in order to do it. But it really helped me. Also, I bought a bunch of bottled water and started carrying a bottle with me where ever I go. I sip it all the time now. I wasn't easy but it keeps getting easier for me. When I get really bored with the water, I add the single packets of crystal light to it. Not all the time, just sometimes. I hope you can figure someway to ensure you get the fluids in.
  11. greytz

    I am an Addict

    I have said over and over on my posts about one thing or another that working with the band and my determination and will power are a definite state of mind. For me the whole experience is not just physical but about where my head is at when I make the choices I do. I agree that the psychothreapy idea makes a lot of sense. It is so important to feed your mind the right things as well as your body.
  12. I know it is really difficult but I made a pact with myself during the first part of my losing stages not to even go to a fast food place or chinese. It is just to inviting and risky. I was addicted to McDonald's regular hamburgers. I haven't had one in ages. I don't even want one now. I am so focused and want so much to lose this weight that I am just determined to make the band work for me. I think the fact that I have lost some of the weight already has really helped. The inches are the biggest loss for me and it feels so good to have my clothes start to get too loose. I hope for you that once you begin to see the weight come off, that you will have a stronger will power. Good Luck and keep us posted.
  13. Hope you are doing well Chatty. Thanks for the post.

  14. greytz

    Hello everyone

    Hi Mary, Congrats on your impending band! While this is a wonderful support site, I think what they intended for you by support group was to find one in your area and physically go to it. It is usually headed up by a medical professional of some sort. Mine is led by a psychologist. Please double check with them and see if that is what they meant. Good Luck!
  15. Congratulations! Hope you are able to get through the process quickly and on your way to a new life! Keep us informed of your progress.
  16. greytz


    I had some doubts as with any surgery but I was so focused on losing weight and getting healthier I truly was ready no matter what. I believe it is normal to second guess yourself on any big decision you make in your life. I had a rough patch in the very beginning because I came out of the hospital with stomach flu. It was when I thought what the He--? But after that, I do what I am told by my surgeon and work at it. I have absolutely no regrets and I love my band. I would not have it any other way.
  17. Yeah for you! That is so inspiring! I will be on a plane the first week in Sept. and that was one of the things I said on another thread that I can't wait to see. The last time I was on one was in May09 and I could barely click without asking for the extender. I was praying I wouldn't have to ask. I sat down, pulled the seat belt all the way over and it barely clicked. I had to suck it in and it wasn't pretty. I think this time it will be different even with 25lbs. gone. I have lost inches also, so I am keeping my fingers crossed. I have decided not to shop in the big girls stores anymore and wait but I am retired so it is easier for me. Congrats! That is such a milestone!
  18. greytz

    Being Realistic

    I believe it is every person's personal decision. I weigh myself every morning for my own specific reasons. One of them is that I have hypothyroid disease and I can gain 2 or 3 pounds or more in one day. It helps me determine by what I ate the day before what to stay away from right now. Doesn't mean I will forever just in the beginning of my journey to help me right now. It also helps keep me focused as it seems to help a lot of us on this forum. I know I will be weighing in that morning so I am careful the day before. It has become a ritual for me that I actually look forward to now. I use the scale the same way I use the band. As a tool. I don't obsess over it if I backslide a little, I just pick myself up dust myself off and move on to the next day. I don't think that is a bad thing at all. And isn't that why we are all here? To lose weight? The scales to me are an important part of that endeavor.
  19. Hey Erin, glad to hear from you and you are finally banded. Congrats! The gas will go away and you will be fine. Try the gasx strips and again as bashful said, walk a lot. You will do great. Keep posting so we know how you are doing.
  20. I think I was pretty prepared for everything except the shoulder pain. Mine was severe but I used heat and it really helped. Other than that, I really didn't understand the timing between my first fill and my surgery. I knew all about it but until I experienced it, I didn't understand how difficult it would be. This forum has helped me through it so much. When I get the urge to eat or get depressed, I come on here and type or read. It really helps. I am good now and so glad I got banded. My weight loss is a little slow but I am anxious to hit that sweet spot. Good Luck and let us know how your surgery goes once you feel up to it.
  21. greytz

    Odds of long-term success

    RM is so right. I think we all have pre-surgery jitters. However, I wanted it so badly because everything else failed. And while it is important to research your decision (which I did a lot of), it is also important to listen to yourself. In spite of everything I knew and everything I researched I still felt like the band was the right choice for me. Of course, I have know way of knowing the future, but I do know that I made a commitment to myself that I will do everything I can to make the band work for me and that I have to work at it as well. Like I always say, for me it is a state of mind. Something I think about and work at. If in the future, I have complications, I will cross that bridge when I arrive there. I cannot worry about what happened to someone else happening to me. This is all about you and your determination and will to succeed. And like all of us, I am sure you have been on the diet rollercoaster. It is no fun. I am like RM, one of the people who posts this forum who actually loves the band and am making it work in conjunction with my effort and not experienced any problems with it. To me, it is about how much you want it to work and how much you put into it. But, boy I am glad I am not trying to do it alone and I have my friend the band with me at all times.
  22. I had very severe shoulder pain for about a month. I began to get worried it would not go away but it did finally. I use a trick my Mother-in-Law taught me years ago. Take an old pillow case and cut it to the size and shape you want to fit your shoulder and sew all three sides. Fill it with uncooked rice about 1/2 to 3/4 full. Sew up the fourth side and place it in the microwave for about 2 mins. Place on shoulder. It really helps and you don't need an outlet and if you fall asleep with it it doesn't matter. I have several different shapes and sizes. They work great for lots of areas like that and are economical. Good Luck.
  23. I don't think there is hardly a soul who doesn't rethink their decision right after they are banded. I too had constipation and got kind of worried after a week went by. Finally it came and I am more regular now that I have ever been my whole life. I am sure due to the fact I am eating properly. For me, the band is much more than the physical. It is a state of mind. I know I went through a lot to get it and spent a lot so, it keeps me in check. I have never regretted it but definitely second guessed myself at first. You will be fine. It takes a little bit to get out of the woods after surgery and then it is like your head clears and you think, wow I am so glad I did this!
  24. It is temporary. I was actually afraid to come out of the mushy stage and I told my doctor. She was like "you have to start solids, you will lose weight". So I did what she said and sure enough, I started losing weight. I am very careful and portion my food and I still get hungry but I just ignore it. I also eat at the same time every day as close as I can. It really helps. Are you getting enough protein? 50 grams a day or as close to it as possible? Also, it is just temporary and when you get a fill, your world will be different. Things are ok. You still have significant weight loss even though some of it was pre-op it is all good. Hang in there.
  25. greytz

    Mushies/bandster hell

    It's one of the hardest stages but hang in there and be prepared because depending on when your first fill is there is a ways to go. When you start soft solids is when it really kicks in but I just portioned out my food and ate no more than that. My stomach growled but I just let it growl. I tried to do things to keep my mind off of it. I came on here a lot and wrote some. I also got out of the house and went to the Mall (shopping therapy). I love tuna and chicken so it was kind of easy for me but you can mush up sweet potatoes, peas, there is cottage cheese, yogurt, jello, also stuff liked refried beans or I liked the bushes original beans. There is also regular mashed potatoes, etc. Do you have a Magic Bullet? They are supberb for this stage. You can get them at Walmart or Bed, Bath and Beyond. Good Luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
